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Dan Rizzo Health & Wellness Coach | Other

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Dan Rizzo Health & Wellness Coach

Phone: +61 408 009 302


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22.01.2022 D O U G H N U T S ? Yes... Doughnuts! Healthy ones ... ... Tonight on our FREE online Wellness Workshop tune in to hear how we get our clients results with a simple nutrition plan, smart supplementation and healthy treats too! Reach out for the link and don’t miss the goodness we have planned for tonight

21.01.2022 E L E V A T E Who would rather be in Bali than in quarantine?! YEP im with you! But the second best thing you can be doing with your time is joining us over in our Quarantine Elevate Challenge! This takes our 3-Day experience to 21 days of Coaching and support! The nutrition tips, fitness, value and fun that we have cements some great routines and healthy habits that our clients can sustain long term.... Check out Bianca's transformation!! Bianca came runner up in our last 21-Day Women's SHRED category... WOW. She is a busy Mum and works from home around her 3 girls, proving just how simple the plan is when you follow it! Now... who is next for an ISO transformation? Let's do this together! Reach out for more info and pricing. #Elevate #Lifestyle #Transformation *Individual results may vary

20.01.2022 Meet Libby! Libby found our community 6 months ago when she has reached a place of feeling frustrated, heavy and quite simply defeated. She wasn't sure of how to move through these feelings and progress with her health.... Libby started on a 3-Day Kickstart and her journey began. With consistency, be willing to be coached, utilising our community challenges and following her plan... Look at how far she has come! Libby now celebrates feeling amazing, proud of her progress - and motivated to keep going What an inspiration Lib, we can't wait to see where you go next!! Are you ready to create your story? Let's get you set up and do this together. #Kickstart #Health #Lifestyle See more

16.01.2022 A L L I N We just got off the most exciting launch call for our 21-Day Quarantine Challenge! I am so excited to take my own results to the next level during this time - and help all of my clients & the community get the best experience too.... Nutrition, mindset hacks, full home workout sessions, recipes, cooking demos, online workshops... this challenge is fully loaded to help us all find some structure and happiness during the next few weeks. It's not too late to join us... Are you ready to go 'all in' and bust through the quarantine sludge? Hit me up, let's do this together! P.S. Another incredible muscle gain result below from our last challenge... Go Dale!! What a legend!

11.01.2022 R E S U L T S Another inspiring story from our last 21-Day Challenge Kirstyn is only very new to our community, beginning with her 3-Day Kickstart experience last month - and following on to cement some great habits in our 21-Day Challenge... and WOW has she smashed it!... Check out her re-shaping & muscle gain! We are so excited to see where you can go from here Kirstyn Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? It all begins with a 3-Day experience... loads of support from our Coaches, smoothies and energy teas at home, no fasting and plenty of food! Let's do this together - Reach out to get started.

07.01.2022 I S O G O A L S OK week #2 of Iso 2.0! Let's do this... Bored? Frustrated? Tired? ENOUGH! Read on... Reflecting on these past few months has certainly given me some further clarity around my personal goals, my future & what I want to create for myself.... - Health has always been on my priority list, but now even more so - it's imperative. What do you have without your health and the ability to live life to the fullest? - Quality time with my family & friends. Crazy family birthdays, planning a holiday or a simply catch up for a cup of tea. - Giving myself permission to do what makes me happy. Working on my passions and my purpose. No one is going to do this for me, so I am taking responsibility and creating my future myself. It all starts with getting to the point of 'enough is enough'. From there you have the powerful opportunity to make your choices for what ISO 2.0 can give to you.

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