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Darren Chandler Fitness in Warwick, Western Australia | Nutritionist

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Darren Chandler Fitness

Locality: Warwick, Western Australia

Phone: +61 468 842 799


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24.01.2022 When I first got into the gym and training I did it because I was tiny(58kg @ 5 ft 10 ) and wanted to put on some muscle mass.. fast forward 11 years and I find the thought of running myself through a body building style split workout boring...for the last year or two I have struggled with motivation to get myself into the gym and train and solely doing it to keep in shape... Last Friday I went for a casual session at the and absolutely loved it!! Always enjoye...d obstacle courses, playgrounds, and gymnastic type stuff as a kid, so now it's time to commit to the more advanced adult version of it! I signed up for a membership here on sunday and have been everyday since!This gives me more drive towards training then I have had in years! Time to set some goals and start working my ass off to get them done!... BRB becoming a #fullfledgedninja !!

23.01.2022 Do you suffer from lower back pain? When you squat & deadlift do you notice you have a arched back? Lower back feel tight? Check out this small video on an 'Anterior Pelvic Tilt' and a way to start addressing the problem!

23.01.2022 Here's the video for the 10K Calorie Challenge I did a week ago.. Prob not a good idea to watch it if you're hungry To do more eating challenges or not .......

23.01.2022 Getting bored of the same old excercise's ? Hit my Instagram up @darrenchandlerfitness, I will be posting excercises, how to perform them and what there good for multiple times per week.

21.01.2022 Only a week or two of #bulking left and then will be on the diet again. Looking to bring the best conditioning to date.. If you want to follow along with the 3 or 4 month process then keep an eye out for my video logs. Will release one a week with snippets of my diet, training, things I do each week, and show you how flexible and maintainable you can keep the process while still getting results.. Youtube : - if you w...ant to save time checking back for the link subscribe to my channel, will let you know as each video goes live.. Thanks

20.01.2022 CHRISTMAS COMPETITION On my Facebook I shared a video promoting a fundraiser I was going to do, here are the details. @safeperth and I want to give the Animals abit of Christmas love so I have put myself on the line and come up with a challenge. For every dollar raised I will try to burn that amount x 3 in calories in 24 hours(capping it at 10,000 though).... If I am unable to burn the calories I will ad a further $300 of my own funds to the kitty, I will Vlog the day and throw it up on YouTube. . Heres whats In it for you. Every donation, no matter how big or small goes In the draw to win 16x 30 minute PT Sessions, and non @greenzonefit members can win a 1 month free membership. Largest donation will get to train me and put me through my paces for 30 minutes also. To donate either give me cash and I will put it into the Tin at GZ, or you pay online to: .. SAFE PERTH bsb 066192 acc 10288742 .. Please put down Greenzone - full name as reference when donating online so we can track this for the competition. (Message me as well) Fundraiser ends 21/12/2017 Thank you everyone and lets share some Christmas love!!..

19.01.2022 Green Zone Warwick IG@darrenchandlerfitness

19.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME Want to win a return flight to Bali at the time of your choosing? Here's how(read till end) BOOK IN A 30 MINUTE SESSION BETWEEN NOW AND THE END OF SEPTEMBER AT THE DISCOUNTED RATE OF $35 AND GO IN THE DRAW... New Clients: Mention this post and book in at a time we can both agree on Monday-Saturday. Existing Clients: Unfortunately your normal sessions don't count, you would need to book in for an EXTRA $35 session. These can be taken up on a Saturday if needed. Group sessions welcome at $50 for half an hour regardless of the amount of people.(more people, cheaper per person). EVERY SESSION IS AN EXTRA ENTRY, So 20 sessions between now and then would be 20 entry's!.. One more way to gain an entry is sign up to my $9 per week online training. Will be locked in for 8 weeks minimum though. Pass this on to anyone who might be interested, Message me on here or email me on [email protected] if interested. WINNER DRAWN SATURDAY 30th SEPTEMBER T&C's Apply.. Only Available to Greenzone Members.

17.01.2022 I just wanna say a huge congratulations to Emma! She was the winner of my $500 personal training competition 6 weeks ago for sharing my training video. She decided to do 2x 30 minute sessions a week for 5 weeks. At the start we sat down and we came up with a plan for her nutrition, we worked out what calories she needed and created a weekly deficit from there. But what we did differently was made more of a deficit Sunday to Friday which allowed her a 800 calorie treat on the ...Saturday. This sometimes consisted of a few glasses of wine, or some food she couldn't usually fit into her weekday needs. Emma didn't restrict any foods, just portion sizes, most of her food was healthy low calorie foods to help keep fullness up while on a diet (like vegetables etc) but she reckons she had 2-3 square of chocolate a night to keep her cravings at bay, homemade pizzas, and a few other things which aren't considered 'diet foods'. She made it all fit within her daily needs and followed a structured training plan of when and what she was training. In only 5 weeks, while enjoying life and food and still being social, she shed a whopping 4.9kg & 28.5cm in total ! While maintaining strength & driving fitness levels up. Such an awesome effort Emma well done! Emma now has the practicality of flexible dieting down so she can continue to pursue goals and never feel like she doesn't know how to go about getting them. I like to not only train my clients but teach them as well as this is a life long thing, not just a quick fix! Have a good week everyone!

17.01.2022 Topic I wanna touch on quickly that I see a lot of people falling for is not reading food labels properly. People being under the assumption that because something is marked as low-fat instantly makes it a good fat loss food. This is incorrect. Sometimes these products which have low fat have a lot more sugar pumped into them to make them taste good, therefore the calories of the food is the same as the normal non diet version. And when something is low-carb once again it... can also have more fat in it which will result in no less calories. An example of the low fat scenario is yoghurt. Some brands will be better then others but next time you go to buy some, read the nutritional information label and compare the per 100g calories of the low fat and the normal. My guess is it will be quite similar. And a good example of the low carb not being so good is the oh so familiar burger restaurant Grilld .. Now i love this place as much as the next guy but one thing that can be miss leading is there low carb super bun. Now dont get me wrong you might have your own reason for going low carb, but if general fat loss is why you are doing it then you are doing yourself no favours by going the low carb bun. See below: Per 100g: Traditional Bun Calories - 234 Carbs 41.8 Protein 8.1g Fat 2.6g Per 100g: Low Carb Super Bun Calories - 275 Carbs 8.5g Protein 11g Fat 21.2g So as you can see it is lower in carbs but significantly higher in fat which makes up a lot of calories and actually makes it more calorically dense then the normal bun. Its easy just to be told something and believe it especially with nutrition as its a tricky subject, but try to start reading food labels more and you will be surprised what you are actually consuming! (Dont mean to put you on blast Grilld you can sponsor me and i'll eat your burgers everyday and get in shape and show the world its possible!!! Ill be the grilled version of Jarrad from subway!)

16.01.2022 Heres some highlights from the Spartan Race 2017. Completed the Sprint Race and Super Race on the Saturday, then Sunday we competed 'Beast' where I took my go pro and got some footage of a few of the obstacles. Please excuse the shake footage as some of it I was running / trying to balance haha....

16.01.2022 A lot of stuff I throw up fitness related makes it to Instagram but not here(and vice versa) so if you're wanting to learn I suggest following along on Instagram as well. @darrenchandlerfitness More videos and that coming soon

15.01.2022 IT'S COMPETITION TIME AGAIN!!! This time round I'm trying something different. I have partnered up with SAFE Perth - Saving Perth Animals from Euthanasia to come up with a fundraiser. These guys foster Animals and try to find them new homes. All for no profit, so what they do is amazing!... Being that its Christmas I thought we could all share some Christmas love with the Animals that aren't as fortunate as the ones who have caring loving homes. So here's the deal. You can donate straight through to them or bring me cash in the gym and I will put it into a tin. Every donation(be it big or small) gets you in the draw to win 2x 30 minute sessions per week for 8 weeks. And the biggest donation will get to train the trainer Pic to come with all details on how and where to donate, how long the competition is going for and when the prize is drawn etc....just giving the heads up! Have as good week everyone !!

13.01.2022 Why shake diets are stupid, please don't do them people... More small 1 minute knowledge videos dropping over on my Instagram each week @darrenchandlerfitness

12.01.2022 Second Episode is up! In this video... - I go over my initial DEXA scan which gives me a starting point for the cut - I cover how I prepare for a weekend of excess calories and so it won't hinder my results - brutal leg session with fellow PT Russ.. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions! Thanks guys.

12.01.2022 - . WANT TO BE APART OF TEAM DCF ??? . . Looking for more structure in your workouts ? Need more direction but don't want to take up one on one personal training? .... For only $9 p/w I can set you up with a weights plan Taylored to your needs and goals and every 2 weeks check in via email to see how the plan is progressing and make changes as needed.. . Writing a one off plan is fine, but things will eventually plateau or won't progress and changes and adjustments need to be made. So constant monitoring from a coach is your best bet to make sure you keep progressing forward with your training and results. . Can also calorie coach you with an initial set up of calories and macro's to hit, then every 2 weeks adjust calories in regards to weight change and results that are being achieved and new goals for another $9 per week. . DM me on here or send me an email: [email protected] to get started!! . Minimum of 4 weeks with initial start up. . #greenzonefitness #greenzonewarwick #greenzonejoondalup #fitspo #fitness #fitfam #perthfitfam #instafit #motivation #ripped #shredded #gym #fitnessmodel #muscle #bodybuilding #personaltrainer #perth #perthisok #onlinetraining #pt #personaltrainer #coach #onlinecoach

10.01.2022 Took a while due to DEXA scan machine going down and delaying me getting the Scan. But here it is Final episode in the 'Lifestyle Shredding' mini series. Includes the DEXA results and an overview of my cut. Along with a mini hard circuit for you to try! Hope anyone who watches these episodes took something away from them.... And remember any questions don't hesitate to hit me up!

09.01.2022 Here's Episode 6, small snippet of part of the coarse at the Ninja Academy and my attempt at it , and for all you party goers I explain how to have a day / night out and not sacrifice results! Worth a watch if you enjoy a drink from time to time and feel that's your downfall!

09.01.2022 Heres a quick, simple, semi-low calorie dessert option! (high in protein as well!) Next time you want something sweet try this! As it will be more nutrient dense then your standard Ice Cream..

09.01.2022 Posted on my Instagram last night about any questions you might have. If you want me to make a video, or a post about anything you might want to know more about don't hesitate to send through some questions on here or through private messages. Basic or complicated I'll do my best to get an answer back ASAP! Hope everyone's having a good week!

08.01.2022 EPISODE 3... Shorter Episode this time round.... I go over what a normal days worth of food looks like, and then explain how to have a more calorically dense meal when dieting.

08.01.2022 Coming into final couple weeks of my cut. Usually post an Ep of the 'Lifestyle Shredding' between Monday-Wednesday but this is going to be the final episode, need a few more days to get the DEXA scan footage and everything and incoperate all that into this final video of the mini series Will post this weekend!

07.01.2022 PHOTO ON LEFT: Start of March, sitting at 69.5kg.... PHOTO ON RIGHT: Current Physique, sitting at 81kg.... Have been on a lean mass gain phase for the last 19 weeks. Started off with my calories at around 2600 and as my body adapted and I got heavier slowly increased them and am now eating roughly 3500-3700 calories per day which only has me in a slight surplus..... During the course of the 19 weeks, on average I was gaining 600g a week. Have noticeably gained a little bit of fat in the process along with gains in muscle, but It doesn't worry me as I know how to get rid of it..and it's currently winter so not exactly walking around shirtless .. I don't believe in 'dirty bulking' as it just adds unnecessary fat you are going to battle to loose down the track. So if you are gaining upwards of 600g a week I seriously suggest cutting your calories back a tad.. Going to stay in a surplus for 3 more weeks and try to gain a couple hundred more grams of lean muscle tissue and am then going to start a cut in which I intend to get slightly leaner then the left photo but be hopefully 3-4kg's heavier. Will start slow at around 3000 calories and adjust as needed. No cardio just yet will save that for down the track a bit when things start slowing down. Gotta keep a few tricks up your sleeve.. During the course of the cut I intend on making weekly vlogs showing how I eat, ways I train, and how I stay on track, and being flexible but while still getting results..these will be uploaded to my YouTube channel which I will promote in an upcoming post. So feel free to follow along and see how you go about getting down to low levels of body fat! Hope everyone has an amazing week!!

07.01.2022 . ... !!! GREENZONE MEMBERS !!! ... . CHEAP PERSONAL TRAINING... SMALL GROUP TRAINING WITH WEIGHTS AND MACHINES!...... $80 FOR THE HOUR, MORE PEOPLE THE CHEAPER IT GETS P/P... - - Tired of classes? Progress in the gym stagnated? Maybe look into doing more weights rather then all cardio.. - 915am Thursday offering an hour for a small group to train , 2-6 People...Available to any fitness level, goals etc... - Send me a Direct Message or flick me through a text on 0468842799 if you're interested! - #greenzonefitness #greenzonewarwick #greenzonejoondalup #greenzone See more

07.01.2022 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED DONATE TOWARDS THE SAFE PERTH FUNDRAISER !!! We managed to raise $472 to help go towards the Animals and giving them a brighter Christmas A special thanks to Karen & Steve with the biggest donations! Will have to sort out a time to have a training session! I will make sure I burn the 1400+ calories in that one session for the amount raised ... And also congratulations to Mardy & Paula who won the PT sessions!! Will be in touch to sort this out and get started in the new year! Once again thank you everyone! And if I dont see you before Monday have a Merry Xmas and be safe !!

07.01.2022 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Congratulations to Louise Cowan who won the return flight to Bali! Will be in touch to organise this with you ! Will be posting another competition soon so keep an eye out ;)... Have a good weekend guys!

06.01.2022 Episode 5's Online... In this one: - how to log calories into tommorows intake if you spill over or get caught out - weight fluctuations and using the scales to determine fat loss - Cheat meals explained, good and bad.... And a small bit of footage from The Ninja Academy. **any ideas for videos let me know !***

06.01.2022 BATTLE OF THE DIETS PART # 9 Flexible Dieting Like I said yesterday this will be a lengthy post, as it is the dieting protocol im most passionate about and believe to be the most optimal way to diet....Continue reading

04.01.2022 Make sure you listen to your body... Waking up with sore joints and other aches and pains? Lacking the motivation to get up and train even though you have been smashing it day in day out in the gym? This is a sign of a much needed rest day! or even rest week! With heavy weights training, it can be good to take upto a week off every 6-12 weeks depending on your age. This will help muscles repair and give your central nervous system a chance to recover.... Once your rest week is up you will be energised and have that drive back, you will be itching to get under a bar again (not the kind at 2am on a Saturday night) .. With more circuit style training, it still benefits you to take a rest day here and there. You can't be performing high intensity exercise 7 days per week you will burn yourself out. Elite athletes like boxers & other sportsman all have a structured periodised training plan with different levels of training on different days.. And if you have a lot of plyometrics (jumping) in your workouts, your joints will thank you for the much needed rest... So don't feel so bad next time you skip the gym because you are feeling run down!

04.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone, enjoy the weekend!.. . Social media has taken the back seat over the last week or two due to an influx of clients and setting up programs. Purchased a new laptop and got new software for video editing so once I get the hang of the new editing tools will post plenty of video content!.. . #greenzonefitness #greenzonewarwick #greenzonejoondalup #fitspo #fitness #fitfam #perthfitfam #instafit #motivation #personaltrainer #perth #perthisok #scarborough #scarboroughbeach #views #photooftheday #sunset

03.01.2022 First episode of my mini series Lifestyle Shredding is now live! I made this as I want to document parts of the process, to show people that dieting doesnt have to rule your life! You can still live life and enjoy being social and everything while making your diet work for you. Hence the name.... Each episode will cover different things from how to still go out for dinners, nights out etc and stay on track. How to enjoy the process a lot better, food ideas and information, workouts, and just general chit chat. Its also a good chance for me to experiment with my video editing software and practice making videos, so if you have any cool ideas be sure to fire some through to me and il try my best to get em done! FIRST EPISODE: Pretty much just an intro to the series, was sick for half the week so didnt get a whole lot done. Still managed to stay on track with the easting though and drop a kg or so. Starting Calories: 2900 (average) per day Starting Weight: 80.3kg Will also be posting stuff on my cut on my Instagram @darrenchandlerfitness . Feel free to leave any questions or comments!

03.01.2022 Last couple of days to enter the SAFE Fundraising competition, any donation puts you in the draw to win 16 x 30 minute PT Sessions, and the biggest donation gets to train the trainer!! Donation and competition details in Facebook post prior to this Have a good day guys & girls!

02.01.2022 ATTENTION GREENZONIES: My draw for the return flight to Bali is this Saturday so here is your last chance to enter:.. - 11.15am Thursday 30 min - $20. - 630pm Thursday 30 min - $20.... - 8am Friday 30 min - $20. - 345pm Friday 30 min - $20. - 10.15am Saturday 30 min $20 or 45 min for $30. Very last chance to get in the draw!! DM or text me on 0468842799 to book in. First in first served. #greenzone #greenzonefitness #bali #freeflights #prize

01.01.2022 EPISODE # 4 This episode covers: - me dropping my calories and why(take not May effect you when you're dieting)... - 13 Dieting Tips & Tricks to get you through the process. And I had some fun with the video editing. Enjoy guys.

01.01.2022 One thing I see in the gym all to common is new gym goer's or people who haven't built any kind of decent foundation yet doing really advanced or intricate workouts & exercises. What I mean by this is exercises like 1 legged leg press sitting at a 90 degree angle, using a chest press machine unilaterally and sitting at a different angle. Guys trying to isolate their quads more and do some weird variation of a free standing hack squat with the bar behind their legs...and othe...r such things. Yes I understand there might be limiting factors to doing some exercises like injuries and that, but I know most of these exercises stem from people seeing fitness models or body builders doing them and think that they will be the most beneficial for what they are wanting also. But trust me,if your new to the gym and don't have a decent amount of muscle built up yet then the basic exercises will be more then enough. Stop trying to be all complicated and get under a bar and SQUAT, or do your basic LEG PRESS...DEADLIFTS, ROWS, PULLUPS, BENCH PRESS's etc..These basic exercises combined with progressive overload is all you need starting out, they will build a good physique on their own, they worked for people like Arnie back in the day, and they will work for you. If you're not building muscle you are either not applying progressive overload, or you are not eating in a calorie surplus. The reason why you see you tubers and body builders doing such different exercises is because they already have a well built up amount of muscle and can hit different parts of the muscle. If your a 50 - 60kg guy trying to build quads with some new weird exercise, then I'm sorry but your wasting your time, keep it simple! "No matter how fancy a mansion you are wanting to build, you need to start out on a basic foundation" the same goes with your physique!

01.01.2022 Reading over some statistics that a study done in America surfaced, and it goes to show people's knowledge about dieting and how to approach it is shocking... . Are the people to blame ? No...the places that push fad diets and that onto people and try to sell weight loss products without explaining the importance of proper nutrition and tracking what you eat are.. . Let me breakdown what I read..... - 6 out of 7 overweight people will loose a significant amount of weight in there life. - within a year of loosing it, 70% have gained it back. - within 2 years 85% will have gained it back. - within 3 years 95% will have regained it all back.. . Out of the those who regain it, at least 30% will become more overweight then before the diet.. . So what this shows me is poor nutrition knowledge, too many people relying on products and quick fix's to loose the weight.. The Media and doctors and that need to push forward people properly learning how to monitor what it is they are putting in their body. Because once the diet is 'over' you still have to know what you can / can't eat in order to maintain what you have achieved... . . Teaching yourself proper calorie control and portion size will set you up for life. A fad diet will set you up for failure. . . #greenzonefitness #greenzonewarwick #greenzonejoondalup #fitspo #fitness #fitfam #perthfitfam #instafit #motivation #ripped #shredded #gym #fitnessmodel #muscle #bodybuilding #personaltrainer #perth #perthisok #nutrition #iifym #cleaneating #health #healthfood #healthy #photooftheday #food #foodporn #caloriesmatter #itsscience

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