Danielle Babecki Remedial Massage and Myotherapy in Upwey, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Danielle Babecki Remedial Massage and Myotherapy
Locality: Upwey, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 418 442 064
Address: 3158 Upwey, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.betterbodymyotherapy.com.au
Likes: 188
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25.01.2022 I relate far too much to this Available appointments: This week booked out... Next week Mon 16th 8am Sat 21st 8am Week after booked out ...Week after that Booked out
24.01.2022 Hi everyone, Myotherapy and Remedial Massage is still currently closed as updated via the Myotherapy Association and not included in the Allied Health permitted to work list. My best guess is reopening on the 2nd of November and will be in contact when this is confirmed!
24.01.2022 Ok so Im not great with technology either Now, 5 weeks before Christmas, unfortunately all I have left are these appointments so get in quick or you may have to go on the cancellation list! Sat 14th Dec 8am
23.01.2022 Available appointments October booked out November: 30th 11am
23.01.2022 Ive been following these guys for years, definitely my favourite video theyve made! Make your own drive through McDonalds for your kids while in isolation!
22.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just touching base about the lockdown restrictions as I've had a few people call and text me Thanks to Liz from my association for wording this so it is a little easier to understand!... 'For those that are interested in the state of affairs in Victoria.... Currently the stage 4 restriction for Metro Melbourne has been extended until 27th September. That means NO Remedial or Myotherapy (unless on a care plan and critical). Stage 3 for Regional areas has also been extended (only limited remedial and Myo permitted no relaxation massage). The next phase for Metro Melbourne will hopefully commence 28 September and run until October 25th. It is unclear, but incredibly likely that Remedial Massage and Myo will also be prohibited during this phase. Also, relaxation services will not be permitted in rural areas under this phase still. Depending on numbers, the next phase will be entered on 26th October. That is likely to see the return of Remedial and Myotherapy in Metro Melbourne and Relaxation in Rural areas. Still dependent on numbers, November 23rd may see the return of all massage service (relaxation, home visits etc) in Metro (and rural) areas. All these scenarios may change based on community transmission rates. There is a lot of campaigning going on to allow specific industries to open, but given the risk profile of massage, it is highly likely that our timelines will not change. Please spare a thought for your Victorian colleagues. The light at the end of the tunnel still seems a long way away......' So fingers crossed I can see you all sooner than the 26th of October but we will have to wait and see
21.01.2022 She held her grief behind her eyes like an ocean, and when she leaned forward into the day, it spilled onto the floor, and she wiped quickly at it with her foot and pretended no one had seen. (Credit storypeople.) Id been holding off posting anything because I couldnt bring myself to do it the last few days.... With stage 4 restrictions in place for the next 6 weeks, I have to close my practice, again for the 3rd time this year. ***Allied Heath clients can only be seen for face to face treatment with a referral from a GP or hospital or are part of a referral system such as NDIS or a chronic pain care plan.*** After already having to cancel all my elderly home care package and home visit massage clients, unfortunately this means 99% of my clients will have to wait 6 weeks or until stage 4 is lifted. Im tired. Not in a need to sleep for the day tired but a my soul is tired way. Anyone out there who owns their own business and has been affected by covid, I see you. I hear you. Our business is our baby, we pour our heart, soul and energy into it, trying to keep our head above water when you cant offer anything online and you see everyone else working from home in their pjs or still allowed to drive to a physical workplace....i really do understand how heartbroken you feel. Your job matters, and your business matters. Im sending all my love to you. And unfortunately saying things like youll be right or its only 6 weeks doesnt help, even though you may feel its encouraging. You want to make us feel better? Wear your mask, dont hang out with your mates or extended family in secret, stay 1.5m apart, order as much as you can online and get it delivered. Dont look for loopholes. Because the longer people dont follow the rules, the longer myself and my other small business and sole trader friends have to suffer. In 6 weeks time, it will be 20 weeks of no work so far for the year and 4 weeks working but not reaching minium wage. I.am.tired. Sorry for the long post, most of my clients dont even have my facebook page added or even have a mobile phone for that matter, but if a fellow business may stumble across this, please know its ok to be mad/sad/relieved/frustrated and all of the above emotions right now. Much love Danni
21.01.2022 Hey guys, guess who got a new job while the business is closed?! Meeee! Ill be working for the councils cleaning and disinfecting public spaces! Not exciting, but now essential For those who also have lost their jobs, follow this link to apply! Once applied, you download the Sidekicker app that sends jobs through. Anything essential that you prefer from working remotely in orchards fruit picking, to warehouse work, cleaning, admin work, aged care work, delivery driving etc.... I managed to nab the first job I applied for! (Little bummed my iso is over more quickly than I wanted but didnt want to pass up the opportunity!) Now we can keep our $ kitty for house renovations and not for me to be a stay at home as a lady of leisure (also I applied Centrelink 3 weeks ago, still nothing, so this is a much better option!) Hope everyone is doing ok x https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1966481950162382&id=1239428076201110
18.01.2022 Our wonderful is this! Such a clever young kid! If anyone has a 3D printer, you can help our Healthcare workers out with this too!
18.01.2022 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sqgtofnRXTI Nice little video made by my association. Missing all of you. Hopefully not too much longer now!
18.01.2022 Lol! Im Pain Boss seems appropriate
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, Hold tight, we are waiting to hear from our associations if/when we can reopen! Remedial Massage and Myotherapy is a bit of a grey area, because in the 1st lockdown we were classified under 'Allied Health' and we given the green light to continue working. In the 2nd lockdown we were not included in Allied Health but under 'Personal Services' instead so had to stop treatments. At this stage Dan Andrews saying Allied Health can reopen with no restrictions, we are s...till unsure if that includes us, or if we will be able to reopen from the 2nd of November. Also my guess is home visits are not included until the 2nd of November. Hopefully we have news by tomorrow and I will be in contact with everyone ASAP to book you all back in! See more
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, As you have heard the good news, Remedial massage and Myotherapy can return from Wednesday 28th October! Appointment times will remain the same: 9am, 11am, 130pm, 330pm, 530pm mon-thur and 730pm appointments on tue and thur nights only. Saturday appointments available 1st and 3rd sat of month.... Home visits have not been announced until tomorrow so am not taking bookings for them yet and I will need to check with my association. Also, I am currently 15 weeks pregnant so may be reducing hours over the next few weeks and the home visits if I'm finding it too much! I will not be taking on any new clients, so I can fit in all my regular clients first, and there is a huge backlog as you can imagine! Please note you will still be required to wear your mask for the entire length of your appointment at this stage. Hope to see you all soon
17.01.2022 definitely a realist! OCTOBER APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE: Wed 30th 9am
15.01.2022 #supportsmallbusiness Due to my page not getting much action for the next...maybe 6 months, Id like to use it as a platform for helping support small businesses, links and resources to help those who have lost income, online links to things to do from your home, lists of businesses offering take away options and any other useful things I can find. In a time of crisis, we need to come together and be resourceful, helpful and be proactive. My first post is in support of ment...al health. We all come from different walks of life, all different backgrounds and all cope with change differently. Every thought of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, anger is completely normal. Nicola Lane, one of my clients is offering very very low cost online or phone appointments to look after your mental health at this time. Shes funny, witty, and so easy to open up to. Here is a little about her and how to get in contact "I come from a hypnotherapy and counselling background, and Im also a practising psychotherapist, EMDR & trauma therapist, somatic therapist, resource therapist (ego state therapy) life coach and Counsellor. Corona Virus - Spreading facts, not fear. You can access therapy services online for immediate help, whether you are in isolation or not. Coronavirus is changing our world right now and the way we live it. Many people are feeling anxious, fearful, stressed or overwhelmed. Many out there may not be exposed to the fact that there is the help they need, online or in person, for anxiety, worry, fear, phobias, panic attacks, overwhelm, depression, trauma, PTSD, quitting cigarettes, weight loss, binge drinking or alcohol addiction and many other presenting issues. Appointments can be booked online or attended in person. Online platforms such as zoom or Skype are used for your online telemed appointments, which can be accessed anywhere around the globe! This is the very time many people really need help, who are experiencing feelings of fear, worry, anxiety, overwhelm, isolation or depression... Im an Aussie therapist who can literally help those in need anywhere around the world!" You can call me directly on 0409 185 551 or send an email to [email protected].
15.01.2022 Hi everyone, It has been with much deliberation that I have decided to close my books to any new clients for the next few months so I can look after my current clients, as well as my own wellbeing. Things may change in the future but for now, thank you for understanding my decision as it wasnt an easy one. Danni
15.01.2022 Anyone else feel like its not Christmas yet? I havent heard Mariah Careys All I Want for Christmas is You on the radio yet, and Love Actually hasnt played 3 times on TV yet BUT Im having cancellations left right and centre at the moment so if youd like to go on the cancellation list, let me know! Available appointments before Christmas Thur 5th 12pm
15.01.2022 *Shared from a community facebook page* "UNEMPLOYED due to the VIRUS ? Or have a HEALTH CARE CARD ?... How to get $1300 plus to pay for energy or water bills. You may not be aware that the Victorian government has a Utility Relief Grant available to low-income Victorians experiencing unexpected hardship i.e. unemployment, unpaid holidays. This is not charity but an entitlement for Victorians in hardship. The grant does not have to be repaid. You can apply for up to $650 per utility every two years. If your bill is less than that if you wait till you are billed a second time your outstanding may exceed the $650. If you have a bill for $400 that is the maximum you will receive. You can apply for up to $650 for each, Elec, Gas & Water. You phone your energy provider and tell them you would like to apply for a Utility Relief Grant for your Electricity (each service must be applied for separately) they will send a simple form for completion. Your provider will not demand further payment until the grant is in place. Payment is made directly to your provider. If you have electricity only you can apply for up to $1300. This scheme is not new but in the current situation best to apply asap." Hope this helps my fellow non-essential workers and those struggling at this time! Danni x
15.01.2022 Which one are you?
15.01.2022 Sorry on the lack of posting, but Ive been so booked with such a long wait list, Ive had nothing to offer! (Yes I have home panadol and handbag panadol ) Available appointments: Next week booked out... Following week booked out Mon16th 830am Tue 17th 530pm Wed 18th 9am Thur 19th 9am
14.01.2022 You all do it dont lie Available appointments: Wed 7th 1130am... Following week booked out Tue 27th 730pm
12.01.2022 Hi everyone, just a quick post as I have had a few people ask if Im open again. In short, no not yet. Our industry is a mess. Theres no other way to put it. Massage was stopped in Victorias stage 3 lockdown on March 26th. I closed my doors voluntarily 2 days before the governments decision. Then therapists were unsure on directive as they believed the government lobbied us in with massage sex workers. We have 4 main associations that look after Remedial Massage Therapi...sts and Myotherapists. My association strongly advised everyone to stay closed and remain closed until it is safe to practice again. The other 3 associations came together and fought for all states to reopen Remedial Massage and Myotherapy. If you want to be technical, yes Remedial Massage and Myotherapy is now allowed in all states again, including Victoria. (Tas and SA TBC) BUT theres been no clear directive from there. My association has rung the Department of Health, and WorkSafe Vic. To safely practice we have been told to wear full PPE (personal protective equipment eg masks, gowns, gloves, glasses) and change between each client. Everything in entire room to be disinfected between clients and to have extra long gaps. Leaving windows and doors open for adequate ventilation. Treatments should only be for specific injuries, ie no relaxation massage. At the moment, my association is forming A Biosecurity Planning Committee They will be responsible for: 1. To monitor national and international data on COVID19. 2. To monitor the emerging body of evidence around the transmission vectors for COVID19, and precautionary measures taken to control the spread. 3. To monitor national and state measures within Australia to control COVID19 infections, including social distancing, sentinel testing and contact tracing. 4. To develop infection control and hygiene protocols and policies that minimise the transmission of COVID19 in the massage therapy clinical context. 5. To develop client screening procedures and policies that minimise the risk of harm to vulnerable communities arising from asymptomatic transmission of COVID19 6. To develop an overarching framework to guide a return to practice. So, until I have a very strong plan for returning for work to cover everyone legally and so I know I can sleep soundly every night, unfortunately you have to wait a little longer. I miss you all terribly but you and your family members lives are everything to me and I would never put any of that at risk. Hopefully I see you all in the coming weeks. Sending my love.
12.01.2022 Hi everyone, I will be back at work on Mon 8th June. There will be a few new restrictions to follow, as per the Vic Department of Health. I have a covid-19 plan written as per risk assessment undertaken thanks to my Massage and Myotherapy associations Biosecurity Hazard Team.... Its such things as spacing of appointments so I have time to disinfect and air out the room, changing cleaning products so now I will only using ViraClean. (The only hospital disinfectant labelled by the medical board as being able to kill Covid-19.) My treatment room has been stripped of all non-essential items, disposable facecovers on my NEW table and masks available for myself or you to wear at your request. There will be screening carried out with your confirmation text and a covid-19 form to fill out each time you come in and you will be required to disinfect your hands before and after your treatment. Theres much more but I wont bore you with it. If you are interested in my new protocols, please let me know and I can email it to you, otherwise, along with new Covid-19 signage it will be displayed in my clinic room. All you need to know for now is, available appointments: Mon, tue, wed, thur times 9am, 11am, 130pm, 330pm, 530pm. Only Tue and Thur have 730pm appointments available now. 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month available, with next date being 20th June. Times may shuffle a little bit to fit in home visits. Hope to hear from you all soon. Thank you for everyone that reached out to me in the last 3 months, I appreciate every single message and thought. Dad passed on the 22nd of May and I appreciate the time you have given me to grieve xx Danni
12.01.2022 An act of kindness, respect and for me, a duty of care for clients. All clients are asked to wear masks during their treatment too, if this is something youre not comfortable with, it is best we reschedule your appointment to when restrictions are lifted and things are a little safer around here. Stay safe everyone!
10.01.2022 30 days until Aaron and I get married and jet-set off for our honeymoon for 3 weeks! My final day of work is Tue 3rd March and I return to work Mon 30th of March. With only 3.5 weeks left until I finish work, I am now FULLY BOOKED, but please feel free to let me know if youd like to be added to the cancellation list!
09.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just touching base about the lockdown restrictions as Ive had a few people call and text me Thanks to Liz from my association for wording this so it is a little easier to understand!... For those that are interested in the state of affairs in Victoria.... Currently the stage 4 restriction for Metro Melbourne has been extended until 27th September. That means NO Remedial or Myotherapy (unless on a care plan and critical). Stage 3 for Regional areas has also been extended (only limited remedial and Myo permitted no relaxation massage). The next phase for Metro Melbourne will hopefully commence 28 September and run until October 25th. It is unclear, but incredibly likely that Remedial Massage and Myo will also be prohibited during this phase. Also, relaxation services will not be permitted in rural areas under this phase still. Depending on numbers, the next phase will be entered on 26th October. That is likely to see the return of Remedial and Myotherapy in Metro Melbourne and Relaxation in Rural areas. Still dependent on numbers, November 23rd may see the return of all massage service (relaxation, home visits etc) in Metro (and rural) areas. All these scenarios may change based on community transmission rates. There is a lot of campaigning going on to allow specific industries to open, but given the risk profile of massage, it is highly likely that our timelines will not change. Please spare a thought for your Victorian colleagues. The light at the end of the tunnel still seems a long way away...... So fingers crossed I can see you all sooner than the 26th of October but we will have to wait and see
08.01.2022 And thats a wrap for 2019! Now Im enjoying my staff Christmas party Thanks for all your support, this year has been my busiest yet. I couldnt have done it without you! Weve had a lot going on this year behind the scenes, next year hopefully I get to stop and smell the roses a little more after our wedding and honeymoon in March! See you all in 2020! I will post Januarys availability soon! ... X See more
08.01.2022 Lets do a check-in, friends. How are you? Im doing great Im okay Im meh... Im very worried/anxious Im exhausted Things are tough, Im struggling Im having a hard time and wouldnt mind if someone reached out to me Im in a really dark place If you need something, say something. Feel free to message me, Im always hear for a chat and to help in any way I can. Youre surrounded by people who care. You are not complaining or burden... we all need help and support sometimes. Well get through this together xx Me?
07.01.2022 Just for anyone with any questions on restrictions at the moment. Stay safe everyone! #stayhome
07.01.2022 Because facebook is trash and depressing lately, please turn the sound up and watch this. It melted my cold icy heart
06.01.2022 Hi to everyone in facebook land! My Massage and Myotherapy policy has first and foremost been "do no harm". With no hesitation my business is closed until further notice. All future massage bookings have been cancelled.... Please tell me how Massage and Myotherapists can practice at 1.5 metres away from you? Anyone that claims by simply cleaning the room between clients is being nothing but selfish when we all need to band together and STAY HOME. (Schomo you should be ashamed of yourself for saying its still ok) Massage therapy is non-essential 80% of my clients are elderly. Theres no way to guarantee anyones safety at this time with the spread of this virus and some people showing no symptoms. The more people that stay at home and use social distancing and isolation, the less this virus will spread and the faster we can go back to normal. Please, do your bit and dont be an arsehole about it. As for me, Ill be in the sunshine gardening, reading, cleaning, and spending some time looking after me. This too shall pass xx
06.01.2022 As someone that lives in a bushfire prone area my heart aches. As an empath, everytime i scroll through my facebook, all i see is bushfire posts. Its a buzzing bee inside my head all day. I had family that nearly lost their home in NSW. As someone that has had to battle home insurance this past year and its still ongoing, I know those that have lost everything will be waiting years before homes are restored. All the food banks around me are full. But good thoughts and praye...rs arent going to do anything to those that need to rebuild and have to wait. Thoughts and prayers wont send supplies to the animals needing to be saved or firefighters that need more equipment. I need to do more. Thats why for the month of January 10% of every massage booked I will be donating to help. Ive never done something like this before but its the very least I can do for now. One day, I might be on the other end and need the help. #weareone Available appointments January 2020 Booked out! Please contact me for next available appointments!
06.01.2022 Heres some meerkats playing in a ball pit. That is all
05.01.2022 Just to confirm, the masks I wear are medical grade. A quick, effective way of checking if your mask is going to be keeping you or others safe, is to check if anything can go through it. A quick spray of deodorant shows how any droplets are contained in my mask. Handy way to check if buying or selling home made masks too
03.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just a quick post to let you know Remedial Massage and Myotherapy is allowed during Stage 3 restrictions. I have rung and spoken to Yarra Ranges Councils Health Officer who spoke to DHHS on my behalf and have written consent to continue working from my home based clinic room as it has separate entrance and bathroom facilities. All my home visits, elderly and vunrable clients have been cancelled until after the lockdown. If you need an appointment, I am open to t...hose who need it as an emergency basis on Mondays and Tuesdays for existing clients only. Extremely high practice of disinfection to continue with my screening process, I will also make judgement whether I close completely if Yarra Ranges and surrounding suburb covid-19 numbers continue to rise. Please stay safe everyone. I really do understand how mentally exhausting this is to go through it all a second time
03.01.2022 Today marks 1 year since my 1st day of going full time for myself. 1 year ago I was absolutely shitting myself, thinking Id made the biggest mistake and nothing was coming together. I thought Id lost 80% of my client base. I thought, if it doesnt work out, I can always get a second job at coles or something. The reality is, I dont even have time to even shop at coles now Im still a bit dumbfounded how its completely snowballed. I went to having 3 home care package c...lients with 2 providers to now over 50+ with 6 provider contracts. Im fully booked every week with a waitlist. Im busier now than when I was with my old job. I work stupid long hours. Ive had to sacrifice a bit. But I love every moment of it. Ill admit, Ive been lazy with my advertising. You guys all did it for me by simple word of mouth and me just being me. I can never repay the kindness. All i know how to do is work hard and give you the best treatment i can. Even if it means Im telling you off So heres to all of you (and so many that dont even have facebook!) that have made my pipe dream become a reality. Im truly touched and look forward to the next year and what it has in store. Thanks for the laughs, the tears, the lessons, the stories. Thanks to you Xxx See more
02.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/JamesMerlinoMP/videos/223467462232803/ With school starting next week and most kids being at home, here is the latest update from the government for the information. Also, I thought for anyone struggling with home schooling (I hear the best advice is dont beat yourself up over it!) ABC me is running school programs on the tv if this helps anyone out!... Great site to follow with apps/websites and advice to download for your kids is ABC Education
01.01.2022 Hi everyone, I had grand plans of returning late this week part-time, but 3 days ago my dad after a few weeks in hospital is now in stage 4 of his cancer and has been diagnosed palliative. So Ill be spending as much time as I can visiting him as we are not sure how long he has left, whether it be a mere few days or a couple of weeks. Thanks for all your ongoing support and I will be in touch when I will return to work Danni x
01.01.2022 Puppy hating his medicine
01.01.2022 "Transform into a couch" Yes I have for a bit! But I got organised today and sorted out my diary for Jan and Feb next year so you can start booking in! Available appointments January 2020... Thur 16th 730pm Mon 20th 730pm Tue 21st 730pm Thur 23rd 8am, 530pm or 730pm Tue 28th 730pm Wed 29th 530pm or 730pm Thur 30th 8am, 330pm, 530pm, 730pm See more
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