Dearly Plaques & Memorials | Product/service
Dearly Plaques & Memorials
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25.01.2022 The Dearly Outside Ashes Urns are perfect for gardens and outside memorials. I'm on the farm at home in Mt Doran, Victoria today talking about the Outside Ashes Urn we make locally. These Urns are able to be interred at the cemetery in the Ashes Garden, placed in your garden at home and with the industrial modern look inside on the mantle. They become waterproof once the base is sealed and will keep your loved ones Ashes dry, safe and if there is ever a need to relocate, they... will all be in tact and with a brush off back to new again. There are three different sizes currently: Large Urn Container Niche (Small) Urn Container Keepsake With a companion Urn under manufacture at the moment - holding two large standard URNS and Ashes. The URNS are made from Aluminium, powder coated in a textured grey finish and engraved. Engraving is not restricted, with unlimited details and words included. Something new, fresh, long lasting and another option for your clients and their loved ones Ashes. #shoutoutballarat #URNS #crematoriums #dearlyplaques #funerals #outsideurns #locallymade
25.01.2022 A beautiful memorial developed for a grave that has been unmarked for 102 years. Isabella McDonald is buried at the St Arnaud Cemetery in Victoria. Born in Scotland in 1834 and died in 1918 at Beasley’s Bridge. Her grave has been unmarked for 102 years until her desendants arranged for this memorial. It will be placed on her grave in the comming weeks.. #unmarkedgrave #memorial ... #dearlyplaques #permanentmemorials #starnaudcemetery See more
24.01.2022 A fitting marker for your loved one.. .. we placed the plaque on my grandfathers grave on Saturday. 11 family members attended with four of Simons direct descendants represented. They were all very pleased with the plaque... Thank you again for supplying a beautiful product and helping me fulfil a long desire to have Simons life acknowledged.. Julie K (picture. Julie K)... #unmarkedgraves #familyhistory #dearlyplaques ##cemeteries #ballaratmade #remember #respect #finalrestingplace
24.01.2022 The Dearly Family send you every sincere best wish for your Christmas to be festive, fun and safe. We thank you for a wonderful year, and are glad we could provide a beautiful plaque for your requirements. Sally, Ethan, Zac & Sophie xxxx We are still working away over the Christmas/New Year break taking orders, however they will be slightly delayed until the New Year (approx. 10 days)... Happy Holidays .. from the Dearly Team.
24.01.2022 Basically just a large and small lid to cover a hole in the cemetery, one is for the interment of ashes and the other to cover a small grave. Now each cemetery has their own covers for interments of ashes, but from my research, maybe they are not as aesthetically pleasing as they could be. Traffic cones, warped bits of wood and scratched and dented metal are some of the responses Ive been given that are used for covers within the cemetery. Something smart, modern and professional for your cemetery or memorial park.
24.01.2022 Austatralasian Cemetery & Crematoria Assoc. conference in the heart of Australia.. Final Touch Australia displaying Dearly Plaques.#dearlyplaques #finaltouchaustralia #internationalcemeteries #australiancemeteries
24.01.2022 During this time when there has to be new way to say goodbye to your loved ones; due to restrictions on funeral attendance. There is an option to create a small memorial of remembrance in your home. Grief, honouring and remembering is not a one-time event. It is something you will do many times, in many ways as life moves forward. Dearly Plaques can provide interim memorials for your garden at home or the grave side (delivered to the cemetery). Delivered in five days, engraved with your unlimited personal inscriptions for your loved one. #dearlyplaques #grief #athomememorials #love #ballaratmade #cemetery #funeralhomes
23.01.2022 What's in a name? Our business name means a great deal to us ... #Dearly #dearlyplaques #familybusiness
23.01.2022 Last week took me to Boroondara Cemetery (Kew), a client who has Dearly Row Markers, Plot numbers and Crypt Cases for their mausoleums. Lea took us on an amazing tour of the 31 acres, one of the oldest cemeteries in Victoria. Including a surprising visit to my (6greats) Grandfathers memorial, Edward Henty, one of the first Victorian settlers from Portland.. #familyheritage #kewcemetery #dearlyplaques
22.01.2022 Just loving our new brochure .. all of the Dearly products - there are so many now - all destined for cemeteries in Australia. Thanks Sahm Keily for your clever designs. #keepingitlocal #ballaratdesign #ballaratproduct
22.01.2022 During the COVID ISO time Ive been busy creating & updating my website.. Dearly now has a new look and contains new products, stories, videos and pictures.. Have a look, let me know what you think? As part of Dearly Projects I can also assist your business with an updated website, copy writing, creative and hosting connections ... an extra pair of hands to help your cemetery out with their website and social media? #dearlyprojects #dearlyplaques
21.01.2022 During this time of challenge and no travel, a video and discription of one of my products. Our first plaque was an Interim Memorial, providing something where often there is nothing. Im not great at these, but they were fun and the location was amazing at the Ballarat Cemetery. The Interim Memorial (Video Catalogue - Series One, Ep 2)... Dearly interim memorials are a temporary memorial for the time between the burial and the permanent marker placement. #cemeteries #dearlyplaques #covid19 #workingfromhome #stayhome #veryamateurvideo #funtimesinsmallbusiness #ballarat
19.01.2022 The Dearly Outside Ashes Urns are perfect for gardens and outside memorials. Im on the farm at home in Mt Doran, Victoria today talking about the Outside Ashes Urn we make locally. These Urns are able to be interred at the cemetery in the Ashes Garden, placed in your garden at home and with the industrial modern look inside on the mantle. They become waterproof once the base is sealed and will keep your loved ones Ashes dry, safe and if there is ever a need to relocate, they... will all be in tact and with a brush off back to new again. There are three different sizes currently: Large Urn Container Niche (Small) Urn Container Keepsake With a companion Urn under manufacture at the moment - holding two large standard URNS and Ashes. The URNS are made from Aluminium, powder coated in a textured grey finish and engraved. Engraving is not restricted, with unlimited details and words included. Something new, fresh, long lasting and another option for your clients and their loved ones Ashes. #shoutoutballarat #URNS #crematoriums #dearlyplaques #funerals #outsideurns #locallymade
17.01.2022 In August 2013, [seven years ago] we started! An idea to provide a more fitting memorial in the interim time at the cemetery between the funeral and the permanent forever plaque. All these years later we supply 1000's of customised individual plaques and other aluminium products to the Funeral & Cemetery Industry all over Australia and even to New Zealand. We are a proud little family company, with all our products made locally in Ballarat, Victoria. This picture was on our... first brochure with Stella our beautiful golden, who whilst walking her through the local cemetery we came to this idea for the now Dearly Plaques & Memorials. Hip Hip Hooray for us! More info #RIPStella #sevenyearsinbusiness #funeralindustry #cemeteriesandcrematoria #ballaratmade
16.01.2022 This morning saw the Eureka Rebellion Remembrance Service hosted by Ballarat New Cemetery, Victoria, Australia Before dawn on 3 December 1854, government troops stormed the diggers flimsy stockade at Eureka, Ballarat. In a fiery battle that lasted only 20 minutes, more than 30 men were killed. Charged with high treason, the diggers leaders were all eventually acquitted. Within a year the diggers won the vote and the hated gold licence was abolished. We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties! The diggers oath, 30 November 1854. #democracyforaustralia #ballarat #ballaratcemeteries
16.01.2022 The Mars Confectionary Factory in Ballarat recently celebrated their 40th year and opened a sensory garden for their employees.. #dearlyplaques provided the plaques for the entry to the garden and they were unveiled at the 40year celebration. #ballaratmade #dearlyprojects #aluminiummagic #ballarat #notjustcemeteries #marsballarat #40yearscongratulations
15.01.2022 With ANZAC Day approaching Dearly plaques has been busy working with the Ballarat Avenue of Honour Committee to provide Tree Plaques. These tree plaques are to be placed when a tree dies or needs to be removed leaving nothing to memorialise the fallen soldier. Inscription: A replacement tree is scheduled to be planted here during the next planting season . These living memorials honour the lives and the service, sacrifice and suffering of our WW l service men and women.... #ballaratanzacs #avenueofhonour #dearlyplaques #memorial #ballaratlocal #ballarat
15.01.2022 Excited to be a part of this upcoming event with Geelong Cemeteries Trust, come along for a day of local information and wonderful guest speakers about dying, death and grief. #dearlyevents #geelongcemeterieistrust #livinganddyingletstalk
15.01.2022 A Cemetery, how does a 10 year old experience one? Sophie talks about her local cemetery, the memories she has walking through with me and her brothers over the years... and visiting her Pa's memorial and how that makes her feel. Memorialisation is something very close to our hearts and its important to have a place to visit or visualise if unable to get there. Dearly Plaques & Memorials was created around providing a memorial imediately for a burial or in memory of a loved #memorials #dearlyplaques #interimmemorials #ballaratcemetery See more
14.01.2022 An important conversation to have with your loved ones and a great time during ISO to have the chat .. join in the conversation tomorrow with Ballarat Cemetery, get your questions answered and let your family know about your end of life wishes..
14.01.2022 Hi Sally, Our Operations Team have now been able to place all of the number discs we ordered a little while back they looks absolutely perfect! Match in with the fence colour beautifully, and are going to make things so much easier for clients and staff in locating specific sites in an area that is otherwise tricky to decipher. I have attached a few photos. ... Thanks again for your help with this order and for a perfect product. Box Hill Cemetery #boxhillcemetery #dearlyplaques #plotnumbers #cemeteryplaques #aluminiumplaques
13.01.2022 A signage project I worked on for Ballarat Cemeteries assisting in re-signing the cemetery with location bollards and powder coated street signs. They look great, fresh and modern and clearly show directions for visiting families. #dearlyprojects #collaboration #cemeteries #ballaratcemeteries #ballarat #smallbusiness
13.01.2022 The Ballarat Cemetery is an amazing backdrop and a great place to showcase one of the projects I've assisted with in re-signing the cemetery. Dearly Plaques & Memorials can tailor a marketing solution specifically for cemeteries, including business requirements, plans or specific projects that are needed to be completed (e.g. re-signing cemetery, community engagement letters and follow up, websites, surveys, internal documents, local industry representation). An extra pair o...f hands is available, either on site or working remotely (we know we can do that very well during the COVID19 crisis). Social media strategies Print advertising Media releases and media strategies Graphic design Annual reports Website copy and development Event management Grant writing and preparation Project management I'm here to help when you need to get a project completed, started or inspired.
13.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day Mum... Make sure there is a lovely memorial for her xx My Mother, my friend so dear, Throughout my life youre always near.... A tender smile to guide my way, Youre the sunshine to light my day. ~ Anon. #dearlyflowerpots #flowers #memorial #memories #shoutoutballarat #love #smiles #mothersday2020 #dearlyplaques
13.01.2022 Thank you for our lovely new signs! I have quickly placed a few of them (waiting to install properly, the ground is still very hard) the blue looks amazing and really pops with the natural surrounds. Toowoomba Regional Council Love that you are happy, they look great and thankyou for the images. Toowoomba Region... #dearlyplaques #dearlyrowmarkers #cemeteryrowmarkers #toowoombacemetery
13.01.2022 During the COVID ISO time I've been busy creating & updating my website.. Dearly now has a new look and contains new products, stories, videos and pictures.. Have a look, let me know what you think? As part of Dearly Projects I can also assist your business with an updated website, copy writing, creative and hosting connections ... an extra pair of hands to help your cemetery out with their website and social media? #dearlyprojects #dearlyplaques
12.01.2022 Ensure there is a memorial on the grave of your loved one for Christmas. Dearly Plaques can deliver your interim memorial right up to Christmas..Place your order before 19 December for delivery Christmas week.... #unmarkedgraves #deliveryforchristmas #remembering #fittingmemorial #notoplasticstakes
11.01.2022 Thanks Vicki. xx
10.01.2022 The Ballarat Cemetery is an amazing backdrop and a great place to showcase one of the projects Ive assisted with in re-signing the cemetery. Dearly Plaques & Memorials can tailor a marketing solution specifically for cemeteries, including business requirements, plans or specific projects that are needed to be completed (e.g. re-signing cemetery, community engagement letters and follow up, websites, surveys, internal documents, local industry representation). An extra pair o...f hands is available, either on site or working remotely (we know we can do that very well during the COVID19 crisis). Social media strategies Print advertising Media releases and media strategies Graphic design Annual reports Website copy and development Event management Grant writing and preparation Project management Im here to help when you need to get a project completed, started or inspired.
10.01.2022 2020 ANZAC DAY. Lest We Forget. Last year Dearly Events assisted #Ballaratcemeteries to organise & place 3000 flags throughout the Old & New Cemetery locations, with 13 local primary schools and over 400 students. It was a hand on your heart take a breath moment to see the outcome... this event was unable to happen again this year but I truly loved assisting .. #ballarat #ANZAC #memorials #dearlyevents #handonyourheart #ballaratanzac #dearlyevents #remember #ballarathistory #proud
10.01.2022 Thinking of mothers this weekend.. those that are mothers, have mothers and are grieving mothers.. Her Smile Her ability to make you feel safe Her Sunday night cooking... Found it! Next time have a Mum look The pickups and drop offs Your home with the mum touch That advice Her honesty That look ... for any reason Her LOVE Happy Mothers Day to the old mums, the new mums and those that have mums.. its a day for all to appreciate that special person who helps them through everyday xx #dearlyplaques #mothers #love #memories #motherslove #care
10.01.2022 Garden Cremation URN. Rustic, industrial and a very modern URN for your loved ones ashes and engraved to your requirements. Watertight for outside placement and long lasting. #cremationurn #ballaratmade #watertight #cemeteries #funerals #cremation #dearlyurns #BGT #powdercoating #aluminium #modern #portable #familybusiness #local
09.01.2022 Can you believe the school year is nearly at an end? Last year I provided a Prep Class teacher a garden marker with the students listed, a lovely parent gift from the class.. I wish Id have thought of this when my kids were younger, its a good idea.. let me know if youd like one for your teacher and class.. $160 +GST plus postage #dearlyplaques #endofschoolyear #buyballarat #goodidea #loveourteachers
09.01.2022 The Ballarat Cemetery has provided the perfect backdrop to showcase the Dearly Row & Plot Markers, they use them through out the cemetery to show their visitors the way and locations of their loved ones graves. Most cemeteries have rows and rows and areas of graves and sometimes it is very hard to locate the one you are looking for. Visitors may call by regularly and get to know the locations automatically, but some only visit on special occasions like Mothers Day, Fathers Day, a birthday or at Christmas .. its very helpful to have the areas marked so families and friends can easily visit their loved ones. Something clear, simple and not expensive to mark the way through the cemetery.
09.01.2022 With everything going on in the world at the moment, you can be assured that its business as usual at Dearly Plaques & Memorials. I am working closely with my suppliers, all who have put into place their own safe guards for their businesses. Most of them are local businesses here in Ballarat, Victoria and some further away. If there are any changes impacting the delivery of the Dearly range of products, I will be in touch, but at the moment its business as usual, all stock...s are high and ready to go. I am a small business and I work from home which I must say has its advantages in todays chaos, allowing me flexibility and the ability to easily make things happen. Keep well in this crazy time and please let me know if I can be of assistance in any way with your plaque or memorial requirements. Its a bit like an AFL Game without spectators here .. go pies!! Stay well, Sally x
08.01.2022 Hello from my Home Office Over the next few weeks I am posting my home video catalogue (make sure you un-mute) about the Dearly Plaques & Memorials products and services over the next few weeks. Isolation is just another word for challenge and I love a challenge! Enjoy my video catalogue, pass them around, add some comments, buy some plaques.. we are all in this together! #cemeteries #dearlyplaques #covid19 #workingfromhome #stayhome #veryamateurvideo #funtimesinsmallbusiness #ballarat
08.01.2022 Love this .. they look great! These are for a Western Australian Cemetery who will use these to mark plot numbers in their burial area. Great job BPC!
05.01.2022 "Thank you Sally, It's PERFECT!" Deb Tranter New Interment Lid for Castlemaine Cemetery, a nice presentation when placing ashes for families. What a beautiful location!... #dearlyplaques #cemeteryrowmarkers #cremationashes See more
05.01.2022 We are a very proud Ballarat, Regional Victorian based business providing plaques and products to cemeteries and funeral services all over Australia. COVID19 is nasty and we are isolating; but still engraving and delivering memorials and cemetery products. We are stocked and still manufacturing daily! Stay safe friends and colleagues, we are all in this together. Sally x... #stayhome #supportforsmallbusiness #regionalvictorianbusiness #familybusiness
04.01.2022 A little note as we all start the wind down to a festive Christmas with families and loved ones.. Dearly Plaques & Memorials will be here to take your orders, queries and questions throughout the Christmas, New Year period; with technology what it is today, I'll never be too far away. This year has been so incredibly tough for many in our business community, yet here we are still boxing on.... I'd like to thank all of the Community, Cemeteries and Funeral Homes who have ordered and utilised plaques, memorials, urns, lids and row markers from us this year.. you certainly made a big difference to this small business in an uncertain time. We were able to do some exciting things as well though in the lockdowns (Regional Victoria) this year including, cheeky video catalogues of many of our products, a brand spanker website and glitzy brochure as well a few new products and there are more exciting things to come in 2021. Sending a big smile and best wishes for a fabulous Christmas and New Year for you and all of your staff. Merry Christmas Sally xo #dearlyplaques #goodbye2020
04.01.2022 Last week I enjoyed a catch up with the lovely Eltham Cemetery, Dearly Plaques provide permanent memorials for selected unique memorial positions - they look great in such a beautiful setting. #dearlyplaques #elthamcemetery #permanentmemorials #aluminium #ballaratmade
03.01.2022 Thinking of mother’s this weekend.. those that are mother’s, have mother’s and are grieving mothers.. Her Smile Her ability to make you feel safe Her Sunday night cooking... Found it! Next time have a Mum look The pickups and drop offs Your home with the mum touch That advice Her honesty That look ... for any reason Her LOVE Happy Mother’s Day to the old mums, the new mums and those that have mums.. it’s a day for all to appreciate that special person who helps them through everyday xx #dearlyplaques #mothers #love #memories #motherslove #care
03.01.2022 Dearly Ashes Interment Lid. To provide a nice cover at the ceremony for the placement of your loved ones ashes. #dearlyplaques #aluminiumplaques... #ballaratmade See more
03.01.2022 Ironically its National Advance Care Planning week 23-27 March.. all about talking through what happens towards the end of our life.. aged care, respirator, life support, organ donation, funeral, cemetery plot.. and memorial. Good time to talk whilst doing that puzzle or baking that cake whilst we are in lock down for the protection of our lifestyles. #dearlyplaques #advancecareplanning #everyoneeventuallydies #wherewillyouendup
02.01.2022 Last week I visited Lilydale Memorial Park @gmctmelbourne .. a beautiful peaceful place. Dearly plaques are part of their memorial and reservation plaque offerings for their mausoleum and beam lawn sections... aluminum, long lasting, affordable and modern. #dearlyplaques #gmctmelbourne #ballaratmade
02.01.2022 A beautiful memorial to mark the resting place of a couple that were loved.. designed by the family, this permanent memorial will be placed at the cemetery and be there forever. #dearlyplaques #permanentmemorial #ballaratproduct #memorialisation
01.01.2022 The Cemetery Industry gets together once a year. Cemeteries from every corner of Australia and beyond meet to talk, learn, network and laugh... suppliers like Dearly Plaques display and show whats new .. AND of course we have a great time catching up again.. great image @pheonixfoundry #acca2019 #dearlyplaques
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