David and Sandi Simons | Coach
David and Sandi Simons
Phone: +61 419 343 406
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25.01.2022 Please share... we pray we can all get back to normal and do what we love the most... playing ponies
24.01.2022 David, Sandi, and all of Team Simons would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We really appreciated all your wonderful, continued support throughout what was a very trying and difficult year for all, We look forward to getting back in the swing of things for 2021 with your continued support and cannot wait to see you all at a clinic or camp in the future. We have some exciting clinics already booked in for 2021 so please keep an eye out for... those dates , as I am sure they will fill up FAST, make sure you book your spot as numbers are limited, If you are interested in becoming an ONLINE MEMBER to our training school, go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au sign up and get one week’s free trial, Remember with the ONLINE membership you get to sign up to our private Facebook group for all our exciting news and your opportunity to connect and ask as many questions as you like, look for the link in the members section where your pink sign in card is , make sure you send a request so I can add you to the group. Have you ever considered hosting a Sandi Simons Clinic or you thought there needs to be more Clinics in your local area that understand and support women and their Horses? If you would like to host a Sandi Simons Clinic or know of someone who would, we are now taking bookings for 2021, Sandi would me more than happy to consider coming and holding a clinic in your area Australia wide. Don’t hesitate as Dates are a filling up fast, or if you Know of somewhere Sandi needs to be please email us at [email protected] Xx Team Simons
24.01.2022 COVID SURVIVAL TACK SALE Prices are in pictures, limited stock Please PM if you would like to purchase anything
18.01.2022 Weekend reminder you are enough.... Whats the first thing you are looking forward to doing when restrictions end. #horse #horsetraining #confidencecoach #sandisimons #suport #creatingconfidence #connection #davidsimons #davidandsandisimons #womenandhorses #iamenough
18.01.2022 My office view today, one of the many awesome things about my job is i get to setup my office anywhere, Love this view, so grateful, xxLee
17.01.2022 #confidence #confidencecoach #sandisimons #davidandsandisimons
16.01.2022 LAST SANDI SIMONS CLINIC FOR 2020 Why not finish off this year with lots of FUN now restrictions are lifted a little team simons would love everyone to join us for the last clinic of 2020 This clinic is designed to get re connected with your horse training again, or even if you need to just check in after lockdown, Sandi can add some more skills to your training or you might need a little extra help with your riding or performance, ... It will also be suited to anyone wanting to start their journey with their horse, or if you are feeling lost and do not know what step to take next, Sandi will support you in your next step forward with your horse, This clinic is going to be a weekend full of FUN and training suited to ANYONE, no set experience required Let Sandi teach you as she takes you through her unique training techniques. Sandi understands that everyone has different needs, Sandi does her best to make sure all clinics accommodate everyone’s personal needs. Weather Permitting we also might take our Horses to the beach Bookings Essential Riding Positions Limited Spectators welcome ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] Ridden Position $250 per day Spectators $66 per day
15.01.2022 *floating Problems* Do you have a problem with your horse wanting to rush out of the float ? Here is the end of a lesson where Sandi was asked to help as the horse was coming out of the float at quite a fast speed.... I think the results speak for themselves, To watch the full lesson video, head over to our online members only Facebook page, if you are not a member sign up today for one weeks free trial www.davidandsandisimons.com.au
14.01.2022 Online lessons are a great way to stay connected to your training. Online lesson have been very popular during lock-down. All lessons are done through facetime or Whatsapp, all you need is a Bluetooth head set and your good to go, it will feel like Sandi is right there with you. Sandi is here to help with your training needs, Please message on Facebook ... or text Sandi on 0419 343 406 to book lessons are $66
14.01.2022 Look at Bluebell relaxing in the afternoon sun with so much going on around her she is relaxed and content and couldn't care less , she has come so far in her training and is now under saddle. New videos have now been added to the members only Facebook page and if you are not a member sign up today for one weeks free trial www.davidandsandisimons.com.au cancel at anytime
13.01.2022 A Sunday evening quote for you #horse #horsetraining #confidencecoach #sandisimons #suport #creatingconfidence #connection #davidsimons #davidandsandisimons #womenandhorses #iamenough #confidencecoach
13.01.2022 Caption this........ I love this photo, but i thought it would be fun to add a caption to it, so lets see what clever captions everyone comes up with.
13.01.2022 Only a couple of participants spots left. REGISTER TODAY This Clinic is fast approaching, make sure you get your registration in asap as its filling up fast and numbers are limited , what a great way to finish off the year .... BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL to register go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au or email [email protected] #sandisimonsclinic #confidencecoach #horse #horsetraining See more
13.01.2022 Very true..... #confidence #sandisimons #womenandhorses #confidencecoach #davidandsandisimons #horses
12.01.2022 #percheron#horse#sale#trailriding
12.01.2022 #horse #horsetraining #creatingconfidence #sandisimons #confidencecoach
12.01.2022 Yippee the new Team Simons hats have arrived and they look amazing.... The colour is Raspberry and Navy. Limited number available $40 each plus $8.50 post. Order online today ,you can order via Facebook messanger or email [email protected] #horse #horsetraining #confidencecoach #sandisimons #suport #creatingconfidence #connection #davidsimons #davidandsandisimons #womenandhorses #iamenough #teamsimons
12.01.2022 COVID CLEAR OUT SALE, GET IN QUICK, A STOCK MUST GO ALL POLOS $10 PLUS POSTAGE We are clearing out all of our polos, please see pictures for colours, as there is a big mixture of what is printed on them, we will select one at random in the colour and size you are after, All have either David or Sandi's logo/training on them, make great work tops,... Please see pictures for colours and sizes Please PM to purchase ...TIA PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGE
11.01.2022 With this year almost over , We are now taking bookings for 2021 If you are interested in a Sandi Simons Clinic coming to your area, please contact us today. Sandi would me more than happy to hold a clinic near you, Australia wide.... *Don’t hesitate as Dates will fill up fast* *For more information please email our office* [email protected]
10.01.2022 SUNDAY FUN DAY #horsetraining #funwithhorses #family #creatingconfidence #sandisimons #davidsimons #davidandsandisimons
10.01.2022 *Float loading problems* This is an interesting topic for many and probably one of the most misunderstood forms of horse training. There are a number of reasons why horses all of a sudden develop floating issues.... In today's lesson this lovely young horse had been floating ok and was fine going on the float but he started to react when the divider was going to be closed and would rush off. To watch the full video of this lesson, for members head over to our online members only Facebook page. If you are not a member sign up today for one weeks free trial, go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au to register, cancel at any time. Yes Its that easy to bring horse training into your home.
10.01.2022 Happy Father's day to all the Dads, grandads, stepfathers ,father figures and mum's who had to take on both parenting roles, we hope your day was filled with the happiness love and joy you deserve, love Team Simons xx
10.01.2022 Wise Words #horsetraining #confidencetraining #confidencecoach #womanandhorses #horses #sandisimons #davidsimons #davidandsandisimons
08.01.2022 Love our new team Simons caps
08.01.2022 Happy New Year ,we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and new year. Now that 2021 is well underway, i thought i would give you a little sneak peek at just some of the clinic and camps dates we have already booked into the scheduled so far this year, for more information please email [email protected] (please note clinics and camp numbers are limited and participant positions will fill up fast) ... As Sandi's calendar year fills up very fast, we are interested in your feed back as to what area/location and type of clinic you think might be needed in your area, please message, comment of email and let us know what your thoughts are
07.01.2022 Appreciate your trainer. We spend way more hours at work than you could even imagine. We are here six if not seven days a week every week. We work holidays. We work weekends. And just because our office is outside and we get to be surrounded by beautiful animals the whole time does not mean we aren’t working. The barn to you is your sanctuary. It’s your escape. It’s your place to vent. Your place to relax. Your place to unwind. That is not what the barn is to us. While we ha...ve moments of serenity when everything is quiet, this is still our job. We are still on the clock. We still need to be on our game. Always. Our job is not just riding. We deal with all of you every day. Long before and long after we have come and gone from the barn. During dinners. During drinks with friends. During family time. On days off. We are here for you. We care. We care more than you could ever know. Each and every horse is a part of our soul. We know their mannerisms. We meticulously watch their weight, their movement, monitor what they eat and how much of it, how much they work, whether they are happy doing their job, and how to make them go in a way that pleases you without jeopardizing them. We stay up late with them if they are sick. We write down every time they batted an eyelash wrong. And we remember what they need when. We take pride in them going well for you. We listen to every flaw you find with them, even if it is in fact your flaw, and try to help them do their job better. When you are unhappy with how they go, we take it as a personal failure, and strive to never let it happen again, even if your expectations are unreasonable. We bend over backwards to make your horse perfect, even if what you’re asking for is a horse without spirit, or personality. We stand up for them when we can, trying our best not to make you upset in the process. They are our life’s work, and we know them inside and out. We listen to you. Whether you are rational or not. We remain calm when you bring the stress of your day job to the barn and take it all out on your horse and on us. We pick up the pieces when you’ve been unforgiving with your horse, who was simply surprised by your lack of patience after a long day. We are their rock, their shoulder to cry on, and yours. When we go home, we still reply to your texts and your emails and your calls. We are never off the clock. We take in stride as best we can your rants of frustration when your horse or your riding isn’t exactly where you want it to be exactly when you want it. We take the blame. For you. For your horse. For the rest of your life. For everything. And yet here we are. Still showing up. Still being here for you. For your horse. No matter how you treat us. Regardless of whether you deserve us. We are here. Appreciate your trainer. Author unknown
06.01.2022 A thought-provoking read. By Jane Smiley Most horses pass from one human to another - some horsemen and women are patient and forgiving, others are rigorous and demanding, others are cruel, others are ignorant.... Horses have to learn how to, at the minimum, walk, trot, canter, gallop, go on trails and maybe jump, to be treated by the vet, all with sense and good manners. Talented Thoroughbreds must learn how to win races, and if they can't do that, they must learn how to negotiate courses and jump over strange obstacles without touching them, or do complicated dance like movements or control cattle or accommodate severely handicapped children and adults in therapy work. Many horses learn all of these things in the course of a single lifetime. Besides this, they learn to understand and fit into the successive social systems of other horses they meet along the way. A horse's life is rather like twenty years in foster care, or in and out of prison, while at the same time changing schools over and over and discovering that not only do the other students already have their own social groups, but that what you learned at the old school hasn't much application at the new one. We do not require as much of any other species, including humans. That horses frequently excel, that they exceed the expectations of their owners and trainers in such circumstances, is as much a testament to their intelligence and adaptability as to their relationship skills or their natural generosity or their inborn nature. That they sometimes manifest the same symptoms as abandoned orphans - distress, strange behaviors, anger, fear - is less surprising than that they usually don't. No one expects a child, or even a dog to develop its intellectual capacities living in a box 23 hours a day and then doing controlled exercises the remaining one. Mammal minds develop through social interaction and stimulation. A horse that seems "stupid", "slow", "stubborn", etc. might just have not gotten the chance to learn! Take care of your horses and treasure them.
06.01.2022 NEWS AT TEAM SIMONS UPDATE, Morning everyone, apologies if we have been a little MIA the last couple of days , we have had a bit going on at team Simons, thought i would give you all a little update, Looks like the NEW Online Liberty course is just about ready to launch WOOHOO, excited,... Beau and Cass are doing fantastic and loving life in there retirement paddock, Victoria regional restrictions are easing so hopefully we will be back to clinics VERY SOON , We may even have a couple of very special clinics coming up before Christmas (stay tuned for that announcement ) Bluebell and cutter are going great, Mr cutter is out to grow but bluebell is coming along fantastic with her training, she is even been ridden in the arena , (more videos to come shorty) And last to mention we are adding TACK items to our COVID survival sale, so lookout for them as only a limited numbers of items are available , Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, we MISS YOU ALL xx TEAM SIMONS
06.01.2022 Who had a Horsome weekend???
05.01.2022 Love all these memories
05.01.2022 Get in quick as there is only a couple of spots left at this camp BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL For more information or to Register go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au or contact [email protected]... All Accommodation Included
04.01.2022 Watching what’s happening in the big sand pit today
04.01.2022 Hypothetical Question Very Interested to hear your answers. Let's say you win the lottery or you come into alot of money some how, this means you would be set for life never having to worry about money again.... What would you change in you life ? Would you still go to work? If so would you keep the same job? What would be the first thing you did with it? What would be the first thing you would purchase for yourself ? And before you think it, no we didn't win the lottery (we wish) just find this an interesting common topic.
03.01.2022 TWO DAY SANDI SIMONS YASS CLINIC Yass NSW 27th & 28th Feb 2021 Do you need extra help with your performance, or are you feeling lost with your horse or do you simply just want to improve your riding? ... This two day clinic is perfect for you. Join Sandi as she supports and guides you in your journey to move forward with your riding or training. Sandi will show you how to take your horse through some manoeuvres and patterns for all types of disciplines , No set experience required just a willingness to learn and have fun while learning everything you need to know about training your horse For More information please email [email protected] or to Register go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au #sandisimons #sandisimonsclinic #horse #confidencecoach #horsetraining See more
03.01.2022 Excited for this Camp after such a crazy year... Why not treat yourself to a week away with your horse after all don't we all deserve a holiday, YES PLEASE With COVID ,It is all looking promising for this camp to go ahead, woohoo Register today as this camp will fill up fast... for more information or to register, email [email protected] or website www.davidandsandisimons.com.au See more
02.01.2022 SANDI SIMONS TWO DAY LIBERTY & GROUNDWORK CLINIC *Drysdale 6th and 7th Feb 2021* Have you ever wanted to try Liberty or do you need help with your groundwork ? Or you might just want to lean more then this clinic is for you, no need to have had any previous experience Sandi will show you everything you need to know about liberty and groundwork training, you will gain knowledge about safety cues and problem solving and learn how to have a beautiful but respectful connection w...ith your horse. This clinic will be lots of fun in a relaxed, supportive and safe environment BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL For more information or to register please go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au or email [email protected] #sandisimonsclinic #horses #libertytraining
02.01.2022 Lovely horse for sale
01.01.2022 Make sure you get your registration in quick as positions are limited To register go to www.davidandsandisimons.com.au #confidence #sandisimons #womenandhorses #confidencecoach
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