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Daintree Blockade | Author

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Daintree Blockade


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23.01.2022 I have never like using the term 'hippie' in my writing. Who likes being labelled? While some people I interview are comfortable with the term, others are quick to point out they weren't hippies, they just liked a lot of the things that they liked. And what is a hippie? Anyway, an excellent explanation of the origins of the term. #daintree #historywriting #wettropics #hippies #peace

23.01.2022 I'm at Mossman markets today. Drop by for a signed copy of the Daintree Blockade. It makes a perfect Christmas present! If you can't make it today, you can always buy a copy online:

22.01.2022 Stamp of approval for our Wet Tropics tree dwellers. A set of stamps from Australia Post showcasing tree dwelling mammals from the Wet Tropics World Heritage Ar...ea was launched nationally this week. The Tree-dwellers of the Tropics stamp issue Australian Postal Corporation, depicts Australia’s largest tree-climbing mammal, the Bennett’s Tree-kangaroo, the Lemuroid Ringtail Possum which is only found in the Wet Tropics of Queensland, and the Spectacled Flying-fox. Australia Post consulted with experts from the Wet Tropics Management Authority to develop the stamp designs. @auspostcollectables #wettropics #worldheritage #acceptactadapt See more

20.01.2022 I have a new website! My new author website has just been uploaded. There are links to my blockade site as well as details about my other writing and the book I am currently working on. More about that soon! I would like to acknowledge the Regional Arts Development Fund that supported this project: "The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Douglas Shire Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland."

20.01.2022 Cooper Creek crossing 1978. From an article in Habitat magazine titled 'Save the Daintree': The major threat to the scenic beauty and wildlife of the region has been and will continue to be settlement.... construction of a bridge would serve only to advance the interests of developers.... Habitat magazine, August 1978.

19.01.2022 This is tomorrow (Wednesday)! Hope to see you there!

16.01.2022 The book and I are at Mossman markets this morning. Last markets before Christmas! Give the gift of a story this year. All the best for the silly season!

12.01.2022 Great to catch up with Kris Martin yesterday. Kris has a strange and fascinating link to the Cedar Bay story. I interviewed Kris and learnt a few key details about an otherwise unknown key player. Great stuff! Hope to share more soon. #cedarbay #daintree #wettropics #fnq #daintreeblockade #tropicalnorthqueensland #writingcommunity

11.01.2022 I will be talking about my contribution to the book Bjelke Blues at Cairns Library next Wednesday. Along with a few other authors whose writing appears in the collection, we will talk about the influence of the Bjelke Petersen government on far north Queensland. Come along!

11.01.2022 I'm on the road again! -- I’m taking a road trip to Townsville to interview people about the Cedar Bay story. Anybody aware of any old Cedar Bay folk lurking in the Tablelands rainforests or basking on the coast between Cairns and Townsville that might have a story to tell? If so let me know, and I might be able to schedule a catch-up on the way through! -- Here is a link to an article I wrote about Cedar Bay that was published in Griffith Review last year. ...Enjoy! -- #QLA #daintreeblockade #daintree #wettropics #tropicalnorthqueensland #fnq See more

10.01.2022 Have your say! NO BRIDGE! --- Douglas Shire Council are currently conducting a survey to determine community opinion regarding building a bridge over the Daintree River . I have completed the survey and made comments arguing that a two ferry solution is the best option for crossing the Daintree River and dealing with waiting times during peak periods. --- One of the primary reasons a bridge over the Daintree River is a bad idea is the impact that the lack of access had on development north of the river. A car ferry has operated across the Daintree River since the early 1960s, and this has slowed down the rate of development. This is why pockets of the Daintree rainforest have remained relatively untouched. A bridge over the Daintree River to lead to an increase in development in this ecologically important area. There will be an immediate increase in traffic with the potential for the increased threats to wildlife including cassowaries. And where will all the traffic go? This may also lead to the eventual sealing of the Bloomfield Track. --- Forty years ago a group of determined local residents banded together to protect the Daintree rainforest from over development. Their efforts led to the World Heritage Listing of the Wet Tropics and their story is told in my award winning book, The Daintree Blockade. The protections they fought for mean that we can enjoy this area in its current, relatively unspoiled state. There are not many places left on the planet we can say that about. The legacy of the Daintree rainforest protests can easily be eroded by poor planning and decision making. --- Have your say! NO BRIDGE! #wettropics #daintree #nobridge #daintreeblockade #fnq #tropicalnorthqueensland #qla

07.01.2022 Don't forget - FREE postage until the end of May! Help us celebrate our birthday and purchase The Daintree Blockade: Details: Winner of the Premier's Award at the Queensland Literary Awards in 2017 #qla Over 250 colour photos taking you into the heart of the action A Foreword by legendary Australian actor Jack Thompson Join the party and enjoy the read! #daintree #wettropics #portdouglas #capetribulation #bloomfieldtrack #covid19

07.01.2022 On this day... - The 8th August is the anniversary of the beginning of 1984 Daintree Blockade. Douglas Shire Council, supported by the Queensland Police Force, arrived on site to complete the job they had started the previous year: building the coast road from Cape Tribulation to Bloomfield. Protesters were there to meet them, buried in holes in the road and under piles of logs. Other actions on the day included locking on to Council machinery and the beginning of a tre...e sitting campaign that would stretch on for more than a week. Take a bow, all those involved! - Find out more - FREE postage for the month of AUGUST (postage won't be added in Paypal ). - Cliff Frith - #daintree #daintreeblockade #wettropics #portdouglas #fnq #tropicalnorthqueensland #qla #writing See more

06.01.2022 Great walk at Mt Lewis on the weekend! Lush forest and fascinating ground covers and fungi. Mt Lewis was recognised as a bio-diversity hot-spot during the campaign to protect the wet tropics. We can enjoy these places because people cared and acted! - - Don't forget, for the rest of May The Daintree Blockade can be delivered to your door (observing social distancing protocols of course) with FREE postage. Save ... Click on the link above (postage won't be added in Paypal). #wettropics #daintree #qla #writing #books #australianauthors

04.01.2022 My research into the Daintree protests led me back to Jack Mundey, who launched the union movement's green bans to protect the Rocks. Vale Jack Mundey!

03.01.2022 Selamat pagi!!! We're in Malaysia! Well, I'm not, but the book is. Check out this cool street art in Peneng! I love receiving emails from people who were at the Daintree blockade. And I love it even more when I get to send a book to all corners of the globe. ... I've sent a few books out lately and I get a real kick out of seeing photos of the the book in different places. Send a photo if you have the book in some exotic (read overseas) locale. As well: For local (Australian folk) free postage still applies until I remember to change my Paypal settings. Click here: For people living outside Australia please message me for special overseas postage rates. (Thanks Michael Connors for the photos) #daintree #wettropics #portdouglas #fnq #tropicalnorthqueensland

02.01.2022 It's our BIRTHDAY! The Daintree Blockade (the book) is three!!! We're celebrating the way we always do - with Duke's Doughnuts!!!! It's been a crazy three years - and nothing could have predicted the times we are living through right now. To celebrate our birthday we are offering FREE postage for the month of May (postage will not be added in paypal): Details:... Winner of the Premier's Award at the Queensland Literary Awards in 2017 #qla Over 250 colour photos taking you into the heart of the action A Foreword by legendary Australian actor Jack Thompson Join the party and enjoy the read! #daintree #wettropics #portdouglas #capetribulation #bloomfieldtrack #covid19 See more

01.01.2022 Always good to catch up with Bill Sokolich who makes up a significant part of the Daintree Blockade story. Bill, along with Paul Mason, started the Cape Tribulation Community Council which advocated for conservation of the area north of the Daintree River. Their work laid the platform for the eventual World Heritage listing of the Wet Tropics.

01.01.2022 No markets for 2020. But FREE postage still applies (until the end of May): I loved having my market stall over the past few years, but #covid19 has put an end to that for this year. I was looking forward to heading back to @portdouglasmarket and a few BIG events, but its not to be.... Anyway, here are a few snaps of my stall over the years. Things I loved about the markets: Talking to people from all over the world about the award #qla winning book The DAINTREE Blockade, far north Queensland history and writing. Meeting the other stall holders and becoming a part of this little community that popped up overnight each weekend. The food! My eldest daughter often came with me. Spending time with the kids is always a blessing. Having people tell me how much they enjoyed reading The Daintree Blockade! Packing up and heading home after a busy day. So, we won't be there this year, but hopefully we'll see you soon. #portdouglas #daintree #wettropics #tropicalnorthqueensland #fnq #mossman

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