Daves castnets | Local business
Daves castnets
Phone: +43 3355 417
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25.01.2022 Hi all well looks like we might get a good season this year with a proper wet season forecast there has been a lot of prawn in the rivers again but size is very average , I’m looking forward to getting out on the water a lot more this season to catch up with everyone and have a ball in the mosh pit , another month or so for me to wait as I like the bigger prawn and easy buckets , here is a couple of catches from the last few days around the Logan Cheers and may your top pock...ets be full ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions gobblerslures 1300PrepIt Luke's Lines @backtobasicsmoothwatercharters Damos cast net lessons See more
24.01.2022 Hi all again I must thank everyone for there patience and support, nets r coming, a heap of orders ready for pick up atm and some hung ready for chain also I’m getting through repairs as soon as I can And for those who r keen to search search search and cast cast cast u might be lucky to get a feed of prawn but really it’s a bit early , February, March ,April will be the best time to bag out easy and have a great time in the mosh pit, see u all out there this season ORC supp...orts local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters Luke's Lines 1300PrepIt See more
22.01.2022 Hi all got another order of shirts in and got some xtra ones this time so if u want one just hit me up I have 2 x S 4 x M... 1 x L 4 x XL 1 x XXXL $60 each cheers ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters Gobblers Lures See more
22.01.2022 Hi all I thought I would just do a follow up post on what is happening with ORC as there seems to be some confusion, for the last 4 to 5 years I have not been able to keep up with demand I have had an order book running and this on top of my sparky work put a lot of pressure on my family and free time to live So here it is 1 - I will be finishing all orders still out standing over the next couple of months 2 - I will be finishing all repairs out standing over the next coup...le of months 3 - I will STILL BE MAKING NETS all shapes and sizes at my own pace and will post them up when they r ready on my page Just so u all know to I have an older top shelf net maker that lives north side that does my bottom pockets on nets I have stitched , he also can do lead if u want , his work is as good as it gets , and it keeps him busy and gets him some play money , I make nothing out of his work as what he charges me is what I pass on to u all , it actually cost me money as I drive up there to drop off and pick up nets ( fuel and time ) So I hope this clears everything up ORC ISNT GOING ANYWHERE I just need to concentrate on sparky work , family and living cheers See more
22.01.2022 If u want to catch fish don’t miss your chance to get on this boat with Dean
22.01.2022 Hi all some more nets going out In a day or 2 it’s been 2 big days 12hrs each day and 4 x 12ft top pocket and 1 x 10ft top pocket all stitched and strings and rope done ready for chain starting tomorrow happy Easter to everyone enjoy your family time cheers I will be making nets ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters
21.01.2022 Hi all shirts have arrived please contact me for pic up and those that were being posted will be sent this week cheers also net back orders and repairs r still getting done
21.01.2022 Hi All, This is a post that I never thought I’d ever have to, let alone want to write; it’s both a happy and sad tale but none the less, a tale of which I owe to you guys and gals. From humble beginnings being taught how to stitch from Kev Harrison to what ORC has become today is a testament to you guys and gals because without your support I’m stitching for no one and that’s just not a very good business model, in fact when I started this journey I had no intentions of turn...ing nets into a business but it has progressed over time and pride is one emotion I always feel when I’m stitching, chatting to you guys and gals or casting next to you (on the odd occasion I’m allowed out). Pride aside, behind the scenes it’s unfortunately taking a toll on my family and my own well being out of sheer will to keep everyone happy, get nets out on time and to a quality that I’m proud to put my name to. As you may or may not know I also own an electrical contracting company South East Electrical Contracting . Up until recently I haven’t been able to tend to the business as much as I would have liked due to concentrating on nets but as you can imagine during these difficult times for all of us and what I can foresee unfortunately I have to shift my time more towards my electrical company for no other reason than my family’s wellbeing. Dave’s castnets is still in business, I will still be fulfilling orders I currently have and also completing the repairs I have also been tasked with up to this point. Moving forward; I won’t be in a position to take pre orders, rather I’ll be making nets in my available time and posting them for sale once complete on a first in best dressed basis. This may not always be the case but for the foreseeable future this is the right move I need to make for my family. My phone is always on, I’m always available for a chat on messenger and if I can be of any help to you or anyone you know that needs any electrical work I’m always more than happy to help. It pained me to write this post because the burden of thinking I’m letting all of you down is one that I carry heavily. I want to thank each and everyone of youyou’re not my customers, you’re my friends; you guys and gals created ORC. I look forward to spending more time with you all on the high seas and please remember I’m just a man trying to do the best by my family, nothing else. Tight lines, full pockets and I wish you all fair winds and following seas. See more
21.01.2022 Hi all I am placing the shirt orders tomorrow thank u for all your orders if u were wanting one and haven’t contacted me yet please do so tonight $60 a shirt pic up or delivered cheers
16.01.2022 Hi all plenty of prawns around north and south side for those who r food gathering also crabs , I had a very good mate give me a huge feed of sand crabs as I’m trying very hard and doing big hours to try and put a dint in my net orders so when this crazy stuff is all over I can get out on the water again Thank u all for your support and patience and hope u all stay safe and well ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters
16.01.2022 Hi all I had had some inquiries about my ORC shirts so thought I would do another order So this time all shirts $60 pick up regents park and $5 extra to post also I will have a new batch of angry prawn stickers that will be $20 a pair Thank u all for your messages and support I’m still here and not going anywhere just need to get my home life balanced and some home improvements done for my expanding family , already looking forward to seeing u all out on the water after Xmas Pm with order or call 0433355417
16.01.2022 Dave's Cast Nets (Promotional Signage) #torksigns #queensland #brisbane #signs #signagedesign #fabrication #installation #advertising #branding #davescastnets #prawns #promotionalprints
15.01.2022 Hi all wow the support from everyone just blows me away thank u all so much ORC Daves cast nets just clicked over 4000 likes , I’m so proud of what we have all made ORC one of the biggest family community’s on the water , thank u everyone
15.01.2022 Hi all next lot of nets r coming along , and to say I’m loving the new shed / work space is an understatement , also a few good prawns around in the Logan river but be careful if u don’t know where to cast as the last thing u want is to wreak your net just before the real big schools start around the bay islands and great to see some good rain at the perfect time for our upcoming season ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Back To Bas...ics Smooth Water Charters Gobblers Lures 1300PrepIt Luke's Lines Damo's castnetting lessons Brisbane See more
14.01.2022 FOR SALE / SOLD SOLD SOLD Hi all as u all know you usually have to order and wait for my nets. Today this one is for someone that chases live bait, this is the ultimate live bait net with smaller mesh size to keep bait fish from meshing and keeping them in the best condition possible for u and is up for grabs first in best dressed 12ft drawstring blue net 19mm mesh ... 7kg so it sinks nice and fast 20m of rope $380 See more
12.01.2022 Well done Steve u just need to have a net in the boat all the time
12.01.2022 Hi all a few more nets heading out to ORC customer off the back order list , thanks for your patience and support cheers Blue 12ft top pocket Purple 12ft top and bottom pocket 10ft drawstring line 4 for chasing mullet ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions ... Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters Gobblers Lures See more
11.01.2022 & [ ] ________________________________ Diamond G...rinding, Polishing, Shot Blasting, Tile Removal, Profiling, Levelling, Line Removal. Concrete Coatings including Comercial & Industrial Epoxy and Domestic Decorative coatings such as Flake, Non-Slip, Sealers & Epoxy. ’ ! #1300prepit #itswhatwedo #concreteprep #concretepreparationspecialist #concreteresurfacing #concretespecialist #grinding #concretegrinding #dailygrind #concreteprofiling #concreteleveling #shotblasting #lineremoval #epoxycoating #smallbusiness #qualityoverquantity#heveybay #burrumheads #toogoom #frasercoast #widebay andbeyond #queensland . ~ ’ ! See more
10.01.2022 Hi all a few more orders heading out this week 3 x 12ft drawstring ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters Gobblers Lures... 1300PrepIt Luke's Lines See more
08.01.2022 ORC supports small Aussie owned and made businesses and here is one that might interest a lot of u This looks like one awesome prawn/crab cooker go check them out
08.01.2022 Hi all 3 more nets out today 8ft bottom pocket 12ft 27mm drawstring 12ft 19mm drawstring I thought the time staying home I would catch up on orders but the list is growing faster than I can make them still , plus so many repairs might have to put an apprentice on lol ... Thanks for everyone’s support and patience and please stay safe and look after one another ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters See more
08.01.2022 If u want to catch fish this is your guy
07.01.2022 Hi all a few more nets finished off the back log list 8ft 19mm Bottom pocket lead 10ft 19mm top and bottom pocket lead 12ft 19mm top and bottom pocket lead 10ft is staying local others r heading north Bundy and Townsvile ... Thanks everyone for support and patience See more
07.01.2022 Hi all well this rain has come at the perfect time for our prawn season to really kick off in a couple of months I am also trying to get as many orders as I can done before Xmas for u all as my order book is out to end of February at the moment , was a big day yesterday cutting a 1klm bundle of net in half , stitching a couple nets and doing a chain , I am trying to find that happy balance of work and living so if I’m not doing sparky work I’m doing a day on nets and try...ing to just do so many hours each day ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters Luke's Lines 1300PrepIt
03.01.2022 Hi all busy busy week as usual for me 3 top and bottom pocket nets and some drawn string and top pocket nets all stitched up and ready for chain and strings this long weekend , day off nets tomorrow with a day of sparky work also still a few prawns around south side if u look for them well done Phill thanks for the pics Stay safe everyone ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters
03.01.2022 Hi all as most of u know I have been building a shed what a weekend and still managed to get a couple of 12ft prawn / shrimp nets as my American mates call them finished with some stickers and a shirt all packed up and on there way to Florida there prawn season is happing right now More ORC in the USA ORC supports local Aussie businesses , made locally for local conditions Gobblers Lures... Back To Basics Smooth Water Charters See more
03.01.2022 Hi all Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there hope U all have a great day from ORC Eat Drink And be spoilt
03.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/104876818140219/posts/109539594340608/ Love seeing my nets in the air it’s almost as good as seeing the top pockets full of prawn Damion Tran doing a great job at sharing is knowledge
02.01.2022 Hi all well another year has flown by , I swear time speeds up as u get older , I would just like to thank everyone for there ongoing support and patience over the years and wish a very merry Xmas to all of the ORC family , without all of u I would be just another net maker , there is no feeling like knowing u all r happy to help or have a chat or even just the nod of your head at someone else with a orange rope , angry prawn sticker or orc shirt , when I sit back in the mosh... pit and see all the nets I have made being used by u all to catch a feed of prawns for family and friends and having a laugh and a great time , that is what it’s all about to me , if I was a rich man I would make them for free , again thank u all and merry Xmas and a safe holiday season to everyone See u in the mosh pit cheers and May your top pockets always be full See more
02.01.2022 Hi all plenty of prawns in the Brizzy river still if u want to go at night and deal with the cold and cast for hours not me no fun with no mosh pit Here’s a couple of nets on the way to rocky from my list I’m still trying to clear 10ft and 12ft ,19mm mesh top and bottom pockets with lead all bases covered with these weapons and yes ORC can get lead done instead of chain if u want
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