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DDW Fitness in Caringbah, New South Wales, Australia | Sport & recreation

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DDW Fitness

Locality: Caringbah, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 422 901 213

Address: 1/12-14 Northumberland Rd 2229 Caringbah, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Supporting local business. You can never go wrong with a brew from Hairyman Brewery, tonight it's #MurphysMutiny.

24.01.2022 || THANK A FIRST RESPONDER DAY || We have a few of our own first responders at the gym and were more than proud of the work they do and the courage and commitment needed. So, to all the first responders around the country, we say THANK YOU!! ... #tafrd #thankafirstresponder

24.01.2022 || MOVEMBER UPDATE|| When Troy told us that he was growing a mo that would be in the same conversations as The Big Ram and The Big Banana, he was not wrong. At just shy of two weeks, the ‘Goulburn Mo’ is coming along nicely. 1 in 6 Australian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. By 2030, Movember want to halve this statistic, through awareness and funding research.... Please head to to donate to Troys cause and help raise funds for Men’s Health. Every bit counts. #movember #movemberaustralia #goulburnmo #menshealth

24.01.2022 Tough times dont last, tough people do! What a weapon . In a time full of hardship, its very easy to make excuses, sit around and feel sorry for yourself. Chelsea is doing the complete opposite of that despite having a very good reason to. I hope some of you sitting around at home, struggling to find the discipline to eat well, exercise daily and look after yourself can get some motivation from this .... Repost- So whats your excuse? My sister Chelsea Wade was diagnosed with epilepsy a few years ago, and due to struggles with medication is undergoing further tests, which involves being strapped up to wires 24hrs a day for 7 days. Throughout the whole diagnosis and testing process she could have used this as an excuse and played the victim, but NOPE. Shes just getting on with it and making the best out of shit situations. Im not sure if the nurses approved of her bringing weights into a hospital room, but I couldnt be more proud of her making the best out of everything. Legend!!! #resilience #proudsister

24.01.2022 || HAPPY NEW YEAR || From everyone at DDW Fitness, wishing all a very Happy New Year, may your 2021 be a happy, prosperous and a fulfilling year!! Hopefully 2021 will be a little more straight forward and a lot less troublesome!! ... #ddwfitness #happynewyear #newyears2021 #staysafe #seeya2020

23.01.2022 || MOVEMBER UPDATE || Only a couple days to go and the boys, as apart of ‘Team Caringbah High, are smashing it!! Exceeding their monetary target by over 200%!! A bit of a broken record, but we are so very proud of the boys (and Pablo! ) for stepping up and putting themselves forward for a very important cause.... The awareness they create and the money they raise is vital to helping make a change with regards to men’s health. And, although their target has been met (& exceeded!!), if you can donate, please do, even the smallest amounts can have huge impacts!! Caringbah High team page: Jaspers page: Toms page: #movember #movemberaustralia #menshealth #movembercaringbahhigh #pablo

23.01.2022 2020, the year of sink or swim. Personally, despite the adversity of the temporary closure, I think this has been the best year at DDW to date. I finally implemented the training structure/ protocol I believe in rather than worry about what some people want to do- not what they need. Members were forced to diversify the modalities and exercises they focus on; mobility, gymnastics strength, plyometrics and barbell technique work. IMO these areas are more beneficial anyway.... There were members who utilised this time to improve their squat and once the gym reopened, the numbers on their oly lifts actually increased. There were members who dramatically improved their dips & chin ups; weighted, body weight and pre-requisites. There were members who had amazing changes to their body composition, whether it be reduced body fat or increased muscle and strength. The thing that impressed me the most though was the shift in some members mindset. They viewed this uncertain period as an opportunity. An opportunity to work on weaknesses and build a stronger foundation upon returning to the gym. On the contrary, there were members and a lot of others who used and perceived the circumstances as an excuse or a set back. To those people I challenge you to do more- pressure makes diamonds. I’m not one for New Year new me posts. Motivation is fleeting. Discipline and routine is what will keep getting you out of bed each day, help you lose that 10kg or achieve that body weight Clean & Jerk. I’m also not the gym owner to promise you an abundance of results with minimal effort if you join my facility. BUT if you do walk through the door with the intention to improve your athletic performance or health and lifestyle, DDW Fitness is more than equipped for the job. To those who are looking to implement positive changes into their life- I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great night .

23.01.2022 I dont know if Im prouder of the online service Im offering or the fact I figured out how to make this poster . Im not the most tech savvy . If youre keen to continue training through this lockdown period but dont understand what direction to take or lack the creativity-our online program is perfect for you! The program contains:... daily workouts daily coached classes exercise library accountability education challenges Not only does the program cater for adults, but we also have two designated classes for kids and teens each week. This allows them all to get stuck into some exercise with some structure, interact with their friends online and also gets them out of your hair for 45min- its a win win for all parties . If you have any questions about our online training service or would like to know anymore about our teens classes/ have friends or sibling that would like to get involved, send us a DM .

22.01.2022 Big effort from one of the gyms favourite members Davo! First pic was in April 102kg and the second pic was from tonight at 81kg. At DDW we dont do 30 day challenges, these rarely work and are a waste of time in my opinion. We encourage lifestyle changes, a performance based mindset and educate members on efficient training, technique/ movement and sustainable nutrition. Change your perspective from an aesthetic goal focus to a performance based focus and you can kill two birds with one stone. It doesnt work as effectively the other way around and certainly isnt as healthy mentally. Awesome work Davo, Ive seen the amount of effort you put in each day and you deserve to reap all the rewards .

21.01.2022 Life is busy and sometimes things will get in the way. However, if things are a priority, we will always find a way to make them happen. Late last year Troy had a medical incident, which has prevented him from driving since. He could very easily throw the gym and training in the too hard basket, but he has done the opposite! Troys attendance is great, training 5 days a week and after working each day, rides to and from the gym. What impresses me more than him riding his bike, is his attitude and mood everyday. I have never once heard him whinge or complain about his current circumstances and he is always happy and friendly to everyone at the gym. I hope this post motivates a few people who have a few road blocks in their way to achieving their health and fitness goals .

21.01.2022 || MERRY CHRISTMAS || From the DDW Fitness family to yours, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays. One helluva year this year so we’re hoping everyone has a happy, festive & safe Christmas break. ... We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. J.K. Rowling #ddwfitness #christmas #wegotthis

20.01.2022 This is my reality now . Who wants me to run some of these online classes and bring fitness back to its grassroots

20.01.2022 || MOVEMBER UPDATE || Not so much an update but a late introduction. These two are a couple of our younger members, Jasper and Tom are doing their best to grow tha mo and raise awareness and funds for men’s health. They, along with a few others are teaming up as Team Caringbah High.... Their efforts were largely unknown to us at the gym, but I recently had the pleasure of chatting with one of Jaspers lip hairs, Pablo. He, along with the boys, were more than happy for us give them a shoutout. On a serious note, we are very proud of the boys for their ‘efforts’ and even more proud that guys of their age (sub 18) are willing to join a very important cause, and help raise funds to improve men’s health. Please help them out, every little bit helps so much!! Caringbah High team page: Jaspers page: Toms page: #movember #movemberaustralia #menshealth #movembercaringbahhigh #pablo

20.01.2022 Its been a big couple of days but I am extremely proud of the online training program that my coaches and myself have produced in the last couple of days. The program involves a daily workout linked to an extensive exercise library and all movements listed have a video or photo demonstration along with a description. Exercises are placed in categories so if you dont feel like doing our daily workout and prefer a certain type of training, you can easily click on that catego...ry and work your way through some of the movements and exercises of your choice. As well as the above, we have online coached classed that youre able to participate in and interact with the other members. They have been very beneficial so far; they are still extremely personal and coaching cues are easy to deliver through the app we have been using. If you arent a member but would like to work on your health and fitness throughout this difficult period, send us a message and I can send you a link and you will be able to creat and account and begin training with me, the other coaches and the members of DDW.

20.01.2022 Another great arvo/ night at the Sandhills with this crew (minus 3). Throughout the year I implement 6 week specialty blocks into our program where we designate the entire class to one training modality or movement. After a tough Sandhills workout a few Saturdays a go and seeing a few struggle with the concept and discomfort, I decided to create this block. The goal is to learn a little more about the energy systems, how extra metres or slighter faster times on efforts can effect the body, improve their pacing and just build capacity. Tonight was week 2 and people were already much more comfortable out there. I am looking forward to seeing the progress over the next 4 weeks .

20.01.2022 Theres a common misconception that to be lean you need to do a lot of cardio. Reality check- to look lean, you need to reduce body fat by eating in a calorie deficit but if youd like to increase strength and performance you need to make sure the foods you are consuming are nutritious and fuelling your body correctly. In the current circumstances, its great to see a lot of people outside doing their exercise and moving for longer periods of time. Just be aware of what cer...tain styles of training can do to your body and take into account what your goals are. For a lot of girls, currently, they want to look athletic and build their glutes. However, majority of them are out running, doing a lot of circuit work and using booty bands in an attempt to burn as many calories as possible and build their butt. Simply put, youre burning the candle at both ends. Now Im in no way knocking aerobic training. I highly respect those athletes and for their sport, they need to be as light and strong as possible to move as fast as possible for those longer distances. Im merely just saying, for majority of the population, training your fast twitch muscles and strength; sprinting, lifting, gymnastics strength training and eating well will be much more effective in helping you achieve your goals. Our online training program has categories of training and movements that I think are very beneficial. Ones that will help the above topics are the sprinting, strength and plyometrics categories. They are full of progressions with video, photos and written explanations to make following our program simple. If youd like to mix up your training and utilise this time to learn something new, send us a message or enquire on our website .

19.01.2022 Not a great photo but a great bunch of people and good vibes. Lights, music effort and like minded people- cant get much better than that. For now . Wont be long .

18.01.2022 Training at home, many of us are limited on equipment and therefore, training styles and exercises are also limited. However, we are able to use this as an opportunity to focus on other areas that are often forgotten about or neglected- a major one being mobility. Today our workout is focused around upper body strength and mobility. I coached the class which went for marginally less than an hour and there was plenty of time to warm up, coach the movements, perform them and in...teract. Earlier in the week we did an Olympic lifting session focused on technique, speed and light loads. A lot of emphasis again, being placed on mobility. This morning when bridging (modified versions needed for most people) I explained how and why this is a challenging position to achieve but something that everyone should work towards. Majority of our members probably dont care if they can bridge. However, I bet theyd like to be able to snatch, clean and jerk more efficiently. If you look at Macallas bridge, I think you can all see that sitting in the bottom of an over head squat comfortably is no issue at all, but for others, like me, it is. You can see that there is an even curve through her entire body, otherwise known as global extension. When I bridge, my body has to create different segments in order to achieve the position because I dont have the required range. The goal is to be able to wake up and be able to move in certain ways and not have to tell your coach or say to people I can do this when I warm up. Utilises this time at home to stretch more and work on your mobility. No, I dont mean foam roll, that is a temporary relief. I mean spend 20-30min each day or at least a few days a week moving through range and strengthening positions so that when you return to the gym, your body is prepared and resilient.

17.01.2022 || MOVEMBER UPDATE || Just over a week and on the run home and the ‘Goulburn Mo’ is starting to get that nice bushy look!! The Movember movement helps raise funds for over 90 projects (in Australia) dealing with men’s health and cancer research.... Please head to and help Troy with his cause to help Movember tackle these serious issues with men’s health. #movember #movemberaustralia #goulburnmo #menshealth

17.01.2022 WE ARE BACK IN ACTION JUNE 13th!! Due to the restrictions regarding class sizes, spots will be limited. If you are keen to get back in the gym and want to try something new, now is the prefect time!!! To secure a spot so that youre able to train with us, all you need to do is send a message and we can get you booked in and ready to go . Cant wait !... Posted @withregram @7newsaustralia Gyms, yoga and dance studios and massage and tattoo parlours are set to open on June 13, as more restrictions ease in NSW. A limit of 10 people per exercise class will be put in place. There will also be a maximum of 100 people inside per gym venue. In massage and tattoo parlours, a 10-client maximum will be in place. From July 1, the restrictions on community sport will be lifted for under 18s. Read more via the link in bio. #7NEWS

17.01.2022 || DAFFODIL DAY - 28th August, 2020 || Raising funds for charitable causes can be hard at the best of times, throw in a worldwide pandemic and the efforts are made a lot harder!! Tomorrow is Daffodil Day, a day to help raise funds for the Cancer Council and more importantly, life-saving cancer research. This year will be very much an online appeal and so if you are able to, please head to their website and donate. ... Every little bit counts.

16.01.2022 In light of the current circumstances....DDW isnt going anywhere. This is my home and are going to need a God damn wrecking ball to get me outta here because were going no where!!!!

16.01.2022 Great class to commence our 6 week Snatch block. Specialty classes are always something I have wanted to incorporate into our weekly program. The idea of these classes is to implement 6 week blocks focusing on specific skills e.g lifting, gymnastics and running, for the members that are interested in improving in that specific area. I have limited numbers to 8 people to ensure that each member receives plenty of coaching and I am able to adapt the program to meet individual needs. The crew moved the bar really well this morning and Im looking forward to watching the improvements over the next 5 weeks.

16.01.2022 || MOVEMBER UPDATE || This just looks right. And what’s even better is that not only it look right, this spectacular ’pool cleaner’ mo is raising much needed funds for men’s health.... MOVEMBER looks to tackle health issues affecting men but the flow on effect has a very positive impact on the broader community through research into cancer. Please head to and help Tom with his fundraising effort. Every little bit helps. #movember #movemberaustralia #menshealth #poolcleaner

15.01.2022 || MOVEMBER || Kicking off the MOVEMBER efforts, Tom Pello’s ‘moustachery mastery’ will definitely be one to witness through the next 26 days!! Head to to help Tom raise funds for Men’s Health.... #movember #movemberaustralia

14.01.2022 Activation, heavy dead lifts, unilateral accessory exercise + stretching- todays session was intense. There will no doubt be some sore posterior chains tomorrow . Lucky we are steering clear of the lower body and working on our gymnastics and upper body mobility.

14.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the fabulous mums out there!! Hope you all get spoiled!!

14.01.2022 Some morning hills with the gang. Looks like I photo shopped my way into the photo . The last few days in the gym have been epic. Everyones effort has been great across the board. Ive been drilling the concept of energy systems into them recently and workouts are being approached extremely well . Have a great weekend guys and Im already looking forward to another big week in the gym .

13.01.2022 A lot of other fitness facilities will promise you the world and produce an atlas. The truth is, we can’t guarantee you results because without you showing up and putting in the work, it’s out of our hands. However, what WE can promise is that we will do our absolute best to provide the highest quality service which will assist you with your goals; both inside and outside of the gym. If you’re looking for a gym facility where you’re more than just a number or keen to improve... your strength & conditioning and learn new skills- DDW Fitness is the place for you. If you’d like to get started or are interested in organising a trial week, use the information in the video or click on the link in our bio and one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you shortly. : @pastvisions

13.01.2022 Tonights session wraps up and that concludes our car park classes, come Monday were back inside!! While it wont be as it was, it is a step closer.

12.01.2022 || MOVEMBER || The month of November has long been associated with the MOVEMBER movement, promoting awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health & suicide prevention. We have a few members ‘growing the mo’ or ‘moving for movember’ and we look forward to showcasing their respective efforts, for a truly worthy cause.... For more information on MOVEMBER, their cause, how to sign up or to donate, head to #movember #movemberaustralia

11.01.2022 Due to capped class sizes when gyms return on the 13th of June, memberships will be limited. If youd like to secure a spot, send us a direct message ASAP and we can sort everything out for you before you even walk through the door! Looking forward to meeting you .

10.01.2022 || MOVEMBER UPDATE || Well, a little over a week in and Tommys ‘tache’ is looking better than your local pool cleaner ............ Globally, on average, 1 man dies by suicide every minute of every day. MOVEMBER’s goal is to reduce male suicides by 25% by 2030.... Tom is helping them towards this, by raising awareness and funds to help support foundations that can assist people who need help. Please head to and support Tom, every little bit helps!! #movember #movemberaustralia

10.01.2022 The goblet squat is a very low risk exercise that we implement into our program weekly- strength work for the teens and warm up and accessory exercises for the adults. Heres Harvey completing a rep as part of their strength circuit this afternoon. Holding a weighted object in front, counter balances, allowing you to sit in a vertical position and maintain more efficient mechanics (for some squats). It also teaches you to brace your upper body; upper back mainly and is a great fundamental exercise for the front squat. Before you Front Squat or Clean, try adding a couple of sets of 5 with a slow eccentric and pause in the bottom, it will set you up for a great lifting session .

07.01.2022 Some Sunday motivation for you all! 20kg lighter and feeling great physically and mentally . When the gym reopened at the beginning of July, Jaimi decided that it was time to knuckle down on her nutrition. She mentioned that working from home has been very beneficial for her- allowing her to prepare and eat healthy food and avoid the snacky office culture she was exposed to on a daily basis. Jaimi has always been a great trainer, exercising 5-6 x per week but the photos ...clearly show how important eating the correct amount and the right foods each day is- you can’t outrun a bad diet. Since July, Jaimi’s physical capabilities have improved dramatically. She has gone from using a purple and red band on her chin ups to being able to perform 3 reps unassisted. Her weightlifting numbers have remained consistent despite the 20kg reduction in body weight and her running has improved enormously; both longer an shorter distances. I was chatting to her earlier today about it and she mentioned initially the goal of 20kg was a little daunting but once she lost a few kilos, she gained momentum and it became increasingly easier to keep going. Like anything training and weight loss/ gain related you simply just need to start. Climb one stair at a time, day after day and soon you will be at the top and in search of a bigger and more challenging stair case.

07.01.2022 Mini DDW Fitness The new HQ and place of business for a little while. Its a sink or swim mentality.

06.01.2022 || R U OK? Day - 10th September, 2020 || For some of us, its a pretty hard task to confide in people and talk about our mental health. And even more so with the state of our current social restrictions and social distancing/isolation. Please check in on your family and friends, a simple chat can be a massive help and is so easy to do!!... If you arent feeling ok, and need a chat, there are some wonderful people at the below foundations that are more than happy to talk. Lifeline - 13 11 14 Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 For more information, head to

05.01.2022 The winners of our Med ball basketball championship!! The boys werent happy . Since the beginning of February, we have introduced a teens class (11-15 years). The main objective is to have fun and provide them with a safe introductory to the gym environment and strength and conditioning training. Theres a few missing today, but Im really happy with the bunch of teens that we have so far. Theyre all happy, willing to learn and I look forward to seeing their progress over over the next few months.

05.01.2022 Troy started to become interested in weightlifting at the beginning of the year. But like most of us, he was too focused on the weight and trying to pb each time@he lifted and neglected the things that were going to help him get there. When gyms were forced to shut, he asked if we could do some PTs and focus on his lifting- the snatch in particular. After 5 weeks (1 session a week) he has improved immensely. First two weeks I barely let him lift any weight at all, focusing s...olely on his position and mobility. When it comes to lifting, you first need to build the required range to perform the exercise and then you need to become strong there. Week 3 we started to load the bar a little more and he was pleasantly surprised at how things were feeling. Today after 20-30min of mobility and bar drills, he worked up in small increments to a heavy single. I stopped him at 65kg, which happened to be a 10kg PB! It goes to show what a little commitment and effort can do for your progress. The PB is great, but what I am more pleased about is the fact that he has not missed one lift in two sessions- that shows learning and consistency. As a coach a lot of people ask for advice but if they dont like the sound of it, it rarely gets done. Once you tell someone they wont be lifting heavy weights for a little while and they will be stretching and doing lots of technique work, you generally dont hear from them again . Troy has followed every exercise, set, rep and cue that I have given him to a T and Im looking forward to what the next 5 weeks produces .

04.01.2022 || MOVEMBER || This handsome young man is Troy, and he’s assured us that not only will the end result of his MOVEMBER facial effort be GLORIOUS but his moustache will rival that of the greatest mo’s in history, David Boon and Merv Hughes........ Please head to to donate to Troys cause and help raise funds for Men’s Health. ... Every bit counts. #movember #movemberaustralia #goulburnmo #menshealth

02.01.2022 Technique matters Ever wondered why you can complete 20 push ups but can barely do a dip or handstand push up? Its most likely because you are completing your push up with incorrect technique and body mechanics. In the first 3 exercises notice how my midline and shoulders look like they are in a much weaker position. When the movement gets difficult, I allow my body to lose posterior pelvic tilt, which creates that arch through my back. Im also allowing my elbows to move... around and my shoulder blades to retract, forcing my shoulder into a less stable position and therefore producing less force. In the last 3 videos you can see that all the reps look similar. I maintain, posterior pelvic tilt (ribs down, pelvis tucked under & butt squeezed), protraction in the shoulders and a vertical forearm which allows me to push from a stronger position. Yes, some people can get away with learning new skills with poor technique. However, at some stage, they will hit a road block or are at a greater risk of getting an injury which no one wants. Spend time learning about the body, moving correctly and mastering the basics which in the end will allow you to progress much faster as you build strength the correct way!!! If you are sick of your shoulders being sore, lacking range/ mobility or have been stuck on the same progression for a long time, it may be time to receive some proper coaching . Get in touch with us .

02.01.2022 A couple of months ago I decided that I was going to add a specialty class into our weekly program which will give members that are interested a chance to work on specific skills. We are using a 6 week format and the first movement I decided on was the Snatch as a lot of people find it difficult and are keen to improve it. Unfortunately a couple of the crew were not able to go for a PR attempt today but all the others were successful and the first 6 week block was - lot of fun and a big success all round. Maybe a speed or gymnastics movement up next in the 6 week specialty block?!

02.01.2022 || HAPPY FATHERS DAY || Wishing all the dads a very happy Fathers Day, hope you have a great day and get the socks you were after !!

01.01.2022 When I was in primary school, my teacher taught us how to create mind maps. I found it was a very effective and simple way of processing information. Simple, just the like above topics, questions and answers. Excuse the aesthetic of the post- I never claimed to be artistic .

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