David Bongiorno & Associates in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Immigration lawyer
David Bongiorno & Associates
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9863 3188
Address: Level 2, 431 St Kilda Rd 3004 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.dbanda.com.au
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25.01.2022 Just over a week and voting closes. #DontRiskAFine #VictorianElectoralCommission
24.01.2022 Coronavirus is making life hard for international students, with disruption to regular course delivery and loss of employment due to the lockdown. Gil Polglase from The Lonsdale Institution returns to outline what his college is doing about it. #Coronavirus https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aus/id1418305521
24.01.2022 We discuss what a recent graduate needs to know moving from a student visa and progressing through the stages of working in Australia and seeking Permanent Residency in Australia. #485Visa #ExpressionOfInterest #189Visa #190Visa #491Visa https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aus/id1418305521
22.01.2022 In this podcast Nadine Udorovic and I speak about the intersection of Family Law and Immigration Law. Nicholes Family Lawyers #ImmigrationLaw #FamilyLaw
22.01.2022 Remember: The international education sector contributed AUD$39 billion to the Australian economy in 2019Remember: The international education sector contributed AUD$39 billion to the Australian economy in 2019
22.01.2022 There is a backlog of around 10,000 applications from Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents seeking to travel outside Australia during the #COVID19Aus travel ban.
21.01.2022 Special visa arrangements for current and future students from Hong Kong: Current and future students from Hong Kong will be eligible for a five year temporary graduate visa on the successful conclusion of their studies, with a pathway to permanent residency after five years. #HongKongStudents #GraduateVisa #CurrentStudentsFromHongKong #FutureStudentsFromHongKong
21.01.2022 Permanent Residents and new Citizens of Australia, if and when COVID-19 is under control in this country, you must not buy a franchise under any circumstances. It will be your road to ruin. You will have no autonomy. You will pay huge ongoing fees to your franchisor. And you will be tied by restraint of trade provisions when the franchise ends. Please do not do it. #MessageForMigrants #PermanentResidents #Citizens
20.01.2022 What is Competent English? #CompetentEnglish #IELTS #PTEAcademic
19.01.2022 If you want to study in Australia when the borders do open, do not be beguiled by offfshore education agents with stories of accounting. It is a road to nowhere. There are over 200,000 accountants in Australia. And you will never get meaningful work. #DoNotStudyAccounting
19.01.2022 The National Skills Commission added Social Worker to the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List on 27 November 2020. The list is now 18 occupations long. And what is important to remember about the nomination and visa applications for these specially selected employer sponsored occupations is that they receive priority processing. #482Visa #494Visa #186Visa #187Visa #PMSOL
19.01.2022 A great interview with Ballarat Lawyer Paul Cott about employment in Australia on the #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast.
19.01.2022 Stressed about English Language Testing for your Skilled Visa? Have no fear, Ali Shahsavand is here! Today Grant Williams and I talk to Ali, one of Australia’s top tutors, about IELTS and PTEAcademic. #IELTS #PTEAcademic https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aust/id1418305521
18.01.2022 Message to Malaysian Clients and friends...
18.01.2022 Current student visa holders studying online outside Australia due to COVID-19 will be able to use that study to count towards the Australian study requirement for a post-study work visa. #DontForget #ImportantReminder #InternationalStudents
18.01.2022 Doing your own visa application? Take note: 1. The BPAY Request payment option will be unavailable from Wednesday 24 June 2020 until Wednesday 1 July 2020; and... 2. Payment by credit card, Paypal and UnionPay is still available. #permanentresidency #temporaryresidency
18.01.2022 Grant and I spoke to Dinh Triet Nguyen today on the #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast. Triet talked about coming to Australia as a boarder, his time at uni, and his life as Senior Analyst at a Big 4 Accounting Firm. #VietnameseAustralian #DeloitteAustralia #PrivateAdvisory
17.01.2022 Australian government to reopen Christmas Island detention centre during Covid-19 crisis https://www.theguardian.com//australian-government-to-reop
17.01.2022 Grant Williams and I just spoke to Charles Nikakis - one of the finest criminal defence lawyers in Aus - about what International Students and other temporary visa holders need to be aware of when dealing with the Victorian Police. Podcast out tomorrow. #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast #CharlesNikakis #VictorianPolice
16.01.2022 You are now automatically exempt from the travel restrictions and can enter Australia (without obtaining an individual exemption) if you are a holder of a Business Innovation and Investment (sc188) visa. #188Visa #NewCategoryOfExemption #EnteringAustralia #TravelRestrictions
16.01.2022 Today on the Migrating To Australia Podcast Grant Williams and I talk to Ali Shahsavand about English Language Testing. #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast
16.01.2022 The Tasmanian Nominated Skilled Migration Program will reopen with updated requirements to general applications on 29 January 2021 at 1pm (AEDT). Watch for subsequent posts with further information. #SkilledMigration #TasmanianNominatedSkilledMigration
16.01.2022 The Migration Amendment (COVID-19 Concessions) commenced on 19 September 2020 and change the Migration Regulations. Of significant interest, is that International Students can make 485 Visa Applications during the concession period from outside Australia. They can also be granted the 485 Visa whilst outside Australia. So these International Students can come back when travel restrictions are lifted. #covid19 #immigration #485Visa #travelrestrictions
16.01.2022 Victoria’s full 2020-21 skilled visa nomination program (subclasses 190 and 491) will re-open at 10am AEDT on Tuesday, 5 January 2021. Like the interim program, the full program responds to challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, with a focus on Victoria’s health response and economic recovery.
15.01.2022 Do not ever sell your home to finance a temporary or provisional visa application for Australia. Only consider selling your home once you have Australian Permanent Residency or Citizenship.Never any earlier. #citizenship #immigration #permanentresidency
14.01.2022 Latest Migrating To Australia Podcast out now....
14.01.2022 Charles Nikakis, a criminal lawyer with over 40 years experience, explains the basics of dealing with the police in pandemic times. Grant and I ask him about our rights and obligations under the State of Disaster. #COVID19 #Masks #Curfew #Lockdown #Fines https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aus/id1418305521
13.01.2022 Grant Williams and I speak to Nicola Romano, who is one of the three best Italian Chefs in Melbourne, about his restaurant Oster and life in Australia. #migratingtoaustraliapodcast #migratetoaustralia #JessicaWescott https://podcasts.apple.com//nicola-romano-gr/id1418305521
12.01.2022 Actor and mental health advocate Nick Bracks talks to Grant Williams and me about what to do if you are struggling during lockdown. Nick has been doing fabulous work in the mental health space for a decade. He has many practical tips for us to cope with stress and anxiety. #MigratingToAustralia #Covid19 #WellBeing #NickBracks #MentalHealth https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aus/id1418305521
12.01.2022 In this episode of The Migrating To Australia Podcast, Grant Williams and I talk to Dinh Triet Nguyen CA about how he came to study secondary school in Melbourne and ended up a Senior Analyst in the Private Advisory team of Deloitte Private at 28 years of age. #AcademicExcellence #VietnameseAustralian #LeadingByExample #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast
12.01.2022 IELTS and PTEAcademic dont test how good you are at reading, writing, listening, and speaking English. They test how good you are being tested in these disciplines. Learn the appropriate techniques and beat these expensive exams. Dont let them scupper your Migration Dreams. #IELTS #PTEAcademic
12.01.2022 For those interested in studying and migrating to Australia, here is a discussion I had with #YewandeMarquis from African International Circle in #Chicago on IGTV for viewers in #Lagos, #Nigeria.. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CDRGnsTFq7s/
11.01.2022 Special visa arrangements for former students from Hong Kong: Former students already on a temporary graduate visa will be eligible for an extension of five years from today in addition to the time theyve already been in Australia, with a pathway to permanent residency at the end of that period. #FormerStudentsFromHongKong #GraduateVisa
11.01.2022 Lovely birthday present from Jess and Nic. Thanks guys. You rock! #AwesomeCrew
11.01.2022 International students will receive a relief payment of up to $1,100 as part of a Victorian Government emergency support package that will help tens of thousands of people across our state. https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/emergency-support-for-victo/ #internationalstudents #highereducation #australianimmigration #temporaryvisaholders
10.01.2022 It is a difficult and confusing time for international students studying in Australia at present, so Grant and I look at what grants and loans are available. #universityaid #domesticstudents #internationalstudentgrants #internationalstudentloans https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aust/id1418305521
10.01.2022 Grant Williams and I talk Laura Parra - a Colombian Engineer turned Education Agent on the Gold Coast. Laura is a rare exception in her field, someone who is motivated by her clients interests, not commission from Education Providers. #EducationProviders #EducationAgents #LauraParra #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aus/id1418305521
10.01.2022 Saúl Zavarce has been presenting his celebrated Saturday morning program Fiesta Jazz since 2000, making him a veteran of the airwaves and a familiar face around Melbourne community FM station, 3PBS-FM. Fiesta Jazz explores Saúl's Venezuelan heritage, delving into Latin jazz and beyond into Afro-Caribbean, Spanish and Brazilian jazz, jazz fusions and Latin American folk rhythms. - that is straight from the 3PBS-FM bio page for Saúl, and I could not have said it better! Grant ...Williams and I meet Saúl, who tells us about arriving in Australia from Venezuela, and making his way to Melbourne, and how he has become an important contributor to the Latin American community through his 20 year tenure as presenter of Fiesta Jazz on Saturday morning. #FiestaJazz #LatinJazz #Immigration https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aust/id1418305521
09.01.2022 This is our client Joe with his wife and son this afternoon. Joe became an Australian Citizen earlier today. One thing we all forget or fail to fully understand, if we are born here, is how much migrants love this country. #Citizenship #AustralianCitizenship #Citizen #VirtualCeremony #ItalianAustralian
09.01.2022 Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents wanting to leave the country during this time of travel restrictions need an exemption. Such people are being authorised to depart if they can show the delegate of the Australian Border Force Commissioner they are relocating overseas for more than three months. They are still subject to standard border clearance processes, of course. #AustralianBorderForce #AustralianCitizens #AustralianPermanentResidents #TravelExemptions
08.01.2022 If you are in Australia and you die, what happens? Grant Williams and I speak to a specialist lawyer dealing with all the issues around Wills and handing down of property and assets, Adrian Corbould. #migratingtoaustraliapodcast https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aus/id1418305521
07.01.2022 Bom Dia de Portugal, de Cames e das Comunidades Portuguesas! #DiadePortugal
06.01.2022 Reminder to Applicants seeking review: the AAT is holding hearings by telephone. They will call you at the date and time they stipulate on their Invitation To Attend A Hearing Notice. Make sure they have your correct phone number. #AdministrativeAppealsTribunal #MRDivision
06.01.2022 A podcast tomorrow for those who are new to the job market in Australia, Grant Williams and I talk to employment lawyer Paul Cott who represents employees. He talks about what you can and cannot do if you have problems in the workplace. #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast #PaulCott #DavidBongiornoAndAssociates #Apple #Spotify
06.01.2022 On the Migrating To Australia Podcast, Paul Cott talks to Grant Williams and me about what employees can do when they have issues with their employers. Important listening for those who have got their first jobs here. #JobsInAustralia #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast #Employees #Employers https://podcasts.apple.com//migrating-to-aust/id1418305521
05.01.2022 What is Professional Year? A 44-week employability skills development program with 32 weeks of coursework and 12 weeks of a full-time internship. Worth five points for migration purposes with points-tested visas. Relevant for those who have studied #Accounting #ICT #Engineering #ProfessionalYear
05.01.2022 The New South Wales Skilled Occupation List for the 491 Visa is out and subject to change without notice: https://www.business.nsw.gov.au//491_Occupation_List_dot.p
05.01.2022 An audio cast on what you must not use as an English test for visa applications. Do not use these tests mentioned on this link: https://limor.app.link/1kroYwPRJ9
04.01.2022 10:00PM tonight AEST...
04.01.2022 Actor and Mental Health Advocate @nickbracks is our special guest on the Migrating To Australia Podcast out tomorrow. Nick talks about how you can help yourself and others who may be feeling the pressures of study, the absence of family, or the shortage of work during COVID-19. A must listen for international students and other temporary residents. #NickBracks #Actor #MentalHealthAdvocate #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast #Migration #Immigration #JessicaWescott
03.01.2022 Special visa arrangements for regional students from Hong Kong: Students who study at a regional campus will continue to be able to access a pathway to permanent residency after three years.... #RegionalStudentsFromHongKong
03.01.2022 With French, Beninese and Togolese heritage, Kwabo Grace is an Arts Manager, French Intellectual Property Lawyer, Community Dancer and Choreographer. Brought up in a household of musicians & dancers, she has been immersed from a young age in African dance and culture. #Lawyer #Dancer #Choreographer #MBAStudent #France #Togo #Benin https://podcasts.apple.com//from-france-to-m/id1418305521
03.01.2022 Message to Persian friends and colleagues...
03.01.2022 Grant Williams and I are joined by Nik Guruprasad, Market Leader for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at Invest Victoria. Invest Victoria is an arm of the Victorian government that assists businesses that wish to commence operations in Victoria by providing advisory services, including vital market intelligence and strategy development, applicable to the Australasian market. #Migrating #MigratingtoAustralia #InvestVictoria... https://open.spotify.com/episode/0WNAyNjXVp2ruQ7RHlq8fK
02.01.2022 The New South Wales Skilled Occupation List for the 190 Visa is out and subject to change without notice: https://www.business.nsw.gov.au//nsw-skilled-occupations-l
02.01.2022 A message to our Greek friends for this coming weekend. #GreekEaster #GreekAustralians #Greeks
01.01.2022 Five visa changes announced by Federal Ministers Tudge and Tehan today will ensure international students are not worse off due to the coronavirus pandemic and that Australia remains competitive with other countries. The changes include:... 1. The Government will recommence granting student visas in all locations lodged outside Australia. This means when borders re-open, students will already have visas and be able to make arrangements to travel. 2. International students will be able to lodge a further student visa application free of charge, if they are unable to complete their studies within their original visa validity due to COVID-19. 3. Current student visa holders studying online outside Australia due to COVID-19 will be able to use that study to count towards the Australian study requirement for a post-study work visa. 4. Graduates who held a student visa will be eligible to apply for a post-study work visa outside Australia if they are unable to return due to COVID-19. 5. Additional time will be given for applicants to provide English language results where COVID-19 has disrupted access to these services. #InternationalStudents #StudentVisas #485Visas
01.01.2022 Grant Williams and I talk to Adrian Corbould about the importance of having a Will on the #MigratingToAustraliaPodcast out tomorrow on Apple and Spotify.
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