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Darwin Zen Buddhist Meditation Group
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24.01.2022 Dear Friends Thank you for all those supporting DZG over Dec and Jan so far. Please enjoy this months koan to contemplate from the Gateless Barrier Collecton of Koans compiled by Wumen in 13thC China and I look forward to Simply Being with you again: CASE 44. PA-CHIAO’S STAFF.... The Zen teacher Pa-chiao said to his assembly: If you have a staff, I will give you a staff. If you have no staff, I will take a staff from you. The later zen guide WU-MEN wrote the COMMENT. It helps you to cross the stream when the bridge is down. It guides you back to the village on a moonless night. If you call it a staff, you enter hell like an arrow. And WU-MEN’S VERSE pointing to the answer to this koan The depths and shallows of the world Are all in his grasp; It supports the heavens and sustains the earth Everywhere it enhances the doctrine. LOVE JUSTINE
21.01.2022 MAKING THE WHOLE WORLD WHOLE AND COMPLETE AGAIN: Case 87 from the Blue Cliff Record Collection Yunmen said to the assembly, ‘Medicine and sickness mutually correspond to each other. The whole universe is medicine. What is the self?' VERSE... The whole world is medicine: Why have the Ancients been so mistaken? I don’t make the carriage behind closed doors The road is naturally quiet and empty. Wrong! Wrong! Though they be as high as the sky, your nostrils have still been pierced. DZG Bodhisattvas at Climate Action Darwin campaign to Stop Adani Mine
19.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/Avaaz/videos/10155594738888884/
19.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR DZG FRIENDS! We don't usually chant this version of the Heart Sutra but it is in our sutra books. Looking forward to Simply Being with you love justine https://www.facebook.com/9gag/videos/10156866001316840/
17.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcO2Ip0rMic
17.01.2022 Koan on the worldly winds: The wordly winds feature in a famous poem by Su Tung P'o: "The eight winds blow, upright I sit in a purple-gold lotus." Su Tung P'o sent his poem to the Great Master Fo Yin who in reply criticized him saying, "fart, fart". As soon as Su Tung P'o saw these words, he could not put them down, and went off to find the Great Master Fo Yin to chastise him. He wanted to tell the Master that he had written an enlightened poem: I bow to the god among gods;... His hair-light illumines the world. Unmoved when the eight winds blow, Upright I sit in a purple-gold lotus. How could he possibly reply "fart, fart"? When the Great Master Fo Yin criticized him, not only did Su Tung P’o fart, but he blazed, and wanted to scorch Fo Yin to death. So he ran from south of the Yangtze River to north of the Yangtze to scold this Dharma Master Fo Yin. When he arrived he burst into the Master’s quarters without ceremony. Oh, how can you possibly scold a Bodhisattva like that, and slander him like that saying, fart, fart? "Sit quietly then", Fo Yin the Great Master said, "Who was I slandering? You said that you were unmoved by the winds of the eight directions, but just let go two small farts and you're blown all the way from south of the Yangtze to north of the Yangtze. You still say that the winds of the eight directions don't move you? Don't say eight winds, it is but my two farts that have bounced you all the way up here."
16.01.2022 Butoh: Beyond words, embodying presence, nothing left out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53ODuryNWTQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVylajJ6Q6A... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcO2Ip0rMic
16.01.2022 This Wed our festive gathering after the weekly zazen. Please bring a plate to share. DZG will continue with koans and inquiry towards the end of January. enjoy the festive season. A season beyond ying and yang.
14.01.2022 For more details about our retreat and photos see http://dzg.org.au/gallery
10.01.2022 Recently enjoyed the art gallery SA biennial. Quite a few zen themes to enjoy. ? Hungry ghosts from a painting by Guan Wei part of a series he painted whilst working in remote communities in NT.
08.01.2022 At DZG retreats we offer mindful body practice including conscious movement with Jenny Devlin. See stills from conscious movement video installation set in the bush by Amy Amos Gebhardt. (dzg not usually nude!)
06.01.2022 Dear Friends Next weeks talk on the koan from the Gateless Barrier Collection of Koans compiled by the Zen Master Wumen. We look forward to seeing you then. love justine CASE 22. MAHAKASYAPA’S FLAGPOLE.... Ananda (The Buddha's younger relative) asked Mahakasyapa (the Buddha's Dharma Heir), The World-Honoured One transmitted the robe of gold brocade to you. What else did he transmit to you? Mahakasyapa said, Ananda! Ananda answered, Yes! Mahakasyapa said, Knock down the flagpole at the gate. The later teacher WU-MEN’s COMMENT: If you can give a turning word that is intimate with the case, then you will see that the meeting at Mount Grdhrakuta is still vigorously in session. If you cannot, then the first ancient Buddha, who has been striving from earliest times has not yet attained true subtlety. WU-MEN’ VERSE: The call is good, the answer is intimate- How many discuss this with glaring eyes.(wisdom eyes -ie have had their eyes opened.) Elder brother calls, younger brother answers- the family disgrace; There is a spring that does not belong to Yin and Yang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulture_Peak https://books.google.com.au/books -- [email protected]
06.01.2022 Hi Come join Darwin Zen Group to learn effortless meditation, nondual Buddhist inquiry, koans and to Simply Be. email [email protected]
04.01.2022 NT BAN FRACKING RALLY bringing together Aboriginal communities, farmers, those concerned wth the environment, climate change and wildlife. One Heart-Mind to protect our water and land.
02.01.2022 Der Friends a poems for or grief at the loss of our great trees.This week at DZG we explored this feeling, the loss of ourselves uprooted and smashed. Also touching into the mystery emptiness and of nature and the impermanence of all things and the preciousness of this moment. Thank you to all who participated and love to everyone When Great Trees Fall A poem by Maya Angelou When great trees fall,... rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker down in tall grasses, and even elephants lumber after safety. When great trees fall in forests, small things recoil into silence, their senses eroded beyond fear. When great souls die, the air around us becomes light, rare, sterile. We breathe, briefly. Our eyes, briefly, see with a hurtful clarity. Our memory, suddenly sharpened, examines, gnaws on kind words unsaid, promised walks never taken. Great souls die and our reality, bound to them, takes leave of us. Our souls, dependent upon their nurture, now shrink, wizened. Our minds, formed and informed by their radiance, fall away. We are not so much maddened as reduced to the unutterable ignorance of dark, cold caves. And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.
02.01.2022 For Dharma Friends post cyclone marcus clean up the Buddha's teachings on the Worldly Winds that blow us off course: Gain/loss, status/disgrace, censure/praise, pleasure/pain:... These conditions among human beings are inconstant, impermanent, subject to change. Knowing this, the wise person, mindful, ponders these changing conditions. Desirable things don't charm the mind, undesirable ones bring no resistance. His welcoming & rebelling are scattered, gone to their end, do not exist. Knowing the dustless, sorrowless state, he discerns rightly, has gone, beyond becoming, to the Other Shore. From the Lokavipatti Sutta http://www.abc.net.au//cyclone-marcus-territorians/9562592 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJEEzGVO7TI
01.01.2022 A koan for cyclone marcus in Darwin Cat 2 From the Blue Cliff Record collection of koans case 27 THE CASE. A student asked the Zen Master Yunmen, When the tree withers and the leaves fall what then?... Yunmen replied, Golden wind manifesting itself. Much love Justine
01.01.2022 This months koan for our dharma talk and zazenkai CASE 38. WU-TSU’S BUFFALO PASSES THROUGH THE WINDOW. The zen guide or teacher Wu-tsu said to his dharma friends, It is like a buffalo that passes through a latticed window. It’s head, horns and four legs all pass through. Why can’t its tail pass through as well?... WU-MEN’S COMMENT. If you can get upside down with this one, discern it clearly, and give a turning word to it, then you can meet the Four Obligations above and give comfort to the Three Existences below. But if it is not clear, pay close attention to the tail and you will resolve it at last. WU-MEN’S VERSE. Passing through, falling in a ditch; Turning beyond all is lost. This tiny little tail What a wonderful thing it is! Taken from the 13thC collection of koans the Gateless Barrier compiled by Wumen.