Debby Badger Chanting | Community
Debby Badger Chanting
Phone: +61 413 310 657
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25.01.2022 One of the enthusiastic students patiently waiting for the next Vedic Chant Teacher Training to begin. I love the creativity Rochelle.
22.01.2022 Where has the year gone? It’s already April . With us all being in isolation it’s a good opportunity to revisit the Stras and so to begin Chanting the Yoga Stras again I thought we’d recap from the beginning of Chapter Two. I have chanted the first five Stras here for you.
22.01.2022 Let’s get back to regularly chanting the Yoga Stras. One by one you can memorise as you chant with me. This week I chant for you Yoga Stra 2.36 Satyapratihy kriyphala rayatvam - see you next week
22.01.2022 Vedic Chant Teacher Training has been postponed to a date yet to be fixed. To register your interest please email Debby at [email protected] and be informed when the training is rescheduled. If you love chanting.............. this could be your next step. Find your inner peace and stillness with chanting. Deepen your yoga practice. ... Relieve anxiety and find your inner strength and confidence. Contact me now to register for one of the few remaining places for the June 2020 commencement. See more
22.01.2022 Ever thought "I'd like to understand more about the Yoga Stras?" Come and learn with me - I will introduce you to the Yoga Stras. I will explain their practical approach and the concept which is core to understanding Yoga Stras. This online class is being repeated by popular demand. Comments from students who have attended this class before:... "I look forward to more YS sessions with you as your explanation of the Yoga Stras gave me the clarity I needed in my understanding." Kaye B, "Thank you so much Debby. I was actually really impressed with your time management and how you were able to keep everyone on point." Lara D. "Well done! It was great, clear and practical. Presentation was excellent." Morag L. "Thanks for this afternoon’s intro to the YS. Always so good to be immersed in the subject again it can never be too often." Pamela T. "Your introduction to the Yoga Stras of Patanjali was excellent; coherent, and enlightening." Chris B. "Thank you for such a great presentation yesterday. I feel that I was able to come to a deeper understanding of the Yoga Stras, the role they play in our lives and the path they offer towards no suffering." Natasha D.
22.01.2022 The journey from the shore of suffering to the shore of no suffering Have you ever wanted to explore the most often referred to text on Yoga - the Yoga Stras of Patañjali? Or perhaps clarify your understanding of them a little more? Join me for these two one and a half hour seminars for a walk through the aspects of the Stras relating to the obstacles to the goal of yoga, the symptoms we experience and then the solutions to this suffering. Please email me if you need any... further information: [email protected] Or view my website: See more
21.01.2022 This photo was taken on a lonely beach on the Pembrokeshire Coast in Wales UK.
21.01.2022 Thanks for sharing Leanne Davis. We are grateful to have students like you and look forward to more in time........
20.01.2022 We had a wonderful evening of chanting with a sangha (group) from at least 7 different countries yesterday. So many appreciative comments: Wonderful soul food Rachel Uplifting chanting session Gayathri Wonderful experience and great to have global chanting zoom buddies Maggie Very special Lucy
20.01.2022 I have been studying the yoga stras for many years now, in my Yoga Teacher Training and many seminars over the years. This week I completed the study of all four chapters with my teacher Radha Sundararajan. We began this study in 2016. It feels like quite a milestone. And yes, now it is my duty, my responsibility and my pleasure to share what I’ve learnt with you. Please join me for an Introduction - Thursday, 13th August. Leave a message here or email me to register. I look forward to seeing you soon.
20.01.2022 Yoga Stras of Patañjali- today’s five are from 2.31 to 2.35. Chant with me.
20.01.2022 Yoga Stra 2.41 sattvauddhi saumanasya aikgrya indriyajaya tmadarana yogyatvni ca
19.01.2022 Yoga Stras of Patañjali, Chapter 2 - five more today and they are 2.11 to 2.15. Chant with me to learn the Stras.
18.01.2022 Yoga Stras 2.16 to 2.20 - chant with me
17.01.2022 Yoga Stra 2.42 satot anuttama sukhalbha I think I’ve been affected by ‘iso-tamas guna’ the heaviness brought about by lack of socialising through this COVID19 pandemic. The weeks have passed me by without making my offering of Yoga Stras. I hope to rectify that and make a commitment to weekly yoga stras again.
16.01.2022 Five more from Chapter 2 of Patañjali’s Yoga Stras - 2.6 to 2.10
15.01.2022 Five Yoga Stras of Patañjali - 2.21 to 2.25. Please join me to chant them.
15.01.2022 Something happened to this post which I thought I posted a week ago. . Anyway here it is Yoga Stras 2.31-2.35.
14.01.2022 Vedic Chant Teacher Training is on hold for a year due to Covis19 but we’ve begun learning to write the Sanskrit alphabet - this is a meditation in itself. Thanks to Deb Ellis for sharing this with me.
14.01.2022 A weekend of chanting online - somewhat different than being face to face but it’s wonderful to feel a part of such a blossoming chanting community.
13.01.2022 Warm up with me by chanting this week’s Yoga Stra 2.37 asteyapratihy sarvaratna upasthnam.
13.01.2022 We’ve just shared a group chant with Radha Sundararajan from Chennai, India and 75 people from Singapore, France and a large group from right here in Australia. It is a wonderful feeling to see so many people chanting, quite emotional too. I am the one taking the photo but I wanted to share this amazing event with you. Feeling blessed and happy to be part of this supportive group of chanters.
12.01.2022 Very proud of these lovely Perth Vedic Chant Teachers. Well done. Good luck with your ongoing Sanskrit studies too.
11.01.2022 Yoga Stra 2.39 aparigrahasthairye janmakathat sabodha Where does the time go in isolation? Better late than never. Enjoy this week’s yoga Stra.
11.01.2022 Interesting post from Sequence Wiz on lung function. This is important as we face the threat of Covid 19. Take care everyone and stay well.
11.01.2022 Yoga Stra 2.43. kyendriyasiddhi auddhikayt tapasa
11.01.2022 Chanting the yoga Stras is the best way to learn them and remember their relevance to every day life. This week I’ve chanted yoga Stra 2.38 for you. Yoga Stra 2.38 brahmacaryapratihy vryalbha
11.01.2022 I am no professional filmmaker and to be honest being filmed is not my favourite thing. But Chanting is my favourite thing and so I have added a second short video to correct a mistake in one of the Stras. See if you can spot it before listening to the second video. Comment on which one you think it is. ..........
09.01.2022 Chanting the Yoga Stras deepens your link with the Stras and creates a meaningful heart connection. Here is the next Stra from Chapter Two for you - Yoga Stra 2.40 auct svgajugups parairasasarga
08.01.2022 Apologies for getting a little slack during the lockdown - currently stage 4 in Melbourne. Just when you think you should have more time to enjoy yourself, the days fly past and not much happens. Still I am blessed to be able to teach chanting online. It is keeping me calm and well-occupied. Here is Yoga Stra 2.44 svdhyyt iadevatsaprayoga for you.
07.01.2022 Wisdom from a Master, TKV Desikachar, on how to reduce stress and achieve your goals. Read and enjoy.
06.01.2022 From Lockdown in Melbourne I offer you Yoga Stra 2.45 samdhisiddhi varapraidhnt Chanting the Yoga Stras brings them into your heart and deepens the connection with them. Contact me if you’d like to learn to chant the Yoga Stras.
05.01.2022 A question for Sanskrit students - does metathesis influence the pronunciation of 'h' and 'm' the word brahma?
05.01.2022 Something lovely to share.
04.01.2022 Yoga Stra 2.43 kyendriyasiddhi auddhikayt tapasa Shortly all the videos I’ve posted on Facebook will also be on my website
04.01.2022 Patañjali’s Yoga Stras 2.26 to 2.30. Till tomorrow.
02.01.2022 Are you curious about the philosophy of Yoga? Join me for an Introduction to the Yoga Stras of Patañjali.
01.01.2022 Yoga and Vedic Chant Teachers Valerie Faneco from Singapore and Anne Poirier from France organised for a 24 hour consecutive chanting of the Gyatr Mantra to resonate around the world bringing the light of the sun to give us strength, courage and clarity. I have chanted the Gyatr in the four different patterns: samhit, krama in this post’s video and jat and ghanain the next post. I hope you are all safe and well and finding peace in this unusual time of social quiet.
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