Darren Sandford Coaching | Consultation agency
Darren Sandford Coaching
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24.01.2022 ATTENTION small/medium business owners in MELBOURNE Would your company be interested in a free design and implementation of a coaching and mentoring program for the staff in your business? Please tag your contacts in comments if they would be interested. According to research from Cornell University, mentorship programs are an essential component of effective knowledge transfer, well-planned career development and professional networking. Deloitte found retention is 25% HIG...HER for employees who have engaged in company-sponsored mentoring. Visit my site for details: https://darrensandford.com/free-coaching-and-mentoring-off/ Please message me with details of your organisation and how you think a coaching and mentoring program would be useful in your business. I will be contacting each respondent to determine best fit for both of us, and selecting one or more organisations to help.
23.01.2022 Full house of 30 participants for the Chuffed.org Crowdfunding for Social Causes workshop I facilitated tonight at Foundation for Young Australians, Melbourne. Thanks to Ben Davies for his support getting event booked and sold out! Ticket sales from tonights event are to be donated to Dancehall For Change to continue community building dance lessons for kids and employment for dance teachers from underprivileged areas of Jamaica.
23.01.2022 Girls and young women are dealing with new realities that are negatively impacting their wellbeing. The growing risks of sexual and gender-based violence, missi...ng out on education and general lack of access to essentials such as food and sanitary towels is taking its toll. Thank you so much Darren Sandford for your continued support trough #DarrenSanfordCoaching the leadership workshop and your recent donation will ensure we provide psychosocial support to our girls and young women. See more
20.01.2022 Thank you Stephanie for your kind review of my coaching! Interested? Book your free first appointment: http://darrensandford.com/book-an-appointment/ "Darren is a fantastic career coach. After just one session I was already getting shortlisted for interviews and smashing my goals! His approach is personalised and strategic with steps that are easy to follow. If you truly want to uplift your career or accomplish personal goals Darren will give you the tools to get there. Thank you Darren for helping me reach the next level!"
18.01.2022 Ever thought whether coaching would help you? Well, here's what goes on in my first session with a new client. Stick to the end to find out how to get a free initial coaching session from me.
17.01.2022 Today I'm conducting a "Vision Walk" with one of my business coaching clients. They are in the creative field, so I'm especially excited to help them tap into their subconscious mind to clarify their vision, their objectives and steps to get there. If you are interested in unlocking your potential and clarifying your vision in your business, career and/or personal life, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by booking a free introductory coaching session with me. ww...w.darrensandford.com/book-an-appointment Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash
17.01.2022 Thank you so much for the coaching session today. I didn’t know what to expect, but I left with a wealth of insight and a renewed hope. I usually don’t take time to reflect and assess my actions, but the experience was incredible. Kimberly Gundani, Miss World Australia & Miss Grand Australia contestant This week, I had the opportunity of coaching Kim Gundani. Our coaching session helped Kim clarify and prioritise her goals and take a solution-focused approach to overcomin...g some obstacles. I used a technique called The Mentors’ Table to tap into her own subconscious knowledge and resources and uncover the most impactful options to reach her goals. Along with completing her Masters in Law, Kim is competing in the Miss World Australia and Miss Grand Australia pageants. Her goal is to be a woman of positive impact. Kim is currently campaigning against domestic violence in support of UN Women National Committee Australia through fundraising and competing in the Miss Grand Australia. To support her or the cause, you can donate to her Everyday Hero page: https://miss-grand-australia.everydayhero.com/au/Kim If you too want to take your performance to the next level, I offer 1-hour free coaching on any topic to anybody anyone who is not already a client: http://www.darrensandford.com/book-an-appointment
17.01.2022 2018 is well and truly here. New clients can take advantage of a free introductory 1-hour coaching session video call to kick-start your new year vision and goals. Click to find a time: https://darrensandford.com/book-an-appointment/
16.01.2022 Updated blog on https://darrensandford.com/blog/ Check out my updated site, and subscribe to be notified of updates at the bottom of each page. #coaching #creativity #leadership #inspiration
13.01.2022 I love to facilitate learning workshops, leadership and team development days. And I love getting this great feedback to know I'm having a positive impact on people's lives. Let me know if you need some workshop design or professional facilitation to make your next event fun, inspirational, innovative and valuable. Here are some testimonials from my recent crowdfunding workshop. Candice Pears The Higher Good... Darren was incredible. Insightful, very practical and accessible advice. Left feeling motivated, inspired and equipped. Niki Harrison Wonderful speaker. Very easy to understand and listen to. Kassandra Sekelini The Higher Good Darren was a great facilitator that was able to make the complex topic of crowdfunding straightforward and simple to understand Thank you to all that attended! www.darrensandford.com/contact
13.01.2022 Been meaning to get a photo with these two coaching marvels for a while...We finally got the shot at our Diploma of Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring graduation! Angela Winneke (left), myself (middle) and Natalie Way (right) are the team that has been rolling out the leadership coaching program for Eva Simo and her leadership team at TABULAM AND TEMPLER HOMES FOR THE AGED INC. Working with these two has been a fantastic experience. I've really appreciated their positive atti...tude, the depth of their experience and the support and guidance Nat and Ange have generously provided during my design and rollout of the leadership program...something I'll never forget! Weve all been trained by Kathy McKenzie and Kylie Stewart in the FIRE UP Coaching RTO Code 22458 framework, coaching techniques & tools and the REACH coaching model. We employed these skills with positive intention and great effect at TTHA. I've been getting the feedback on the positive transformations taking place in the individuals in the leadership team and the team as a whole. We wrap up the coaching portion of the program in the next couple of weeks, but I'm hoping we can do some more projects together in the near future! Thank you Nat and Ange!
13.01.2022 Watt's* STOPPING you? Here are three ideas to power up and switch on to your goal or ambition and shine your light bright! TLDW version: 1. REIGNITE...your passion. Create a compelling vision of success.... 2. REWIRE...your mental circuits. Create powerful habits and break bad habits. Overcome self-limiting beliefs holding you back. 3. RECHARGE...your batteries. Take a break and reassess. Associate with people that are going to power you up to the next level. Recommended reading: "The Power of Habit", Charles Duhigg * No apologies for the power pun ** No apologies for the bad dad joke in the video
11.01.2022 I found myself stuck in the wrong lane today. Due for a reasonably important appointment, I would make the meeting on time if all went right. Through lack of route planning and too much reliance on Google Maps, I was caught in the slip lane to the motorway going in exactly the wrong direction! Inconvenient roadworks on the Melbourne M1, lead to another missed opportunity to turn towards my destination. I was sucked into a flow which would take me away from my true objective.... I cursed the traffic, the technology, the heat outside and got upset. With the benefit of car airconditioning on a 30-degree day, I cooled down. I realised I had to accept that the erroneous decisions were all mine, and plan to get back on track. With an extra 30 minutes to kill in traffic, I had time to think about how many times I had been in the wrong lane taking me away from my goals or stuck, unable to move forward. Earlier in the day, Id had a conversation with a new coaching client who advised they were stuck too. Mentally unable to move forward. Getting back on track... It seems Im not alone in having to take stock once in a while, review where my decisions and behaviours were taking me and decide to change course. Firstly, you have to contemplate your trajectory, assess where you will end up if you keep heading that way, re-evaluate where you want to be, then work out the best way to get there. It reminds me of the old joke about the tourist asking for directions and is told Well, if I were you, I wouldnt start from here. But "here" is the only place we find ourselves, and it would be great to get a little more help and guidance in order to help ourselves than the poor tourist. Contact me below to talk about a personalised coaching discussion to help you get unstuck and back on track. Darren Sandford is Founder and Managing Director of Darren Sandford Consulting and Coaching. With extensive experience in IT, banking, finance and creative photography, he is a qualified trainer and assessor, and a business and personal coach. He works with organisations and individuals to enable them to unlock their potential and achieve results they hadn't thought possible.
10.01.2022 Thank you so much for the coaching session today. I didnt know what to expect, but I left with a wealth of insight and a renewed hope. I usually dont take time to reflect and assess my actions, but the experience was incredible. Kimberly Gundani, Miss World Australia & Miss Grand Australia contestant This week, I had the opportunity of coaching Kim Gundani. Our coaching session helped Kim clarify and prioritise her goals and take a solution-focused approach to overcomin...g some obstacles. I used a technique called The Mentors Table to tap into her own subconscious knowledge and resources and uncover the most impactful options to reach her goals. Along with completing her Masters in Law, Kim is competing in the Miss World Australia and Miss Grand Australia pageants. Her goal is to be a woman of positive impact. Kim is currently campaigning against domestic violence in support of UN Women National Committee Australia through fundraising and competing in the Miss Grand Australia. To support her or the cause, you can donate to her Everyday Hero page: https://miss-grand-australia.everydayhero.com/au/Kim If you too want to take your performance to the next level, I offer 1-hour free coaching on any topic to anybody anyone who is not already a client: http://www.darrensandford.com/book-an-appointment
05.01.2022 Last week in my coaching course, we did an individual exercise to determine our most important values, each narrowing their choices down to their top value. Mine was Integrity. Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Deriving from the Latin, integer and integritas, meaning intact. At the end of a great week, I enjoyed a long-planned stay at Woodend in Central Victoria to see Midnight Oil in concert.... In fact, Id booked it back in March, as soon as it was announced that the band would be performing at nearby Hanging Rock reserve. Id learnt from previous experience trying to get accommodation would be difficult, so I jumped in early to avoid the rush on finding a bed within a reasonable distance. Sure enough, the week before I got last minute requests from friends (who hadnt planned ahead) to help them find a bed. I tried to help them out by calling the AirBnB host and seeing how many extra guests they could squeeze in. Danny, the host of "Island Farm" cottage, advised me he had been receiving calls all day (the day before my booking and the concert) with offers of triple the going rate to cancel my existing booking and take their booking. Fortunately, not only did he refuse those offers, he offered me a couple of extra beds at a minimal cost. When I asked him in person why he didnt take the offers, Danny told me that its not always about the money and that it was about doing the right thing. We hear so often of businesses not being consistent or displaying integrity when dealing with their customers or honouring bookings. When we get a great customer experience through a display of integrity it really does make an impression. Imagine if all our interactions with our customers, our staff members and our colleagues were handled with this level of integrity! What are your most fundamental (core) values? Try selecting your top 10 out of this list of 230 personal values: https://scottjeffrey.com/core-values-list/ Take that top 10 down to your top 5 by crossing out 5. Now one by one, cross out your fifth most important, then fourth, and third until you are down to your top two. Now between those two, make a choice. Cross out the one which you find less important compared to the other. Thats your most fundamental value. I would love to hear what it is. Soon, well talk about how your decisions and motivations are aligned with these values. Darren Sandford is Founder and Managing Director of Darren Sandford Consulting and Coaching. With extensive experience in IT, banking, finance and creative photography, he is a qualified trainer and assessor, and a business and personal coach. He works with organisations and individuals to enable them to unlock their potential and achieve results they hadn't thought possible. Contact Darren: https://darrensandford.com/contact/
03.01.2022 On my sons 15th birthday today Im reflecting on leadership lessons and opportunities not taken. I attended the 57th Annual Ceremonial Passing Out Parade of... the Ivanhoe Grammar School Cadet Unit. Heavy rain meant that all the drilling and preparations the Corps and orchestra put in were not needed today. The parade was canceled and the ceremony was held in Buckley Hall, brimming with ceremonial swords, pikes, flags, uniformed students, honoured guests and parents. Although they didnt get to perform their drills, I'm sure the experience of relentless practicing as a group will have taught the cadets something about discipline and teamwork that they wont forget. In my school days, I extended my mandatory (now voluntary) 1st year as a cadet, to become a corporal. Leading and disciplining my cadets was a challenge. I was a late bloomer in year 10, shorter than most a year below me, and my platoon of year 9 cadets contained some of the most unruly students in the whole year. Maintaining discipline and control was difficult. I managed a detente with the worst of the ratbags, but this was at the expense of maintaining integrity and respect for other leaders in the unit. Yes, I turned a blind eye to some shenanigans and was also a bit of a b*stard... doling out too many push-ups to others that probably didnt deserve it as much as these other guys. On reflection, these mistakes have stayed with me and Ive been able to learn and improve my leadership. Seeing the two Year 12 students, one boy and one girl, take out the best platoon and best drilling awards made me realise what opportunities I threw away by discontinuing in Year 11 to slack off with my mates in study hall. I was heartened to hear that my son, who turned 15 today, wants to continue next year. With some guidance from me, which I sorely needed and didnt get, Im expecting he will be a better leader than I was and it makes me proud. Happy Birthday Mitchell, big things to come from you! Pictured: 1. Mitchell and Me. 2. Australian Army Colonel Hugh Wilkinson, Retiring Honorary Colonel, IGSACU 1999-2018, myself, Incoming Honorary Lt Colonel David Waugh FYI- the two Simons! Simon Ryan Simon Appleby
03.01.2022 Another Chuffed Crowdfunding for Social Causes workshop done, supporting Dancehall for Change. Had 19 participants registered, pictured are the social campaigners who stayed back to chat. Awesome group with lots of questions. We had some great pitches and shared some fantastic feedback on the pitches.
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