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Dave Wright Motorcycle Consulting

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 418 954 424

Address: Woodbridge 6056 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Motorcycle representation on RAC Council Election - 2015 Hi All (especially the RAC members among you), I have nominated for selection on the Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia Council (RACWA).... I firmly believe that I can contribute positively to the growth of the RACWA in the areas that I have worked with that organisation over many years - to improve the safety of the most vulnerable road users in our community namely pedestrians, cyclists and particularly motorcycle and scooter riders. I remain committed to actively assisting and supporting all riders and pedestrians. I have accumulated many years knowledge and experience and will work tirelessly for rider safety and sensible, practical legislation to improve roads and roadsides for all vulnerable road users. Those amongst you who know me personally can testify to that however, I NEED your support to achieve this. There are currently 15 sitting councillors on the RACWA Council. This election, there are 7 candidates standing for the 4 available positions. You can vote for 1, 2, 3 or 4 candidates and I would sincerely appreciate your support by placing a 'X' alongside my name (not a tick). As 4 incumbent RAC councillors are re-nominating, my best chance of success is for my supporters to vote for me only. RACWA members will be receiving their copy of the RACWA Horizons Magazine towards the end of September in which the RACWA Council Voting Ballot Form will be included. Again, I would sincerely appreciate your support and sharing your personal recommendation to your friends, family & neighbours. David Wright President Motorcycle Riders Association of Western Australia Inc. Ulysses Club National Road Safety Committee (WA representative) Motorcycle Safety Advisory Group member. Vulnerable Road User Group member. Ph. 0418 954 424 Email - [email protected]

25.01.2022 Have you say on the upcoming Road Safety Strategy by visiting the website This is our chance as motorcycle riders to have our voices heard and to influence the Government to consider motorcycle riders in this road safety strategy. So get onto it and fill in your thought on the survey, it is no good complaining about lack of action by the Government on rider safety if you dont get involved. Dave Wright

24.01.2022 RAC totally negative opinion of motorcycle riders I have just received my copy of the RAC WA Horizons Magazine and have read the article Risky business a couple of times because I could not believe that they could print such a negative anti motorcycle article. I can only assume that the author Peta Tomlinson is not a motorcycle or scooter rider and did not bother talking to any. The whole article seems to be written with the intention of trying t...Continue reading

22.01.2022 Free Ride Right motorcycle skills enhancement course at Toodyay 28th June See for flier and registration details

22.01.2022 Hi Guys I have just received news that Janine Nicholas from Rider Down First Aid has been announced as a finalist for the prestigious National Road Safety Awards If your group is interested in completing a first aid course than I would strongly recommend that you consider this course as it is designed specifically for motorcycle riders. I have done many first aid courses over the years and this is by far the best one that I have ever attended.... Also if you are a member of the MRA or the Ulysses Club you will get a special price, but in any case you will learn some very important lessons that you may need if one of your mates comes off their bike and I would call this priceless. You can Contact Janine on Ph. 0439 988 212 Email [email protected] Cheers Dave Wright President, Motorcycle Riders Association of W.A. Inc. Ulysses Club National Safety Committee (W.A. representative)

22.01.2022 Star Rating for Protective Motorcycle Clothing We have been pushing for some time now for a star rating for protective motorcycle clothing from the relevant motorcycle safety agencies and the motorcycle clothing manufacturers. This would be similar to the tags you get on cars to let you know that it has been tested and the number of stars indicated the protection you would get from that garment in the event of a crash. This has been worked on for the past few years by TEC in ...Victoria and has now been organised the NSW Road Safety Branch with funding from all Australian States including Main Roads W.A. and is progressing very well. We expect for some star rated motorcycle clothing to be in motorcycle shops next year. All the clothing will be tested independent of the manufacturers such as Deakin University which has the equipment to carry out impact and abrasion tests and some manufacturers are keen to get this up and running. This is not a compulsory clothing regulation but purely voluntary as is the star rating on cars and will give us a better understanding of just what it is we are buying. See more

20.01.2022 STAR RATED PROTECTIVE MOTORCYCLE CLOTHING In September 2018, a motorcycle protective clothing star rating called MotoCAP was launched across Australia and NZ. It is intended to help us make informed decisions when purchasing new motorcycle clothing to ensure that we get the best possible protection for us and our pillions from gear that is also suitable for our climate. Each year, 10% of the jackets, pants and gloves for road riding will be tested at Deakin University for ab...rasion and burst resistance, impact protection, thermal management and water resistance. To date, the test results for 31 Jackets, 29 pants and 13 gloves have been listed on the website with many more still in testing. I have visited the testing laboratory at Deakin University and observed first-hand the rigorous test that they put garments through to establish their star rating. The way the garments are sourced is also very good as their shoppers buy the garments off the shelf in motorcycle shops anonymously. This is to ensure that what is tested is of the same quality that you will be buying and not a special item sent to them by a manufacturer. Some of the test results can be very surprising as the cost or make is often not an indication of the best protection. However many manufacturers have responded to the test results and are improving the design and quality of their products to obtain a greater star rating which can only be good for us as riders and consumers. I suggest that you visit the website to learn about the testing and results before you buy your next jacket, pants, gloves and more. For motorcycle helmet star rating visit

19.01.2022 Motorcycle Road Safety Audits I am pleased to let you know that after lobbying by the Motorcycle Riders Association of WA recently the Road Safety Commission has secured funding to start Motorcycle Road Safety Audits of some of our most popular motorcycle routes. I believe that in some instances our roads and roadsides can contribute to motorcycle accidents and the severity of the injuries of riders and by identifying these issues to the relevant road authority we can reduce... the number if crashes. Indeed Safer Roads and Roadsides is one of the four cornerstones of the Governments Road Safety Strategy. I have now completed a Motorcycle Road Safety Audit of Toodyay Road Safe System Solutions and the results are with the Road Safety Commission and I thank them for getting this established in this financial year. I trust that this is just the start of a comprehensive safety audit of motorcycle route roads to be supported by the Road Safety Commission and that funding will be allocated to this important project next financial year. See more

19.01.2022 Congratulations Janine great course and deserves the recognition for the work you do in helping reduce the severity and outcomes of motorcycle crash injuries

18.01.2022 We now have European standard helmets for motorcycle riders to legal use on roads in Queensland and Victoria. When will the WA government allow us to use the safest helmets. 1720 G 31 6 August 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Road Safety Act 1986 ROAD SAFETY ROAD RULES 2009...Continue reading

18.01.2022 This document is currently still in draft mode and may be updated Released : 25/07/2015 Prepared by: Tim Kelly Preface...Continue reading

18.01.2022 RAC Elections I would like to thank all of you that gave me your vote for a position on the RAC WA Council at the recent elections. Unfortunately I was not successful this time but intend to run for a position again next year as I am still passionate about the plight of motorcycle riders, cyclists and pedestrians. In fact I want to see better consideration for the safety of all vulnerable road users. I believe we need a voice on the RAC Council to archive this and I hope to gain some additional votes for next year. Once again thank you for your support. Dave Wright

18.01.2022 Hi Guys I have attached a flier from Tracey and Rog who run the Motorcycle Crash Scene Management course. She is bringing this course to WA for the first time during April and May 2016. I have spoken to many people who have completed this course and everyone raves about how good it is. Bookings are limited so you had best get in quick. If you are a Ulysses Club member this course qualifies for the Ulysses discount.... Please spread the news of this course, it could make a huge difference in the outcome for people who are involved in a motorcycle crashes.

18.01.2022 DOCWA invites you to join other motorcycle enthusiast to celebrate 20 years of rallying in Dowerin at the 2019 NUMDUC RALLY Follow the signs: Dowerin Meckering Road Gates open: 9:00am, Saturday 1st June Available onsite: Food, Water, Firewood, Toilets - BYO everything else! Participation Awards, Badges, Raffles, Gymkhana Sunday morning * Badges guaranteed for pre-paid only * NO Cars NO Dogs NO Glass NO Quad Bikes NO Agro on Rally Site Two Zoned Areas ZONE 1:... Traditional Rally Campground. (strictly NO unlicensed vehicles) ZONE 2: General Camping area with motocross on Western side. NOTE: Rear Speedway Oval CLOSED for rally duration and for everyones safety ALL vehicle turned off at 12.30am Adults: $25 pre-paid or $30 at the gate Children under 14: $15 Due to a revised Insurance Assessment, unlicensed vehicles will only be permitted within ZONE 2 of the rally site. See more

18.01.2022 RAC Council Elections I would like to thank all of the people who gave me there vote for a position on the RAC Council at the recent RAC elections. Unfortunately I was not successful on this occasion but I do thank the 2200 of you that took the time to fill in the form and send it back to the RAC. I was however about 2000 votes short of being successful and I wont be nomination for this position again. I will however continue to lobby the RAC to use their influence for a bet...ter outcome for motorcycle and moped riders. Regards Dave Wright President, Motorcycle Riders Association of WA Ulysses Club Road Safety Committee (WA representative)

17.01.2022 INFO SHEET Dehydration By Janine Nicholas - Paramedic- Owner Ride Down First Aid Cannington WA ph 1300 585 000... Water makes up the largest component of the human body representing 45% to 70% of our body weight. For example, a 75 kg person would contain 45 litres of water, representing 60% of body weight. Any excessive change in the normal body water balance, such as fluid loss causing dehydration can be a serious outcome for the motorcyclist. We lose body water daily through normal tasks such as breathing, sweating, urinating and some medications for example. A reduction of only 1% can start to impair our bodys normal temperature regulation system and dehydration will kick in. During heat exposure, body water is primarily lost as sweat. Individuals can sweat anywhere between 800 mL to 1.4 litres per hour. People normally do not perceive thirst until a deficit of approximately 2% body weight loss has resulted from sweating. Thus, thirst provides a poor indicator of body water needs during rest or physical activity. When individuals are encouraged to drink fluids frequently during heat exposure, the rate at which we can replace the fluids by mouth is limited by the rate at which fluids can be absorbed from the stomach to the intestines (where the absorption process starts to take place). Fluids can only empty from the stomach at a maximum rate of approximately 1 to 1.2 litres per hour. The important message is that once dehydration occurs, it becomes more challenging to rehydrate adequately by drinking water. The key to preventing dehydration for the motorcyclist is to begin consuming water before going on a ride and to maintain hydration by taking frequent drinks of water during the ride. Just remember that you can sweat more per hour on a hot day than what your body is capable of absorbing. That is why it is critical to maintain your water intake before, during and after the ride. FIRST AID Keep an eye out for common signs (something you see) and symptoms (something you hear or the patient tells you.) of dehydration. Also keep in mind that each person may experience symptoms differently, they include; Less frequent urination & dark in colour Thirst Fatigue & light-headedness Confusion Dry mouth Frontal headache DRINK, DONT SIP Cool the individual down and get them to drink as much water as possible (may include electrolytes). Be aware that large amounts of oral fluids may increase bloating, nausea, and vomiting due to the delays in stomach intestine absorption rate. In this case, the individual needs urgent medical attention and intravenous (I.V) fluid replacement. Please remember that the volume of oral fluids ingested typically must at least equal the volume of fluid lost.

16.01.2022 RAC Comment in the Sunday Times April 29th 2018 (page 20) I feel that I need to clarify a comment by the RAC WA regarding there call for a star rated system for motorcycle helmet and protective clothing. This sort of comment shows just how out of touch the RAC WA is regarding riders needs and what is happening in Australia on this subject. The Australian Motorcycle Council have been backing a star system for protective clothing for over 8 years and are involved with a workin...g group that includes the WA Road Safety Commission and most other Australian and New Zealand road authorities. As recently as October 2017 a pilot scheme has been underway that involves blind testing of a wide range of protective clothing that is being purchased randomly from motorcycle shops around the country. This programme is being run by Liz De Rome and Professor Christopher Hurren from Deakin University, (both very well respected experts in this field)and it is anticipated that once completed this will become the Star Rating that the RACWA mentioned in the Sunday Times article. As it seems the RACWA were not aware of this work or that it is currently underway, should concern all motorcycle and moped riders. Dave Wright Vice Chair, Australian Motorcycle Council

16.01.2022 2018 Motorcycle Safety Week April 15 - 21 Kicks off at the York Motorcycle Festival this weekend.

15.01.2022 The mainstream media would have you believe that motorcyclists are dying at an increasingly alarming rate. Motorcyclists deaths on the increase despite campaigns to improve awareness screamed the headlines of the national news. This somewhat misleading and sensationalist campaign was based on the June 2015 quarterly report from the Australian Automobile Association, which claimed that motorcyclists deaths have increased 3.2 per cent on the same quarter last year. While this...Continue reading

14.01.2022 Hi All Just a heads up that I will not be nominating for any positions on the MRA Committee and will be standing down as President/ Safety Officer at our AGM this Tuesday 16th July. Please come along to the AGM at the Victoria Park Hotel (upstairs) 605 Albany Hwy. Vic Park, starting at 7.30 to meet the new Committee, or get their early and join me in a meal. It has been an absolute pleasure working on the MRA Committee for the past 15 years with some wonderful people, but it time for a new group to move the MRA forward, and I wish them every success for all motorcycle riders. Cheers Dave Wright

11.01.2022 Western Australia Safety Report March/April 2019 I hope you are all well and not put off riding too much by the change in the weather. The Easter Long Weekend break is coming up fast and I would encourage all riders to take extra care on our roads as this is the time when many car drivers take to our country roads for the first time in a year and we unfortunately have to make allowances for there lack of highway knowledge and skills to survive....Continue reading

11.01.2022 MRA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY WEEK 2015 RIDE YOUR MOTORCYCLE TO WORK DAY Nov 4th FREE PARKING for Motorcycle and Scooters in Perth CBD for 300... Grass area on Riverside Drive opposite Perth Concert Hal Enter from Governors Avenue The annual Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day and Safety Breakfast will be held on Wednesday November 4th 2015. Riders are encouraged to ride their motorcycle or scooter on this day to demonstrate: The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to our politicians. That motorcyclist are from all occupations and all walks of life. That motorcyclist can reduce traffic and parking congestion in large cities. That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation. That motorcycling is a social good. We encourage all riders to commute by motorcycle or scooter on this day. Riders to seek employer recognition and support for this form of transportation and increased public and government awareness of the societally positive benefits of PTW riding. Adding motorcycles and scooters helps traffic flow better. Studies have shown that across the same distances, riders reach their destinations up to 20 percent faster than those using cars. Most motorcycles and scooters also consume fewer resources per kilometre than cars. Riding to work on this day is fun and highlights value of motorcycling. Riding is a form of personal mobility that saves energy, helps the environment and reduced congestion on our roads and parking areas. If you are unable to ride your motorcycle or scooter on this day we would encourage you to take your motorcycle helmet to work to show others that riders are just regular people who deserve consideration on our roads For more information contact Dave Wright Ph. 0418 954 424 email [email protected] See us on Facebook or at See more

10.01.2022 Are you ready to buy a new helmet? This is what you need to know- Last year the Western Australian Government along with other State Governments changed the regulations governing the use and sale of motorcycle helmets in Australia to include European certified motorcycle helmets ECE 22.05 as well as the Australian certified motorcycle helmets AS 1698.... This is great I hear you say, but that does not help me in choosing the best and safest helmet for me. Yes but good news is that most of the helmets certified to these two standards have been independently tested and you can get the result of these tests in a simple star rated form by checking out a couple of websites. For the Australian certified motorcycle helmets go to For European certified motorcycle helmets go to Both of these sites will give you the safety rating for different types of motorcycle helmet, full face, open face, and flip face etc. It is strongly recommended that you do not buy a helmet through any on line store, for a couple of reasons, firstly you should never buy a motorcycle helmet that you have not had on your head to ensure the correct fit, secondly there are some dodgy web site out there that may not be selling a compliant helmet and we have already had one fatality from a helmet being sold as compliant on the internet failing and causing the death of a rider. Also never buy a second hand helmet as you never really know how it has been treated, it may have been dropped and have a undetectable fracture or flaw that cant be seen by the naked eye but will fail when you need the maximum protection in a crash. I do hope this helps and gives you some guidance in choosing your next helmet. Dave Wright Motorcycle Consulting

08.01.2022 Hi Guys, Just to let you know that I have nominated for the RAC Council this year and I need you vote to push for more RAC involvement in motorcycle and scooter riders rights and safety. The Horizons Magazine will be delivered to RAC members soon and it will have the voting form in it. Please put a X next to my name and send it back to the RAC. You only need to vote for one person and this will belefit me. Thank you for your support and please share this with your Facebook contacts in the motorcycle comunity. Cheers, Dave Wright MRA

07.01.2022 Hi Guys NSW have just amended there motorcycle helmet regulations to accept European standards helmets ECE 22.05 This now brings them into line with Queensland. Victoria, Northern Territory. A great Christmas present for motorcycle and scooter riders. Will have been pushing this for some time in WA and believe it will happen very soon.... I have a meeting next week with Motorcycle Safety Advisory Group to discuss this issue along with Legalised lane filtering and legalised motorcycle use of bus lanes. See more

07.01.2022 Hi Guys, Just a friendly reminder of tonight's MRA General Meeting. The last before our AGM next month. Starting 7.30pm at the Victoria Park Hotel, 605 Albany Hwy. Come along early for a feed and chat.

07.01.2022 There seems to be some confusion on the legality of lane filtering in WA. At the moment the proposal to legalise lane filtering between moving traffic as is the case in Victoria is being considered by the Minister for Road Safety. The following information on lane filtering was provided to me by the WA police Traffic Enforcement Group and is current now. Hi Dave... Here is the related regulation for overtaking. You will note that reg 122(1) stipulates a moving vehicle so when the vehicles are stationary that reg doesnt apply. 122. Overtaking (1) When overtaking a moving vehicle, a driver of a vehicle (other than a bicycle) shall, except as provided in subregulations (2) and (3), pass to the right of that vehicle, at a safe distance. Points: 2 Modified penalty: 2 PU (2) Where a carriageway is a one way carriageway, or has 2 or more marked lanes for vehicles travelling in the same direction, a driver may overtake and pass in another marked lane to the left of a vehicle, if conditions permit him or her to do so with safety. I hope this helps.

06.01.2022 Safety Report December 2015 IN THIS REPORT- Perth Motorcycle and Scooter Show Ride your motorcycle to work day...Continue reading

05.01.2022 SAFETY REPORT DECEMBER 2017 VRUG I attended the WA Vulnerable Road User Group Last week and the highlights for us from that meeting are that lane filtering for motorcycles was discussed and it is looking very promising for progress of this issue in the very near future (watch this space for a update soon) Also discussed was the 1 metre passing rule for push bikes and investigating of adding motorcycles to the legislation so that we also have the same legal protection that has...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Motorcycle Safety Forum June 23rd 2018 I recently organised the 2018 Motorcycle Safety Forum held on Saturday 23rd June in partnership and with Road Safety Commission, WA Department of Transport and the City of Stirling. We had about 55 people in attendance with the majority of them being active motorcycle riders and the balance from Government Agencies and private organisations such as the WA Local Government, WA Motor Traders Association and rider trainers. The day was open...Continue reading

04.01.2022 Safety Report October 2017 I attended the 3 day Australasian Road Safety Conference which was held in Perth this year, representing the Motorcycle Riders Association of WA Inc. (my attendance was paid for by the WA Road Safety Commission and I would like to thank them for this)I have attended these for the past 8 years in all Australian States and Territories and this was by far the best one I have attended because of the amount of motorcycle specific topics raised. These top...ics kept me busy for all 3 days and included a symposium on motorcycle training and licensing which lasted for most of day 1. On day 2 there was 11 concurrent sessions on motorcycle topics including high risk roads, protective clothing star rating, and motorcycle friendly road design. Day 3 was mostly about safety barriers and road side hazards. My notebook is now full of issues to peruse in the coming year. I will be attending the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) Conference in Sydney on November 11th as the MRA WA representative. The AMC is the peak motorcycle body in Australia at the Federal level representing the rights and safety of motorcycle riders and has delegates from all Australian States and Territories. Many of the regulations affecting us as riders originate at a Federal level before being adopted by the various state and territory Governments. This is why it is so important that we have a strong national organisation that we are part of and have a say in the directions. REMEMBER TO RIDE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Dave Wright MRA WA Safety Officer

03.01.2022 MOTORCYCLE SKILLS MASTERCLASS Saturday 29th April 2017 As part of MRA Motorcycle Safety Week 2017 we are holding a FREE Motorcycle Safety Masterclass which wi...ll include motorcycle mental skills course by Ride Right, motorcycle advanced skills practical course by On Yer Bike Training and a basic motorcycle specific first aid course covering helmet removal, blood loss control, CPR and accident scene management by Ride Down First Aid trainers. This is full day course, will be held at Mirrabooka recreation centre, starting 9am sharp. Numbers are limited to 25 people only and registration is required. Morning lunch and afternoon breaks will be catered for. For more information or to register contact Dave Wright Ph.- 0418 954 424 email - [email protected]

03.01.2022 Hi all, Lane Filtering and Rider Training. The survey on these two important issues to motorcycle riders closes on this Monday 23rd July and at the last count only about 430 people have bothered to fill out the survey. I believe we all need to be heard on this important issue and I urge all of you to complete the survey today, the link is Cheers Dave Wright

02.01.2022 So you think you know the road rules I often get asked questions regarding the regulations regarding road use in W.A. I hope the following information helps to increase you knowledge in this area and reduces the chances of being fined or worse. Road rules are constantly being updated and new regulations added; if like me you have had your licence for a while then you may not be up to date on the latest Australian Road Rules or the Western Australian Traffic Code.... Below are some useful resources that may help you update your knowledge and help you in not receiving an traffic infringement fine from the police (ignorance of the current rules and regulations are not accepted by the courts as a legitimate defence) Road Rules - theory test for both motorcycle and car drivers, give it a try and see how you go, would you get your licence if you applied for it today? Hazard perception test also required for a pass on your licence. Try it and see if you would get a licence now. Another useful site is the Road Safety Commission that lists regulations regarding road use. This website also has a link to the complete W.A. Road Traffic Code 2000 I do hope this saves you a fine and wasting time in the courts. Dave Wright Motorcycle Consulting

02.01.2022 AGM Venue Change In case you missed it! Due to a lack of room at the Attfield Tavern we have moved the venue for this Tuesdays AGM to the Civic Hotel 981 Beaufort Street Inglewood starting at 7.30 sharp. Voting at AGM is for financial members only, so please bring your current membership card with you. If your membership has expired you can pay for your membership on the night and still be eligible to vote for your new Committee. We will only be handing out voting cards to fi...nancial MRAWA members. Get there early for a feed and socialising before the official bit. Cheers Dave Wright President Motorcycle Riders Association of W.A. Inc.

01.01.2022 This is a great example of counter steering and something we should all practice for our safety

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