Dave Everett Kinesiology in Newcastle, New South Wales | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
Dave Everett Kinesiology
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 428 686 550
Address: 24 Reay Street 2303 Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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22.01.2022 WORDS TO ELIMINATE FROM YOUR VOCABULARY WHY,NEED, WANT,BUT ,NEVER. The reason being that every time we use these words they are like a black cloud that sits over us and are self implanting. WHY: Why me? Why is this happening to me? It is kind of owning it. NEED: if you keep saying I need this. Or I need this for .............. You will always find yourself needing. That is what you have ordered. WANT: The same as need. You will always be wanting.... BUT: But is a brick wall. You put your order in then when you say BUT. You immediately stop the flow. NEVER: Never cements in the stop. I am NEVER lucky. I NEVER get what I ask for. I will NEVER fall in love again. After a relationship break up you might say I will NEVER love anyone else like that again. What that does is you then stop any future relationship going to the same level as that one you also include YOU in that statement. So you will not love yourself as deeply. CANT: Is another word to avoid.Take the last letter of CANT and it becomes CAN. I can do it. I cant' swim is really I will not learn.You can if you want to. When you say CANT you set yourself up for failure. Some people when they phone somebody up that they know like friends, relatives, parents and when that person answers they say "Hi its only me or just me." That immediately says I am not important, sorry for wasting your time. So say "Hi its and say your name even if they know your name. See more
22.01.2022 SAYINGS and QUOTES Write down the ones that interest you and act on them. Your life is not your master, it is your child. Every moment of your life is infinitely creative. The Universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires will come to you.... Feeling like a Victim sets you up to be one. The only ceiling life has is the one you give it. Step into your unlimited unstoppable amazing True Self today. If we did all of the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas Edison Poverty and Wealth are a choice. Life is only 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it. The Mind creates Liberation. The Mind creates Bondage. Worrying is a form of praying for what you do not want. It is not what happens to you it is what you do about it. The past does not have a future. But you do. You are never given a wish or a desire without the also given the power to make it come true. You may have to work at it however. You cannot have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday Hopelessness: Is you do not expect things to happen. Open up to the Unexpected. Of course I talk to myself sometimes I need expert advice. Judging others is really judging yourself. Time that you enjoyed wasted. Was not wasted. When seeking revenge. Dig two graves, one for yourself. Always aim high and strive to be at the top. There is less competition there. I waved to my EX today. Next time I might use all of my fingers. Have you ever noticed that the people that tell you to calm down are the people who got you mad in the first place. The moment that you take responsibility for your life is the moment you life begins. Nobody got anywhere in life without taking ACTION, keep moving, keep taking action. You can have anything you want in life if you change one belief. The belief that you cannot have it. Be the TRUE AWESOME being that you are.
21.01.2022 The Christmas and New Year celebrations are now over! Let's start this new year with a clear mind, body and spirit! I am available for Kinesiology Consultations. Please contact me on 0428 686 550 so we can arrange a time that is suitable for you.... Dave Everett Kinesiology
21.01.2022 MORE WORDS TO ELIMINATE FROM YOUR VOCABULARY TRY TRY: Is possibly the worst word you can use and we use it a lot. Whenever you say "I will TRY" what you are really saying is "I will attempt it but I will fail anyway and you do. Once you say "I will TRY" you tell your subconscious mind it is OK if I fail because you are only trying to do it. Saying "I will do it" (not I can do it) is a completely different statement. It tells the subconscious mind that you have already done i...t. You may not have done the task as well as well as you wanted to. You may have only done it 10% satisfactory. But you have done it and you can improve on that result to 20%, 40% 60% up to 100%. It is not a good idea to tell your children to TRY. When you do this you have given them permission to fail. Then when they do fail you say "Well at least you tried" What you are really saying is "Well at least you failed" Then you say next time "TRY harder" What you are really saying is "Fail better" When your children attempt something always praise them and say "That was good, great, fantastic or something similar. TRY or TRYING is one of those words that create a feeling of struggle. It is really a lazy word. It means I do not have to commit and follow through on things and situations. Every moment you TRY. The universe responds with giving you what you almost what you want and order. You are not 100% committed, so you do not get a 100% result. In reality you either do something or you do not. The truth is have you ever thought about doing something but have not made any commitment to actually doing it. Other times you may say to yourself "I am trying" what you are really saying is " I am failing" Example I am trying to give up smoking. I am trying to get rid of some weight. I am trying to save up some money to get a new car. Every one of those statements says I am failing to give up smoking Etc. Do not use the above statements or similar ones. They are a sure path to failure Stop using the word TRY for one week and see how your life changes. When you catch yourself saying TRY. Immediately say "No I will do it" Always replace the word TRY with empowering statements like " I am committed to or I am going to. The simple practice of stating how you are committed to doing something, instead of TRY or TRYING will instil in you a higher level of self confidence and support you in accomplishing what you set out to do. See more
20.01.2022 THE STORY OF AN EAGLE AND THE THREE MANGY CROWS An Eagle was flying and three mangy crows started to attack the eagle from behind attacking its tail. Instead of fighting back the Eagle flew higher and higher until it reached an altitude at which the crows could not fly. In other words the eagle rose above its enemies. This is probably the best example in the world on how to deal with people who criticise you or attempt to bring you down. Anytime you are under attack you have ...two ways to act. You can look ahead or look behind. If you look behind you will see the pesky, mangy crows pecking at you tail trying to bring you down to their level. This will consume your time and your energy and take you backwards in life. But if you look ahead and soar higher than your enemies, like the eagle did. Ten the pesky and negative crows will find another eagle or someone else. Sometimes when you are successful, people will envy you or even hate you. Rise above the haters. An Acronym for Haters Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success. Have you ever noticed there are no recipes for left over chocolate. Being Lazy is such a strong word. I prefer selective participation
17.01.2022 You are responsible for your own Happiness. Take responsibility for it. We tend to blame everybody and everything but ourselves. IF YOU COMPLAIN, YOU REMAIN. You give energy to the situation and feed it and make it grow. The truth is YOU have a choice. Everything is a choice. If you do not like your job. Change it or see what you can do to make it better or happier for you. Any situation you are in or that you do not like or is not benefiting you. Change the situation or chan...ge your mindset about the situation. Just think about it, YOU maybe your number one obstacle. Remember the person that will give the most problems today is the one that stares back at you from the mirror. See more
16.01.2022 SUCCESS IN LIFE Everybody wants to be successful in life and if you are one of those people then you had better stop FAILING. Here are some ways to FAIL. MIXING WITH LOSERS...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Victim Role When we play the victim role, we experience fear, anxiety, depression. procrastination, need for approval, difficulty making decisions, inability to know what we really want, and many other ineffective feelings and behaviours. We lack confidence, engage in compulsive behaviours of temporary relief from tension and anxiety and lack of direction in life. You are not a victim. All of your power is within you and absolutely under your control. Not being in control mak...es you feel like a victim. When you focus on what you can do to create what you want, you take back the power, your intent brings you the knowledge, the awareness and the energy to create what you want. To say things happen through other causes other than yourself is to say you are a victim. Whenever you feel you are not in control of your power it is really an illusion. Everything that has happened to you in your life and where you are right now, this minute is the sum total of all of your thoughts. THOUGHT CREATES. You have created every single thing in your life, good or bad. If you do not like the situation you are in, in your life right now, CHANGE it by changing your thoughts around the situation. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOU. YOU are the only person who can stop YOU and that is not a good deal. Or you can allow someone else to stop you. You can make, or be in your own jail and all locked up. The irony is, YOU have the keys to the lock. Use them to escape and be the REAL YOU. YOU can get to be where you want to be right now starting right now. I wa given this saying a few years ago. ALTHOUGH YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING AND MAKE A BRAND NEW START. YOU CAN START FROM NOW AND MAKE A BRAND NEW ENDING. There is nothing, No Thing out there that can keep YOU from Being, Doing and Having What YOU Truly Desire in Life. Regardless to what you think and believe your life is like at the moment good or bad or mediocre it is a matter of a series of choices, your individual choices. Because this is true. There is nothing going on in your life, in your circle of friends, relatives, your town, city, state or country or the world that can keep YOU from achieving whatever it might be that YOU truly desire and deserve to achieve. It does not matter where you are in your life right now or how far YOU desire to go i your life YOU always have had and currently do have and always will have the ability to CHOOSE, to create whatever desires or impacts in your life. Or YOU can choose to accept your current life exactly as it is now. IT IS NOT BECAUSE YOU CANNOT IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE CHOOSING NOT TO
11.01.2022 CLAIM YOUR POWER. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are more powerful beyond measure. What is inadequate? Not being up to standard. Whose standard? Your peers, society, your standard. If you think you are inadequate then you will be. Then when you rise above your inadequacy. You get scared. This is not true. But you go down to your previous level. When you take charge of your POWER and use it. It frightens you. Take charge of y...ou power and be the amazing, successful powerhouse being you are. Get used to being powerful in all areas of your life. Be true to yourself be the real YOU. It is our LIGHT not the darkness, that most frightens us. Be in control of YOU. Take control. The person that will give you the most trouble today is the one that stares back at you from the mirror. So one of the things you need to do today is to BEAT YOURSELF. (Not beat yourself up) If were in a sporting contest one on one and you knew all of your opponent's weaknesses. Could you win? Of course you could. Well you know all of your weaknesses. So go out there and WIN WIN WIN. Dare to be the great YOU. See more
11.01.2022 I am posting two articles today and in future at least one a week. The first one. You have heard that the PM wants people to work until they are 7o years old before they can get the pension. Due to the backlash the government has had a change of heart. This is the new plan is, The government has implemented a scheme to put workers over 50 years old and above on early mandatory retirement, thus creating jobs and reducing unemployment.... This scheme is known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early) Persons selected to be RAPED can also apply to the government to be considered for the SHAFT program. (Special Help After Forced Termination) Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program. (System Covering Retired - Early Workers) A person may be RAPED once SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many time as the government deems appropriate Persons who have been RAPED could get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependents and Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personal Early Severance) Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by the government. Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on will receive as much SHIT ((Special High Intensity Training) as possible. The government has always prided themselves on the amount of SHIT they give their citizens. Should you feel you have not received enough SHIT please bring this to the attention of your supervisor who has been trained by the government to give you all the SHIT you can handle. PS: Due to recent budget cost and the rising cost of electricity, petrol and Oil as well as current market conditions, The Light at the End of The Tunnel has been turned off. See more
11.01.2022 Prosperity and Success. Conscious Conditioner For Prosperity And Success. Affirmation: Say every day. The infinite law of Abundance flows through me. I AM the channel of love and blessing through which all good things are expressed. I AM a prosperous and successful person. I experience plenty of good things. I AM attuned to the inner wholeness that is the source of all supply. I AM one with the richness of life. My consciousness expands and I AM a productive and useful pers...on. I dedicate myself to doing good work. I give to my world and good is returned to me many times. I AM a good person. I put everything I have into life. I do a good job of being myself at my highest and best. I AM generous. I AM outgoing. I have a mental equivalent of expansion and growth. I praise and bless the inner recourses of spirit. I give thanks for my talents and abilities. I AM constantly developing. Each day I AM one step closer to my goal of fulfilment. The wealth of the inner kingdom is pouring into my mind and at all times my cups runneth over. All that THE CREATOR has is mine. I AM completely and permanently connected to the enriching stream of life. I AM renewed, refreshed and replenished. I AM transformed by the renewing of my mind. THE CREATOR knows what things I have need of before I ask. It is THE CREATOR'S good pleasure to give me the kingdom. I accept it. I use it wisely and I increase it and pass it on to others. I AM rich in every sense of the word. I AM filled to overflowing. I AM a prosperous person and successful person now. I praise THE CREATOR from all blessings flow. I give thanks for the UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE now. AND SO IT IS
10.01.2022 SCREW IT LETS DO IT I think it was Richard Branston who said this. When you are under pressure, engage it and grow through it. If you are working on something important and it is worrying you. You will never be ready. A side effect of doing challenging work is you pull by excitement and push by confusion at the same time. You are bound to feel uncertain, unprepared, and unqualified. But let me assure you of this. What you have right now is enough. You can plan, revise and de...lay all you want. Trust me, what you have right now is enough to start. It does not matter if you want to start a buisiness, reduce weight, write a book or any number of goals. What you have, what you know is good enough to get going. We all start from the same place. No money, no resources, no contracts, no experience. Some people, the winners choose to start anyway. The universe will never give you a task without giving you the capability to fulfil it. A lot of people say I am waiting for the right time. There is a great saying in Asia. EVERY TIME IS THE RIGHT TIME. When I was working in Singapore my co ordinator explained that to me. She said how many people say it is not the right time, or I am waiting for the right time. She then stated what if the right time was two months ago, where does that leave you now? SO SCREW IT LETS DO IT See more
03.01.2022 The Second Article is Saying By An Old Farmer We Could All Live By Your fences need to horse high, pig tight, and bull strong. They also need to be Vermin proof to keep out Politicians and Lawyers.... Life is simpler when you plough around the stump. Words that soak into your ears are whispered not yelled. Meanness does not happen overnight. Forgive your enemies it mess up their heads. Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. It does not take a very big person to carry a grudge. You cannot unsay a cruel word. Every path has a few puddles. Most of the stuff people worry about is not going to happen anyway. Do not judge other people by their relatives. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Do not interfere with something that is nor bothering you. If you find yourself in a hole the first thing you need to do is stop digging. Good judgement comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgement. Letting the cat out of the bag is a lot easier than putting it back in. If you get to thinking you are a person of some influence , try ordering someone else's dog around. Do not pick a fight with an old man. If he is to old to fight, he will just kill you. The biggest troublemaker you will ever have to deal with. Watches you from the mirror every morning. And finally, Speak kindly and leave the rest to God. See more
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