Dajory Murray Grey Stud in Shepparton, Victoria | Agricultural service
Dajory Murray Grey Stud
Locality: Shepparton, Victoria
Address: Grahamvale 3630 Shepparton, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.dajory.com.au/
Likes: 858
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25.01.2022 Josh and Brigitte tested new Baler this week. Total 27 silage bales. #somethingbetterthannothing.#greendrought. #letitrain
25.01.2022 Congratulations Brigitte on your 1st place Stud Beef handlers. Again you have Dajory Opal looking superb.
25.01.2022 It looks and feels like its going to finally happen. 90% chance of 10-20mm today and 2 morrow.
25.01.2022 Following on from Clipex 2018 Murray Grey National Show and sale this week. Demand for females still strong as Josh delivered a mob of 10 today to there new home.
24.01.2022 First week in NZ done and dusted, firstly flying in for the Canterbury Show where Josh judged primarily the Murray Grey cattle and took part in the interbreed j...udging. Pleasing to see a good turn out of cattle across all breeds considering the Bovis disease which has severely affected the cattle industry in NZ, especially last years show numbers. I was able to take in and further my understanding of how New Zealand cattle are prepared and showed and it was a fantastic intro to my trip to see such a well run show that was full of agricultural aspects for all to enjoy, I was also lucky enough to place in the senior junior judging and catch up with past Murray Grey Australian exchange winners. Ive Managed to whack in a few tourist stops on way to stay with Silver Fern Murray Greys (Chris, Carolyn and Brad McIntosh) and Torrisdale Murray Greys (Barry MacDonald). I was lucky enough to be toured around there fantastic operations showcasing such a strong line of Murray Grey animals that any Murray Grey breeder would be proud to have within there herd. Thank you to both studs for such fantastic hospitality and strong friendships built within this much appreciated opportunity. See more
24.01.2022 Save the date: Stock and land Beef Week open day Wednesday 31st January 2018. 8 am -5pm. Great cross section of herd on display. sale bulls and females Heifer challenge team cows and calves ... National show and sale team call in for a look, chat and cuppa as we celebrate 20 years since our first purchase of Murray Greys. See more
24.01.2022 All of us here at Dajory wish all our family, friends and clients a very safe and happy Christmas. best wishes for 2018
23.01.2022 LOT 67: MR MELBOURNE M585. 52ND Murray Grey National Show and sale 23rd April Wodonga. Has just come out of paddock in preparation for sale. Extremely long bodied, well muscled, soft young bull. pedigree in comments.
21.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2862215830489279&id=100001026693398
20.01.2022 Couple of pics of August 2019 Calves
20.01.2022 Wishing our clients,friends and family a great xmas. Hopefully you have time to have a rest. Let's hope 2020 brings the rains to all in need.
20.01.2022 RJD P71 ‘Dajory Pondarosa’ is off to Deniliquin today to a repeat client who has bought many bulls from our stud over the years. With the season looking bright for 2020 bull sales are in full swing for us, so to avoid disappointment give me a call to lock in your next herd changing sire. Josh McRae 0488948996
19.01.2022 Finley Show Society Inc. Fantastic showing of 140 head in interbreed judging today.Judged by Harry and Gary Turnham. Murray greys represented by 5 studs and faired extremely well in large classes Dajory Opal winning class 12-16 mths to than go onto be sashed Junior reserve champion. Dajory Pheonix under 12 mths placed 3rd.... Dajory Pocohontas placing 5th. Congratulations also to Brigitte Collins on her 3rd placing in junior judging and 2nd in Handlers. Congratulations to Molly Henderson, Courtney Hazeldene, Samantha Betts and Paige with class win and placings today. Biggest thankyou to Brigitte in preparing animals. See more
19.01.2022 Amazing effort in less than 24hrs. Stay safe everyone.
17.01.2022 Congratulations Shelby and Jackie. The lucky winners of Dajory Seman package from yesterdays Beef week open day
16.01.2022 Murray Grey Youth stockshow over for 2019. So proud and a Big Thankyou to Brigitte Collins for preparing Dajory Opal and Dajory Phoenix and Powerade for her first stock show. Congratulations on Receiving the New Zealand Ambassador exchange scholarship. photo credit: BS livestock photography
16.01.2022 Dajory Murray Greys are back at Melbourne show. Pop in and say G day or come Monday morning and watch the judging. Good luck to everyone
16.01.2022 Harvest: A little delayed after 100mm rain from Victoria's 3 day weather event 2 weeks ago. Header moved in last evening to remove crop after it hitting 40 degree during day.
12.01.2022 Last week we delivered Phoenix RJD P69 to a new local client. He will do a fantastic job for this breeder who has some great looking Gelbvieh and Angus cows. Can’t wait to see the progeny he produces for this client.
12.01.2022 RJD P71 Dajory Pondarosa is off to Deniliquin today to a repeat client who has bought many bulls from our stud over the years. With the season looking bright for 2020 bull sales are in full swing for us, so to avoid disappointment give me a call to lock in your next herd changing sire. Josh McRae 0488948996
11.01.2022 To all our face book friends and followers. Thankyou as we have reached 700 page likes.
09.01.2022 Remember Mr Melbourne born cup day 2016. Now 14 1/2 months. scanned up tops today.
09.01.2022 Cows all calved. Now its the the 50 + heifers time. 15 in past couple days. pics some of todays newborns and one of Daddy sires.
09.01.2022 AI Season: Heifer program completed last month and yesterday it was time for 55 Cows. Preg tests on a smaller group. All PTIC.
07.01.2022 The yard will closed tomorrow due to code red fire conditions. Stay safe everyone. Sorry for any inconvenience.The yard will closed tomorrow due to code red fire conditions. Stay safe everyone. Sorry for any inconvenience.
06.01.2022 Last group of Japanese Agriculture Farmers visiting Dajory on their Australian farm tour for 2017. This is the only 5 day holiday these guys have. As they are also farming 7 days a week job. Comments for the day included how "What lovely quiet temperament the cows and bulls have." " They have such great feet". "could you show us how you lasso them? ... Josh explained we don't use lasso and that he uses a stock whip for moving cattle. Followed by a demonstration and whip cracking session. See more
06.01.2022 Yesterday we farewelled The Lovely Caitlin Brooks. Murray grey youth New Zealand exchange recipient. Caitlin spent week recovering and washing from stock show, some shopping and touring the Goulburn Valley looking at both beef and dairy operations.
06.01.2022 FOR SALE 7 commercial Murray Grey cows Cows are four to five years old Preg tested in calf ... Start of March 2021 calving Calves sired by a stud Murray Grey bull Mid/large frame, deep bodied, easy doing, well conditioned cows PIC 3SPCN110 For more information and price please call Josh McRae on 0488948996
05.01.2022 Heading off to Join Burrambuttock Hay Runners emergency dash to Upper Murray Fire area. Stock losses have been huge. While Jacko, Josh and Brigitte are gone the visiting territorians (Daniel and Emily) will be on our cattle feeding duties. Ryan on CFA duties. Stay safe everyone
05.01.2022 2018 Murray Grey Youth stock show and National Show and sale over for another year. Was a busy few days catering for stock show. Maddi Fuzzard and I Thank all participants for being so helpful. Thankyou to Tasmanian entrants Tony and Billie, New Zealand exchange entrant Caitlin Brooks for caring and exhibiting our heifers during Stock show. Due to unexpected event 2 weeks out our biggest thankyou to Nikki Williamson who took over sale team, finalised preparations and presented sale lots. Congratulations to the successful purchasers with all 5 lots being sold.
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Brigitte on preparing and exhibiting for first time at Melbourne Royal with Dajory animals. Two class firsts and a second in a wonderful line up of Murray greys. Congratulations to all exhibitors on a great showing.
03.01.2022 Couple of early morning pics from Beef week open day. Than got very busy. Thankyou to all that traveled from near and far.
03.01.2022 Dajory, Atriem and Mandara studs flying the Murray Grey Banner at Seymour Alternative Farming Expo this Wend. Call in and say hello.
03.01.2022 Premier Murray Grey sale Wednesday 24th October 2017. Wodonga Exhibition Centre at 1 pm. Dajory Murray Greys offering 3 pens x 5 commercial 13-14 mths unjoined heifers. Nice even line by low birth weight bulls, grass fed, vaccinated and ready to go.
02.01.2022 Spring calving.In this mob of 46 ptic cows, 30 calves born this week. Easy to spot in grass bare paddocks. #itsrainingcalves #greendroughtcontinues. #willrainoneday. #murraygreyseaseofcalving.
01.01.2022 Murray Grey Premier sale 2017. Dajory offered 3 pens x 5 commercial heifers. Happy to say all 15 will stay together as they head to new home at Holbrook NSW.
01.01.2022 Whilst in the UK last week made an impromtu across the border visit to Rosemary Kent (Darose Murray greys) in Wales. Property with stunning views, awesome Murray grey herd with progeny from Woodburn Warrior, Cadfor Genisis and Mount major Kingswood.
01.01.2022 New cattle enthusiast Kirsten recently purchased 3 PTIC heifers. Just on 2 years of age these heifers all calved easily last month and was back this week to purchase the remainder of group with their young calves at foot. Commenting on how quiet the greys are and that her few heifers of another breed will be going. #mobstaystogether #repeatbuyer.#murraygreysmeetthemarket.
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