David Shoebridge | Politician
David Shoebridge
Phone: +61 2 9230 3030
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25.01.2022 It shouldn't be up to the Fair Work Commission if workers can strike or not. We need a legislated right to strike.
25.01.2022 Document management NSW style. *SOUND ON
24.01.2022 What planet are this Government on if they think closing public schools is a good idea? The community in Murwullimbah are worried it's mainly about selling the sites for development, they deserve to be consulted - we'll keep standing up for them as will our Greens MP for Ballina Tamara Smith, MP
23.01.2022 Parliament has clearly said ICAC needs more funding - it’s disgraceful for the Premier to try shrug that off especially when part of the reason it needs funds is to investigate dodgy dealings by Daryl Maguire and herself with the $252 million grants rorts!
21.01.2022 From 9:30 I’ll be asking questions in the inquiry into Government grants - witnesses include councils whose residents were dudded because the Premier was too busy trying to buy votes! Watch live here: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Pages/webcasts.aspx
21.01.2022 It’s hard to imagine a job where you could be under active police investigation for dodgy workplace practice and be allowed to quietly resign. All of this meant shonky practice has not been dealt with and injured workers continue to pay the price.
21.01.2022 Between 2014 and 2016, the number of people working in the gig economy in NSW almost doubled to 92,400 and revenue increased from $1.6 billion to $2.6 billion. There must be many more gig economy workers now. Hundreds of thousands of workers with no leave, no super, no workers comp, no guaranteed access to safety equipment and training, all probably earning below minimum wage. This is unacceptable.
20.01.2022 Some politicians want to pressure unemployed workers into an industry already notorious for sexual harassment and explotation of foreign workers. We can create enough good steady jobs for everyone with a jobs guarantee.
19.01.2022 Three Aboriginal boys died on railway tracks and police looked away. If their boys had been from a middle-class white neighbourhood their deaths would have been investigated with an urgency and a thoroughness that was fundamentally missing in each case. I’ve worked with each of these families for years. They deserve justice. Black lives matter and it’s time the justice system understood this.
18.01.2022 ParentsNext punishes mothers for being single parents while funnelling public money into the private for profit job network industry. It's a reprehensible program that should be scrapped.
17.01.2022 Both here and in the US, wage growth is at record lows, inequality is on the rise, penalty rates have been cut, and insecure work is becoming the norm. No one should have to work three jobs to survive. We can create good steady jobs for whoever wants one when we stop letting corporations and profit call the shots.
15.01.2022 In just one year the NSW Police Force had to pay out $25 million in damages because police were found to have abused their powers. Imagine if that public money was spent on tackling the causes of crime like poverty.
15.01.2022 ‘Icare’ scandal continues. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were paid to a recruitment company for a sham employment arrangement with the Treasurer’s office and icare. Likely breached immigration and state finance laws. We will get to the bottom of this and force more accountability. So far we have removed the icare CEO, a number of senior execs and the chair of the board. I wonder if anyone else is responsible in a Westminster democracy ...
15.01.2022 This is just the Liberal Government’s attempt to save face. If we really want to save koalas we must end native logging now .
15.01.2022 If this is politics as usual, then the Greens fundamentally believe politics needs a deep, deep clean out.
15.01.2022 Greens amendments to the electricity bill passed by NSW parliament last week guaranteed $50 million in funding over the next ten years to develop the green hydrogen energy sector. This could soon be a reality in NSW too.
14.01.2022 Ok this is a positive development - the Newcastle Bishop calling his Sydney counterpart out for their dreadful submission. Someone gets it!! He says: mandatory reporting is not a distraction but at the heart of the profound relationships formed between teachers and students. There is a substantial body of literature that shows that students who are psychologically and physically safe will be able to draw the best from their school experience and achieve educational excellence.
12.01.2022 Here’s some detail of the Governments proposal - a warning/fine/fine as the three strikes before it’s a criminal offence. These are modest changes, far from full decriminalisation, but if they do become law they will reduce unnecessary and aggressive policing of minor drug offences.
12.01.2022 A very stark example of racist policing.
10.01.2022 Uber taking an already hyper exploitative model that sees drivers earn well below minimum wage and making it worse.
10.01.2022 Not one government, state or federal, has environmental protection laws that meet minimum standards. This is our one and only, extraordinary, planet and we need to save it from greed. We have so much work to do and no one else is stepping up so we better get on with it.
10.01.2022 Workers deserve fair pay and conditions. This austerity agenda pushed by the Coalition will hurt workers, their families and the community. We need more money in the pockets of working people to avoid a recession, not less. Make no mistake this is the government trying to make ordinary people, not their mates in big business and billionaire backers pay for COVID.
09.01.2022 Almost all of the submissions said no, scientists have claimed it is unnecessary, yet the NSW Government supports increasing emissions by 10%. Tell them they’re dreaming.
08.01.2022 These banks have been ‘named and shamed’ for 20,000 BREACHES in SIX MONTHS. But they are not being forced to repay customers millions and will receive NO PENALTY. If bad publicity is their only penalty will they ever stop scamming ordinary people?
08.01.2022 The Deputy Premier ordered the logging unburnt forest against expert advice! We need a state-wide moratorium on native forest logging.
08.01.2022 One executive is paid over a half a million in public funds at the NSW workers compensation insurer while he chairs two other companies in his spare time. The same insurer that underpaid workers and needed a $4 billion bail out of public funds.
07.01.2022 In Australia we have one of the highest rate of overtime in the developed word. Four day work week anyone?
07.01.2022 The idea that we need to keep burning coal to keep the lights on is clearly a myth spread by politicians bankrolled by the coal lobby and regurgitated by right wing media. Over the weekend’s heatwave NSW used a higher proportion of renewable energy than it did over the whole of 2019. Without renewables in the mix, the strain on the electricity grid would have been much higher through the extreme conditions at the weekend.
06.01.2022 We can do great things when we make corporations like the big banks pay their fair share.
06.01.2022 This extraordinary $252 million state government grants rort is being exposed by our Parliamentary inquiry. We now know the Premier approved over millions of dollars of controversial grants before councils even knew they could apply, and before the guidelines were even settled.
06.01.2022 The Federal Government will slash the rate of Jobseeker by $300 per week, forcing hundreds of thousands of people into poverty. There is enough wealth in this country for everyone to have what they need to live a good life, no one in a country as rich as ours should have to skip meals or medications, or be too worried about power bills to heat or cool their home. No child should go without the essentials they need to learn like a laptop or an internet connection. Poverty and unemployment are a choice made by our politicians, we can abolish them both with a universal wellbeing payment and a jobs guarantee.
05.01.2022 Keep it in the ground and kick corporate money out of politics. (Despite $4.8 billion in revenue last year, Santos spent more on lobbyists and donations to the Liberals, Labor and Nationals than they have paid in tax).
05.01.2022 BREAKING: THIS IS ON THE NEWS RIGHT NOW. Tune in to 7NEWS Sydney NOW What an extraordinary development! If this stacks up, this is a major victory for common sense, a victory for young people who can go about their business without being monstered by police. It’s also a win for police who can put their resources where they are most needed.
05.01.2022 Icare, the country’s biggest workers compensation insurer, mired in scandal and maladministration, had a million dollar board appointed by Treasurer Dominic Perrotet with no workers comp, medical or claims handling experience. And it failed injured workers again and again
04.01.2022 Public money that should have been spent on pools, parks, libraries and community projects was instead spent almost exclusively in Coalition held seats to make sure Gladys and her mates got reelected.
04.01.2022 This is outrageous, the PM threatens to send in the military because of a single 4 hour work stoppage and bans on working excessive hours. Even worse is the weak response from the Labor leader. Workers deserve fair pay and conditions. The board of the company that owns Patrick Terminals awarded themselves more than $10 million in bonuses after securing over $19 million in Jobkeeper payments, yet they want to deny their workers fair pay and attack their conditions.
03.01.2022 Calling mandatory reporting of sexual offences against children a distraction is absolute rubbish and it’s shocking the Sydney Anglican diocese not only wrote this but put it as a submission to an inquiry. EDIT: see my most recent post for an update on this.
03.01.2022 This is what we've been saying! "The government used our money to buy its reelection. In pub test terms, that’s theft. In legal terms, it’s not a stretch to suggest that it was corrupt, wilful, intentional and culpable."
03.01.2022 We should also hold the politicians that sent us to war responsible.
02.01.2022 Austerity is not the answer to economic downturn. This will put real pressure on the lives of ordinary public sector workers who’ve kept things running during the pandemic. This is austerity forced upon ordinary workers by a government whose lobbied for $483,000 worth of pay rises for senior government executives in just six months.
02.01.2022 TO RECAP: Following a forensic document recovery process that revealed the Premier’s central role in the $252 million council grants rorts scheme, the Premier now admits to pork barrelling. Her novel and remarkable ‘defence’ is that everyone does it. This is an extraordinary admission from the Premier which shows the level of arrogance and contempt for the people of NSW at the heart of the Coalition government. This is public money, meant to be spent where it was most needed not where it is most politically advantageous for the Coalition government.