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David Howells | Business service

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David Howells

Phone: +61 418 642 997


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25.01.2022 From what I see I reckon a lot of small business could do with some good solid "f"'ing! I'm seeing so many of my clients get excited about taking real control of their business and seeing real tangible results by introducing it into their business. They love it. The best part is ... its'so easy to do.... In fact it's so easy I'm thinking of running a FREE webinar (my first webinar ever) on it. If you're interested drop me a message, an SMS or an email to [email protected] and I'll make sure you get the details.

25.01.2022 My first ever Business Mentor and 37 years on we still get to hang out and get excited about ... business! Back in 1980 when I was in my first starry eyed Sales Rep role with my first ever "company car", expense account and (drum roll) ...interstate sales conferences, this delightful man John Williams unbeknownst to me at the time, became my first ever Business Mentor. John was the Buying Director at a leading South Australian Retailer and I had just started working for Gene...ral Electric Small Appliances. John taught me how to not just understand and think like your customer, but to think ahead of them with innovative solutions to help build their business. He taught me all about spending time on the sales floor to hear what your customer's customers were asking. About stock turns and return on investment (ROI) from retail space and low cost no cost promotion (GE was pretty tight on handing out advertising dollars so we had to generate it ourselves from sales). He taught me about building trust through self discipline and good work ethic to turn up at appointments at mid-afternoons on Fridays when so many other people in the industry were out at the infamous "long lunches" of the early 80's. It was Friday afternoons when John had to finalise his advertising in the Sunday paper and he needed to know his stock levels and back up supply were all OK if a promotion suddenly took off. And he taught me to look for and see potential in opportunities that other people could not see ... something I help my clients with every day. Between us we built John's business into the first ever million dollar small appliance account in South Australia. Over the years we have become great friends and these days one of my greatest pleasures is to catch up and chat all things business (and life in general) with this wonderful man who still thrives on discussion around opportunities and possibilities. So here's a question to ask yourself "Do I have a business mentor who sees more potential in my business than I see. Someone I am willing to learn from. Someone with the same values as me. And someone I can trust and rely on for wise advice and genuine care in my business ... both now and into the future?" If your answer is "no" then the next question to ask yourself is .. "Should I?"

23.01.2022 Great article for any service based business to think about. Just about every service business I know has a suite of products its can develop or access to form a core part of the business. Leslie Keast-Patch's Learnersaurus business is a great example. A successful education based service business with a complimentary range of learning resources. ... What product offer could you be adding to your service business?

23.01.2022 This one goes against a lot of trendy small business dogma but the fact is you will never see your bigger business potential if you're "laser focused" on managing the daily problems and small stuff. Maybe it's time to step back, take a look around at where you really want to be and think about what you need to do to get there.

22.01.2022 With end of financial year only a few weeks away, there are a lot of small business owners about to face the hard truth of this situation. Will you be one of them ...

21.01.2022 Worth a thought as you start your business week ...

20.01.2022 One of the best pieces of advice my dear old Dad gave me ...

18.01.2022 There are days and times when despite your every best intention to be organised, focused, productive, engaged and right on your business game, things go kind of pear shaped and you hit a workflow brick wall. Here's why and what to do about it.

17.01.2022 One of the biggest lessons I ever learnt when I was building my Import / Distribution business ... and I know it rings true for a lot of small business owners!

15.01.2022 So .... who's advice are you taking for your business?

13.01.2022 As a Small Business Owner Are You Ready For Growth? The Officeworks article featured in this post is well worth a read if you want to grow your business. (PS: always nice to be quoted on something I'm passionate about.)

13.01.2022 Admitting you could be doing so much better in your business is the first step. This is the second ...

12.01.2022 So how much more time are YOU going to waste "hoping" to get the results you want in your business? Think about that over the weekend and if you want to change it, let me know and I'll give you a hand.

12.01.2022 Ouch ... sometimes the truth hurts!

10.01.2022 No better way to start the new Financial Year than delivering celebratory bubbles and flowers to fabulous client of 3 years, Dr Karen Davies of Direct Vet Services, for another year of outstanding sales and profit growth. In the time we have been working together Karen has grown her revenue by 55% to in excess of $1m. Best of all with new management processes and practices she has increased her operating (net) profit by a whopping 290% to a level almost three times the industry standard. All of that in a highly competitive local market and from someone who just 3 years ago wanted to learn " the business skills they don't teach you at Vet School". Impressive results by any standard!

09.01.2022 As a Small Business Owner, do you feel ashamed and embarrassed that you dont understand your business financials? I used to feel the same way until I discovered there are only 4 numbers you need to manage, to start dynamically changing your business and increasing your profitability, IMMEDIATELY. Ive proved it works time and again. And the best part is its so easy. ... Click here to BOOK A CALL and let me show you how. PS: Just last week, managing these 4 numbers saved a client a potential $30,000+ cost blow out.

09.01.2022 Love seeing my clients get the accolades they deserve .. especially from their customers.

09.01.2022 Too many small businesses get caught up spending $000's on creating an image ... before they have built a successful business to go with it.

09.01.2022 How many blindspot opportunities do you have to sell more, grow more and make more profit in your business? Maybe it's time you asked.

08.01.2022 UPDATE: A HUGE "Thank You" to everyone who has read, liked, shared and commented on my original post. I am happy to say that I have just learnt that the little man appeared at the front door this morning in pretty good shape, hungry and seemingly happy to be back. Thanks for your care, concern and help .. much appreciated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you live around Woongarrah on the NSW Central Coast, or... know of anyone in that area I could use your help right now to find a dear old friend who has gone missing. This grumpy looking, much loved cuddly old fur ball named Sukie, used to be a housemate of mine but he has been missing from his current home on Mataran Road, Woongarrah since Tuesday evening. He is not the outdoor type and is probably a bit scared and skittish in unfamiliar surrounds so if you see him talk softly and approach him slowly as he is a very gentle cat. If you do see him or know of his whereabouts please call me on 0418 642 997. And, if you know anyone in that area please share this or ask them to keep an eye out. Thanks. (PS: hope you dont mind this on my Facebook business page, thought it was a good way to target the area.)

07.01.2022 I'm not an app kinda guy ... but I can see a whole lot of 'seize the moment' potential in this for some seemingly cost-effective, fun based activity in the marketing mix for small businesses that have a physical presence and rely on foot traffic.

07.01.2022 More than a little excited about this. It's been a while coming ... but so much worth the wait.

07.01.2022 How is your business tracking? Have you already hit the targets and budgets you set at the start of the year or are you running so far behind budget that youve already written off this year and youre starting to think about where your business will go next year? Check out this article on how to nail the perfect forecast for your business.

06.01.2022 Live in the next few days ...

06.01.2022 For any ladies in Melbourne running a small business and wanting to really get a better understanding of their accounts and day to day financial management, I'd thoroughly recommend this personalized bookkeeping course. It's not every day you get to learn this stuff using your own live set of accounts. It will probably save you $'000's in time and frustration from not knowing the short cuts and right way of setting things up.

05.01.2022 Nothing I love more than helping small business owners discover new ways to grow their business. Magic morning with clients of the Ross Group in Melbourne.

05.01.2022 Could not agree more ... great analogy.

05.01.2022 So, you started a small business for the lifestyle ...

04.01.2022 Start focusing on YOUR priorities instead of other people's demands on your time and see what a difference that makes to your day.

02.01.2022 Truer words have never been spoken when it comes to building a successful business. The problem is ... too many small business owners can't see it and don't know how or where to look for it.

02.01.2022 You don't know what you don't know in business and you can't see what can't see in business ... until you allow someone to help you start thinking out of the box.

02.01.2022 I'm seeing too many small businesses floundering under the mistaken notion that business success is all about sales. PROFIT is the real measure of success of any business .. specifically NET or "bottom line" profit - the profit left after taking out all the operating costs and expenses (NOTE: including wages for all those business owners not paying themselves a decent wage!) Without profit the business will never grow or achieve its real potential because there will never be ...any money to invest in building it. Without profit there will never be any prosperity for the business owner to enjoy the lifestyle they are looking for or to go out and make the difference they want to make. And without profit the business will never realize its real value if and when the owner wants to sell it. There are plenty of simple ways to get the right sales / profit mix in a business. So if you're one of those business owners working your backside off with little or nothing to show for it at then end of the year, get in contact and I'll be happy to chat about helping you change that situation. [email protected].

02.01.2022 Youve got sales coming in and your business is growing, but theres not much more to show for all your hard work your profits arent increasing and youre certainly not out living the life of Riley. Frustrating isnt it! The answer is fairly straightforward and possibly lies in one of those conversations that have to be had and youre avoiding

02.01.2022 There it was on the first new episode of Shark Tank last night ... "know your numbers".

01.01.2022 Running a small business can be a lonely place at times. In the early days you're often your one and only team member .. trying to do it all and working your way through the myriad of traps and challenges that every small business faces without anyone to talk to about it or to provide guidance and direction. Then, even when your business grows and you have a team on board, you still find yourself on your own. Except now everyone around you is looking to YOUR leadership and di...rection ... when you know you don't have all the answers. And that's when things start to feel really crappy and you start to feel a bit trapped and isolated. The good news is there are others out there who have been down that same path and can help you.

01.01.2022 Are you missing any of these in your business?

01.01.2022 This is soooo true for so many small businesses.. So, a couple of big questions to start the week with if you're a small business owner .... Can you see it and what are you doing about it?

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