Dani Loxton Yoga Lifestyle in Mildura, Victoria | Yoga studio
Dani Loxton Yoga Lifestyle
Locality: Mildura, Victoria
Address: Thirteenth st 3500 Mildura, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.daniloxton.com
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25.01.2022 Quick fact. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: The sympathetic nervous system (well known as the ‘fight or flight response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and relax response). From a physiological point - the full, deep belly breathing we practice in prenatal yoga promotes the function of the parasympathetic nervous system. The body responds to this by slowing the heart rate and decreasing blood pressure while increasing the release... of endorphins. Basically, regular prenatal yoga reduces stress... during pregnancy & birth. Less stressed mama = less stressed Bebe. Restorative prenatal W E D N E S D A Y 6:00 - 7:00 pm See more
24.01.2022 Quando alguém me pergunta: Por que Yoga para o parto... #doulayoga
24.01.2022 She ebbed and flowed. She stretched... and arched... and opened. She learnt how to surrender Amazing words & incredible capture both from @catfancote.capturingbirth Prenatal yoga Wednesdays 6:00pm & Sundays 10:30am, a safe place to practice & prepare
22.01.2022 & Congratulations, you’re on your way! You’re as prepared as you can be for the act of birth. But even when you’re armed with litres of homema...de labor aid, inspirational items for the birthing room, a crack support team, and some pain-management techniques, keep in mind that giving birth still required a massive amount of trust and surrender. You must believe in your bodies ability to bring your baby into the world, tapping into the circle of power created by each woman who has done it before you. And once you have become a mother, or a mother agin, you will discover that the first forty days with your baby- and beyond- require the same trust and surrender. . . . by Heng Ou @thefirstfortydays @shelovedfiercephotography via @raisedgood See more
22.01.2022 Isn’t it weird how something as simple as a yoga practice can gift you with this intimate relationship with yourself. With your body and your mind. It can aid in developing a deeper intuition that will report what your body needs and how to heal and serve it best. Take some time to soften into this space. Settle into your breath, move freely, ask yourself what you need. Is it stillness, connection, challenge? Ask yourself and then listen. ... S L O W F L O W m o n d a y 6 : 3 0 p m Not suitable for pregnancy or early postpartum. Created for women, mothers and those on their fertility journey (especially for follicular and ovulation phases) See more
21.01.2022 Yes! This Knowledge is power my friends. In everything you do, even birth.
19.01.2022 W E L C O M E I N T R O O F F E R Join ALL sessions during your first fortnight (that are suitable) for only $15 SLOW FLOW - Monday 6:30pm PRENATAL RESTORATIVE - Wednesday 6:00pm... UNWIND - Wednesday 7:15pm POSTNATAL & BABES - Thursday 11:30am PRENATAL STABILITY - Sunday 10:30am Book now in Mindbody (Dani Loxton Yoga). *Only valid for new clients. *valid for 14 days after your first visit. *pregnancy suitable classes are - prenatal restorative, prenatal stability flow, & unwind. *slow flow is not suitable for very early postpartum. *postnatal & babes is from 6 weeks old - crawling. *unwind, an evening session suitable for ALL women and ALL levels. Please contact me if you have any questions
18.01.2022 Snug as a bug in a rug. Some babes enjoy the space for sleep. Some enjoy the echo of the room to explore new sounds. Some feed off the vibrations, and connect so deeply with mum & others love to chill with me. What ever the day, what ever the mood, what ever the night you’ve had before, mums & bubs will be for you & what you need.... There’s no need for silence. There’s no need for perfection. But there is a need for flexibility in our practice, surrendering to what’s happening around us... for a supportive community and incredible mamas. Postnatal & babes Thursday’s 11:30am See more
16.01.2022 You have everything you need inside of you already to give birth. It’s not something that needs to be taught. Because you already know mama. That power, that strength, that intuition is within you. Look at this birthing goddess @thesimplefolk_ ... @catfancote.capturingbirth See more
16.01.2022 N E W C L A S S S C H E D U L E Starting March 3rd! Slow flow - Monday 6:45am - 7:45am Restorative Prenatal- Wednesday 6:00pm -7:00pm ... Unwind - Wednesday 7:15pm - 8:15pm Postnatal & babes - Thursday’s 11:30am -12:15pm Prenatal Stabilise flow - Sunday’s 10:30am - 11:30am For full class descriptions check out the website - Daniloxton.com R e s t o r a t i v e P r e n a t a l A slow and cozy practice. Giving you the opportunity to bask in the gentle rest and relaxation, designed to relieve lower back pain, ease tension, release stress and anxiety as well as practice relaxation and breathing techniques. S t a b I i l i s e P r e n a t a l Incorporates movement to both strengthen and release in areas needed to help alleviate any aches or pains, but also build the strength in the mind and body for birth. P o s t n a t a l & B a b e s Postnatal sessions (with the babes) are designed to nurture and strengthen you during your postpartum stage while building a (or continuing your) supportive, healing and loving community. Recommended age for babes starts at 6-8 weeks old all the way up to pre crawlers. (postnatal 6 week check up is required) S l o w F l o w With attention to the breath and fluid movement in this feminine practice, you’ll warm up and wake up with Sun Salutes and flow through a skillful sequence that then allows you allows you time to connect deeply to your breath and stay in postures long enough to become acutely aware of their sensationsand maybe even break a sweat. Explore the subtleties of both effort and ease as you learn to move more mindfully and softly. U n w i n d An evening session suitable for all women. A session to settle in, connect with yourself, your breath and then release, unwind and let go in this femiine restorative style class. Long-held restorative postures may allow your muscles to relax, your heart rate to lower, and your nervous system to let go. Quiet your mind, relieve aches and soothe your soul in tranquil sessions that leave you refreshed. *Unwind is also pregnancy suitable, however not pregnancy focused. So if you’re unable to attend the 6pm prenatal restorative you are more than welcome to join the 7:15pm unwind session as we will still be practicing relaxation techniques that will benefit you during your pregnancy & birth (& mother hood ) All classes available for bookings NOW on mindbody
15.01.2022 These oils blends are specifically designed to help soothe and relax during labour and the active phases of birth. They compliment the relaxation techniques we are learning in our hypnobirthing classes. The aim of the game is to be a CHILLED OUT MAMA! I can’t wait to start using these oils in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy and during labour. Hubby is gonna be an essential oil hypno birthing master by the end of it - @dearest_babyk on the Essential Birthing Kit. She... knows what’s up! @dearest_babyk is absolutely correct in saying these oils compliment relaxation techniques you may be practicing during your pregnancy (hypnobirthing, calm birth). I personally use the CALM spray for my ladies during our restorative prenatal yoga practices as well as during guided visualisations/meditations. This way, when they use it during their birth, they find their way back to the safe space they carved out for themselves in class. It’s also so important to get your partner on board. Have them study the information booklet and they’ll easily become an essential oil master See more
14.01.2022 Dads, we see you. Because it’s not just her birth storyit’s your birth story too. We see the worry in your eyes, we see the strength in your arms, and we’re co...ntinually moved by the gentleness of your love. We watch you hold hands, catch babies, pray for miracles, pace halls, jump in birth tubs, apply counter-pressure, cut cords, and melt into a puddle as soon as you hold your child in your arms. Thank you for all that you do. This is what being a man looks likethis is what fatherhood looks like. And it’s beautiful. Can't help but cry at this beautiful video by Birth Becomes Her. <3
13.01.2022 It’s taken us a long few years to get the studio open for classes, and I’m so grateful that the day is finally here to be able to add new classes to the schedule and utilise such a beautiful space (check out the Facebook page or website for class schedule) The ladies who had been visiting my classes in the past have been well aware of the time and effort that’s gone into the studio and all of the work that is yet to go into our home. If you’re only just coming across me... ...you may not. Now that our little studio baby is completed (because that was my priority ) it’s time for the house, our home. So a quick warning - There will be lots of work commencing on the house in the coming months (so there's some safety fencing etc.). Not an issue; however, when entering the property- just follow the clearly marked path and classes will run as normal.
11.01.2022 A belated Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there! A special thanks to all the beautiful women who have shared their pregnancy journey with me over the past year I hope your day was surrounded by those who love you unconditionally! It truely is the greatest love story of your life
10.01.2022 Pregnant? Start with The Three Principles of Spinning Babies
09.01.2022 Last weekend I was lucky enough to attend the @spinningbabies workshop (it was even worth having to travel on Mother’s Day!) I was so excited to see that a lot of the ‘daily essentials*’ suggested are those we already practice in our prenatal yoga class Making space for babe to get into an optimal position is often overlooked (& sometimes not understood all that well either), babe needs to be more than just head down... but I won’t get into that now (MIND BLOWN. SO MUCH T...O SHARE!) However, I’m so keen to bring my new learned skills into class. By creating balance in the body, removing tightness, tension but also slackness - we hope to be able to get babe to turn/stay head down, settle into your pelvis and also be free to rotate during labour *& yes, daily essentials means more than just practicing once or twice a week in class, take your practice home* @yogaprints See more
07.01.2022 While your yoga practice may change during pregnancy (or a lot of the time, it’s just the beginning of it), there still remains this beauty and grace. Maybe even more so than before. Our practice allows us to deepen the relationship with our body & breath, which is the ultimate birth preparation... and our mindfulness offers us a chance to bond with our baby as well as allowing us to find stillness when needed. Prenatal Yoga Sunday 10:30am - Stabilise flow (second and ...third trimesters) Wednesday 6:30pm - Restorative prenatal (Suitable for all trimesters. Those on their fertility journey also welcome) Glowing mama: Naomi Weight
06.01.2022 Snippets of a slow flow self practice play around in super speedy Gonzales time... slow flow is a practice that allows you to move how you need to in that moment. I flow when I’m feelin’ it. Wiggle when I wanna, hold when I need strength and snooze when it’s required S L O W F L O W is now being held Monday’s 6:30pm With attention to the breath and fluid movement in this feminine yoga practice, you’ll flow through a skillful sequence that then allows you time to connect... deeply to your breath and stay in postures long enough to become acutely aware of their sensations. Explore the subtleties of both effort and ease as you learn to move more mindfully and softly. Bookings via MINDBODY.
06.01.2022 You’ve probably noticed I’ve been a tad quiet over here... Not only are we building our family home around working and parenting (can you say stressful?!), I’m also working really hard on building two healthy babes So while at times, things have been a bit chaotic - I’ve tried to force myself to slow down as much as I can (isn’t much), prioritise myself, these babes and even take some time out to capture the absolute beauty of this messy season... Bron is an absolute dream & someone you NEED to have as apart of your team heading into the journey of motherhood, whether it’s your pregnancy and bump or welcoming your babe into this world Essie + Elsie Dani Loxton
03.01.2022 Take a moment to ask yourself what it is you need, both on & off the mat. Is it movement, is it stillness? Is it challenge or surrender? s l o w f l o w M o n d a y s 6 : 3 0 p m... Bookings via mindbody (intro offer available)
02.01.2022 You asked. I’m slowly starting to deliver More classes. Stay tuned...
01.01.2022 Postnatal & babes. A safe space to nurture & strengthen during your postpartum stage in a supportive & loving community of amazing mamas (& an excuse for me to cuddle babes). Michelle Winderlich ... T H U R S D A Y S 11:30am See more
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