Dale Towell Celebrant Services in Goulburn, New South Wales | Event planner
Dale Towell Celebrant Services
Locality: Goulburn, New South Wales
Address: Goulburn - servicing Canberra, Braidwood, Southern Highlands 2580 Goulburn, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Fires have come close to us but we have remained safe. Like so many, we now watch helplessly as horror moves at speed through lives and property - the lives of people we love, good people faced with unimaginable fear, indescribable outcomes. Emotions are at their peak and there's a lot going on via media comms. ... but, to draw on basic human kindness and the gifts that life has offered everyone finding themselves safe - thoughts to all those who are struggling with loss and who are knees bent, face in hands - if love and support can offer a little relief may you know it's here. Arms are open to Australia in trouble. The highest respect and most sincere thanks to the brave souls keeping us all under their watch and in their safe hands.
23.01.2022 Beautiful wedding - this photograph says so much xx
22.01.2022 One of the best things life has to offer is 'new life'. I can help you 'officially' welcome your little one into the family with suggestions for ceremony content and structure. Or you can just tell me what you would like for your baby naming day and I can provide a guiding hand. Level of formality, content, relationship support, setting - a naming ceremony has no limits, and is an acknowledgement of a new arrival, one from which memories are created and treasured forever.
21.01.2022 I just love marrying people. Thank you to all my 'couples' for choosing me to be their celebrant and for sharing their special day. I hope you all like your memory books and manage time to enjoy the moments captured inside. A wedding day might be a one time occasion, but there's every reason to embrace the occasion over and over. I trust you are all doing well and enjoying everything married life has to offer.
21.01.2022 I was talking to someone today about 'loss' and the sadness that follows. ... sadness compounded by guilt at having said something maybe horrible or perhaps not offering kind words when we should have. Can we offer a hand of kindness when both hands are full? Can we show someone that we care, even when we are busy? Can we fix a problem we've created the minute we realise that harm has been done? Can we gulp on pride to mend a broken heart? Can we live each day as if it's our last? The answer to all is 'yes'. There's not a ceremony I can offer that will reverse time, but I can sit with you and put words together that may be of comfort.
20.01.2022 Over the last little while I have made contact with everyone booked in for a service who may be affected by the recent health situation. As we approach the end of the year, I will also make contact with others of you who may be concerned or worried about how the restrictions might impact on your special day. Very simply, until advised otherwise, there are only five people permitted to be in attendance at a wedding - the couple, two witnesses and an officiant. I am guided by the rules in place. I am also committed to making every service 'one from the heart' and will be encouraging all of you to decide on what makes you most happy. We have choices - many choices - and I will help you.
20.01.2022 First thoughts when you hear the word 'funeral' are ones of sadness, and when my friend of 55 years called me to say her husband had passed away and would I conduct a service for him, that sadness was compounded by my need to do the very best for such a long time and lovely friend. It's impossible to describe, not just the honour that this request implied, but the responsibility. ... and I reminded myself of the reason I had added 'funerals' to my service list. When we los...e someone we love, there are things we want to say, but it's a time when saying anything at all can seem quite impossible. If I could help even a little, to draw thoughts, tears and laughter, and guide a family through this separation in physical terms, then I would be worthy of the request made of me. I learned a lot through this process - my first official funeral service - but mostly, I valued my audience. Faces looking to me for comfort, maybe even answers, smiling often, tear filled eyes at times, but mostly reflective as they recalled precious memories. We need the chance to say goodbye to the ones we love, we need to laugh and to cry. It helps us begin somewhere, our hearts more full and smiles with more meaning. See more
20.01.2022 A really lovely day on Saturday and a first for our place as venue for a wedding ceremony. It must have been the coldest and windiest September day on record, but the weather was secondary as our bride just brightened up the day with her beautiful smile. Thank you Lilly and Daniel for bringing sunshine to what has been a difficult year and for the gracious way you faced all the challenges and changes imposed upon your wedding plans.
20.01.2022 To all the families I've had the pleasure to meet up until now, have the most wonderful year ahead, and thank you for choosing me to officiate for your special occasion. I look forward very much, to another year of creating memories and recalling happy moments. Wishing everyone a safe, prosperous 2019, but most of all, one shared with people you love.
19.01.2022 Sometimes, putting moments into words seems an impossible task. .. this was the case when I was asked to construct a service for the marriage of my daughter Rachel and her gorgeous man Nick. I wrote the perfect ceremony, then I changed it to something more perfect, and the night before their wedding, I turned my typed script into a road map with alternations, arrows and spectacular direction signs. I realised that there was no way of expressing sufficiently in words, just ...how I felt - but we would be together on a most special day, and the honour of officiating was mine. It just didn't get any better. .... and so, I share a few of those words. Beautiful Rachel - if I was to design someone to be my daughter, if I was to list the qualities essential in a human being of honour and trust, balance of talent and humility, the prescience to know when to care and the heart to know how ... if I could tailor make someone who knew the intricate difference between respect of a daughter and love of a friend, you would be the result. ... the task was made easy when you came along, already perfect. I am fortunate to be able to tell you - in this circumstance and on a day which adds another memory to our family story - to be able to say from your Dad and me, just how proud we are of you - of the life you have lead, the manner in which you do just everything, and most recently, what a gorgeous Mum you are to your little one. I'm just so pleased to see the overwhelming joy Jude has brought to your life and the swell he created in your heart - as having you in my life has done (still does) for me. ....
19.01.2022 On the subject of fees/charges, there is no set requirement for Celebrant Services. There exists such a variety of ceremony types and structure, that a pre-determined fees schedule just isn't possible. My style is to offer a base charge from which I work to accommodate my clients. But I don't simply move up in costs with additional services, I move down in cost to suit a budget, if necessary. What I offer though, is the addition of a memory book keepsake. This records a... ceremony, and photos of events which occurred prior to that ceremony. Special functions are practically always captured in photographs, but what leads up to the function is often not. ... this memory book is hand crafted in scrapbook fashion and carefully personalised for each client. Another feature of my service is to include an additional 'tag' to the end of a ceremony - for example, a 'rose ceremony' where a single rose exchange between bride and groom, is transferred to a further exchange between bride's Mum and groom's Mum. A linking of families and a happy conclusion to any wedding ceremony. Whatever your requirements, and no matter which Celebrant you choose to officiate, it is your day. See more
18.01.2022 It's four years since I became a registered celebrant - and what reminded me of this is a lovely message I received from the very first couple I married, to wish me happy anniversary. They were so brave to take me on when I had no experience and for that, I will be forever grateful - because they provided me with reassurance that the new adventure I was on, might just work. .... and so, what better time than now to share my most recent ceremony. A naming day for Nash Lint...on Joe Towell - added to the joy of a new grandson, the privilege of announcing his name was mine. One of those times when you think it's just possible for your heart to explode. He's the most beautiful little bub and his life has begun within an embrace of love - generous and enduring, the forever kind which has no measure. To this little family, enjoy every moment and thank you for granting me the task of naming your precious boy. See more
18.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a celebrant who declared themselves 'gay' and who was selling ceremonies which were 'same sex appropriate'. I deleted the email - firstly because I don't require pre-prepared ceremonies but mostly because the idea of a 'labelled service' was contrary to the concept of 'equality'. Here's how it works in my office - I don't commence writing until after I meet my clients. My ceremonies may be similar in style and approach, and a wedding service comes with mandatory requirements to make it legal, but each of my ceremonies will be manicured for the particular occasion and requirements of each couple or family. I write for a client, not for a gender ... and I have not increased my fees to follow the marriage law update.
17.01.2022 Just before the numbers permitted at funerals was reduced to ten, I officiated at a celebration of life in Yass. When I began as a celebrant, the task of conducting 'end of life' celebrations was something to which I gave a lot of careful thought. What helped me decide to include these in my services was the fact that just as in life, in death a person should be recognised and saluted. For this funeral, although not limited to ten in attendance, there was a restriction on n...umbers.... and so, the family chose to have two ceremonies. Hard enough to cope with one, having two even more heartbreaking. But, how wonderful for everyone who wished to say their goodbye, at being given the chance to do so .... how brave of the family to make this possible. To anyone going through the sadness of losing someone in this already difficult time, look forward in time at being able to hold a farewell. Being able to reflect on a life and express your affection as a vital process in healing. See more
17.01.2022 To help take stock of the recent changes to our marriage laws, it is simply that from tomorrow 9 December, marriage in Australia will be permitted between two people and the words required to be stated by Celebrants will be revised to reflect this change. What hasn't changed, is the requirement in Australia to give one month notice of an intention to marry. So, if a notice to marry is signed tomorrow, the first day a marriage ceremony will be possible is 9 January. Another l...ittle 'wait' added to that already endured, but a wait which this time has a positive, happy outcome. Congratulations to every couple who are now permitted to marry as a result of this new legislation. I wish you much happiness, a wedding that's everything you wished for and a long wonderful life together. If you would like help with what to do next, I'll be happy to chat, regardless of who you choose as your Celebrant. But if you do choose me to officiate, then I will look forward to meeting you.
16.01.2022 Being attracted to animals and machinery, it was no surprise for me to find Bobby the draft horse at my first wedding for the year. Pictured in Nowra at the Driftwood Shed, another beautiful couple, a stunning setting and a bridal 'cart' that was just perfect for the occasion.
16.01.2022 Whatever the anniversary, you may wish to renew your vows. This is such a simple way of saying 'I love you still' and can be as formal or casual as you would like. It could be a mirror of your wedding day, or reflective of your most favourite occasion as a couple. It could be a chance to gather your dearest family and friends together for a happy occasion or a chance to be together in your most treasured setting. Renewal of vows is a way of saying so much, to someone who has given you everything. I can help you bring such an occasion to life and add yet another wonderful memory to those already shared.
14.01.2022 Happy 48th Anniversary to a beautiful couple - with love from your wedding renewal Celebrant. Such a lovely time spent with you for your 46th anniversary, can't believe it has been two years since that day.
13.01.2022 To everyone showing interest in my page and for all your lovely comments during my first year of business, thank you. Happy New Year and the best of everything for what lies ahead. I hope that if your family or someone you know may be looking for a Celebrant, for whatever reason, you will think of me and call for a chat.
12.01.2022 Bungendore/Braidwood Community is a lovely place to call home, particularly in light of the wonderful improvements that are taking place right now. The marriage ceremony I performed recently at The Carrington Inn of Bungendore and the service/attention to detail offered by staff at The Carrington was first class. Thank you to everyone who made the day wonderful, I recommend to anyone considering options of a wedding/celebration venue, look at Bungendore's historic and beautiful Carrington. You'll not be disappointed.
11.01.2022 Bringing an end to a lovely year, thank you everyone for 'travelling along' with my new Celebrant adventure. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year to follow - and if you are thinking of a baby naming, commitment, renewal of vows or plan to marry during 2018, please call and chat. You'll need to give a calendar month notice for weddings, but all other ceremonies are pretty much based on whenever you feel like a party :)
10.01.2022 My duty as a Celebrant is to adhere to legislative requirements, furnish necessary forms and required documentation, advise and guide during the process of ceremony design. But, beyond this duty, I offer much more. Married for over 40 years, I have raised a gorgeous family, I have experienced the joys of welcoming new members to this family, and have endured grief from personal loss. .. and so, I offer you maturity, empathy and an understanding heart.
08.01.2022 When I was little and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was 'a Mum'. Truth is, I had no concept of what being 'a Mum' actually meant, or how the title was even granted. Now, armed with a little more information and the actual job bestowed upon me, I can happily say that I was right all those years ago, in the answer I gave. ... and it brings me much pleasure as a Celebrant, to be requested to perform a naming ceremony. To announce a person new to the world, to encourage support and offer guidance. To recognise parents and the massive change that such a small addition can create.
07.01.2022 The start of a new year has brought a real 'buzz' to this little Celebrant business and I'm so happy to have commenced my services with a baby naming ceremony. Yesterday, I was fortunate to meet a most lovely family and their circle of friends - a three month old bubba who stole the show as it should be, and his big sister who willingly became my 'baby naming assistant'. Great day and another moment in time for me to create memories and meet wonderful people.
07.01.2022 Well, I've been tootling along with a variety of ceremonies and learning as I go. ... and one very important lesson came rather early in my new adventure, when the photographers said 'would you stay out of the way so we can get a clear shot of the couple as they exchange their vows?'. 'Sure' I said, and I advised that they give me a wink whenever I had to move, but of course, as I concentrated on what I had to do I didn't manage to notice what the photographer was doing. The request threw me a little, just to add to whatever else I had in my head. I discovered a long time ago that I was physically incapable of talking at the same time as playing the piano. Now, the discovery that I can't successfully marry a happy couple and keep an eye on the photographer as well. So many things I can't do :)
06.01.2022 Baby Naming Ceremonies
05.01.2022 This weekend, I will have the pleasure of marrying a couple very dear to me. A young man and woman I've known from the time they became neighbours to one of my own children and who, in the fifteen years since, have become family - wonderful human beings, generous, caring and a pleasure to know. I look forward to seeing them on their special day with much thanks for trusting me with the task of performing their wedding ceremony.
04.01.2022 There's been a long and enduring debate about the appropriateness of Civil Ceremonies balanced against Religious Ceremonies. My lovely Dad was passionate for his religion, but I hope he would understand that in delivery of a ceremony, I am able to offer sufficient 'heart' and respect for the occasion, to overcome any religious versus civil dilemma. Spirit is something that comes from the heart, and if a union of two people or a moment of solemnity is offered with appropriate care, the label bears no difference. What you believe in your heart, your spiritual core, is what guides 'your occasion'.
03.01.2022 To the couples I have 'married' and the families I have met, thank you for trusting me with such special times. I never tire of seeing happy faces and being witness to an occasion which brings people together.
02.01.2022 To our wonderful friends Nina and Andrew. Loved being able to officiate for your wedding and to see you so happy. The 'wedding cars' were spectacular... and the opportunity to see long time 'mates' was an amazing bonus. Congratulations from us - sent with much love and a wish that your life together is filled with only good things, as you both so deserve.
02.01.2022 Commitment is between two hearts. When kindred spirits are joined, when soul mates announce their dedication to each other, the occasion should be shared and celebrated. Couples in love, yet up until now constrained by marriage laws, can soon celebrate a new beginning. Look forward to formalising your relationship within the embrace of closest family and friends .... to commencing the rest of your lives together, knowing that acknowledgement and equality is now yours.
02.01.2022 Wedding of Andrew & Abbie Wedding of Andrew & Abbie at Captains Flat 24/09/2017.
01.01.2022 I've had a busy year and met so many lovely people. To everyone who selected me as their Celebrant, thank you - and have a wonderful Christmas/New Year. Yesterday afternoon, was my last wedding for the year - and now that it's done, I can share a moment of significance. .. a moment when I met Roy, Kelpie dog, who responded to a whistle and delivered the rings with perfect precision. He sat for a while between bride and groom and then went off to explore the countryside. Here's the countryside for this occasion - Royalla Common - absolutely beautiful.
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