Decal Depot | Home decor
Decal Depot
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23.01.2022 The Depot Story..... Home decor and styling has been a side passion for both of us at Decal Depot ('us' being sisters Nila and Jess), from renovating homes to restoring furniture. With the arrival of little people, the passion did not go away but the time did We both found a love for wall decals by how easy and effective they were in transforming spaces. Over the years as our kids grew (and we added a few more!) our tastes and theirs evolved, we found ourselves looking f...or more cost-effective wall decals that still offered unique and creative designs but without the price tag that allowed us the freedom to keep up with our kids ever changing likes and dislikes! We struggled to find what we wanted so set out to source and create our own, which resulted in our little biz Thank you for all the amazing support over the last few months, what started out as a little side hustle has now allowed us both to take the crazy (and scary!) leap and leave our day jobs this snap was taken last Christmas, we though it was hard then to get a photo of us with all the kids looking at the camera..... what are the chances we'll have better luck this year #samumsinbusiness #sisters #smallbusinessaustralia #supportsmallbusiness #samums #decaldepotau
23.01.2022 Underwater Dreaming . This quirky design is the perfect decal to inspire wild imaginations . Currently on sale for just $40... limited stock Free shipping Australia Wide #wildimagination #creativeminds
23.01.2022 These 2 are book crazy, Mr L always reaching for a dinosaur book and little Miss O can't get enough of Spot! Enjoying lots of book reading this long weekend . Any great kids book recommendations? we need to add to our collection! . #lovereading #bearwalldecal #clearancesaleonnow #bookrecommendations
23.01.2022 Sale is live 30% off* a huge range of our fuss free, room transforming wall decals! Christmas is fast approaching and these great prices are the perfect excuse to get a jump start on the Christmas shopping *Excludes Spring collection and already reduced items... Automatic discount applied at checkout Free shipping Australia wide #saleonnow #christmasgiftsideas #whilestockslast
23.01.2022 Love all the detail in our Aussie Natives decal This set comes with so many elements, use them grouped together or spread around a room, you definitely get a lot to work with in this set This beautiful decal is part of our amazing Black Friday sale and is only $39.20!! ... Shop our Black Friday sale on now with 20% off site wide, up to 30% off when your purchase 3 or more decals using code BFCM30 Free shipping Australia wide All Black Friday sale orders will ship between November 30th and December 4th #australianflowers #flowerwalldecal #aussienativeflowers #walldecals #sakids #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmallthischristmas #decaldepotau
23.01.2022 Bringing a touch of the tropics to your home Our beautiful watercolour Large Palm Tree measures 161cm tall and makes a lovely addition to a playroom or nursery.... or an office which is where ours is at the moment! With our Black Friday sale discount this decal is only $31.20!!... Free shipping Australia wide Afterpay available #palmtreewalldecal #tropicalvibes #palmtreedecor #walldecals #playroomdecor #nurserydecor #smallbusiness #shopsmallthischristmas #decaldepotau
23.01.2022 Mix and Match So many of our decals compliment each other, particularly our minimal range. . Mabel looks pretty happy with her combo of Gold Little Royals and Over the Rainbow Thanks to her mamma @mummymelw for this beautiful pic! ... . #littleprincess #rainbowwalldecal #mixandmatch See more
23.01.2022 Receive 15% off your first purchase with discount code WELCOME15 From nurseries and kids rooms to playrooms and beyond, there is a wall decal for every home. These make a perfect baby shower gift! Free Shipping Australia Wide and Afterpay Available.
22.01.2022 Over the Rainbow We love the colours on our original rainbow decal, they are lovely earthy tones of rusty reds, deep drowns and highlights of pearly pinks . On sale now for just $27.30 .... Free shipping Australia wide 30% off clearance sale on now! . #rainbowwalldecal #saleonnow #boyswithcurls #nurseryinspo See more
21.01.2022 The Twins twinning with our Wild Plains Flamingos . This Flamingo pair would make the most lovely addition to a nursery or playroom . Additional floral elements included with decal ... Use code WELCOME15 for 15% off your first order . #flamingowalldecal #nurseryinspo #identicaltwingirls #twinmama See more
20.01.2022 Loving the new sea life theme in our play space This pack will be available as part of our Summer Collection launching tomorrow #sealife #whalewalldecal #playroomdecor #kidsroominspo #newcollection #comingsoon #familyrunbusiness #decaldepotau
16.01.2022 This is how I'd like to spend my Wednesday, relaxing on a comfy rocking chair.... I'd add a big cup of coffee to this set up . Alice looking cute as a button with a peek of our watercolour bloom on the wall, thanks to clever mamma @love.alice.x for this beautiful pic . #wednesdaymood #flowerwalldecal #cuteasabutton
16.01.2022 Guilty Anyone else living in 2 year old activewear while their littlies rock new outfits weekly?! #mumlife #timetogoshopping
15.01.2022 Summer Collection now LIVE And to celebrate the launch of our latest designs for a limited time we are offering 20% off ALL full price decals with code SUMMER Offer ends midday Monday! ... Free shipping Australia wide Afterpay available #newcollection #oceanwalldecals #firetruckwalldecor #playroomdecor #peonywalldecals #walldecals #wallsticker #samumsinbusiness #familyrunbusiness
15.01.2022 I am constantly amazed at the treasures our kids unearth from the depths of our couch #happysunday #timetoclean #toddlermomlife
15.01.2022 Fairy houses in 8 different designs! These sweet little houses bring a touch of magic to your littlies room and are currently only $15.20 when using code SUMMER 20% off all full price ends tomorrow midday.... Free standard shipping on all orders Australia Wide #adelaidesmallbusiness #fairydoors #fairydoordecal #fairyhouses #walldecals #aussiemums #aussiekids #samumsinbusiness #shopsmallbusiness #decaldepotau
14.01.2022 The twins favourite room of the house is Mr A's room When they are 'allowed' in they head straight for his bed to roll around and look at his decals . #elephantwalldecal #lovebigbro #kmartaus
13.01.2022 We may be slightly addicted to wall decals . Is there such a things as TOO MANY wall decals? Surely not! . Also loving this beautiful macrame rainbow by our amazingly talented friend at ‘From Timber and Twine’ you can find her on FB. ... . #themorethemerrier #nevertoomuch #slightlyobsessed See more
10.01.2022 WILD PLAINS This popular combo from our spring collection has been relocated to MR A's bedroom. Where it compliments the dinosaur bedspread and giant shark plush toy Mr A sleeps with. What a mix! . We love the beautiful watercolour detail in these and what a perfect trio - Elephant, Zebra and Meerkat ... Available individually (Elephant/ Zebra and Meerkat) or in a pack #kidsroominspo #safarianimals #freeshippingaustraliawide #afterpayavailable #unlikelyanimalfriends
09.01.2022 5PM TONIGHT - 30% off Clearance Sale We have so many beautiful designs on the way... but we are running out of room SO we are doing a crazy 30% off sale for 3 days only! No code required, discount will be live from 5pm tonight, while stocks last. *Spring Collection and current sale items not included... #salesalesale #happyshopping
08.01.2022 INSTALLATION TIPS We have had quite a few new customers over the last week and our aim is to make the installation of our decals as fuss free as possible so here are just a few quick tips for applying your decal . Ensure your chosen surface is smooth, clean and dry and that any newly painted surface has had adequate time to cure. ... Ensure your chosen location is not going to get overly hot eg. Not above a heater, in direct sunlight etc. Once you are happy with your decal placement run over it firmly with a credit card, ruler or tennis ball. Keep your backing paper in a safe place, this can be used to relocate your decal. Check our our installation video on the website. . And please get in touch with us if you have any questions at all. #installationtips #fussfree #walldecals
08.01.2022 This ‘sweet’ pic is me trying to convince Mr A to give me back the applicator squeegee . As much as it can be trying at times, I love watching Mr A's determination to do things for himself and master a new skill - even the skill of applying wall decals! #independenttoddler #toddlermomlife #rainbowwalldecal
08.01.2022 Not just for the kids! How great do our Aqua Colourpop dots look here? The perfect example of wall decals making a lovely addition to any room . Thank you @fletchadaise for this great pic! .... Colourpop decals currently available in 3 colours - pink, purple and aqua. Use code WELCOME15 for 15% off your first order #masterbedroomdecor #notjustforkids #samumsinbusiness
08.01.2022 Post morning nap Mr L likes to get into his sister’s cot to wake her up and have a play! I think since becoming a big brother, this is the most time he’s ever spent in this cot! By the same age he was moving to a big bed, after co-sleeping since around 10 months old! Our decals now provide some extra entertainment! ... #aussiemumsinbusiness #samumsinbusiness #kidsinadelaide #rainbowwalldecals #fairywalldecals #flamingowalldecal
07.01.2022 Individual Peony Miss O is pretty pleased with her updated peony wall These individual blooms are part of the new Summer Release and are a wonderful addition to our Peony pack or look fab just like this spread across a wall And check out our amazingly talented friend @fromtimberandtwine who made this beautiful macrame wall art ... Use code SUMMER for 20% off all full price decals, offer ends Monday midday! #summerrelease #newdesigns #peonywalldecals #nurserydecor #macramewallhanging #wallsticker #saleonnow #shopsmall #decaldepotau
06.01.2022 Bohemian Dream is just the thing to add a touch of boho charm to any room. . This versatile decal looks great positioned horizontally or vertically. . One sale now for just $40 ... Free shipping Australia wide Afterpay available #bohoroomdecor #walldecals #onsalenow See more
06.01.2022 Only 32 days till Christmas! The year is racing by, with just over 4 weeks till Christmas Our Black Friday sale has come early, with 20% off store wide and up to 30% off when you purchase 3 or more decals using code BFCM30... The perfect reason to tick a few presents off the list or add some more festive magic to your home with our Christmas collection All Black Friday sale orders shipped between November 30th and December 4th Free shipping Australia wide Afterpay available #christmastree #christmaswalldecals #nutcrackerwalldecal #walldecals #christmasdecor #smallbusinesssupport #decaldepotau
06.01.2022 Hoping the sleep fairy has done her job and all the littlies get lots of tonight . Thank you to clever mamma @learning_in_colour for this great pic utilising just a couple of the many fairy elements in our 'I Do Believe In Fairies' decal. . Afterpay available ... Use code WELCOME15 for 15% off your first purchase . #nurserydecor #sleepfairy #fairywalldecal See more
05.01.2022 These make a fabulous backdrop for imaginative play! Only a few hours left to get 20% off ALL full price decals, offer ENDS midday today! Free shipping Australia Wide... Afterpay available #learnfromplay #samumsinbusiness #aussiekids #sakids #mumpreneur #walldecals #wallstickers #playroominspo #shopsmallbusiness #decaldepotau
04.01.2022 Cottage Garden Do you know someone who needs a little more floral in their life? It is not hard to see why this is one of our most popular designs another beautiful pic by @love.alice.x! . Currently 30% off and just a handful still left in stock, get in quick! ... . Free shipping Australia Wide Afterpay available #flowerwalldecal #nurseryinspo #playroomdecor #onsale #perfectchristmasgift
04.01.2022 Have you checked out our Black Friday sale yet?! 20% off site wide, up to 30% off with code BFCM30 A couple of our faves:... Into The Deep now only $48 Cottage Garden now only $24 All Black Friday sale orders will be shipped after Cyber Monday between November 30th and December 4th Free shipping Australia Wide #whalewalldecal #flowerwalldecal #walldecals #nurserydecor #playroominspo #saleonnow #samumsinbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #decaldepotau
03.01.2022 4 weeks till Christmas Day Spent some time yesterday getting ready for December 1st Love our Christmas Greenery decals paired with our advent calendar from @tribaltotco This will also be our first year doing a December first box with the kids... If you do a Christmas box with your family, do you do it early in December or Christmas Eve? #christmaswalldecal #adventcalendar #christmasdecor #decemberfirst #shopsmallbusiness #walldecals #decaldepotau
03.01.2022 Launching tomorrow! There is so much to love about this solar system decal set! The colours are just beautiful and there are so many individual elements in this pack, the layout options are endless But most important of all.... its got the tick of approval from Mr L! ... Be the first to know when our Summer Collection goes live by joining our mailing list! #solarsystem #planetwalldecals #rocketwalldecal #spacewalldecal #spacetheme #spacekids #sakids #playroomdecor #smallbusinessaustralia #decaldepotau
02.01.2022 I am constantly amazed by how much I learn about dinosaurs from Mr L! He would have his entire room covered in Dinosaur decals if he could Our popular Large Land Before Time decal is part of our 30% off sale, save a massive $26.70! #dinosaurobsessed #clevercookie #dinosaurdecor #playroominspo #walldecals
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