Debbrah Oxby | Personal coach
Debbrah Oxby
Phone: +61 413 568 882
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25.01.2022 love this Your Inner Sparkle
23.01.2022 Such a powerful picture and message. So many of us travel through life disconnected from our inner child. This creates feelings of being lost, abandoned, alone and many more. I believe healing this connection is the greatest inner work that we can do. I see it time and time again with clients and in my own life's journey. When I stopped abandoning myself and was truly there for the inner parts of me my life changed. I stopped allowing people to treat me badly, moved away from... situations that didn't serve me, and began healing the hurts from the past.what happens then is you feel loved, supported, and cared from the inside out. Remember to be there for your inner self first and foremost. The relationship you have with yourself underpins every other relationship you have. This is not what we are taught. We are conditioned to do the exact opposite. Make sure everyone else is ok and self abandon. This one thing will end up breaking down your relationships eventually. So start taking the steps today to reconnecting with the inner you. Ask yourself what does the inner you need, want now? Your life will change forever I promise and if you want some help along the way PM. See more
23.01.2022 Creating a great relationship is the most rewarding thing you will ever do I believe. Helping couples do that is exactly what I do. Contact me to find out how you can create a great relationship and show your partner how much you care.
23.01.2022 Up up and away for 11 days of pampering, relaxing, massage, fresh juices, organic food, sound healing, meditation, swimming, walking, reading and chilling. Not to mention being in the most divine place that feeds my soul Ubud, Bali. Some Me time for the first 4 days to rest, regroup and set some goals before my hubby arrives for some Us time. Feeling very blessed and grateful. See you on my return
22.01.2022 When we understand soul contracts a whole new meaning and purpose opens up. We can then learn and grow from our experiences. Interesting read. Enjoy.
22.01.2022 HONOUR YOUR SELF Surrender to the sacred in your Relationship with Self first so that you can truly and deeply open your heart to your partner. Your connection Yourself underpins every other Relationship you have. To Thine Own Self Be True. #selflove #relationships #kindness #honour #sacredrelationships #surrender #love #thineownself #betrue #couples #Connection #openyourheart
22.01.2022 May you be surrounded by love, family and connection today. And of course some chocolate eggs too. Enjoy your Easter break.
21.01.2022 Soul Whispers for today... What if today was the day you decided you are Enough? What if today was the day you stopped trying to prove anything to anyone and started showing up as the AUTHENTIC REAL YOU?... What if today was the day you decided that you dont have to do, be or have anything to be Enough? What if today was the day that you shouted from the hill tops I am here and I am Enough. What if today was the day you shouted I am here and I am ready to fulfill my Soul's Purpose. What if today you began a journey of realigning your whole life: * with your truth, * with the truth of your Soul? What if..... How different would your life look? How different would you feel about yourself and your life? Who would naturally drop away from your life? How would you show up differently? What would you be doing? Many of us women get to a point in our lives, a cross road, where we realise we are living a life of quiet desperation, where we feel like we are dying inside, we have given so much, trying to be someone, be loved by those is our lives, giving, giving and giving and dont know how to say no anymore. Finding ourselves exhausted and even at times pissed off and resentful. Underneath all that is a feeling of deep sorrow in the depths of your Soul when you look in the mirror and realise you dont even know the person that is looking back at you anymore.... Where did "YOU" go? Where did the connection you once had with "YOU" go? Or did you ever really have the connection with "YOU" that you know is possible. That's the day we realise we have drifted so far away from our Soul, far away from our deepest truth. Living a life that feels like lie, empty and meaningless. Often having thoughts of what the hell am I doing with my life! Get me out of here!! Do you know these feelings? Is it your time. Is your Soul calling you to reconnect? Do you feel the deep longing and hunger inside to reconnect with your Soul? Is it your time to Shine again? Stay tuned.....
21.01.2022 Today my husband and I celebrate our Wedding Anniversary. For me this is a day that reminds me how sacred and special it is to choose to share your life with another soul. I take extra time reflecting on our journey together, the good, the hard, all of it. Every relationship has its ups and downs. What's important is, you work together, you learn from and grow as an individual and a couple from the hard times and to treasure your good times. Remember to be grateful and ap...preciate your partner in life. Tell them the little things you love and appreciate about them and your relationship. Show them by doing the little things. Listen to them, have their back and create a safe place in world for their soul to rest. Even though an Anniversary is a day that reminds us of our sacred union its important to do these things every day to build a happy, healthy and thriving relationship. Happy Anniversary to us. Thank you for choosing me honey, being my rock, loving me and walking this journey called life with me.
20.01.2022 Remembering those that went before us and gave so much today. Many lost their loves and their lives. Lest We Forget.
20.01.2022 We all want to feel heard and understood. When someone feels heard without anothers judgement, opinion, criticism something shifts within them and they let it go, feel lighter and healing takes place. One of the greatest gift you can give anyone is to hold a space and hear them when they are in pain, expressing, sharing. You may not see it like they do or even agree but that doesnt mean that it's not real and painful for them. Next time someone is feeling safe enough with you to open their heart and share the tender parts of them, just listen and hold the space. It's the most loving and kind thing you can do for another soul. Have a great day
17.01.2022 A beautiful song for you all, sung by a beautiful young angel. Wow. Enjoy.
16.01.2022 When we are triggered, angry and hurting we have a choice. Do we react, become defensive, blaming, judging or do we take the compassionate and understanding road. It's a choice, not always easy, yet always necessary if we want to create connection instead of disconnection. All situations in your life are there to help you grow and become a better version of yourself. Begin today and Transform how you deal with the challenges in your life.
13.01.2022 Good thing to remember when your in the thick of it. Remember to reach out when your in your dark places to those you know you are safe with. Most of all love the little one inside of you. They need it the most. Also remember this too shall pass and you got this
12.01.2022 Calling ladies in Perth.... Come join us at Higher Living Retreats event on Friday night 6.15pm - 8.15pm. I am speaking on Your Relationship with Self. Its going to be a great night... Love to see you there. Tickets link is below. Is your soul calling you to join us? See more
10.01.2022 Fabulous video about relationships and how we changed along the way. Its how we see the changes that makes the difference. If you and your partner want to improve your relationship and make it the best its ever been in 2019 PM me or comment below. Our Relationship Roadmap Course is transforming relationships for couples all the time. Yours could be next. Make 2019 a Happy, Healthy and Thriving year for you, your relationship and your family. You are all worth it. Happy New Year Everyone
10.01.2022 Message from Soul Today... Everything you want from another, first you must give it to yourself. Before you can truly receive, you must give to yourself.... Aligning to your truth, to your heart, to your needs first. First you must love yourself. The anger you feel towards your partner for not giving you something or doing or not doing something is actually the anger that you feel towards yourself. At you, for you not giving to you. For not loving you, for you abandoning you. So turn towards your soul today and begin to love you, nurture you, give to you all that you are searching for from another because you are what you are searching for and have been all along... No one can ever fill you up. That is your job and only your job. That is why often you feel like your partner or whoever can never do enough or do it right because what you are really seeking can not come from them. It can only come from you. What we really want is a deep connection with our soul. We are conditioned and trained from very young to look for this connection in another. I want to scream from the mountain top IT IS NOT IN ANOTHER.... IT IS WITHIN YOU and has always been in you. If you are reading this post today I know for absolute certainty that Your Soul is calling you today.... Can you hear the whispers? Are you even listening? Is it your time to begin the journey back home. Your true home.... what is this stirring in your?
10.01.2022 Such an important message please listen.
10.01.2022 Having a partner that is your best friend is so wonderful. When you know that your partner has your back no matter what there is a new safety that enters your life. This kind of relationship doesnt just happen, it's one that you build together with honesty, trust, and respect for each other. Holding your relationship sacred. Having your priorities in order First comes your relationship with yourself then with your partner. Choosing daily to put first things first. How do you keep your priorities at the forefront in your life?
10.01.2022 Whispers of Soul for today... Following the whispers of your soul is also about having the courage to listen to your inner wisdom and not being caught up with what others may think, say or the need to get it right or make money from your endeavours. Its about allowing yourself to get truly quiet and listening to your Soul's Wisdom and Direction. From the depths of your being.... Then to follow that wisdom, your wisdom, for your life. After all your Soul is really the only one that knows everything about YOUR Life. Its like listening to Your Internal GPS. Think about it - when you put an address in Google maps - do you usually follow it without question. I know I do. Then at some point I ask myself - "where is it taking me?" Only to realise that I knew a better, shorter way all along. Its took me on a wild goose chase. If only I had trusted myself and listened to my inner voice and then followed that much time would not have been lost!!! Has that ever happened to you? Do you feel like its happening now to you? Are you really listening to the Whispers of Your Soul? When we listen to the Whispers from Our Soul we are lead in directions that we may not have otherwise taken... yet to then find we meet someone that is really important to the next stage of our journey. Perhaps they share a message or a book. Something that is key to your finding another crucial piece of your puzzle. It's imperative that we start to listen to the Whispers of Our Soul.... its trying to guide us, tell us something. Often its just below the surface. So we need to get quiet and make a conscious effort to listen at first. As you do you will know when it feels right for you and using your courage to move forward in the direction of your Souls Inspired Action. Your life will be transformed forever and you will be living a Soul Led and Soul Aligned Life... that is deeply fulfilling and inspiring beyond measure. This message is wanting to reach many women so that we are raising each other up and reconnecting to our Souls on a collective level. As we do we raise the consciousness of humanity collectively. Please share these daily Soul Whispering to with the ladies that pop into your thoughts. That is their Soul reaching out and asking. There are no mistakes. If you are guided to read this post and someone pops into your head their Soul is calling them and you are the messenger. Namaste Soul Sisters #soulledife #soulaligned #soulsisters #internalgps #reconnectingtosoul
09.01.2022 Hug a little longer. . . Love a little stronger. . . Forgive a little sooner. . . Smile a little sweeter!
08.01.2022 A giggle for you all...
08.01.2022 There is a saying "God will never give you more than you can handle". Yet there have been times when I've wondered if this is really true and then to find that I always get through no matter what. When you go through struggles and get to the other side where you can be grateful for the experience and let it go you realise that you are stronger than you know. Hold your head high. Tell yourself you are enough and that you are important enough to be #1 in your life.
08.01.2022 As we approach the end of 2018 its a fabulous time to reflect and be grateful for those people and experiences that have helped us grow. May you all have a very safe and Happy New Year.
07.01.2022 I say not maybe, definitely that is what our journey is about.
07.01.2022 Are you compassionate with yourself when you need it most? We often find it easier to have a kind, open heart with others when they need it most. When we give this same gesture to ourselves we heal from the inside out. Try it. Next time you are having a moment say to yourself it's ok. You got this. You are enough. Magic will happen. I promise
06.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day Everyone
06.01.2022 Two needs that I see often unmet in relationships are acknowledgement and appreciation. When we show our appreciation by acknowledging our partners efforts, actions and expressing gratitude for such we make deposits in their emotional bank account and our partners also feel more loved by us. Seeing the good in what we have goes along way to increasing our happiness too.
06.01.2022 May we all feel blessed and deep gratitude for our beautiful country. Happy Australia Day
05.01.2022 Choosing your partner is one of the most important things you will ever do. Choose wisely as the impact of your choice goes farther, deeper and wider than you will know at the time of making the choice. Remember you are worthy of being loved, respected, put first.
01.01.2022 WHAT GOOD THINGS ARE YOU NOTICING For me, I have been forced to move my Relationship Coaching and Counselling offerings to fully on line. I have been "thinking..." about doing this for some time, but kept putting it off. Having to self-isolation is giving me an opportunity to start showing up on line fully, stop hiding and face the techy Stuff! As I have been setting things up, I am getting more and more excited about being able to serve more people in Australia and around the world. This got me thinking about all the changes we are facing in many areas of our lives and relationships. How fear and anxiety are being triggered for many. During the frustrating techy process I have really needed to keep my thoughts in check by choosing to not focus on the frustrations, negatives and areas I dont enjoy but to switch gear and choose to focus on and enjoy the good, the possibilities and the difference I can make. Whilst we are in a challenging time there is also good. I am noticing these in my life: * I am spending more time on self-care. * More time connecting and having fun with my husband and children. Yesterday we played board games and sang "Country Road" together and very out of tune. It was strange to see teenagers knowing the words to an old song! * I feel so much calmer and more connected inside. * I have time to reflect on where my life is at and make sure that I am on purpose and living in alignment with my heart and soul. * Time to reflect on how I can be of better service to couples, families and humanity. * I have reached out and connected with friends, family and others that I haven't spoken to for awhile. * I am reading more and loving it. * I am generally slowing down and getting more done. In times of major change a lot of anxiety, fear and disappointment are being felt. We must make a conscious choice to focus on the good. There is always something good that comes out of everything bad. What good is coming out of your current situation? Remember to keep your focus and your spirits and vibration high. We have got this together. Sending love to your all. Debb x . . . . #relationships #love #relationshipgoals #couples #positive