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Dial Before You Dig SA/NT | Community organisation

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Dial Before You Dig SA/NT

Phone: 1100


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25.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: Why should I use the Dial Before You Dig service before I begin excavating? Any excavation, irrespective of size, has the potential to damage assets located around the work site, leading to service interruptions, delays to the project, costly repairs and in the worst case scenario, injury or death.Obtaining information from Dial Before You Dig Members significantly minimises these risks by providing information about the work site. Safety is a ...fundamental aspect of any excavation project and so Dial Before You Dig should always be the first point of contact: The Essential First Step. #TheEssentialFirstStep #Safeexcavation #stayconnected #5Psofsafeexcavation

24.01.2022 Interested in Awareness Training? Weve been working on something exciting behind the scenes - a new awareness presentation will be coming soon. More importantly this presentation can be either delivered face to face by our Training and Awareness Officer (if a COVID safe plan is in place) or viewed online as a fully automated session.... Read more about our new Awareness presentation in our latest Excavator Newsletter (

24.01.2022 Remembering the 5Ps of safe excavation is important before starting any project. It starts with lodging a free Dial Before You Dig enquiry at #safetycomesfirst #dialbeforeyoudig #theessentialfirststep

23.01.2022 Nextgen DBYD is coming and we want your input. To assist us we are asking DBYD Members and users to share your valuable feedback into the development of the #NextGenerationReferralService. Click on the link below to share your feedback: #nextgendbyd #dbyd2021

23.01.2022 Have you ever wondered who Dial Before You Dig SANT's Members are? DBYD SANT has a wide range of Members covering everything from big gas companies owning pipes covering areas of thousands of kilometers to small companies owning one or two telecommunications cables. The video below gives you a quick overview of our Members. This video and much more other information about our Dial Before You Dig Service, regulations and safe excavation can be found in our brand new automated... Training and Awareness Session video. If you would like to access this video which is a great resource to use in toolbox meetings, new employee inductions or group training sessions, please contact Bruce at [email protected]. #DBYDMembers #safeexcavation #freeautomatedawarenessvideo

23.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: Who is Dial Before You Dig? Dial Before You Dig is a FREE national referral service designed to assist in preventing damage and disruption to Australias vast infrastructure networks which provide essential services we use every day.... A single point of contact to request information about any infrastructure networks at the planned project site from registered Dial Before You Dig Members without the need to contact them individually. #FREEservice #stayconnected #staysafe #DBYD

22.01.2022 Exciting times ahead. #dbydmediarelease #nextgenerationdbyd #dbyd2021

22.01.2022 As we deal with life in these extraordinary COVID 19 times, it is safe to say that staying connected and reducing interruptions to vital services has never been more important. Please ensure, whatever your excavation project, that you use the Dial Before You Dig service and follow the 5Ps of safe excavation. #staysafe #stayconnected

20.01.2022 Register your spot today for the Next Gen DBYD Webinar. DBYD 2021 is coming and this is an excellent opportunity for those in the industry to take a first look at the referral service

20.01.2022 Changes to the DBYD Call Centre: As you may have heard, the new and improved Referral Service of the Future will be introduced mid next year. It will be easier to use and provide additional features to help reduce harm and protect underground assets through improved information access. As part of the transition to the new referral service, we are also making changes to the call centre. ... Starting October 1st, 2020, you will no longer be able to lodge a DBYD enquiry by phone. All DBYD Enquiries will need to be lodged through the online web service platform located at This change will ensure that our national referral service can remain free to use. To be ready for this change, please make sure you have registered on the website to continue lodging DBYD enquiries. Our Help Desk will be available to assist you access the online services at our phone number 1100 and to help get you started on the website lodgement process. #stayconnected #helpdesk #safeexcavation

19.01.2022 #DialBeforeYouDig #5Psofsafeexcavation #stayconnected

17.01.2022 Next Generation #DialBeforeYouDig is coming 2021. Join us for this #webinar providing a first look at the Next Generation DBYD referral service and discover how you can help design the future. Secure your spot today #assetprotection

15.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig - the 5Ps of safe excavation. Make sure you always follow the 5Ps of excavation when breaking ground. Dial Before You Dig is a free service... for anyone to use in order to keep workers and the community safe and prevent damage to infrastructure and underground assets. #Dialbeforeyoudig #safeexcavation #staysafe #assetprotection #theessentialfirststep See more

14.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: Who should use the Dial Before You Dig service? Builders, contractors, farmers, excavation companies, councils, landscapers, underground network maintenance workers, plumbers, home owners, cable and pipe location companies in fact anyone who intends to work around any infrastructure asset(s) should lodge a FREE enquiry before commencing.... #safeexcavation #5Psofsafeexcavation #stayconnected

13.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig is always looking at opportunities to work with industry partners. We recently supplied a FREE 1800 x 2000 cm banner to Carey Training that is now displayed in their training center. If you are interested in a co branding activity or receiving a banner like this for your training site, please contact us on [email protected] #workingwithindustry #safeexcavation #trainingcentre TAPS - Trainee and Apprentice Placement Service

13.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: How much does it cost to obtain a location plan? Lodging a Dial Before You Dig enquiry is FREE.... However in some instances, infrastructure asset owners may charge for the supply of infrastructure information although this is normally only for large development related enquiries or planning/design enquiries where no excavation is taking place. #DBYD # Safeexcavation

13.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: Do plans have an expiry date? Yes. Plans do have an expiry date and this information can be found on the plans or information pack you receive from registered asset owners with the Dial Before You Dig service.The expiry date can vary from each asset owner and therefore it is important to note the variations. If plans have expired, a new enquiry must be lodged to ensure current plans are always onsite.... #safeexcavation #planexpiry #DBYDFAQseries

13.01.2022 The team at DBYD SANT is still doing its best to get the safe excavation message out there despite the COVID-19 outbreak. We have decided that in order to limit personal contact we will not be holding DBYD Awareness Training sessions face to face. Instead we have begun distributing USB sticks with a range of training materials and online links that can assist you to deliver your next toolbox session. You should never stop promoting the protection of underground infrastructure... and the safety of your team. If you are interested in receiving a training and awareness USB or links to online information, please contact [email protected]. #safeexcavation #awarenesssessions #stayconnected

11.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: I have received all my plans as indicated from the Confirmation Sheet, can I start my project prior to the lodgement start date? The receipt of all Dial Before You Dig responses is NOT considered to be an approval to proceed with excavation; each User needs to follow the directions of each Member contained in their response as well as comply with any legal, safety or best practice guidance.

11.01.2022 Have you ever wondered how the Dial Before You Dig service works? Please watch the video below explaining how the Dial Before You Dig service works, how long the process takes and who you will be receiving information from. #DialBeforeYouDig #Middleman #Safeexcavation

10.01.2022 Check out our latest DBYD SANT Excavator Newsletter -

09.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig SANT FAQ Series I am interested in using the Dial Before You Dig Trade Mark, what should I do? Individuals or organisations external to Dial Before You Dig seeking approval to use the Dial Before You Dig logo, can do so by completing the Trade Mark Request Form. Permission to use the logo is not granted without the submission of this form and approval by Dial Before You Dig.... Associating and displaying the Dial Before You Dig logo communicates your commitment to safe site practices. It also provides a gentle reminder to those around you to Dial Before You Dig. #Safeexcavation #DialBeforeYouDig

08.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series If I lodge a Dial Before You Dig enquiry and advise of my plans to excavate, am I still responsible for any damage that I may cause? Yes, all individuals have a Duty Of Care they must observe when working in the vicinity of infrastructure networks and it starts with lodging a FREE enquiry with Dial Before You Dig.... #5Psofsafeexcavation #DBYD #freeservice

08.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: Are cable and pipe networks installed in a straight line? No. Mainly due to obstacles that may have been in the vicinity when the cables or pipes were installed. And NEVER assume the depth or alignment of pipes and cables.... Due to the possible deviation in alignment, manual excavation (if instructed by the asset owner) may be required to determine the exact location of infrastructure assets to avoid any mishaps. #safeexcavation #DBYDcertifiedlocator #DBYD

08.01.2022 Why is lodging a Dial Before You Dig enquiry so important? Any excavation, irrespective of size, has the potential to damage underground assets located around the work site - leading to service interruptions, delays to the project, costly repairs and in the worst-case scenario, injury or even death. Obtaining information from Dial Before You Dig Members significantly minimises these risks by ensuring excavators have access to plans and other instructions in relation to your worksite.

07.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig - not just for urban projects. City or country, Dial Before You Dig is the Essential First Step #Safeexcavation #DialBeforeYouDig #stayconnected...

07.01.2022 Ever wondered what happens straight after you lodged your enquiry? You will receive a confirmation email from [email protected] within a couple of minutes which includes a summary of your enquiry, your responsibilities and duty of care and a list of all Asset Owners that are affected by your excavation project. Wait until you have received ALL the plans and information, and have read the information carefully, before proceeding to the next step.... If you have any questions about the plans, contact the asset owner directly or engage a DBYD certified Locator. #5Psofsafeexcavation #DBYDcertifiedlocator #stayconnected

06.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: What type of information is provided? Asset owners provide information about the presence, approximate location (usually in the form of plans) and instructions about working around their registered infrastructure asset.... They DO NOT pinpoint the exact location of the infrastructure asset. Therefore, Duty of Care must be exercised when working around any infrastructure assets. If the plans or information is unclear contact the asset owner directly using the contact numbers provided on the Enquiry Confirmation Sheet and / or engage the services of a DBYD Certification Ltd certified locator. #safeexcavation # FAQseries #certifiedlocator #stayconnected

06.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig is about to do so much more! Next Generation Dial Before You Dig is coming 2021. A one-stop digital platform for information, tools and services to prevent damage to vital utilities right across Australia will soon be at your fingertips. #DBYD #referralserviceofthefuture

06.01.2022 Our new automated awareness presentation is now available! This 30 minute video session is perfect for educating your team on all things Dial Before You Dig and safe excavation. Great for your next training or toolbox session.... Simply go online and press play! For more information and to gain access, please contact Bruce Coleman at [email protected] Please note we still deliver awareness sessions personally onsite. #Awarenesspresentation #fullyautomated #safeexcavation #DialBeforeYouDig

06.01.2022 SafeWork SA together with DBYD SANT have created a toolbox series on avoiding utility strikes. This 5 part series is all about avoiding utility strikes while digging and working near overhead powerlines. Please follow the below link to watch the videos and get more information. If you have any questions in regards to our service and how to lodge an enquiry, do not hesitate to call 08 7231 1111. ... #DBYD #SafeworkSA #safeexcavation #stayconnected

05.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig SA/NT recommends using a DBYD Certification Ltd certified locator in the preparing stage of your project if you are unsure of the location of underground infrastructure present on project site. There are currently 50 certified locators in SA and 11 in NT. Follow the link below to find a DBYD certified locator near you. #safeexcavation #beprepared #5Psofsafeexcavation #DBYDcertifiedlocators

04.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig always recommends using a DBYD certified locator as part of excavating safely. DBYD certified locators use the colours specified in the Australian Standard AS 5488 in the identification and marking of underground assets.These colours have been identified within the Standard as per the table included, and we would like to reinforce the need for these colours to be used consistently. If you would like to know more about AS5488 or would like to engage a DBYD... certified locator please follow one of the links below. #DBYDcertifiedlocators #AS5488 #excavatesafely

03.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig is committed to work alongside its Members and industry stakeholders to promote asset protection and damage prevention. Dial Before You Dig currently protects $388 billion of underground infrastructure. The Nextgen Dial Before You Dig referral service is set to provide an even more extensive service to our Member and Users #nextgenerationdbyd #assetprotection #DBYD

03.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig SANT recommends using a DBYD certified locator to help determine the location of underground assets at your project site. Follow the link below to find a DBYD certified locator near you. The 5 Ps of Safe Excavation. Step 2 - use a DBYD certified locator. #safeexcavation #beprepared #5Psofsafeexcavation #DBYDcertifiedlocators

03.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: How do I use the Dial Before You Dig service? Dial Before You Dig enquires can be lodged for FREE in three ways:... 1.Via the Dial Before You Dig website at (mobile web or desktop). 2. Via the iPhone App and Android App 3. Via the National call centre by calling the toll FREE number, 1100 during business hours. #safeexcavation #TheEssentialFirstStep #Stayconnected

03.01.2022 Dial Before You Dig FAQ Series: What type of information is provided? Asset owners provide information about the presence, approximate location (usually in the form of plans) and instructions about working around their registered infrastructure asset.... They DO NOT pinpoint the exact location of the infrastructure asset. Therefore, Duty of Care must be exercised when working around any infrastructure assets.If the plans or information is unclear contact the asset owner directly using the contact numbers provided on the Enquiry Confirmation Sheet and / or engage the services of a Certified Locator. #safeexcavation #certifiedlocator #Dutyofcare

02.01.2022 Need to know more about the Dial Before You Dig service and how it works? Follow the link below to download your guide today. #DBYD #5Psofsafeexcavation #stayconnected

02.01.2022 Since October 1st, all Dial Before You Dig Enquiries will need to be lodged through the online web service platform located at Please watch below step by step guide on how to lodge an enquiry. It is quick and easy and you will receive the plans from our asset owning Members within 24 hours after lodging the enquiry. #dbyd #referralserviceofthefuture #onlineservice

02.01.2022 Need to know more about the Dial Before You Dig service and how it works? Follow the link below to download your guide today. #DBYD #5Psofsafeexcavation #stayconnected

01.01.2022 As part of our industry sponsorship with Civil Contractors Federation SA this video was created to introduce our service to all their members and the general public. CCF SA are a valued industry partner of ours and we are looking forward to working together for years to come. #CCFSA #DBYD #stayconnected #staysafe #safeexcavation

01.01.2022 When taking on an outdoor project, large or small, remember to lodge a free DBYD enquiry prior to breaking ground at Please note - Asset owner... plans may only indicate the presence of assets near your project site, and do not not pinpoint the exact location so always proceed with caution and follow the #5Ps of #safeexcavation. #dialbeforeyoudig #theessentialfirststep #staysafe #damageprevention See more

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