Darul Ulum College of Victoria in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Primary School
Darul Ulum College of Victoria
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9355 6800
Address: 17 Baird Street Fawkner 3060 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.dulum.vic.edu.au
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25.01.2022 Weekly Reflections - Session 1 Sh Abdullah Elleissy
25.01.2022 Weekly Reflections - Session 2 Sh Abdullah Elleissy
25.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING THE DAILY PRAYER AND THE FRIDAY PRAYER AT FAWKNER MOSQUE Regrettably, due to the rapid changes with the coronovirus situation and the instructions issued by the relevant government authorities, Fawkner Mosque and the outdoor court will be closed as of Monday 23 March 10:00am. Whilst we recognise the importance of adhering to our legal obligations, we also acknowledge that such measures complement our religious teachings in terms of being considerat...e of the community's welfare and well-being. We beseech The Almighty to free humanity from this tribulation and to enable us to expose ourselves to His forgiveness and mercy. College Administration
24.01.2022 DIRECTIVES FOR DAILY PRAYERS AT FAWKNER MOSQUE Effective from 5:00pm, Wednesday 18 March, the mosque, toilets and wudhu facilities will be closed until further notice. Alternatively, prayers will be conducted in the Basketball Court at this stage with minimum numbers. IMPORTANT UPDATE: NOTICE REGARDING THE FRIDAY PRAYER AT FAWKNER MOSQUE... Please be advised that by way of mitigating the risks associated with large gatherings, the Friday Prayer in Fawkner Mosque on 20 March will be held in the Basketball Court with a MAXIMUM NUMBER OF 100 BROTHERS ONLY. We kindly draw your attention to the following guidelines: - The mosque's wudhu and toilet facilities are closed. Brothers are requested to make their wudhu before coming. - Security personnel will strictly count the number of patrons accessing the premise. Priority may be given to locals residing within the vicinity of the mosque. - The entry gates will open at 1:00pm and will close upon reaching the limit. - The sermon (Khutba) and prayer will be short. Brothers are requested to perform their Sunnah after the prayer in their homes as per the teachings of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him. - Local brothers are requested to arrive at 1:00pm before the gates are closed. - This announcement is subject to change if further restrictions are applied. - A courtesy reminder to the elderly, ill and vulnerable that they are exempt from attending the Friday Prayer and other congregational prayers in this climate. - Children are strongly advised to avoid attending the Mosque during this period. We seek the cooperation of all brothers during these challenging times as we beseech The Almighty to enable us to sincerely repent from all our shortcomings and to free humanity from this tribulation. College Administration
23.01.2022 SENIOR SECONDARY BOYS CAMP The senior secondary boys (Year 9 Year 12) will be on camp from Monday, 18 March to Wednesday, 20 March. The aim of the camp is to provide students with an opportunity to shape their individual experiences outside the regular school setting and to engage in spiritual activities that will work towards contributing to their overall wellbeing.
23.01.2022 2019 SCHOOL UNIFORM UPDATE Please be informed that the College has updated its student uniform for 2019. It has outsourced its uniform sales and has entered into a contractual agreement with a professional company in Campbellfield, namely, PSW. In an attempt to avoid overwhelming parents with unnecessary costs, a two-year transitional period will be in place whereby students will be allowed to wear their current uniforms until December 2020. This is provided that their curren...t uniform is in good shape and condition. Foundation students of 2019 are required to purchase their uniforms directly from PSW (http://www.psw.com.au/). For further details about the new uniform as well the Uniform Policy please visit: https://schoolbox.dulum.vic.edu.au/ Thank you
23.01.2022 END-OF-YEAR SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Please note that the last day of school for students this term is Thursday, 6 December and students will be dismissed at 1:50pm on the day. Tuesday, 29 January 2019 is a Curriculum Day (students do not attend school on this day).... Wednesday, 30 January 2019 is the first day of Term 1, 2019 for students. The College wishes all students a safe and enjoyable holiday. Thank you.
22.01.2022 EID-UL-FITR GREETINGS / HOLIDAY The College wishes everyone a blessed Eid-ul-Fitr. We ask the Almighty to accept our rituals, forgive our shortcomings and free humanity from the current predicament. To commemorate this event, the school will be closed for the Eid break between Monday 25 May Wednesday 27 May. The school will reopen on Thursday 28 May.
22.01.2022 PARENT INFORMATION NIGHTS With the beginning of a new school year, it is imperative that parents stay abreast with the Colleges updated programs as well as meet their childrens teachers. Therefore, Darul Ulum College will be holding Parent Information Nights this term. Details of the Parent Information Nights are as follows:... YEAR 7 YEAR 9 (GIRLS) PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Date: Thursday, 6 February Time: 5.30pm 7.00pm Venue: MPH (Upstairs) GRADE 4 YEAR 9 (BOYS) PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Date: Wednesday, 19 February Time: 6.45pm 8.15pm Venue: MPH (Upstairs segregated venue for fathers and mothers) Both parents are warmly invited to attend the evening. These important sessions will address the following topics: 2020 Initiatives and Programs Strategies for Parental Engagement College Policies and Student Services Educational Pathways / VCE Program We look forward to seeing you at these important events.
21.01.2022 PREP 2020 ENROLMENTS Prep 2020 enrolments are now open. Applications close 31st March.
21.01.2022 Friday 15 May, 2020 Sh Abdullah Elleissy
19.01.2022 DARUL ULUM COLLEGE OF VIC UPDATES RE COVID-19 Please be advised that a section on the schools Learning Management System (Schoolbox) has been dedicated to communicate all school updates in relation to the coronavirus. Parents are kindly requested to visit the Schoolbox Parent Page for the most current correspondence from the school in this regard.
19.01.2022 ELECTRONIC BOOKINGS FOR PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS ON REPORTING DAY Please be informed that Term 1 Reporting Day is scheduled to take place on Friday 5 April, 2019. Parents or guardians are required to attend these interviews to discuss the progress of their child(ren). To facilitate for flexible and efficient ways of selecting appointment times electronically, the College is moving towards utilising Schoolbox to book the parent/teacher interview appointments. ... A letter has recently been posted to all families outlining the detailed procedure for booking your interviews along with your individualised Schoolbox usernames and passwords. We look forward to your cooperation in this regards. Thank you. College Administration
19.01.2022 TERM 2 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS The College wishes all students a safe and enjoyable holiday. Monday, 15 July 2019 is a Curriculum Day (students do not attend school on this day).... Tuesday, 16 July is the first day of Term 3 for students. Thank you.
19.01.2022 GRADE 6 GRADUATIONS 2018 Graduation ceremonies were held late in November for the Grade 6 graduates. Congratulations to all of them and we wish them success in all their future endeavors. A big thank you also to all the parents, students and teachers for their hard work and contribution towards students development throughout their journey at the College.
18.01.2022 MESSAGE FROM DUCV RE: COVID-19 AND SCHOOL UPDATE Please note that there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus at the College to date. However, as a precautionary measure and given the increasing number of parents who have chosen not to send their children to school for this period, the College Administration has decided to conclude Term 1 today, Tuesday 17 March for Foundation to Year 9 students. Year 10 to Year 12 classes will continue until further notice. Teachers will con...tinue attending school to prepare learning resources to facilitate for remote learning. Students will be asked to take their books with them home today. They may also come and collect their books during this week. Thank you. College Administration
18.01.2022 NAPLAN ONLINE 2019 STARTING TUESDAY, 14 MAY Please be informed that the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2019 tests will be held from Tuesday, 14 May to Friday, 24 May. This year students will complete the NAPLAN tests online. NAPLAN is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. Students have been inform...ed of their test schedules. Please ensure your child attends school on time during the test days to avoid complications. If for a valid reason your child must miss school on one or more of the test days, then they will have to complete the test(s) at another time during the test window. For more information about the tests, please visit the VCAA website at https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au//pre/naplan/parents/index.aspx or the NAP website at https://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment. Thank you
18.01.2022 FIRST DAY OF TERM 1, 2020 The first day of Term 1, 2020 is as follows: Foundation:... Monday, 3 February First day of half-day school. Timings: 8:20 am 1:25pm. Monday, 17 February First day of full-day school. Regular school timings. Grade 1 to VCE: Thursday, 30 January
17.01.2022 Weekly Reflections - Session 3 Sh Abdullah Elleissy
16.01.2022 2021 FOUNDATION (PREP) APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN Darul Ulum College is excited to announce that Foundation (Prep) 2021 enrolments are now open for the Fawkner campus as well as the new Mickleham campus. If you wish to enrol your child, please submit an Expression of Interest online via the schools website (https://www.dulum.vic.edu.au/page/enrolment-process). Upon receiving the Expression of Interest, an Application for Enrolment Form will be generated and sent to you. Appli...cations for Enrolment must be submitted by 31 March 2020 along with the childs birth and immunisation certificates. To be eligible for entry into Foundation (Prep), the child must be at least 4 years and 8 months on 1 January of the year of commencement. For example, to be eligible for Foundation (Prep) in 2021, the childs date of birth should be no later than 30 April 2016. Please contact the College if you require any further information. Thank you.
13.01.2022 Friday 22 May, 2020 Sh Abdullah Elleissy
13.01.2022 EID-UL-ADHA GREETINGS / HOLIDAY The College extends this blessed seasons greetings to you, your families and the school community. May The Almighty open upon us the doors of mercy, accept the pilgrimage of all those who have been blessed with this journey and bring them back safely to their families. In an attempt to facilitate for the celebrations of this season, the school will be closed on Monday 12 August and Tuesday 13 August. The school will resume as per the regular timings on Wednesday 14 August.
12.01.2022 DARUL ULUM COLLEGE OF VICTORIA - SECOND CAMPUS The College is pleased to announce that it will be opening a second campus in Mickleham soon. This campus will have the same vision and education as the current Fawkner campus. Initially, Foundation to Grade 3 will be offered and then gradually the remaining Primary levels followed by Secondary year levels will be introduced. Facilities other than school infrastructure include a child care centre.
12.01.2022 VCE INFORMATION NIGHT MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY. A VCE Information Night for all Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students and parents will be held on Monday 17 February. This will be a unique opportunity to obtain vital information pertaining to the VCE program at Darul Ulum College which commences from Year 10. Details of the session are as follows:... Date: Monday 17 February, 2020 Time: 6.45pm 8.15pm Venue: MPH (Upstairs) This important session will address the following key topics: VCE structure and expectations VCE at Year 10 level / Year 10 Accelerated Program Requirements for the completion of VCE in Year 11 and Year 12 VCE related policies We look forward to seeing all the Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students and parents at this important VCE Information Night.
11.01.2022 VCE GRADUATIONS 2018 VCE graduation ceremonies were held late in November for the 42 VCE students that graduated this year. These ceremonies were a time for reflection and advice as students reached this crucial cross road between school and further tertiary studies. Students were also awarded with their VCE graduation certificates. Many of the graduates have been at the College for 13 years and it has been a great pleasure to see them progress through their schooling years and finally graduate ready to advance further in their lives. The College congratulates all VCE graduates once again and wishes them a fulfilling and successful future.
11.01.2022 REVISED OPENING DATE OF DARUL ULUM ACADEMY - MICKLEHAM CAMPUS On behalf of the College's management, we would like to advise the community that by the Will of Allah, the revised opening date for our Mickleham campus is the beginning of the 2022 school year. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a delay in Stage 1 of the onsite construction was inevitable. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. However, should you consider applying at Darul Ulum College -... Fawkner campus for 2021, kindly contact our Registrar on 03 9355 6801 or email [email protected]. Thank you!
09.01.2022 PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST The DUCV English Department is pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual Public Speaking Contest will be held towards the end of Term 3 on the 21st of August. The contest will be a great opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge and public speaking skills. With prizes ranging from gift vouchers to trophies, competition between the contestants is bound to be fierce!
08.01.2022 2019 BOOKLISTS All secondary students (including VCE) have been given their 2019 booklists. Parents can also access booklists via Schoolbox as follows using their Schoolbox login details: Secondary (7-10): https://schoolbox.dulum.vic.edu.au/homepage/3856... VCE: https://schoolbox.dulum.vic.edu.au/homepage/3857 Orders can be placed through the College or directly on the Campion website (https://www.campion.com.au/). Orders placed through the College will be available for collection as follows: Date: Tuesday, 11 December Place: School Gymnasium (MPH) Time: 10.00 AM 3.00 PM Payment method on collection : Eftpos or Credit Card (No cheques or Cash) Alternatively, parents may wish to shop personally by taking the list to a Campion Retail Centre. The nearest and preferred outlet is located at 319 Pascoe Vale Road, Essendon. Opening hours can be viewed on the Campion website. However, please note that the retail stores can become very busy over January and stock cannot always be guaranteed. Ordering online is the easiest and most efficient option. By purchasing books through Campion, parents can be assured that they are purchasing the correct editions of the set textbooks. For students to succeed it is essential that they arrive at school on their first day with the correct materials. Thank you.
07.01.2022 SEMESTER ONE SECONDARY EXAMS Please be advised that Semester One secondary exams are scheduled to take place between Monday 17 June and Thursday 20 June. The examination score constitutes 40% of the overall result, hence students are advised to maximise their outcomes by dedicating daily time to revise and consolidate past topics / lessons.... Please note that the last day of school for students this term is Thursday 20 June. Students on that day will be dismissed as follows: Foundation - Grade 5 students without siblings in upper levels will be dismissed at 1:50pm. Remaining students (including Foundation - Grade 5 students who have siblings in upper levels) will be dismissed at 2:10pm. We pray that our students experience a successful examination period. Thank you.
07.01.2022 TERM 3 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS The College wishes all students a safe and enjoyable holiday. Tuesday, 8 October is the first day of Term 4 for students.... Thank you.
06.01.2022 MESSAGE FROM THE COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION On behalf of Darul Ulum College, we express our utmost sympathy and pay our condolences to all those who have been impacted by the horrific attacks in Christchurch. The College reassures the community that all safety measures and procedures are in place to accommodate for a safe & secure environment for students and staff, InshaAllah.... The administration along with the Student Wellbeing Department will be determining strategies to address this topic with students in the most sensitive manner. Please contact the school should you have any concerns about your childs emotional wellbeing. The support and empathy displayed by the surrounding neighbourhood has been overwhelming and humbling. Such events will only further strengthen the ties of humanity in this beautiful country of ours and across the globe, InshaAllah.
05.01.2022 2019 SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME Darul Ulum College is committed to encourage and support our students as they continuously strive to reach their maximum potential. In pursuit of that, a few updates were made to the Scholarship Program commencing in 2019. A substantial increase in the level of scholarship has been introduced to provide students in Year 9 to Year 12 with the financial support to further their education as well as reward achievement and effort. For further details of t...he 2019 Scholarship Scheme please visit: http://www.dulum.vic.edu.au//secon/2019-scholarship-scheme
05.01.2022 TERM 1 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS The College wishes all students a safe and enjoyable holiday. Tuesday, 23 April is the first day of Term 2, 2019 for students.... Thank you.
04.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CHEMISTRY QUIZ The Australian National Chemistry Quiz (ANCQ) will be taking place at the College this week. The ANCQ is a unique chemical education activity. It provides a major focus for secondary school students on the relevance of chemistry in an exciting and stimulating way. It aims to promote interest in chemistry and the role of chemists in our society. The ANCQ is truly an international competition with papers translated into seven different langua...ges. The Quiz attracts students throughout Australia and 23 other countries, including India, Germany and China. Students that signed up for the Quiz will be taking part in it. We pray that they perform well.
03.01.2022 EID HOLIDAYS Assalaamu Alaykum, The College wishes students and their families a blessed Eid-ul-Fitr. We ask the Almighty to accept our rituals and forgive our shortcomings as we farewell the month of Ramadhan. ... In an attempt to accommodate for this festive season which happens to also fall before the public holiday, please note that the College will be closed on Tuesday 4 June until Monday 10 June. The College will re-open on Tuesday 11 June. Thank you.
03.01.2022 INFORMATION NIGHTS 2019 With the beginning of a new school year, it is imperative that parents stay abreast with the Colleges updated programs. Information Nights provide such an opportunity and allow parents to meet teachers. Details of the Information Nights are as follows:... YEARS 10 12 VCE INFORMATION NIGHT Date: Monday, 11 February Time: 6.45pm 8.15pm Venue: MPH (Upstairs) GRADE 4 YEAR 9 INFORMATION NIGHT Date: Wednesday, 13 February Time: 6.45pm 8.30pm Venue: MPH (Upstairs) PRIMARY INFORMATION NIGHT Date: Wednesday, 13 February Time: 1.30pm 3.30pm Venue: MPH (Upstairs) We look forward to seeing you at these important events.
02.01.2022 ATHLETICS DAYS 2019 This terms Athletics Days are as follows: Primary Boys: Tuesday, 15 October... Secondary Boys: Tuesday, 22 October Activities include: 100 meter sprint, Obstacle race, Sack race, Egg & spoon race, Beep-test, Soccer tournament, Bean bag challenge, Push-up contest, Tug of war, Teachers race, Football kicking challenge, Dribbling race (soccer & basketball) and Volleyball. Activities will be held at the C.B Smith Reserve, Jukes Rd, Fawkner VIC 3060.
02.01.2022 Secondary Science Fair Wednesday, 2 September & Thursday, 5 September The Secondary Science Fair will be held next week. Students have prepared a range of posters/models on a range of scientific topics which they will be presenting before a panel of judges and students. Students will then be awarded prizes based upon votes received.
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