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Dancefit WA

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22.01.2022 Just a reminder to everyone that DanceFit class starts tomorrow in Wembley! 11:30am start at the beautiful Mindy Body Heart Studio xx

22.01.2022 Hey Ellenbrook! Yeah you! Class is on tomorrow night to do our super sexy routine again (after our sweaty workout of course). 7:45 at ATI Martial Arts, 1/24 Comserv Loop, Ellenbrook. x

21.01.2022 DanceFit on again tonight in Joonfalup (Edgewater)! 7pm at Emerald Park Club Rooms - 41 Emerald Way, Edgewater. The routine we're doing is the last one we posted! Check it out and come along! First class free! x

21.01.2022 *IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT* Hi all!! Everyone coming to Ellenbrook class tonight - the class has been cancelled!! I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience! Teacher is too sick to move as is back up teacher! Not an often occurrence so it pains me to do so. Joondalup stay tuned tomorrow - fingers crossed we are back to normal! Lauren x

21.01.2022 What do the DanceFit administrators get up to on a Saturday night? A bit of sexy dancing of course! This video is so sexy... We nearly needed to sensor it! All in celebration of 'SEXY MONTH' starting at DanceFit next week - we thought it was rather appropriate! Enjoy! #dancefit #dorkfit #dorksgonewild

20.01.2022 I don't know about you guys, but I have some serious leg muscle popping out this morning after the last 2 classes..! Just remember for everyone feeling a little sore today - your muscles have been stretched and torn, and now they are repairing themselves even stronger to take on more! Feeling sore is a good thing! Thanks for coming - hope you had fun! X

19.01.2022 Hey Joondalup! We're going to have to wright tonight off! Still unwell and have been in bed all day! which mean we have to work EXTRA hard next week!! So sorry for inconveniencing anyone. Thank you all for being so understanding, I'm truly grateful! xx

18.01.2022 Oh my giddy aunt! I am just in the middle of creating the new warm up routine for next week and I must say I think it is my new favourite!! it's fricken awesome! (If I do say so myself) But I truly believe credit to good workouts goes to the musicians behind them inspiring us to move like we've never moved before! This one is for one of my bestest, Carly - those who want to come along on Monday night in Ellenbrook you'd want to see this girl move to the warm up!! Can't wait. Lauren xx #dancefitforlife

18.01.2022 Listen, it's cold, it's raining, your couch is more desirable than Channing Tatum - I totally get it. AND it may also be the one thing holding you back from being who you want to in life. Someone who is committed to their word regardless of their feelings. Dance Fit is your chance to have a breakthrough in the area of fitness in your life. Whatever your reasons, whatever week you have had, you get the opportunity and have the space to dance the sh!t out of it with me and walk out feeling empowered, sexy, more flexible, and sometimes sore (soz!). Kick your feelings in the dick! Come and sweat at DanceFit! Joondalup - you're on tonight. New routine - it's sexy, sweaty, challenging yes, but awesome. 7:00pm at Emerald Park Club Rooms, 41 Emerald Way Edgewater. First Class FREE, $15 casual, $60 for 6 week pass. Lauren x

17.01.2022 Happy Sunday lovers!! DanceFit is on at 7:45pm in ELLENBROOK tomorrow night (and every Monday!) at ATI Martial Arts; 1/24 Comserv Loop, Ellenbrook, AND Tuesday 7:00pm in JOONDALUP area (and every Tuesday!) at Emerald Park Club Rooms; 41 Emerald Way, Edgewater. It's a dance based fitness class that puts a huge focus on STRETCHING and STRENGTHENING with a funky routine at the end! All levels are welcome and first class is free ! If you likey and want to come back, classes are $15 casual or $60 for a 6 week pass. FIND THE CLASS THAT IS GOING TO KEEP YOU COMING BACK - THIS IS THE CLASS THAT IS GOING TO PRODUCE THE BEST RESULTS! DanceFit will work your butt off AND keep you coming back! Comment or inbox for more details Lauren xx

17.01.2022 A sneak peak of the routine we are starting at class! Think you can't can't do it? Perfect - come to class. Think you could nail it? Perfect - come to class! I'll be teaching this over the next month or so! It works you out, has you feeling sexy and a heap of fun! Get around it. Xx

17.01.2022 Happy Sunday evening lovers! I'm still unwell but pushing through to sweat it out!! A week off has sent me stir crazy! Anyone around the ELLENBROOK area - I will be holding class at 7:45pm at ATI Martial Arts, 1/24 Comserv Loop Ellenbrook. JOONDALUP area - class will be Tuesday at 7pm at Emerald Park Club Rooms, 41 Emerald Way Edgewater. Inbox me if you have any questions! Lauren x

16.01.2022 Well would you look what the cat dragged in...... ME!! DanceFit is back ready to do some workshops with you! Want to hold an awesome sweaty workshop or 2 in the next couple of weeks and I will teach you moves you can easily do at home or with your girlfriends. We will go over the importance of stretching - while we stretch - as it is sadly overlooked in many classes these days. We'll tone. We'll leap (don't be afraid of the leap). We'll laugh. And most importantly, we'll DANCE! I have a kickass routine lined up. There is only one important detail missing - I am on the hunt for a venue!! Studio of course is ideal, however open to any space with air con (or fans). Just a once or twice off at this stage! Tag, share, anyone who might be interested in coming or who might have a venue! #LETSDOTHIS

15.01.2022 Hi all!! Same again this week. Ellenbrook see you tomorrow night at 7:45pm! We'll finish off our last week with the Pharrell warm up and DJ Snake routine so let's smash it! Joondalup - I HAVE FOUND THE KEYS!!! *blushes* see you lot on Tuesday at 7pm!! Xx

15.01.2022 Check out the new Sexy and Sassy routine at Dancefit!

14.01.2022 Happy Sunday lovers!! DanceFit is on 7:45pm in Ellenbrook tomorrow night (and every Monday!) at ATI Martial Arts, 1/24 Comserv Loop Ellenbrook, AND Tuesday 7:00pm in Joondalup (and every Tuesday!) at Emerald Park Club Rooms, 41 Emerald Way Edgewater. It's a dance based fitness class that puts a big focus on stretching and strengthening, with a funky routine at the end! All levels are welcome! First class is always FREE and if you want to keep coming, $15 casual or $60 for a 6 week pass. FIND THE CLASS THAT'S GOING TO KEEP YOU COMING BACK, RATHER THE CLASS THAT YOU THINK WILL BURN THE MOST CALORIES IN ONE GO! DanceFit will work your butt off, however more importantly will keep you coming back! Comment or inbox for details. Lauren xx

14.01.2022 Very exciting news DanceFitters!! You have been waiting for a central venue and it looks like we have one! I have a venue in Mount Lawley opening up on Wednesdays at 6pm! I'm going to view the centre next week but the photos look good! Who's in?!

13.01.2022 Hi lovers! I went and checked out the new Ellenbrook venue tonight! It's awesome! Now just to re-confirm for those who may have missed it - the address is 1/24 Comserv Loop, Ellenbrook at the ATI Martial Art Academy. Please get there before 7:45 to sign in! JOONDALUP people - inbox me! Want to get an idea of who's coming picked up the keys today and we're good to go for Tuesday at 7:00pm. Address is Emarald Park Club Rooms, 41 Emerald Way Edgewater. Subiaco isn't starting next week due to school holidays - but stay tuned! First class FREE !! Xx

13.01.2022 What's crackin hot stuffs?! DanceFit is officially on holiday! Yaayyy, and booooo! Will be back before you know, ready to shape your bodies for summer!! Exciting things happening soon so stay tuned! still taking enquiries while I'm away so fire ahead to my inbox!! Big sweaty DanceFit love Lauren x

12.01.2022 Joondalup tonight is YOUR night! Located at Emerald Park Club Rooms: 41 Emerald Way, Edgewater. 7pm start! First class free!! See you then!! Xx

11.01.2022 Hey Northies! Who's in for classes at the awesome Fantasy Fitness And Dance in Wangara??

11.01.2022 Hey all!! Come sweat out the weekend at DanceFit - tomorrow night in Ellenbrook (7:45pm) and Tuesday night in Joondalup (7pm)! Doing a new routine to DJ Snakes new tune 'Turn Down for What!?' and I just can't wait! Beginner or experienced - if you love to dance and keep fit, come down and try it out. First class is free!

10.01.2022 Hey ya'll!! So SEXY MONTH is starting at DanceFit this week! (And may continue - see how we go!) Which meeaannns a super hot hot hot routine for you to learn! I have just been going over it before class tonight - and I must say this may be my favourite routine yet! and I am sweating after only a few minutes! Winner! I do want to point out, if being a bit of a hot potato, rudey patoodee (twerks, sexual steps) offends you or it's not for you, and you were wanting to come to class - please inbox me! Also, may be a fee naughty words in the song haha will hopefully upload a video later to show you! Everyone who's coming - if you have knee pads, bring them! Otherwise pants may be needed. Yay!!! I love this class! Lauren x

09.01.2022 Classes starting next week in Wembley at the STUNNING Mind Body Heart studio, corner of Grantham and Nanson St in Wembley! Running a 4 week stint to start off with starting 11:30am Thursday 15th October. and I already have 10 spots booked after advertising only a couple of hours!! So please reserve your spot! $15 a class!

08.01.2022 See you at 7:45pm tonight Ellenbrook!! Bring water and a towel! xx

08.01.2022 Ellenbrook! You're on tomorrow night! Joondalup - see you Tuesday!

06.01.2022 SUPER excited to teach for a DanceFit record number of 60 sexy ladies this Friday night for The Transformation Centre in Jandakot..!! Completely booked out and cannot take another girl in this week..! But if you're a Southy and interested in DanceFit classes - GET IN TOUCH!! DanceFit have been wanting to go South for nearly 2 years and we finally have a KICKASS venue!! Hoorah!! Brand new routine to a wicked new Rihanna tune - I actually cannot wait to record it and show you!!

06.01.2022 Something magical happened last night... DorkFit!! We mixed it up, let loose and had such a fun class with a (self proclaimed) hilarious dorky routine. We're going to upload the video soon!! In the meantime, I'm looking to do an ultra sexy routine next, and I need your help on songs! Tell me your favourite sexy songs below! Who knows.. We may even do a DorkFit version for you! L xx

05.01.2022 Class tonight at 7:45pm in Ellenbrook! New routine and I should warn you - I'm going super sexy on it! See you then: 1/24 Comserve Loop at ATI Martial Arts!

05.01.2022 Oh hai Perth!! I'm on the hunt! Looking for a MALE dancer in Perth to take on a new project with me. We are looking to start up a very sexy workshop for couples at any level to reconnect with their spunky lovers and have some fun! But I am in need of a male partner to assist in teaching and choreography. Unless there is a luscious lady that wants to get sexy with and partner up with me..! Haha I don't discriminate! Please tag anyone you know who might be interested! Or if you're a 'hell yas!' for being a student, then give us a high5 below!

04.01.2022 As promised, here's a video of the latest 'dork fit' routine. You know you love it!

04.01.2022 Hey Ya'll! Big one this weekend? Or quiet one on the couch with some Tim Tams? it's ok, I will sort you out. Monday night DanceFit at 7:45pm in Ellenbrook (at ATI Martial Arts - 1/24 Comserv Loop Ellenbrook) and Tuesday night 7pm in Joondalup (at Emerald Club Rooms - 41 Emerald Way Edgewater). Your first class is FREE! $15 casual or $60 for a 6 week pass. Great class to do with your friends or build up your confidence on your own. I can't wait for class - any questions feel free to contact me! Xx Lauren Xx

04.01.2022 Joondalup peeps we have a date tonight! 7pm at Emerald Park Club Rooms - 41 Emerald way, Edgewater. What you need to know: First class is free! $15 per class casual thereafter OR $60 for a 6 week pass A mat or a towel is recommended... Stock up on water! Runners, jazz shoes, no shoes - whatever feels best for you! If you can find your confidence, bring that too - it makes you work harder! :-p See you tonight lovers! xx See more

03.01.2022 Been dusting off the cobwebs and preparing a new warm up routine for a special class tomorrow! Feel free to give it a go at home, it's a load of fun! And.. A-hem.. Apologies for the dorky pants If we get the venue approval tomorrow, DanceFit is back North of the river! And we'll be starting class with this funky number. Feel free to tag and share with anyone you think would like to give this a go!

02.01.2022 Ladies - who is interested in classes on Friday nights around Wembley area?? Fridays used to be the quietest evening for exercising but they are starting to really take off! And is it just me who feels awesome going out on the razz after a workout..!? I feel like the sexiest bitch in town walking the streets of Perth after a sweaty session! Let me know below please!

01.01.2022 Sundayz Shoes: I never normally do shoutouts - but I believe in supporting local Australian businesses and I think this product is super rad! Flipflops... that covert to canvas shoes.... Just genius! If you agree with me then show your support - please take 5 SECONDS to go and like the page!!

01.01.2022 Today is the day Ellenbrook!! I'm so excited to see new and old faces down there 7:45pm at ATI Martial Arts - 1/24 Comserv Loop, Ellenbrook. Get down a little earlier if you can to sign up if you're new! Yay! Xx

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