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Deal With My Agent

Phone: +61 421 477 292


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25.01.2022 Deal With My Agent is a private consultation service for tenants in NSW who are having difficulties dealing with their property manager or landlord. I am offering my services free of charge for tenants in NSW who’s rental property was deemed partly or wholly uninhabitable due to bushfire damage or flood in 2019/2020. I will advise you of your rights and obligations and assist you with written and verbal communication and negotiation with your agent. I will help you navigate ...the legislation and advise you on record keeping and processes for the best possible outcome for you. Contact me for a free, no obligation chat to discuss your situation and seek advice on how to deal with your agent.

24.01.2022 Tips for NSW bushfire or flood affected tenants when dealing with their property manager or landlord: GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. If you have spoken on the phone or in person to your property manager or landlord then make sure you follow up the conversation with an email as discussed at (time) on (date) and recap all the issues discussed and agreements made so you have a written record. When you contact your agent, in writing, request a damage inspection be done as s...oon as possible and a copy of the report. For properties containing asbestos this will need to be done by a licenced person. You can also contact your local council for information on damage assessment. When you return to the property, after it is safe to do so, take as many photos/videos as you can of the damaged and affected areas. If you were not provided with a copy of the entry condition report when you signed the lease or if it was destroyed/lost then ask your agent for a copy for your records. You are legally entitled to it. Fire or flood damage is automatically deemed an urgent repair and please make consideration for your health and safety if the property or any surrounding properties contains any disturbed asbestos or if any chemicals were burned. Disturbed asbestos automatically deems the property uninhabitable.

24.01.2022 I am disturbed by the reports I am hearing that landlords and agents are sending letters to tenants advising them that they will be evicted in 6 months time for non payment of rent as soon as the 6 month moratorium on rental evictions is over. I would like to remind landlords that their rental properties are investments and that no investment is free from risk. Those that have their investments in the share market are aware of this and have taken significant losses these las...t months. A property investment yields great long term returns in both rent and capital. This is a time of loss on that investment, temporarily, landlords must accept that. Whilst I’m sympathetic to the fact that landlords have mortgages, insurance, rates and other obligations which they may need the rent to pay, they made an investment. The property market has never been and never will be risk free. I would advise landlords to consider if evicting good tenants, paying to re-lease the property and then pursing tenants for rent through NCAT is the best option? I think they’re better off working with their tenants, renegotiating the rent and sticking it out. Accepting that there will be a loss this year. I would also remind landlords that in 6 months time, NCAT will be flooded with these cases and they may be waiting a significant amount of time to even get a hearing. The question also remains, if NCAT orders the tenant to pay the 6 months rent, that doesn’t mean that they can magically manifest the money. If they don’t have it now, they won’t have it in 6 months. The likelihood is you’ll never get it back anyway. Work with your tenants, accept there will be a loss on your investment return this year just as share investors have and show some compassion. I have created a template to send to agents or landlords which is free for anyone who needs it. Please message the page with your email address and I will send the editable version to you. Please edit to suit your personal circumstances. Stay safe everyone, and stay home.

23.01.2022 Here is a link to the petition for the suspension of rent and mortgages in Australia. I will create a template letter for those wishing to request a suspension or reduction in rent due to financial difficulties during this pandemic and share it to the page shortly.

21.01.2022 I would love to hear about some Australian landlords doing this.

14.01.2022 Federal Greens leader Adam Bandt will be pushing for similar measures to be adopted nation-wide.

07.01.2022 6 month moratorium on evictions is now in place. If your agent or landlord is threatening or attempting to evict you at this time then it is unlawful. Know your rights, stand your ground.

01.01.2022 Can my agent still carry out inspections? Is a question I’ve been asked a few times this week. In short, as long as they abide by all social distancing requirements and give you 7 days written notice, yes. However, If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of Covid 19, such as a dry cough, sore throat or fever, you should advise your agent or landlord that it is not safe for them to attend your property. ... If you are in mandatory self isolation or quarantine due to recent travel, contact with someone who has tested positive or if you have tested positive, your agent cannot attend the property For tenants who have a high risk or immunocompromised person living at the property, I have created a specific template for you requesting the inspection be done virtually or postponed. If none of the above applies and the inspection is to go ahead, there are rules your agent must adhere to. The requirements of the agent/landlord are; - They wear a mask. - They do not touch anything in the property. - They come with no more than one other person (who also follows the guidelines). - They declare/answer questions honestly as to whether they have been overseas or an a cruise ship recently, have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive to Covid 19, if they or someone they have had close contact with are experiencing any symptoms. - Use hand sanitizer when entering the property (which they provide for themselves). - Practice social distancing of 1.5m. You are entitled to make sure these measures are adhered to. For those tenants who have been advised of an inspection that is going ahead, I have created editable template letters to send to their agent or landlord. If you would like a copy emailed to you, please message your email address to the page. Stay home everyone, and yes, that includes you, agents and landlords. Templates available (please specify which one you require): - Cancel inspection due to experiencing symptoms. - Cancel inspection due to being in mandatory self isolation or quarantine. - Request virtual inspection or postponement due to high risk occupant. - Inspection to go ahead under social distancing guidelines.

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