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Daisy Valley Farm

Phone: +61 439 927 931


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25.01.2022 Super excited to be a part of the Dandaragan Organic Beef farm open day on the 14th of September This will be an amazing opportunity for people to meet the team behind this award winning organic beef farm and get a greater understanding of where your food comes from. Also, a chance to meet Daisy Limited tickets are still available. For more information go to:

25.01.2022 Special delivery from Pauly! Thanks to our awesome neighbours, the Stoneys, for passing on these beauties to us! Was a little bit of a mission to safely get them off the truck but Paul nailed it. A little bit of TLC and these bad boys will be ready to keep our chook feed dry and away from the mice #donttrythisathome #strapsfordays #pasturedpoultry #lifeonthefarm #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm

24.01.2022 Yesterdays post wouldnt be complete without sharing the love for this beautiful woman, my mum. (aka the better half) The original mother hen here on the farm, the glue that holds us all together and my biggest fan in the garden. Here she is just yesterday, shovel in hand, helping me build my new cottage garden. What a woman! We are so lucky to have someone so generous and supportive in our lives. Thank you for being our biggest chicken promotor, for always offering to help out whenever and wherever, and for always being just as excited when I have a new flower blooming or veggie to pick. We love you, mum/Kaye #whatawoman #lifeonthefarm #knowyourfarmer #supportlocal #pastureraised #daisyvalleyfarm

24.01.2022 Morning rush hour is serious business around here #placestogobugstoeat #nolaneshere #morningrush #pastureraised #freerangechickens #daisyvalleyfarm

23.01.2022 The Boss lady and Daisy showing off the new pen that well be using for the Dandaragan Organic Beef Farm Open Day. Will only house about 5 chooks but shes a beauty If you want to know more about the day or how to grab yourself a ticket then click on the link below:

22.01.2022 Happy 3 months Jacky Boy #alwayssmiling #bigboy #JP

22.01.2022 We’ve been understandably quiet over the last couple months here at Daisy Valley Farm as we’ve been busy learning how to look after a mini human. We just wanted to update you all on where we are at - We had 150 day old chicks arrive 20 days ago and in a few more days these guys will be ready to head out to the pasture. Stay tuned for their graduation day #babiesandbusiness #pastureraised #pasturedpoultry #regenerativefarming #daisyvalleyfarm

21.01.2022 Happy First Father’s Day to the boss man. Thank you for being the most wonderful, attentive, loving Papa to Jack. We are so grateful for all that you do for our family and we hope you have a good day #mightnapmightnot #babyjack #loveshispapa #daisyvalleyfarm

20.01.2022 The results are in and it’s happy days here at Daisy Valley Farm! 6 months on and the plantation is flourishing. The last pic shows where we are about to run our latest batch of chooks so they too can work their magic #grassbedsnotsheds #regenerativefarming #pastureraised #pasturedpoultry #happydays #daisyvalleyfarm

20.01.2022 These beauties are some of the Marigolds and Portulacas that are blooming in my garden atm. Whilst they both help to attract the honeybees, and are drought-resistant, the Marigolds (first pic) help repel those nasty garden pests in search of my delicious greens #catchyanematodes #savethebees #marigolds #portulacas #regenerativefarming #lifeonthefarm #veggies #daisyvalleyfarm

18.01.2022 One year as husband and wife and what a year it has been! Moving back to the farm and starting our first business has been such an exciting, rewarding and challenging adventure. Heres to many more years of being great together #happilyevermcarthur #mouthssosorefromsmiling #bestfriends #daisyvalleyfarm

18.01.2022 Big girl on the hunt for more food #gotfoodorwhat #biggirl #piggypigs #couplatomsinthere #daisyvalleyfarm

18.01.2022 BOSS DOG TURNS 3 Happy 3rd Birthday to our favourite 10/10 good girl The fierce chicken protector, passionate ball chaser, stick maniac, creek loving, bath hating, most loyal companion here at Daisy Valley Farm #bossdog #birthday #wheresmytreat #goodgirl #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm

17.01.2022 Chicken manure for the win After 3 months of having the chickens in the plantation we have already started to notice a massive difference. The top image and bottom left show where the chickens have already been and the bottom right image is where we are yet to run them. The dark green you see is the added nitrogen from the chicken manure, which helps to promote vigorous grass growth and the attractive green colour. The phosphorus in the manure is important for root growth and early plant vigour, and the potassium permits more efficient use of nitrogen. Hopefully another 12 months and this plantation will be thriving #grassbedsnotsheds #regenerativefarming #pasturedpoultry #chickenmanure #knowyourfood #supportlocal #pastureraised #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm

17.01.2022 PERI PERI CHICKEN Yes please This is such a simple recipe, and perfect for those who are stuck at home and in need of a sneaky peri peri treat #nandoswho #periperiyes #pastureraisedchicken #pasturedpoultry #knowyourfood #dandaragan #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm *Tip* Keep some marinade aside to make the peri-naise dipping sauce - you wont be disappointed!... INGREDIENTS 1kg of chicken (drums, wings, breast, whole) 150 ml olive oil Lemon juice 1 and zest 1 tbsp vinegar 1 tbsp paprika 1 tbsp cayenne 1 tbsp salt & pepper 6 - 8 cloves of garlic 4 - 6 chillies PERI-NAISE SAUCE 1/4 cup mayo 1 tbsp peri METHOD Add all ingredients into a food processor or blender. Process to form a smooth sauce to your preferred consistency. You can strain out some of the excess liquid if youd like, or just use it as-is. Save 1-2 tablespoons for peri-naise sauce and extra for dipping if desired. Pour the rest over the chicken and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours. Drumsticks will take 20-25 minutes on the BBQ whilst the breast pieces will take about 5-7 minutes. Serve with coleslaw, corn on the cob and chips

17.01.2022 2 MONTHS TODAY #babyjack #bobtailbelly

16.01.2022 Hi guys, Well be sending out our first Daisy Valley E-Newsletter today. If you would like to receive a copy then click on the link below to subscribe. Cheers, Daisy Valley Team ...

15.01.2022 Found this on Pauls iPhone and honestly, I cant believe hes been holding out on me #justamanandhischook #howsmycomblook #chookselfie #pastureraisedchicken #lifeonthefarm #knowyourfarmer #grassbedsnotsheds #daisyvalleyfarm

15.01.2022 This is Sunny she’s one of our pet porkers here at Daisy Valley Farm. She loves a good scratch and is often found laying in her mud bath During one of our recent storms a tree branch fell on her pen enabling ‘The Great Escape!’ We’re not sure how long she was out for but she had eaten both of her feed buckets and was caught wandering around the house. Whilst she may be a big porker, she’s such a friendly one and we love having her around #thegreatescape #lovesascratch #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm

15.01.2022 This amazing man is my Dad (aka Big Richie) and over the last 6 months he has been silently helping Paul and I in more ways than we can list in this post. Whether its feeding the chickens, picking up supplies, or building a pig pen, hes always happy to lend a helping hand. We are so grateful to have his expertise (even if theyre sometimes somewhat questionable) and were so lucky to have his love and support. Thanks for all that you do, Dad! #whataman #lifeonthefarm #knowyourfarmer #supportlocal #pastureraised #daisyvalleyfarm

15.01.2022 Picked this up yesterday in preparation for our first market day this weekend. Massive thanks to Tammie and her team at Sonic Signs - appearance is everything for doing an awesome job! Were so happy with the results! This beauty will be full of delicious pasture raised chicken at the Grow the Dandaragan Way on Sunday - come and say hi if youre around! Daisy will be there awaiting your pats

14.01.2022 Our first ever market day was a huge success! So great to see our regulars and to meet a lot of new customers. Thanks to everyone who came along and showed their support for our ethically produced chicken. #grassbedsnotsheds #growdandaragan #pastureraisedchicken #pasturedpoultry #supportlocal #knowyourfarmer #lifeonthefarm #regenerativefarming #daisyvalleyfarm

14.01.2022 Did you know that honey bees communicate with one another by dancing 6 months ago we got our first hive and have been learning all that we can about natures tiny workers. With winter leaving us soon, we hope to get a few more hives (and hopefully a couple more jars of honey)

13.01.2022 This is Sunny shes one of our pet porkers here at Daisy Valley Farm. She loves a good scratch and is often found laying in her mud bath During one of our recent storms a tree branch fell on her pen enabling The Great Escape! Were not sure how long she was out for but she had eaten both of her feed buckets and was caught wandering around the house. Whilst she may be a big porker, shes such a friendly one and we love having her around #thegreatescape #lovesascratch #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm

13.01.2022 Paul, Daisy and I are very proud to welcome the newest member of the Daisy Valley Farm team. Baby Jack Peter McArthur arrived at 12:16am on the 10th of August at a very healthy weight of 4.06kg and 52cm long

12.01.2022 WINNERS ANNOUNCED Congratulations to Tracey Cleeman & Marie-france Prevost for your winning entries! Check out our video to see the Official Naming Ceremony. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it #deletedscenes #winnerwinner #pastureraisedchicken #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm

12.01.2022 Thai Red Chicken Curry I love making all types of curries but this one is Paul’s favourite. I’m using the veggies I currently have in the fridge but capsicum, spinach, broccoli and green beans are all on the money for this dish. Ingredients:... - 500g of Pasture-raised chicken tenderloins, thighs or breasts - 1 tbsp Coconut oil or olive oil - 4-5 tbsp Thai red curry paste - 1/2 cup chicken broth (optional) - 800 ml of coconut milk - 1 onion, diced - 2 carrots, sliced into coins - 7-10 mushrooms, washed and sliced - 4 cloves of garlic, crushed - 1 red chilli (optional) - 200g of snow peas - Handful or basil leaves (Thai basil if you have it) - 1 tsp of fish sauce - 1 tsp brown sugar METHOD STEP 1 - Heat 1 tbsp coconutoil in a large saucepan over a medium heat and fry onion, mushrooms for 4-5 minutes. Add 5-6 tbsp redcurry paste, the garlic, carrots and snow peas, sizzle for a few secs, then pour in 800mlcoconut milk. STEP 2 - Bring to the boil, reduce to a simmer, stir a little and wait for the oil to rise to the surface. STEP 3 - Addchicken tenderloins, and simmer for 8-10 mins or until the chicken is cooked through. STEP 4 - Add 1 tbsp of the fish sauce and a pinch of brownsugar, then taste if you like it a little saltier, add more fish sauce; if you like it sweeter, add a little more sugar. STEP 5 - Bring to the boil, take off the heat and add handful of basil. STEP 6 - Serve with jasmine rice. Top with 1 redchilli (optional) and a few extra basil leaves #thairedcurry #pastureraisedchicken #yum #daisyvalleyfarm

11.01.2022 Chicken tractor No. 2 is finally done Now she just needs a name?! With our latest batch ready to go in 3 weeks we will be giving away 1 x whole chook to whoever comes up with the best name for our chicken tractor! Ill be doing a post next week about how to put in your orders for May and to announce the lucky winner #shesabeauty #chickentractor #pasturedpoultry #regenerativefarming #knowyourfarmer #supportlocal #dailymoves #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm

11.01.2022 HOMEMADE CHICKEN BROTH Made our weekly batch of broth yesterday using some of our Daisy Valley produce. Such a simple process that not only tastes delicious but is packed full of goodness. I use this as a base for a lot of our meals, or just enjoy a cup (or two.) Using whatever herbs and veggies I have in my garden, this simple, delicious and healthy broth is exactly what you need in your life! #chickenbroth #goodforthesoul #pasturedpoultry #knowyourfood #healthylivin...g #daisyvalleyfarm Recipe Total time Prep: 10 mins cooking time: 4-6hours Ingredients 1-1.5kg chicken carcass, bones, necks, feet 1 onion quartered, skin on 1 carrot roughly chopped 2 celery sticks roughly chopped 4 garlic cloves skin on Handful of parsley, rosemary, thyme, basil (whatever is in your garden) 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder 1 tablespoon of black pepper Directions Roughly chop vegetables and add all ingredients into a pot. Cover with water (10-12 cups) slowly bring to a boil, reduce heat and then simmer, uncovered, for 4-6hours. Wait for broth to cool. Remove bones. Discard bones. Strain broth, discard vegetables and herbs, then transfer into containers. Once cooled, skim off the top layer of fat and use it for cooking. Enjoy! Refrigerate for up to 4 days, or freeze leftover stock for up to 3 months.

11.01.2022 Two weeks of loving you #babyjack

10.01.2022 Final delivery day! Thank you to all of our customers for supporting Daisy Valley Farm. We have been blown away by all the positive feedback! The pasture-raised, free-ranging, regenerative farming method has proven to not only benefit the health and welfare of the birds, and the soil beneath them, its the reason why our chicken tastes the way it does! 100% antibiotic-free chicken can be done and our product is proof of that. We have sold out for now but we will have more stock available in 6 weeks. Please get in touch with us before the beginning of July to get your orders in #grassbedsnotsheds #pastureraisedchicken #deliveryday #pasturedpoultry #knowyourfood #supportlocal #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm

10.01.2022 DAY 22 - GRADUATION DAY - One of my favourite parts of this job is watching the chicks experience the pasture for the first time. It’s amazing how quickly their instincts kick in as they rush around pecking and scratching in search for the most delicious treats they can find #grassbedsnotsheds #pastureraised #pasturedpoultry #regenerativefarming #daisyvalleyfarm

09.01.2022 Just a reminder to our Perth team, we will be making a drop off to Perth next Friday the 4th. To put an order in, please send an email to: [email protected] or contact Soph on 0439927931. Pick up location in South Perth from 10:30am - 11:30am. Message or email for more information #perthdelivery #pastureraisedchicken #pasturedpoultry #ethicallyraisedchicken #knowyourfood #supportlocal #knowyourfarmer #daisyvalleyfarm

08.01.2022 If you like a little bit of sweet and a little bit of heat - then this is the recipe for you! Harissa chicken tray bake is so easy to make and the harissa flavours, mixed with the vinegar, works a real treat on our pasture-raised chicken. Here Ive used a whole chicken butterflied, but this would easily work with thighs, drumsticks and wings #harissachickentraybake #sotasty #pastureraised #lifeonthefarm #knowyourfarmer #knowyourfood #daisyvalleyfarm HARISSA CHICKEN TRAY B...AKE Serves 4 Prep: 10 mins cooking time: 50 mins Ingredients 1 - 1.2kg whole pasture-raised chicken (cut in half) 2 red onions 4 mixed-colour peppers 4 heaped teaspoons harissa paste 4 sprigs of fresh mint or chopped parsley 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil Method Preheat the oven to 160C/350F. Deseed the peppers and tear into big chunks, peel and quarter the onions and break apart into petals, then place it all in a 30cm x 40cm roasting tray. Use a large sharp knife to carefully cut down the back of the chicken, so you can open it out flat, then score the legs. Add to the tray with the harissa, and a little sea salt, black pepper and red wine vinegar. Toss well. Sit the chicken flat on top of the veg, skin side up, and roast it all for 50 minutes. Serve with green salad, couscous or rice. ENJOY!

08.01.2022 Flashback Friday

08.01.2022 We’re excited to announce that we have started working with the awesome team at Olsen Butchers. Their highly skilled tradespeople are parting out and packaging our chicken for you, our customers, adding another layer of premium quality to our pasture-raised chickens. A family run business for over 30 years, Olsen’s expertise in butchering and care for sourcing local produce is what sets these guys apart from the rest. Check out their stores in South Perth, Booragoon or Roleystone for some Daisy Valley Farm whole birds, or for some of their other tasty treats (Can confirm the scotch fillets are amazing!) #pastureraisedchicken #olsensbutchers #workingtogether #supportlocal #knowyourfood #daisyvalleyfarm

06.01.2022 Pasture Raised - this is the reason our chicken taste so juicy and delicious#grassbedsnotsheds #regenerativefarming #minidinosaurs #pastureraisedchickens #pasturedpoultry #knowyourfood #supportlocal #daisyvalleyfarm

06.01.2022 Finally had the chance to get into our veggie patch! We probably should have done as the instructions said and planted the tomatoes and basil at the correct distances, but stoked with our delicious, juicy, jungle goodness none the less #alwaysreadthelabel #wherethebloodyhellareya #freshveggies #knowyourfood #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm

06.01.2022 Our first batch of day old chicks for 2020 arrived yesterday!! Ive missed hearing the constant chirps all day long

05.01.2022 Look at that grass!! A few snaps from the sky to show you what a difference 4 months makes using the regenerative farming methods. That dark green strip you can see is the result of moving our chickens daily across the pasture. The chickens are happy, the grass is loving life and I have one very happy husband who gets to fly his new mini drone (toy) around the farm #newdronewhodis #djitello #needabiggerdrone #nitrogenfordays #regenerativefarming #dailymovestofreshpasture #pastureraisedchicken #pasturedpoultry #knowyourfarmer #supportlocal #daisyvalleyfarm

05.01.2022 Daisys audition pic for a job at the North Pole#tenoutoftengoodgirl #iknewishouldhavewornthebrownantlers #willeatcarrots #dandaraganway #christmas #knowyourfarmer #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm

05.01.2022 DAISY VALLEY NEWS -

05.01.2022 Hi guys, We are in the final two weeks of raising our first batch of chickens for 2020 Below are a few different packs we will have on offer, so please send us an email at: [email protected] if you would like to place an order. Or you can join our Perth, Dandaragan, Morawa or Geraldton buyers club groups on Facebook to stay updated on delivery dates and to see our price list #pastureraisedchicken #goodfortheearth #goodforthetable #pasturedpoultry ...#supportlocal #regenerativefarming #knowyourfood #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm ISOLATION PACK - $200 2 x whole chooks - M 4 x packs of breasts (2 per pack) 2 x packs of tenderloins (8 per pack) 2 x packs of thighs (4 per pack) 2 x packs of wings (4 per pack) 2 x packs of drumsticks (4 per pack) 1 free broth pack (2 frames, 8 thigh bones & 10 necks) COUPLES PACK - $80 1 x whole chook - SM 1 x pack of breasts (2 per pack) 1 x pack of thighs (4 per pack) 1 x pack maryland (2 per pack) 1 x pack of wings (4per pack) 1 x pack of drumsticks (4 per pack) IMMUNITY PACK - $20 2 x packs of frames (2 per pack) 2 x packs of thigh bones (8 per pack) 2 x packs of necks (10 per pack)

04.01.2022 DAY 48: You are what you eat Our birds have a diet of grass and insects, in addition to being fed seasonal grains and minerals. They are exposed to the sunshine and are able to forage, run, jump and peck. They are ANTIBIOTIC-FREE their entire life. This results in healthier animals ... and more nutritious food for people as well. Studies have shown that pasture-raised chicken meat tends to be:... higher in iron higher in Omega 3 fats have a lower Omega 6:3 ratio higher in antioxidants (Vitamin D & E, for example). It’s important to know where your food comes from and how it’s produced. Do you know where your food comes from? * If you’re interested in getting some Daisy Valley Farm Chicken, then join either our Perth, Dandaragan, Morawa or Geraldton Buyer’s Club groups on Facebook and stay updated on delivery dates in those areas. Perth Dandy Morawa Geraldton #grassbedsnotsheds #pastureraisedchicken #regenerativefarming #antibioticfreechicken #supportlocal #knowyourfood #knowyourfarmer #daisyvalleyfarm

03.01.2022 Pigs are such fascinating animals and are very useful on the farm. They are highly social, very intelligent and are a great asset to a mixed-farming model. We have learnt so much already and with a little more time and research, we hope we can integrate these beautiful piggies into our pasture-raised system. Check out our little video of our time with them

02.01.2022 Perth team - were coming for you! Well be making a delivery on Saturday the 9th of November. Pick up location in South Perth from 10:30am-12pm. To place an order, simply send us an email at: [email protected], or contact Soph on 0439927931. All information will be in our Perth buyers club group on Facebook, so if you havent already joined, please do. We look forward to seeing you all! Love, the Daisy Valley Team

02.01.2022 Operation clean up is well underway for our first batch of chooks! This new location is to provide more shade during the day to help keep the chooks cooler. These gumtrees were planted in 2003 and consist of 7 rows running 300 metres in length. As they havent been touched since they were planted, Paul has been busy cleaning up the tree branches and flattening the lanes using his old railway line invention, so we can run the chicken tractors down them with ease. Even Daisy has been helping add a few sticks to the burn pile #shadefordays #pastureraised #regenerativefarming #knowyourfood #knowyourfarmers #dandaragan #daisyvalleyfarm

01.01.2022 Hi guys! We have started a mailing list and would love for you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter. This will include info on delivery dates, new produce, how to order, chicken recipes and what we've been getting up to on the farm. If this interests you, then please click on the link below and subscribe. Love, The Daisy Valley team Subscription link -

01.01.2022 Our new arrivals - The three little piggies. Daisys a little confused by them but secretly loving that theyre following her around #thesedontlooklikechooks #willescapeatanycost #daisyandthepiggies #besties #largewhitexsaddleback #lifeonthefarm #daisyvalleyfarm

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