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Dan Richard Fitness in Launceston, Tasmania | Sport & recreation

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Dan Richard Fitness

Locality: Launceston, Tasmania

Phone: +61 401 078 779

Address: 23 racecourse cresent 7250 Launceston, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 What no one is telling you about building muscle! - Follow for more muscle building advice @danrichardfitness - Building muscle bloody hard! Especially for us naturally skinny guys. ... - You don’t have to lift ‘big’ to get big. If your goal is muscle leave your ego at the door and actually focus on training the muscle. Focus on the mind muscle connection. - You don’t need to train every day to gain size. 3-4 days is plenty. - You don’t need to destroy your muscles. The goal is to stimulate not annihilate. - And lastly you don’t just need to eat chicken, rice and broccoli... you can enjoy your food and make gains! - If you made it this far thank you!! Send me a message to get a free Ebook (How to gain 5kg of muscle in 1 month) and comment below if you like this style of post. - #goku #musclegain #musclebuilding #dragonballz #dbs #skinnymuscle #skinnytomuscle #strongbody #danrichardfitness #trainharder See more

23.01.2022 For those in the Launceston area! :)

23.01.2022 You’ve got to track it. - If you aren’t tracking then your not improving. - #fitness #bodybuilding #fitnessmotivation #musclebuilding #muscle #strength #strengthtraining #fatloss #danrichardfitness #shred #sixpack #shredded

23.01.2022 I’ll start by saying I have no problem with Olympic lifts. I think their great! But not for basketball players. There are safer and easier ways to get the same benefits without the learning curve and without potential damaging your wrists (bad wrist means you can’t shoot). Instead of doing Olympic lifts try these 3 exercises instead.... 1. Hex bar high pull 2. Hex bar jump 3. Over head med ball throw. Those 3 exercises are very easy to learn and you will get more benefit from them than from Olympic lifts. If your basketball player you need to start training like a basketball player and not like an Olympic lifter, power lifter or body builder. How you train matters. Not all exercises are going to translate to on the court performance. #basketballtas #basketballtasmania #launcestonbasketball #basketball #basketballtraining #basketballneverstops #nbatraining #ausbasketball #danrichardfitness #trainsmart

22.01.2022 Add this to your next back workout if you want a sick pump! - #musclegain #musclebuilding #bodybuilding #musclegrowth #backworkout #backworkouts #workouttips #fitness #onlinecoach #gettingbigger #danrichardfitness #skinnytomuscle

22.01.2022 Decided to do a little test to see where my vert was at. First picture was today and second was a month ago. I’m pretty happy with it considering I haven’t done a ‘proper’ vertical workout for the past month. I’ve been working on getting rid of that jumpers knee. Excited to see where I’ll be next month now that I can do ‘proper’ workouts again. ... The box is around 29.5 inches. So that would put my standing vert just over 30. #launcestonbasketball #basketballtraining #verticaljumptraining #verticaljump #jumpersknee #danrichardfitness #dunk

22.01.2022 Don’t skip on the foundation! One of the biggest training mistakes I see is people skipping or moving from a foundation phase to quick. People are too eager to advance onto next phase of a training program when they aren’t ready(myself included). Which often leads to injury because their body can’t handle that stimulus. The stronger you can build your foundation the more gains you will make when advancing to the next phase. #launcestonbasketball #basketball #basketballtraining #verticaljumptraining #explosivetraining #danrichardfitness

21.01.2022 Sled pulls are in my opinion one of the most powerful and underrated exercise for athletic development and knee health. Great for improving speed, vertical, endurance and durability! Do it with load for 5 plus minutes and improve your mental toughness also! - #atheltictraining #basketballtraining #verticaljumptraining #nbatraining #athleticmuscle #basketballconditioning #kneehealth #dunktraining

20.01.2022 It’s simple. - #musclebuilding #muscle #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitnesseducation #danrichardfitness #onlinecoach #shred #shredded #abs #sixpack

19.01.2022 Mine would be don’t ego lift and use full range of motion! What would yours be? Let’s hear it below

19.01.2022 How you workout matters. - You need to make your workouts game specific. If you can’t think of how an exercise will help your on court performance the you should probably change it. - Here I’m working my overall core but more specifically I’m working on those anti rotational muscles that you would use when defending someone on the post or trying to back someone down. ... - Make your workouts game specific and watch your on court performance and athletic ability improve! #basketball #launcestonbasketball #basketballtraining #basketballneverstops #nba #nbatraining #nbl #basketballperformance #danrichardfitness

18.01.2022 Awesome work @samiec91 keep crushing your workouts and nutrition! :) - #fitness #fatloss #fatlosscoach #onlinecoaching #shred #shredded #strengthtraining #fitnessmotivation #gettingresults #danrichardfitness

18.01.2022 4 ways to make progress in the gym - Struggling to make progress in the gym? Try one of these 4 techniques - These are all forms of progressive overload. If your not pushing yourself to get better in the gym how can you expect your body to change? ... - The goal is to train harder than last time. That could be 1 extra rep, 1 extra kilo, better form, more time under tension. There are lots of ways to improve. - #musclegain #musclebuilding #skinnymuscle #skinnytostrong #skinnytofit #skinnytomuscle #leangains #progressiveoverload #danrichardfitness #getbettertoday See more

16.01.2022 What’s one benefit you would add? - #musclegain #musclebuilding #health #skinnymuscle #skinnytomuscle #danrichardfitness #bodybuilding #skinnytostrong #muscle #musclemass

15.01.2022 Great exercise for someone dealing with jumpers knee. - Wall sit soleus raises. Great way to kill two birds with one stone strengthening both the quads with the wall sit and the soleus (lower calf) with the heel raises. - Even if you don’t have any knee problems great one to add in to make yourself even more durable. Build yourself from ground up!... - #basketballtraining #launcestonbasketball #explosivetraining #verticaljumptraining #jumpersknee See more

15.01.2022 This is something I wish I took more serious when I was younger. I had tryouts with NBL teams and teams in Europe. And they all said you’ve got the skill but your to skinny. I didn’t look the part. I still had great athletic ability (over 40inch vertical jump) but I didn’t look like a pro player. ... Soon after that I was bombarded with injuries and that was it. They looked at me and knew my body wouldn’t hold up. So what does a NBA ready body look like? It has the right amount of muscle to enhance speed, agility, vertical jump. But it also has strong knees and ankles. The best athletes in the world take the time to make their knees and ankles strong! Work from the ground up and build a body that can last!

12.01.2022 How to build muscle without the fat! @danrichardfitness - 1. You don’t have eat a crazy amount of extra calories to build muscle. Your body can only use so much extra calories for recovery before it starts storing it as fat! -... 2. Eat high quality foods. Yes you can still see results eating low quality foods. But I can guarantee you if you focus on eating high quality foods you will see faster and better quality gains! - 3. Progressive overload. In other words, train your arse off! You have to force muscle growth. You have to challenge your body to grow. It won’t change if you don’t put in the work. - 4. Sleep. Sleep and recovery is often neglected but it’s the most important part of the process. The magic happens in your sleep! - #fitness #musclegain #musclebuilding #muscle #musclegrowth #musclegains #bodybuilding #recovery #eattogrow #health #danrichardfitness #skinnytomuscle See more

12.01.2022 3 ways you are leaving your gains on the table. - 1. Following an extreme approach. Extreme approaches aren’t sustainable and don’t create the habits that lead to long term success. You don’t have to give up certain foods or workout 70 hours a week to see results. - 2. Over complicating it. It isn’t complicated get in a calorie deficit, eat protein and strength train.... - 3. Program hop every 3 days. - Listen if you’ve been struggled to lose weight and build muscle I understand. I’ve been there. But if your ready and prepared to: Follow a plan that guarantees results Put in the work Learn how eat so you can still see results without giving up the donuts Ready to invest the time and money into learning the skills needed to not only get lean but how to sustain it. - If your ready send me a dm or go to the link in my bio and book a call. Let’s do this. - #shred #musclegain #musclebuilding #fatloss #fattofitjourney #fitdad #fitness #fitguys #danrichardfitness #online #buildmuscles #shredded #shredding #cosplayfit #cosplayfitness #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #health

10.01.2022 One of my favourite core exercises. Great for building strong and explosive basketballers! if your a basketball player you need to focus on being strong on the court not just in the weight room... #basketballstrong #basketballtraining #verticaljumptraining

09.01.2022 Your health and fitness isn’t an expense. It’s a investment for your life. - Some of the benefits you will get: 1. Improved quality of life 2. Increase quantity of life... 3. Improve productivity at work leading to making more money. 4. Improved mental wellness 5. More energy And many more. A simple google search and you find hundreds of ways your live will improve. - It may be hard to get started. It may be hard to keep the consistency. But it’s worth it and I believe in you! - #fitness #healthyliving #health #fitnessjourney #fitdad #fitgamer #musclegain #musclebuilding #muscle #bodybuilding #danrichardfitness #fatloss #shred #shredding #makemoremoney #improveyourself See more

09.01.2022 Did some filming for online clients today and also some approach/technique work. Was feeling decent so wanted to try a 40 inch box jump while keeping the legs straight. Didn’t quite make it but pretty confident I could clear it with a proper approach. Vertical is feeling good! Just have to work my spring ability. #baskebtall #boxjump #jumptraining #verticaljump #basketballtraining #launcestonbasketball #danrichardfitness

09.01.2022 I remember those days as though they were yesterday. - I was complaining to myself about being one of skinniest guys. I use to wear jackets and jumpers all the time to try and look bigger. - Skinny, insecure and no real confidence.... - So what did I do about it? I spent years and money on books, courses and coaches to try and figure out I could get bigger! - And now despite ‘bad genetics’ for muscle building. I am confident in myself and not afraid of taking my shirt off. - I failed a lot. I had road blocks (injuries). But I kept working my arse off. - I’m still not where I want to be. But I’m a lot closer! - You just need to plug yourself in and do the work! - Comment below what your goal is See more

09.01.2022 One of my favourite go to moves for anybody dealing with jumpers knee. Loaded Spanish squats is a great way to build strength in the quads and tendons without doing more damage to the tendon. Great one to add in the beginning of your lower body days do 3-5 sets of 45 seconds. #basketballtas #basketballtasmania #launcestonbasketball #basketball #basketballtraining #basketballneverstops #verticaljumptraining #verticaljumpworkout #danrichardfitness

08.01.2022 Pretty happy with this considering I did my hamstring a week and half ago. Definitely wouldn’t be able to do a running jump. But happy I can do this despite having virtually no strength in that hamstring. #basketballtasmania #basketball #basketballtraining #launcestonbasketball #verticaltraining #hamstringtear #hamstringrehab #ballneverstops #danrichardfitness

08.01.2022 Sweating does not equal a good workout. Surprised? A lot of people equate sweating with a good workout. Which isn’t always the case. ... Sweating is just the bodies way to regulate temperature. As long as your progressing each workout/week. More reps, sets, weight etc then your having good workouts. Just because you didn’t finish your workout in a pool of sweat doesn’t mean it was a bad workout.

07.01.2022 1. I didn’t track anything! I wasn’t following any meal plans or protocols. Well except for the post workout protein shake that tasted awful! Haha @luke_rado remember those Woolworths protein powders? Don’t make the same mistake download MyFitnessPal and start tracking your food. And stay away from Woolworth brand protein powders haha 2. I don’t mean literally alone. I had a workout buddy. But we didn’t have a coach! We had no plan or idea on how to get better. If I rem...ember correctly we benched every workout... I started seeing the best results when I actually invested in a coach and my own education. So get a coach and you will speed up your results. 3. I wasn’t consistent at all. I would try a different ‘celeb’ workout every session. And then I would stop for a couple weeks because I wasn’t seeing any results! Find a program and stick to it for 2-3 months before trying another one. What mistakes did you make?

07.01.2022 Quick and easy way to test your vertical. All you need is your phone. Record yourself jump and then time from when you leave the ground to when you land. It’s not 100% but I’ve found it to be pretty close! Using this method it puts my running vert of two feet at 38 inches, which I would agree with. ... What’s your current vertical using this method? #launcestonbasketball #verticaljump #verticaljumptraining #verticaljumpworkout #basketballtraining #basketball #nbatraining #danrichardfitness #nbl

07.01.2022 You don’t need to destroy yourself every time you enter the gym. - You don’t need to be so sore you can’t sit down or raise your arms up. - You don’t need to punish yourself with your workouts.... - Sore, tired and sweaty doesn’t mean it was an effective workout. All it means is your sore sweaty and tired... - Workouts are meant to make your life better not worse. - If your killing yourself in the gym and not seeing results maybe it’s time reevaluate the plan... - It doesn’t make a great coach or program to make you tired, sore and sweaty. - Anybody can do that. - But it does take a great coach or program to produce real, visible results. - But in saying that, if your working out right there will be times you are uncomfortable and your muscles will burning but in a safe healthy productive way. - There will be times you want to quit and go home. - There will be times where you will get nervous if you can finish the rep or set. - But that’s good! It means your trying! - Success doesn’t come from avoiding pain. It comes from being persistence, consistency and adjusting to obstacles as they come. - You don’t need to put yourself at risk or push through an injury to see results. You don’t need leave every workout covered in blood, sweat and tears. - But don’t forget the only way to change your body is by challenging it. You don’t need to go 100% everyday. But challenge yourself and see what you can do. - #fitness #fitnessjourney #fatloss #fattofitjourney #musclegain #musclebuilding #fitdad #cosplayfit #fitgamer #danrichardfitness #bodybuilding #health #fitnessmotivation See more

07.01.2022 Do you train your ankles? Strengthening your ankles has huge benefits besides reducing the risk of ankle sprains. It’s a great way to add extra athletic ability. Athletic ability and potential starts from the feet. If your not working your feet or ankles your missing a very important piece of the puzzle! ... #basketballtas #basketballtasmania #launcestonbasketball #basketball #basketballtraining #strengthtraining #verticaljumptraining #danrichardfitness

06.01.2022 Can’t be a coach without some Arnold right? - My favourite rule here is ‘ignore the naysayers’. It’s so important to ignore the negative in life. What’s your favourite rule? comment bellow

05.01.2022 The most capable athlete is the one who can bring their knee furthest over their toe without pain Charles Poliquin. By training through full ranges of motion where the knee is brought as far over the toes as possible (without pain), we can achieve greater angles to use in sports. Here we have Michael Jordan, by bringing his knee dramatically over his toe, he sets his leg in a position where he can blast off his VMO with more speed and power than that of the defender. Jorda...n’s ability to use his VMOs and utilize ridiculous shin angles in his plants and cuts is what made him such a dominant player and athlete. Jordan’s ability to stop on a dime and explode laterally to separate from a defender were two of the largest components of his game. This is why I train athletes through full ranges of motion that bring the knee as far over the toe as we can get them (again without pain). Because by strengthening the VMOs and knees, athletes can unlock more ranges to optimise their athletic skillsets. Success leaves clues.

03.01.2022 @bradwhitchurch smashed the last 16 weeks with online coaching. - Here is a bit of insight to what we did: We spent the first 8 weeks building his base. Specifically working on his back to get the muscles strong enough to protect it so it can withstand the high impacts of jumping and basketball. This took a lot of patience and trust from Brad which I’m grateful for.... After we got his back strong, we got to work on adding some specific movements and training techniques to start working on his explosive power while at the same time making sure we protect his back. We also did some work with his nutrition making sure he hit his protein and calorie goals. He was in a slight deficit throughout the week and upped to maintenance on the weekends which allowed Brad to enjoy his weekends with his family while keeping in a calorie deficit. As he a result he gained over 10 inches on his vertical jump, he is jumping high enough to dunk again and he got to his goal weight. #basketball #basketballtraining #verticaljumptraining #verticaljump #fatloss #musclegain #athletictraining

03.01.2022 This popped up in my FB memories today and put a smile on my face @mlproffitt97 love my job! - If your interested in online coaching DM me and we can get started on creating a personalised plan for you. - #fatloss #fattofitjourney #fatlosscoach #shred #shredding #fitmom #fitness #healthyliving #onlinecoach #danrichardfitness #fitnessjourney #healthy #heathlylife

03.01.2022 Your nutrition has a bigger role in your performance than you think. - Without good nutrition you won’t recover, in fact you could be causing a whole of inflammation and digesting problems that will have a negative impact on your and can cause injury! To improve performance and even fix some inflammation problems (like jumpers knee) focus on eating 90% whole food and make sure your getting at least 2.2g of protein per kg of body weight. ... - Food can help you succeed or help you fail. The choice is yours. #launcestonbasketball #basketball #nutritionforathletes #nutrition #nba #danrichardfitness #verticaljumptraining

01.01.2022 When you neglect your fitness you destroy your potential. - When you feel a sense of pride for the person looking back at your through the mirror, life challenges shrink away. - You will face the world with confidence and determination. Everything else will fall into place.... - Your job, relationships everything will get a boost. - I will provide you with everything you need to take control of your health and fitness. - Take control of your health and fitness and you take control of your life! - #fatloss #fitdad #fitmom #fitness #healthyliving #fitgamer #fitnessjourney #musclegain #musclebuilding #bodybuilding #shred #danrichardfitness #shredded #fitlife #fitnessmotivation See more

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