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Debbie Kemp | Counsellor

to load big map

Debbie Kemp

Phone: +61 408 028 075


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to load big map

23.01.2022 This past few weeks I’ve had so many conversations with both men and women who are after something more. More time. More money. More choice. More freedom. More breathing space. Ahhhhh, I get it.... What seems to underpin most of these conversations is ‘I don’t have enough money to make the choices I want to make’. It’s as though it’s the theme for many people’s life 'Not enough money for the holiday I desire, not enough money to work less, not enough money to buy something for me just because I want to.' It pulls at my heart strings to hear so many people talk like this, because I believe that we all deserve to feel abundant and free. I’m not writing this as some expert who’s ‘arrived’ at abundance and freedom, but I absolutely do experience both, and I’m also moving towards receiving more, in many ways. And I’d really love to help those of you who want more. I’ve experienced the uncertainty, and I’ve felt the fear, and I’ve done it anyway. I was a uni student in my early 20’s when I bought my first investment property. I wasn’t making much money, so I bought an entry level unit and rented it out. I was dating Rob at the time, and he did the same, separately. We were totally inexperienced, and uncertain, but we understood the opportunity. We don’t own those properties now, but they helped us buy our first house, maybe 6 years later. Another 8 years and a couple of investments properties later, and we afforded a massive upgrade. But it wasn’t without fear and uncertainty. It was a huge stretch, and we were both a bit unsure that we’d actually afford this upgrade long term. But we did it anyway. Since then, we’ve purchased a traditional business and we’ve created another. There’s been many investments, and many more uncomfortable moments. We’ve had to do things we had no idea how to do. We’ve made mistakes. And we’ve enjoyed wins too. What we know, is that our wages are never going to fund our lifestyle AND our retirement. It’s what we do with our money that counts. Along the way I’ve also explored what the online world has to offer. There's a lot of affordable business opportunities out there, worth exploring. Multiple income streams are always a good idea, and sometimes they absolutely surprise you. I think it’s important to acknowledge, there’s not much that you can do today that’ll make you significantly more money tomorrow. But there are many things you can do now, to create a more abundant future. So I ask you, what are you doing to move closer to whatever it is you desire? How are you investing your money? I should be clear, there are many more options that I haven’t listed here, and there’s not a right and wrong way to grow your wealth. But They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second best time is now. Are you planting some trees today?

22.01.2022 Good morning! I love it when I look at the sky and she’s beautiful

21.01.2022 WHO WANTS TO KNOW THE SECRET TO FEELING MORE LOVED AND APPRECIATED? Many of you know that a week ago I was surprised with an amazing birthday weekend away. A getaway to the coast which included family walks along the beach, whale spotting from a stunning lookout, yummy food and the best salted caramel gelato ever, an afternoon nap (gotta love a nap), and a quad biking adventure in the sand dunes. It was bliss.... My kids gave me a cute present they bought by themselves whilst hubby and I shopped for plants and pots, and they made me breaky in bed too SO cute. That hubby would organise this amongst his busy schedule, and that my kids would be so excited to treat me, it definitely had me feeling loved and appreciated. BUT there was definitely a time when I felt a little unloved and more than a little unappreciated. Drop me a heart emoji if you’ve felt that way too! Life feels that way sometimes. Things get busy, work gets prioritised, parenting responsibilities feel relentless, and adults go about their own priorities and to do lists. I remember when I felt like I needed to do something to lift my relationship out of the depths of expectation and responsibility. We have never struggled with our friendship but there was definitely a time that it felt like we were just co-habitating and co-parenting. I’d done enough inner work to accept that I am responsible for everything in my life, and that I can create anything I want. And I knew what I had to do. I HAD TO LOVE AND APPRECIATE HIM THE WAY I WANTED HIM TO LOVE AND APPRECIATE ME Many people find it hard, going first, but someone has to. And if that’s all it takes to create the changes you desire in your relationship, then why not give it a try? Let’s explore how it works. Think about any relationship you like. If one person is to yell, then the other is much more likely to yell back, or at least raise their voice. If one person is to give the other the cold shoulder, then silence is often returned. If one person is to be short and snappy, they’re not likely to be met with a smile and increased affection. Likewise, if one person is to be more understanding and supportive, then vulnerability and gratitude might be returned. If one person is to be more interested, a better conversation might progress. If one person is to be more loving and appreciative, then that’s likely what they’ll experience more of in return. You can’t possibly be focussed on what’s negative and experience a huge change for the positive. You need to BE the change you wish to see. And then, get grateful for whatever love and appreciation you do receive. Don’t judge it, don’t be impatient about it. Just be committed to creating the change and be tuned in to gratitude. IT’LL MAKE THE WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. And if you need any support with this, comment below or feel free to message me!

20.01.2022 Ahhh the craziness that is end of financial year!! Who else feels this? All the deadlines all the admin all the rush? The business shopping that I could probably do any time that I squeeze in to this year. I’m not even sure why really. I mean, I know the theory, but it’s kind of like I engage in this madness because of a financial theory!... It doesn’t really matter to me what those numbers say on paper each year. I receive my wage, I pay my staff, I invest back in to the business and I pay way more attention to how much money is in the bank than I do to my financial software. I’m probably different to those who are really pushing for big business profits. TIME is my biggest business goal. How can I run my business in a way that has it be really successful and therefore sustainable, that pays me the wage I want, AND that gives me the free time I want? The family time I want? In traditional small business, there’s almost always a time for money trade-off. Spend more time in the business, make more money. Create more time for yourself, and make a bit less money. It’s why I’m always open to exploring new things and new ways. See my last facebook post for more info on that (it was too long for Insta and I’m yet to figure out those details haha). For now, there’s a few more deadlines that need to be met. So I knuckle down and get the tasks ticked off the list bills, compliance, checklists. It’s certainly the less appealing side of business. Lucky I have a milkshake date with my gorgeous niece tomorrow. I might as well start the new year with some of the fun I want more of

17.01.2022 When your likeminded friend is so excited to join you in business that she sends you a message like this Seriously just feels like I’m in the very exact perfect alignment for my growth and my purpose. You know??? Oh my god Debbie. We are going to have the most fabulous life we already do but we are unleashing our beautiful powers of leadership and abundance and adventure and spirit. Hell yeah we are!... It is so fun and inspiring to call in amazing people who are also looking to create abundance and freedom in their life. People who also know that anything is possible. There might be some new skills to learn, and there may be a need to lean on others for confidence for a while. It might feel scary to step in to something that feels foreign. Something that you don’t already know to be your ‘zone of genius’. It might feel like stepping into a new identity What if it’s an opportunity to strip away the layers of everything you’ve become out of responsibility and expectation? What if it’s an opportunity to be nothing more than who you truly are, in your heart? What if there’s abundance and freedom just waiting to flow to you, the moment you step in to full alignment and receivership? What if it’s a chance to live in a way that truly makes your heart sing? This is an opportunity to receive all the support, education and automation you can dream of to create a business that is a true reflection of you and whatever it is you want to express to the world. To step out of whatever isn't serving you in your current routine. It’s an opportunity to fill your own bucket better, or to help others in a meaningful way, or both. "What’s the business? you might be wondering. Ask me. I’ll answer your questions and tap you in to an automated platform that shows you how it works, and then let you decide if it feels good for you. It really is an incredible set up. If it’s not for you, that’s okay. No single business is for everyone. And I’m not here to convince anyone. Just to call in others who are also looking for what I was and to show you what’s available. It’s not effortless or free. But when I compare it to my wealth of other business experience, it gets a big wow from me. One of the things I love most is that I control the pace. I juggle a lot and it's so easy for me to tap into learning more, seeking mentorship and implementing what I can, as time allows. The community is incredible - friendly and welcoming and high vibe. All about massive abundance and massive impact, but not without lots of fun or the freedom to live however you want. Wanna check it out? I reckon it never hurts to take a look at an opportunity like this. Just drop ‘Message me please’ in the comments if you’d like to have a chat about it.

15.01.2022 HOW I MADE $1,000 WHILST I POURED A WINE BEFORE DINNER Last night was a fairly typical Sunday night at our place: The kids were enjoying some iPad time after an activity filled weekend; I thought I might enjoy a glass of wine;... Rob was throwing some leftovers together for our dinner and making toasties for the kids and my phone beeped. It was a text to congratulate my new business partner and I, following the sale that had been closed whilst I poured a wine. How good is that? Even better, my commission was over a thousand dollars. I told Rob, I just made a thousand bucks! and he looked at me perplexed, as if to ask, how on earth did that happen? It happened, without my attention, because I have a business that works even when I don’t. My time is leveraged with an automated system that does so much of the work for me. My job is to help people to take a look. That’s it really. All the information and education they could want for is there at their fingertips, AND there’s a business specialist to help out so that I don’t have to be one. Seriously. If I’m busy, or relaxing, it doesn’t matter. They won’t even miss me lol. You know what I DON'T miss in my ‘business on the side’? Leading with a product that may or may not align, before you discuss business; Having to be a product expert so I can answer people’s questions; Having to make sooo many sales to make anywhere near a thousand dollars; Having to shop every month to remain ‘eligible to make money’. Now, I get to do it this way: I lead with an incredible business opportunity, because that’s the hero here; I help people take a look by giving them access to an amazing automated platform; I allow people the space to decide if this feels aligned for them; I support those who get started by plugging them in to an incredible community and a mentorship like no other. I have a grin from ear to ear about this opportunity. It’s helping people to create the life they dream about. It’s freeing people from money worries and redundancy worries. It’s gifting people with love, acceptance, encouragement, confidence, and choices they didn’t know were possible. It feels great to be a part of all that. If you’d like me to help you take a look, just let me know. There’s no pressure and no attachment from me. Just an opportunity that you get to check out, and say yay or nay to. It’s that easy.

15.01.2022 Yesterday I asked the question If you had to choose a job, and if all jobs were equal in time required and wages paid, what would you choose to do? Many of you loved sharing what it is you dream about. Some of you are already doing it I loved reading these dream jobs zoologist, counsellor, life coach, writer, photographer, firefighter, music venue owner, midwife, doula, kids fitness, and more. Thank you so much for sharing!...Continue reading

14.01.2022 TIME OR MONEY? Which would you prefer? Like you have to choose haha.... But I was noticing recently that I feel a little surrounded by wishes of more money. Quite a few people have said to me I love the sound of your new business, and I’d love to do something like that, to make some extra money, but I just don’t have the time. And it intrigues me! I have a pretty good money mindset and have long made good money decisions... at least I think so, and I feel like our current financial situation tells me so. That doesn’t mean I don’t want more though! I have all sorts of dreams that require more abundance, and so I continue to find creative ways to build wealth. Not at the expense of time though. I write this from my caravan that sits between lake and beach, because it’s the school holidays and if we’re not holidaying elsewhere, we’re here. Here, we relax, get active, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy nature, catch up with friends, sleep in... and my kids do not stop and they have an absolute ball. We always have a great time here! I could easily stay home and work. I have a traditional business with staff and huge compliance requirements and a to do list that I’m never close to clearing. But it’s not going anywhere. If I didn’t draw the line consistently, and just choose to do more of what makes me and my kids happy, I could easily work constantly. I used to, pre-kids. I had a job I loved and I put in some serious hours. Rob arrived at my work one Friday afternoon to whisk me away, and I wasn’t ready to leave, so I made him wait. Sounds crazy to me now! Why would I not just come back to it next week?! My values are still the same. But my ability to prioritise my values have changed. Life is too short. This time of having my kids want to hang out with me, it’s likely got a shelf life. So I choose fun, family, and time doing what makes my heart sing. I choose time. And of course I choose money too. I don’t ever want to have to say I don’t have the time or money for something I’d like to do. If you resonate, let’s chat. There’s so many ways to create more time and money, and they don’t take as much time as you think. If you’d like to learn more, comment below with which one you want more of. Or both! I’ve got something exciting coming that I’d love to share with you.

13.01.2022 In a whirl of excitement I’ve been taken on a pre-birthday weekend away. How fun! I’ll share my exciting announcement with you all tomorrow. A few days ago I wa...s kinda crapping my pants about sharing this but now I’m bursting with excitement! I’m done playing by the rules. It’s time to do things my way. Think ease and flow, fun, excitement and play. Think abundance and freedom. As I write this I find myself singing Michael Buble haha It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life, for me AND I’M FEELING GOOD. Stay tuned for the big reveal Sunday night at 8pm when I’ll put it all on the table and share my big news. Have an amazing day!!

12.01.2022 SOMETHING THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE What do you think after reading that? Ohhh, what is it?... Mmmm, sounds risky Interesting, I’d like to explore that? Ahhh, where’s my safety net? Eeek, I’m excited? Personally, I’m a curious, intrigued, ‘Let me check that out’ kinda person. These traits have certainly led me on some great adventures! And this one, doing business with The Freedom Era, it has been an amazing experience! This tribe, these leaders, and this business structure, it has blown my mind. Business delivered to you on a silver platter that’s what it feels like to me. As someone who owns a staff heavy and compliance heavy business, I’ve had to do a lot of systemising and a lot of figuring things out. Now I have it all at my fingertips! Not only are systems and automation in place so that I can spend as little time as possible in this business, but the learning offered on our online platform is truly next level. I’ve only just scraped the surface. And I’m in no rush, but I now have access to a smorgasbord of video courses on everything business and everything personal growth. The courses and masterclasses include (but are far from limited to): Business marketing and sales How to do the tech stuff (even though it’s mostly done for us) How to leverage social media How to describe what you do How to scale and recession proof your business Plus Leadership Mindset Money mastery Freeing yourself from limiting beliefs Embodiment and inner work And the best part is If you already have a business, you can use all of this to skyrocket that business! If you are set on your business idea but need some help getting started or gaining momentum, this platform can feel like an always available, online business partner! If you don’t have a business but want to escape your current 9-5 or your financial situation, you have the option of tapping into a lucrative high ticket offer! This really is that versatile. If you’re already thinking ‘WOW, I WANT THAT!’ let me know and I’ll help you get started. If you’re thinking you’d like to know more, then I’d like to invite you to a free 4 day workshop that starts Monday. It’s a simple facebook group with a daily video that will deliver you with loads of value, and also give you a little insight into what it’s all about. Tune in live each day or watch the replays. Just comment below ‘I’m interested’ or ‘Link please’ is fine and I’ll send you the link to join the workshop.

12.01.2022 DO YOU DIVE IN ON TRUST? When I joined my new biz a couple of months ago, I did exactly that. I didn't know a whole lot about the biz, but I could see the vision and what was possible.... It felt right. It feels right. The tribe feels right. Conscious, supportive, and leading a new way. The automation is there, and I've long valued automation in business to leverage my time. The education is next level, teaching not only business know how but money mastery, mindset, embodiment, etc. The important stuff. The financial details looked different to anything I'd looked at before, certainly at this level of investment! So I trusted my gut. I pushed aside the hours of research I might've done in the past, and I said yes. Yes to doing life with freedom and abundance. I can't tell you how many times I've been grateful for this decision. I've been coached for free by amazingly gifted coaches and business people, and I'm surrounded by people who absolutely speak my language. Yesterday I tuned in to a webinar about where the business is going, and I can't tell you how excited it made me. There's lots of new goodness coming. Part of it is this 4 day workshop for conscious freedom seekers. It's called The New Era of Freedom Workshop. It starts on Monday. Yes, Monday 10th August. You keen? If so, write I'M KEEN below, and I'll get you connected.

11.01.2022 How awesome are kids?! Yesterday I got to enjoy a beautiful and powerful conversation with a 6 year old. My friend asked if I’d do some energy work with her boy following a procedure he had to have, that was a bit traumatic for him. Of course I said yes. I love the healing that’s possible when we venture into what we’re feeling, and oh how I love kids and their honest and open ways. Like always, I show up to a session not really knowing how it will unfold, because I’ve foun...d that the most powerful healing comes when we flow with a session rather than control it. At first, he wanted to tell me all about his toys, and I so enjoyed listening to his take on his world. I gently asked how he was feeling, and he said Good, and then followed with Well, not that good. I explored that with him, naturally enquiring to gain a full understanding of what he was explaining to me. Oh my heart! Kids really are very clever at explaining themselves when we give them the time and the space to do so. We had a beautiful conversation about pain, trust, and the body’s healing abilities. Then we played! There was this beautiful moment at the end when my friend’s boy touched my shoulder and smiled at me, as if to say Thanks, good chat. I’m so grateful to be able to make a contribution to children and their parents in this way. It doesn’t matter how conscious, connected or communicative a parent is, sometimes support from another person just makes a difference. I’ve seen this with my own kids many times. Thank you my friend for trusting me to help, it was beautiful, as is your family.

10.01.2022 Eeek! Something new and exciting is happening... Wanna hear about it? Eeek! Something new and exciting is happening... Wanna hear about it?

10.01.2022 This is going to be shocking to a few of you but I’m going to share the truth of the new direction my life has taken. Who else has thought that they might just ...have everything they ever wanted? And who else also finds themselves still wanting more? I’ve been doing the inner work for quite some time now, and I don’t know if I manifested this life, or got lucky, or whether I just worked really hard because in some ways I did and in some ways I kinda winged it. So now I find myself, early forties, with a beautiful family, a loving and supportive relationship, wonderful friendships, a business that offers me reasonable money and plenty of time flexibility, a spacious home that I love to live in, a van on the coast, holidays, weekends away, all the things. My kids are loved deeply and have all the ‘toys’ they could want for. I’m honestly really grateful for this life, ‘cos it’s pretty awesome. But I also want more. There’s a small part of me that feels guilty to say that, but it’s the truth. We are so conditioned to not shine too brightly and to only have just enough. We can be grateful for what we have but also know we deserve to life our best life and have an endless amount of abundance and freedom in our lives. That’s truly what I desire and I am done hiding that part of me that wants more out of life. You see, I squeeze a lot in to have this life, and it definitely gets overwhelming at times. My incredible kids, I pour so much time into them. There’s the mornings that are often thrown out of whack by my daughter’s anxiety, there’s the constant requests by my son for another bike ride, a skate park visit, always another activity, there’s appointments to ensure their continued wellbeing, there’s after school activities and lots of them, there’s an intention to keep up with homework and school notes but I’m never quite on top of either and there’s the time that we spend just hanging out together, walking the dog, watching a movie, eating a meal. I’m sure all the mums reading this will relate. Then there’s my business. It gives me so much time flexibility but also takes up so much of my time that’s business right? Or is that just a mindset I have adopted because that’s what everyone says business is? I’ve been so lucky with my business that I work the days I want and I’m always at carnivals and special assemblies, and at most drop offs and pick ups. But then work will pop up when we’re getting ready for school, or cooking dinner, or on holidays and those times feel really inconvenient, but it’s always something important that needs my attention urgently. And because I choose to be around so much for my kids, I find myself really squeezing my business into less hours than what it really needs from me. But what’s the trade off, I put my business before my kids? Nah. I don’t share any of this to make anyone feel bad. I know there are people who have to work long hours, who struggle financially, or can’t be at all the kids things I get to. I know mum guilt. And this is why I am sharing this with you because if you can relate, then you will want to keep reading. I want to be honest about what I want and it’s so much more than this. It’s having complete time freedom so that I can work when I want to and be free to choose when I don’t want to. I want to be earning triple what I am in my business right now so that I can go on luxury holidays and upgrade my life. I want to be earning more money but working less hours. Is that even possible? The answer I have found is YES! I am sharing this to be real about where I’m at that my life is pretty awesome but it’s not without busyness or overwhelm or a routine I struggle to keep up with. And it certainly doesn’t allow time for all the things that I really want time for more time with friends and family, more holidays, some time to study the things I’m passionate about, more time to exercise, time for a facial, a shopping day, a regular massage you know, things that would nourish me and leave me feeling good. If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years, it’s that I might as well go for exactly what I want. It’s not happening any other way. So, how am I going to change this aspect of my life? I figure it’s simple I need more time and more money. I know it’s available to me, if I upgrade my mindset and align my actions. What I know for sure, is that the way I’ve made more money in business before now is to pour in more time. I’ve tried to pull back before, but my business is highly personal, all about relationship and exceeding expectation, not to mention the compliance requirements, and when I’m not pouring myself in, the business doesn’t perform as well as I like it to. So I was after another income stream. We have a couple of properties, but they don’t seem to be solving my ‘problem’. I was doing all the things I have been taught right. The business, the investment properties but it’s just not giving me the freedom I’m after. Enter a friend who I’ve been watching from the sidelines for a while now. I didn’t really understand the details of what she does, but for some reason I’d decided I wasn’t curious, until recently. When she declared to me that she’s become a wildly wealthy woman, making huge money, that she makes more in a month than I do in a year, and that she has loads of time freedom thanks to automated systems and an online business, I was open. I’m always open to learning about how my family can have a more secure and abundant financial future, and I’ve listened to lots of people talk about lots of business structures. They’re all valid, but they don’t all interest me. This one, it’s blown my mind. Not only because of the financial abundance but because I have a deep desire to support, empower and coach women to live their dream life. Gratitude to the brainchild who figured this one out. I’m in. In with a long term commitment because I don’t even have to do that much. It might sound too good to be true, but it’s simply a clever business structure with a focus on automation. The best part is, this business is built on me just showing up as me. I kinda do that anyway. This is what manifestation is all about isn’t it?! You get what you want and then you upgrade your life to create even more. Bring it. I have partnered with an automated online platform that works with high ticket sales which means high commissions. It has a simple 3 step formula on how to fast track your business to 5 figure months leveraging social media and story telling. Let those figures sink in for a sec 5 figure months working from anywhere in the world just for being myself. Getting paid to be authentically me. How could I not be excited? How could YOU not be excited?! This is a business model for ANYONE. Regardless of your skill set, passions, background or where you are at in your journey. Best of all, we have an opportunity for you to work closely with me and my mentor who has created a 7 figure online business. I am looking for those who are ready to make radical changes to their future because I want to build a tribe of inspired, happy souls who know they are meant for more. You will get an opportunity to be part of the mentorship I have just been part of, that helped me set up my business step by step. We, me and my mentor, will help guide you to launch your own business online. You will have access to all the tools and support you need to take your own business to NEXT LEVEL SUCCESS! If you are anything like me and know in your soul that you want and DESERVE more but are unsure of HOW to get it, I may have the answer. If you’re a powerhouse woman who’s all about exploring an even more amazing life and business, I want to hear from you. Comment below UPGRADE MY LIFE and I’ll fill you in and give you access to the training on how to leverage the enormity and ease of the online realm to help create your dream life.

09.01.2022 Did you tune in to today's free workshop? What could you gain from dedicating 30 minutes of your time to crafting a vision for your ideal perfect day? If you don't get clear on what you want, you'll likely end up helping others get what they want! It's a perfectly valid choice, just not my choice ... Tomorrow's workshop is about how to create money with ease, flow and FUN! 'Cos money is only hard to make if you choose to see it that way. If you have the right mindset and an amazing strategy, it’s easy to make money! If you'd like to invest a little time in yourself and tune in to these incredible workshops and others, drop your favourite emoji below! Or join now by clicking on this link... There's more life changing information being shared in the coming days - what have you got to lose?

06.01.2022 Your upset is directly related to your resistance. What if you moved into acceptance?Your upset is directly related to your resistance. What if you moved into acceptance?

06.01.2022 WOW this guy was amazing! I don't often listen to a webinar twice but I will definitely be listening to his session on legacy again! It doesn't hurt at all that his voice is divine but Tariq's message and his nuggets of wisdom were incredible, AND he did this manifestation meditation which I loved and want to do again and again! On day 2 my mentor Bek shared about money mindset. I've listened to her do this so many times now, and I learn something new every time. A friend o...f mine told me how much she connected with what Bek shared and loved her questions. Do you have a money story that needs re-writing? On day 4 Kristie & Brooke will share powerfully about business. Two more people living the life of their dreams with huge abundance, and both with the time and money to do what they want and make the impact they desire If it appeals, let me know. It's here on Facebook, it's free, and there's a replay of each of these amazing sessions.

05.01.2022 So excited to see thousands of people in this 4 day workshop for conscious freedom seekers! It never hurts to check out a great opportunity and learn some cool stuff along the way. If you’re looking for something new and different, drop your favourite emoji below.... It could be tribe, a side gig, a whole new business, or even just some truly amazing PD. It could be support from like-minded people as we all navigate this huge consciousness shift. For all of that, this is a great place to be. Starts tomorrow. Can’t wait to do it myself!

05.01.2022 I celebrate a world where people are compassionate and loving towards each other, and full of open mindedness and respect and compassion. A world where people say I get you and where you’re at, I get that thing is important to you and I respect that. Where can you choose compassion today? I celebrate a world where we each do what’s right for us, without any condemnation of others. Where people just go about doing what we do and making it great! Just do you and your thing. D...o it awesomely, and share it with the world! How can you be more amazing today? I celebrate a world where my kids can go forth without being judged for being too shining, too thriving, too healthy, too social, too vocal, or too amazing. Where we celebrate people for being who they are. Who can you celebrate today? I celebrate a world where one person’s thriving is dependent on everyone’s thriving. It’s time to thrive but we can only truly thrive if we celebrate the amazing in people instead of criticising the lack. Who’s thriving can you support today? I celebrate a world where we do more of what feels good. Loving feels good. Hugging feels good. Smiling feels good. Smelling the roses feels good. Laughing feels good. Playing feels good. Respectful and compassionate conversations feel good. Expressing oneself without judgement feels good. Let’s all do more of what feels good. What feels good for you that you choose to do more of? I wrote this a few years back and facebook showed it to me today, and it felt quite relevant in today’s climate

05.01.2022 Wow, our 10th edition of eYs Magazine, which means my 10th article in this incredible international publication. It’s an absolute privilege to be a part of this team and I’m so proud of what we’ve created together. Here’s the info on this edition from our incredible Editor in Chief, Jasmina Siderovski... We are CELEBRATING the eYs Magazine Spring 2020 - 10th edition and dedicate it to the men and women who are the change-makers of our world. ... Our cover feature is Australia's very own Frank Cuiuli, a global leader in the NeuroPhysics industry and a Martial Arts expert. We meet Ken Zulumovski the founder of Gamarada Universal Indigenous Resources, GUIR, entrepreneur Peter A. Bheda, and Global Civility Ambassadors Kibe Edwin Gitau, Assem mousa and Huma Kirmani. Join Dr. Nasrin Parsian and her Inner Wellness Program. Bojana Bogojevic talks about gender equality, and Jules Lavallee discovers Karen Korponai for women's empowerment. Our author spotlight is Kez Wickham St George, and so much more. CONGRATULATIONS to the eYs Magazine 2020 TOP 50 Global Key influencers. Our models for this edition are Hayden Auntie Kwabia (Gladys Biney) and Kristina Apostoloska. eYs Magazine creates the voice for a sustainable world and highlights the importance of global awareness for peace and growth. We celebrate and empower individuals, groups and organisations. Congratulations to the eYs team for raising the bar and another successful publication. You can read their stories and inspiring journey. The print version will be available for purchase from 28.09.2020. Read our free online publication here: #magazine #humanitarian #eysmagazine #changemakers

03.01.2022 I shared this question on my personal page last night and so many people loved sharing what they dream about! I thought I’d pop it here for anyone who missed it there...

03.01.2022 If your life isn’t looking or feeling quite the way you’d like it to, it’s time to face the honest truth... It’s your fault. Sorry not sorry. If it feels triggering to read that, there’s something in it for you... so lean in!... I’m not into blame. Things happen and there’s often nothing helpful about pointing fingers. But taking responsibility can be quite transformative, and it certainly creates a space for new decisions and action taking. Sometimes, tough things happen. I’m not saying you made anything bad or sad happen. But your life is absolutely the result of the decisions you’ve made, and not made, and the actions you’ve taken, and not taken. And asking questions like this can really help you to align your decisions to your deams, moving forward: What do you desire more of? Less of? Are you taking small steps (or big ones) towards your dreams? Are you taking care of yourself? Prioritising your health? Loving yourself? If you are, please write YES below! I get the impression that those who don’t make time for self, think that no-one does! That it’s all too hard! I’ve certainly been there Deep in the overwhelm of ‘Not enough time’. Not taking care of myself. Doing so many things that are bad for me late nights, late eating, etc. Not taking steps towards anything much. Not being very productive. It happens. But I’m letting it go. It’s time for me now. Time for a schedule that prioritises me, my health, and my dreams. Time to be disciplined about sticking to it. Time for moving my body daily. Time for food that nourishes me. Time for daily action that’ll move my life towards more freedom. That last one means a daily practice. A combination of meditation, journaling, and gratitude. A continual process of finding clarity on what I want for my life. A shifting of old and limiting beliefs. The embodiment of who I need to be to create what I desire. Because most things don’t just happen. Even lack of clarity, and lack of action, is a choice. Maybe you’re pretty happy with your life right now. I am. But it could be more amazing too. More free. Why not choose that? What if I could give you access to a workshop that could support you to get clarity on your vision, master your money mindset, and create what you want for your life? A friend of mine recently shared about her experience in our last workshop, and she says it helped propel her back to her passion and direction and love of life. That in 4 days she re-set her mindset, moved into her power, saw new possibilities and went for her dreams. Amazing huh?! If you’d like the link to this free 4 day workshop, comment below IT’S TIME! It starts Monday.

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