Daimyo Mobile Computer Services in Edwardstown | Computer company
Daimyo Mobile Computer Services
Locality: Edwardstown
Phone: +61 414 629 852
Address: 34 Deloraine Road 5039 Edwardstown, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.daimyomobile.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Following on from my previous post regarding laptop servicing. We are approaching summer now. Temperatures are starting to warm up. Now is a good time to get your laptop cleaned out and serviced. Bring it to me and pay only $20 for the clean out and service. $20??? That's a bargain any day. Considering it is a good 2+ hour job to disassemble and clean out and reassemble. If your laptop has not been serviced in the last 12 months (or ever) then get it done. It will extend th...e life of your laptop and keep it nice and cool. Most places charge between $90 -$190 or more for this type of service. I only charge $20 flat rate if you bring your laptop to me. So if cost was a barrier, consider the barrier smashed to pieces. I doubt you'll find any other registered computer service agent doing a service this cheap. But in the event you do,,, I'll beat their written quote by 50%. Contact me for the best and cheapest laptop service price in Australia.
25.01.2022 So a new customer, referred to me by another of my customers, asked if I could look at his HP laptop. Apparently its over heating. Had a quick look at the air intake vent and can see lots of dust. So I will attack this laptop on Saturday. Stay tuned for posts of the opening, inspection and cleaning.
25.01.2022 New signs made up. Displayed out front during the day
24.01.2022 Do not fall for this trick folks. There are a lot of SCAMS out their posing as free anti-virus software. This appears to be another. I have had to reformat entire systems infected with this software. Ultimately it is not free. Eventually it will ask you for $$ to remove virus'. if you want free anti-virus then use Windows Defender. For the most part Windows defender will protect you from most Virus' out there and it is updated regularly. If you want more protection, then i re...commend Norton 360 by Symantec. A yearly subscription will set you back about $120 AUD fo up to 3 - 5 device this is also regularly updated. Or go Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. A yearly subscription is around $40 for up to 5 devices also regularly updated. MalwareBytes Anti-Malware is Windows Defender friendly, and will run in partnership with Windows Defender. Norton 360 on the other hand, will disable Windows Defender and take over the protections of your whole PC from Firewall, Anti-Malware, Anti-Virus and computer Optimization. Avoid Free anti-virus software like the plague, they are not as regularly updated as the paid subscription based ones and pose more of a risk to your system.
24.01.2022 Folks just a heads up if you use PayPal for anything. There is a new fishing email purporting to come from PayPal doing the rounds. looks like this.. (see image) It looks legitimate but it is not.. if you mouse over the Verify your account link (DO NOT CLICK IT) it will briefly show the URL of the page it links to. This is not a PayPal server. PLEASE DELETE THIS EMAIL.
24.01.2022 In the past few months a lot of people have been working from home. This has led to an increase in using personal computers (if your work did not provide one for use at home). I have also been noting an increase in computer service companies advertising computer servicing on Facebook. Well now its my turn. No flashy images, no nothing other than this. ... All I charge to fix your computer is $20 + cost of any parts that it may need. NOT $20/hour. $20 flat.... just bring your computer to me and Ill give it the attention it needs without sending you to the poor house. With 30 years experience in computer repairs, many happy customers, a University degree in information and computer sciences no one is more qualified.
24.01.2022 So, it has reached my ears from some customers that other computer repair companies are saying that I am a back yarder or hack. Let me clear this up now once and for all. I am not a back yarder, but I do work from home. I have 30 years experience working for other people fixing computers and providing IT support. The last 11 years I have worked as level 1, 2 & 3 support roles for the likes of Hewlett Packard and PPG Industries. I am also a graduate of Flinders University (200...0) with a Bachelors Degree in Information And Computer Sciences. So why am I offering to fix computers for only $20 + parts ???? Answer = Why not??? I work from home so other than my time, I have no other overheads. And since this is the first time in a long while that I am working for myself, I need to build a customer base. The best way to do that is to make sure I am the cheapest service in Adelaide. All my work is 100% guaranteed. I'll even clean your computer for free if you happen to get infected by virus or malware within 3 months after I have fixed/serviced your computer (conditions apply). And seriously, when you can buy a new computer these days for less than $500, it makes no sense to charge exorbitant amounts to fix a computer. So give me a try, you will not be sorry. My last 4 customers were so happy with my service they actually gave me additional $$$ above my charge as a donation. (I accept any and all donations with gratitude). So just because I am cheap, does not mean I am a hack. You will get the same quality of service and then some from me as you would any of the larger well known companies. No matter what your IT needs are. Contact me, if I am unable to assist, I'll point you in the right direction to someone who can.
23.01.2022 Beware !!!! The no fix, no charge clause. Whenever I see this listed on an advertisement, I give myself a little chuckle. As a computer technician with 30 years experience, I have rarely ever come across a computer that can not be fixed. In fact, the only times I have not been able to fix a computer is due to parts no longer being available. ... A lot of unscrupulous technicians like to put the no fix, no charge clause on their advertisements to get you in the door. As with legal documents, check the fine print before you hand over you computer for repairing. In most cases the no fix, no charge clause does not relate to you the customer deciding not to go ahead with repairs. As I mentioned above, a computer is only ever truly unrepairable if parts are no longer available and no alternative parts will do the job. So if the repair will cost you an arm and 2 legs, and you decide not to proceed with the repairs, you may still be liable for the time the technician took to check over your computer. and based on some businesses, this charge can be over $100 or more. Free quotes are OK and you should be fine with that clause. Just beware of the no fix, No Charge clause. Since I only charge hourly rates when working onsite at a customers house, I do no have this clause. At other Times, My charge is simply $20 + Parts. No hourly charges (unless I work onsite). Keep safe, happy computing.
23.01.2022 So the wife's work colleague's personal computers hard drive crashed, and on that drive was all the photo's and videos of their children through the years. And no backup of the data either. Oh No.. so they asked if i would like to try and recover the data. Since i like a challenge I accepted. Fortunately the hard drive was not in as bad a condition as they were led to believe by a (hitherto unnamed computer servicing company). That company replaced their laptops hard drive a...Continue reading
21.01.2022 My Experience??? Some people wonder about how much experience In computer repairs I have. My experience spans almost 30 years of repairing computers. Way back to the early 1980's and the Commodore range of computers. Here is a pictorial history of some of the computers i have repaired in my lifetime. (How many other I.T techs can say that???) from left to right. Commodore Vic 20... Commodore 64 Commodore 64 mkII Commodore 128 Commodore 128D Commodore Amiga 500 Commodore Amiga 1000 Commodore Amiga 2000 Commodore Amiga 1200 Commodore Amiga 600 IBM Clone 286 (MSDOS 2.0) IBM Clone 386 (MSDOS Windows 3.1) IBM Clone 486 (MSDOS/Windows 3.1/ windows 95) Pentium (Windows 95) Not Pictured Pentium II & Celeron (windows 95abc/ 98) Core 2 (Windows 98SE/ME/windows XP) Core2Duo (Windows XP) Core i3,i5,i7 (Windows XP/Vista/8/8.1/10)
19.01.2022 Warning folks, ensure you have the latest Android version and active antivirus and anti malware software installed. (Don't trust free ones get a good subscription based one like Norton 360 or Malwarebytes Anti malware).
18.01.2022 Don't forget folks
14.01.2022 With the advent of Virtual Assistants like Hey Google, Alexa, Cortana and Siri. And the advances in speech recognition and natural language processing. I have decided to get back to basics and attempt to make my own Virtual Assistant with the hopes of giving it more smarts and become closer to an A.I with the intention of it controlling most of my home automation. I forgot how enjoyable programming in code could be. I have decided to learn and use Python programming language.... There are a wealth of packages for Python to create what I would call pseudo A.I, as true A.I is still a long ways off. With packages for machine learning, neural network simultion and even facial and visual recognition. The inspiration for this stems as far back as my childhood. With KITT from Knightrider, to the more recent J.A.R.V.I.S from Marvel’s Iron Man movies. So far, my toying has a VA working that can tell me the date, the Time, greet me with a random geeeting and also get information from Wikipedia on a person E.G. Bob Hope... and respond back in both text and speech using the google Text to Speech API for Python (gTTS). Where to from here, there are no limits .
14.01.2022 Bloody amateurs. If your affected folks, paying the ransom may not set your files free. Always have regular backups
14.01.2022 So, my brother is looking for a gaming computer for his daughter. And has been flicking me links to various so called gaming computers he has found on Facebook Marketplace. As a gamer myself I have to laugh at some of the computers that are claiming to be gaming computers. And i thought to myself what, as a gamer and I.T Professional, I would consider to be a gaming computer. Gaming Computers are generally High performance machines that go beyond your everyday email and inte...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Well I installed the latest Windows 10 update from May 2020 (version 2004) and had it about a day before reverting back to the previous windows 10 build. Microsoft have really SCREWED up this build.. among a few fiddly things, They BROKE CORTANA.. For those who do not know, Windows 10 introduced a Virtual Assistant called Cortana back when it was released (Cortana was based on the Virtual Intelligence from the Halo Games series). Cortana was great, and i used her heavily to o...pen apps and look for things on my computer or internet whilst i was busy working (having three screens and 1 keyboard and mouse makes it hard to navigate and do several things at once, so Cortana was a godsend.) The new Windows version (2004) removed Cortana from being an embedded system app and moved her to the Microsoft store as an optional app. Unfortunately it's in Beta and does absolutely NOTHING.. can not talk to it, even typing in the Cortana text box achieves diddly squat. So gone were me being able to ask (with Voice) Cortana to open an app, or tell me the time, or simply to tell be a joke or sing to me to break the day up a bit. Microsoft Say they are working on new features for Cortana, and making her more compatible with their office 365 products, but at the moment she is as about as useful as a boat with a large hole, and is going nowhere. So after a day of playing I reset my machine back to the previous Windows Build. And I now have Cortana Back. :) There are other reported issues with the new version as well in particular not playing nice with lower end machines. (slowing them down). So if you have been affected (dare i say infected) by the new Windows 10 2004 build and want to go back to the previous build, I can help you out. Bring your machine to me and I'll fix her up for only $20..
12.01.2022 Hi Folks, I am doing a new promotion. I like to call this my 6 degrees of separation promotion. Please share this to all your contacts within Adelaide and surrounding areas. Ask them to share it with their contacts as well and so on to a depth of 6 people. I am now offering THE CHEAPEST RATES IN ADELAIDE. I guarantee them to be the cheapest. see my new rates page on my website for the details. ... https://www.daimyomobile.com.au/rates-1 I will not be beaten on price, quality or service :)..
12.01.2022 Well i could not have said it better myself. Do not forget folks. There is no excuse for overheating PC's with my offer to service for only $20 if you bring it to me. That's right, i'll ensure your Desktop or Laptop is cleaned inside and out free from dust. Renewing CPU heat transfer compound where necessary, ensuring your machine stays cool all summer long. $20, i dare you to find a cheaper price.. :) https://blog.internode.on.net//how-to-keep-tech-cool-in-a/
12.01.2022 I need some help folks. If I have fixed your computer in the past. Please visit my True Local page and leave a review. The more reviews, the better :) posting this on my personal and business pages. Need to get review count up. Currently at 0. :( https://www.truelocal.com.au//daimyo-mobile-co/edwardstown
11.01.2022 So a potential client approached me to inquire about a gaming machine build. He asked what i would charge to build the ultimate gaming machine. I told him $120 labor + parts. My first question is what did he mean by ultimate and how big was his budget. He told me cost is not important as he wants the top of the line machine that will last him for years to come. So i set about pricing up the components. and this is what i came up with. ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Received a call from a former customer, they moved to WA. And her laptop broke down. She would rather I take a look at it than send it to someone local. So she posted her laptop to me. Issue, failing hard drive. New hard drive $58 plus reinstalling of Windows 10 $20.. she paid shipping both ways. Not much data on drive as most was backed up to an external drive so recovery was not important. Nice when I get repeats even though they have left the state. Chalk up my first i...nterstate customer . When you think about it cost of my service plus interstate postage probably still cheaper than going to someone local And as a bonus chalked up som walking to get the new hard drive whilst I was in city. So I got a health benefit as well.
11.01.2022 Adelaide's cheapest rates guaranteed. 30 years experience fixing computers.
11.01.2022 Last week of my add appearing in local paper. And the first paper I've received over the last 3 weeks.
09.01.2022 So an old mate comes to me almost in tears, Ive gone and done a really silly thing, I went to format an external USB hard drive and ended up formatting the wrong drive. Ive ended up formatting a drive with all my vacation photos, movies, ebooks, and music on it. Is there anything you can do to get that data back? I say, well that depends if you started writing data back to the drive or not. He hasnt so I get him to immediately unplug drive and bring it to me. ... Took a while but I managed to recover all the data from his formatted hard drive all 1.6 terabytes. Took a while but done. another happy camper...!
09.01.2022 So a new customer approached me asking me if I can set up a 3D printer for him. I honestly said that I have never even seen one in real life but sure Ill give it a shot.... So he hands me his PC goes back to his car and brings back a huge box. Tells me he bought this 3D printer at Harvey Normans and he wanted to have a play. But did not know how to set it up.. Today I text him back to say that I have assembled the printer and installed it to his PC. He then tells me to go a...head and print something out to test it and have some fun. So I do... First print out was a disaster (too cold in my computer room) so I cranked up the RC and zoned out all other rooms and made the computer room a toasty 28 degrees. Second attempt and we have a successful printout of a candle stick holder. oh I have got to invest in one of these machines. I see unlimited potential.....
09.01.2022 Well summer is well and truely here.. after yesterdays heat, hows your computer fairing??? Is it slow? Is it shutting down? Getting annoying pop ups?... It may be time for a clean out. Bring your computer to me and get it sorted for only $20 + parts. Alert!!!!! As of December 31, 2016, Microsoft has shut the back door on its Free Windows 10 upgrade. If you have not updated yet to Windows 10, you have missed out and will now need to purchase a retail copy. Reminder, security updates and support for Windows 7 ended almost 2 years ago. Support and updates for Windows 8 & 8.1 will likely end later this year or early next year. A recent customer decided to upgrade his computer as it had become unbearably slow. He dropped it off to me, and I reformatted his Windows 7 and upgraded him to Windows 10 before the upgrade door closed. I also upgraded his 4 gig RAM to 16 gig. My charge to him, just $215, $195 for the new RAM and $20 labour. It took 3 days due to the old Windows 7 no longer at a stage where it could be upgraded easily. Now his 7 year old machine is lightning quick compared to what it was. I even threw in a 16 gig USB I prepared as a Windows 10 install USB stick absolutely FREE. So if you go through me, and your computer is less than 10 years old, it is still cheaper to fix your current computer than buy a new one. Call me if you have any issues or concerns with your computer.
08.01.2022 So an old mate comes to me almost in tears, I’ve gone and done a really silly thing, I went to format an external USB hard drive and ended up formatting the wrong drive. I’ve ended up formatting a drive with all my vacation photos, movies, ebooks, and music on it. Is there anything you can do to get that data back? I say, well that depends if you started writing data back to the drive or not. He hasn’t so I get him to immediately unplug drive and bring it to me. ... Took a while but I managed to recover all the data from his formatted hard drive all 1.6 terabytes. Took a while but done. another happy camper...!
08.01.2022 My advertisement on true local. Should make a few companies rather nervous ;). Please leave reviews at true local. https://www.truelocal.com.au//daimyo-mobile-co/edwardstown
08.01.2022 Well folks if you are infected by Ransomeware, Malware, or any other form of virus, then best give me a call to clean your PC up. I can normally remove these infections. But removing them is harder than being infected by them, and can take considerable time. Sometimes it is faster to wipe and restore, or start fresh than to remove each infection. Just make sure you have a good anti-virus/anti-malware subscription. (DO NOT TRUST THE FREE ONES), they are not as frequently upd...ated with latest protections like the subscription based ones. So what do i recommend? Norton 360 is up there at the top of the list. MalwareBytes Anti-malware (subscription, not the free version, as the free version does not include live protection) along with the Windows Defender is all I personally use. If you have ANY issues, give me a call.
07.01.2022 In the wake of the now infamous WannaCry Encryption ransom ware, it would seem that cyber crims are taking advantage of the fear that it has caused. A client of mine called me in a panic as he received a pop up message (which he thought was from his anti-virus software) saying he has been infected with the WannaCry malware. I told him to immediately power off his machine (Do not shut down as this could trigger the malware (not likely but best be safe)) and bring the machine... to me for investigation. I pulled his HDD and plugged it in to my (well protected machine) and ran malware and antivirus scans. Turns out his machine was clean (Save for a few PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). The alert he saw was a cleverly disguised browser window pop up which he saw whilst browsing websites. This was a click bait window. DO NOT CLICK ON OR INSTALL ANY SOFTWARE FROM SUCH POP UPS. Get yourself a decent Anti-Malware package (Paid subscription not a free one). I highly recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from https://www.malwarebytes.com/ This should prevent such malicious or suspicious popups from occurring. However if in doubt, immediately power off the machine (unplug from mains (and remove battery if a laptop) and contact your nearest computer service agent for investigation. Safe computing folks...
07.01.2022 Well, after being called back to my former place of employment after a year to the day, to decommission the servers and swap out some MFDs (office printers). And general clean up. The servers were going to go to the bin. What a waste, so I brought them home. 2x Dell Poweredge r720's and a Dell Poweredge r310. After pulling the RAM (64 gig) from one of the r720 and putting it another. And sourcing some old laptop drives. Upgrading the VMWare hypervisor from 5.0 to 6.5 I now have myself an ESXi server. Just installed the first of 3 Virtual Machines. Windows 2008 r2 server which will become a domain controller. The next 2 Virtual Machines will be a MacOS Sierra server and finally a Linux web server.
07.01.2022 Well over the past few days Microsoft, in its almighty wisdom, decided to roll out this update to windows 10 machines. Now not realizing or simply not caring that this update is MASSIVE in size and users on slow machines and even slower internet connections will definitely notice a major impact to performance as this update downloads and installs. It took several hours to download (on a 100mb NBN connection) but this is probably because i have several computers downloading t...his update simultaneously (maxing out my pipe in the process). It finally completed on my Gaming machine this morning and i had the usual request to reboot my machine. after reboot several issues appeared. 1. the Samsung Magician software no longer detects my Samsung EVO 850 Pro SSD drive although the drive is detected by the system and windows (as i am booting off it) but the performance enhancements that the Samsung Magician software provide (RAPID mode) are no longer available as the software no longer detects the drive :( (i have yet to try re-installing the software but i will not hold my breath). 2. VMware Horizon Client (a Virtual Desktop Client) stopped working (this is important as i use this to remote in to my work account). So i was forced to go to VMware and fortunately they had an update available after updating the client all was sweet. So just a word of warning if you have noticed that your internet connection and or computer has been slow over the past few days, this is likely a result of this massive Fall creators update. Whilst it is possible to pause this update and get some control back over your PC my advise is to let it go and complete. (it may try several times too as i noted 4 attempts to install failed on my file server). Glad i have unlimited data on my NBN connection. Just be wary that some software may no longer work properly and may require re-installation and or updating to a newer version after this update is applied. If you have questions, or need help, I am here to assist. Happy Computing!!
07.01.2022 No Popups No Spying No Stolen Data See how Malwarebytes 3.0 can protect you - Watch now!
06.01.2022 So, a client arrives bringing in their laptop, it keeps shutting down so they want me to rescue data. I say no problem I'll check it out and pull off what I can. So I investigate and yep laptop keeps shutting down. 2 issues, dead battery, and Thermal shutdown, this poor lass is getting I wee bit too warm. So I contact owner advise no need for data recovery as drive is fine. Issue is dead battery and thermal shutdown so it is repairable. So I open her up and this is what I f...ind. (See images) Laptop is a Toshiba Satellite L500 So cleaned her up. New thermal compound to replace the almost dried old compound. And she is as good as new. Fixed Windows 7 issue that was preventing updates. Then updated the laptop to Windows 10 for FREE... Ran registry cleaner and drive optimisation. Supplied new laptop battery from battery world at customers request. And customer has their laptop back with all their documents, photos, and software intact + free upgrade to Windows 10. Charged customer for battery at cost. And $20 for my labour. Customer so grateful they give me extra $30 donation ;) As we are now heading out of winter folks, don't forget to get your laptop serviced, just like this one, it may appear clean on the outside, but hide a filthy detrimental secret on the inside...
04.01.2022 Thinking of getting some signs made up... Thoughts??? 686mm x 457mm lawn signs but can be used on sandwich boards or in car windows when parked.
03.01.2022 I can not stress the importance of regular computer servicing. Especially if you have pets. And, most importantly if you have a laptop. Desktops are easier to clean out the dust. Just open the side and go to town with a dry paint brush and vacuum cleaner or an air compressor. Laptops are a little harder to clean and require a technician to disassemble and clean it out then reassemble. Failure to do this every 12-18 months (more frequently (6-12 months) if you have dogs and ...cats) and you will run the risk of damaging your computer. Damage can be minor but could cause the loss of data on your hard drive(s). Hard drives need to be kept cool and if they are not they start failing. So without further ado here is my latest laptop. This laptop lives in a house with several cats and it's user is also a smoker (please do not smoke around your computers The nicotine can kill it as surely as it will you, especially optical drives). It's worth mentioning that hard drives can also be killed by smoke as well as they are NOT airtight devices. I'll write a post about the internal components of a laptop drive and how I go about decommissioning them permanently at a later date. The owner of this 5 year old HP Pavilion laptop initially thought she had a virus (she forgot to also mention it was overheating but I worked it out by observing 2 issues) after receiving the laptop I noted how dirty/dusty it was (never a good sign) and proceeded to remove hard drive for virus scanning on my antivirus rig. Unfortunately the scans kept failing. The hard drive kept disconnecting from the dock (uh oh) tried another SATA adapter and same thing. Nope this drive is failing. SATA chip is disconnecting the drive internally under load. This is the first sign the laptop has been overheating (as if the dirt and dust was not obvious). The failing drive was at the borderline of complete and utter failure. Fortunately in this case the owner did not require any data recovery (she had everything backed up on an external drive ). Anyway, new hard drive in and windows 10 reinstalled and I noticed second sign of a over heating laptop, the cooling fan was running at full speed. So I shut down the laptop and proceeded to disassemble. Pics below comments with the pics. Enjoy this enlightening view. Remember this laptop is only 5 years old if that.
02.01.2022 Yet another case of a cheap replacement laptop battery. Folks it is not worth it.. the saving you make could cost you your life, or at least your device. And not just laptops either this goes for Mobile Phones as well. Always use the Manufacturers Genuine replacement batteries and Chargers and charging cables. They have safety features that the cheap imports may not have.
02.01.2022 Sorry i have not posted in a while folks. Those that have been following me on my personal page will know that in February this year i was diagnosed with the rarest form of mesothelioma, a very rare, aggressive and deadly cancer associated with exposure to asbestos. Fortunately it was caught early (which is even rarer), i have had surgery and am on the mend and Chemotherapy is not needed as there is no signs of metastases. I am slowly getting back in to the swing of things, ...although i am still healing from the surgery and there may be more revision surgery coming up later in the year to correct a few issues that have cropped up as i healed. I am still around, although getting about slowly and having to do most of my work from home and not so much of the mobile work. And i am still doing the $20 flat rate labor charge for repairs if you bring you PC to me. It may take me a little longer to repair your PC, but that should not matter when it is only costing you $20 + parts. So if you have any issues, let me know.. I am happy to assist any way i can..
02.01.2022 The very first Hard Drive I ever owned was a 5 megabyte MFM hard drive in an external enclosure. How far storage tech has come. Here is a image (not mine) of a MFM Hard Drive (the big monster) minus enclosure next to a dated 2.5" laptop PATA drive. Just a blast from the past... :)
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