Deegan Mancinelli 484 | Athlete
Deegan Mancinelli 484
Phone: +61 487 427 943
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24.01.2022 Had an awesome day at Horsham MX club sending the KTM 85 over the transfer for Australian jnr team trials Thanks to @ktmaustraliaTroyleedesignDunlopKustom@motorx MXFuture-Sport Motorcycles @wanderersholidayvillage@mickmurrywelding!
24.01.2022 Queensland titles run and won for 2019! I am pretty stoked with my overall results as I had to work hard to get back on the podium. Taking the overall win on the 85 and 2nd on my 125! Thanks to all the people who support me without your help it wouldn't be possible. #KTM Australia#Tampaul#00standards#CAMwelding#wanderersholidayvillage#JR
23.01.2022 First race back for 2018 rd 1 airoh sunshine state series Harvey bay coming away with 3rd overall on my 85cc and first time racing my 125 I had a solid ride coming away with 4th overall. Looking forward to rd 2 in coolum with huge improvements. A big thanks to #ktmaustralia#troylee#motorex#dunlop#kustommx#MXRPWanderers Holiday Village-LucindaFuture-Sport Motorcycles
23.01.2022 Had a epic weekend at Charters towers tnqs taking the overall win on my 125 and on my 85 unfortunately had a dnf placing me 5th overall after 3 race wins! Thanks to everyone that supports me KTM @dunlopWanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda@futuresportmotorcycles & Mancinelli welding repairs.
23.01.2022 All ready to head to Horsham 2017 Australian titles
22.01.2022 Thanks to TDphotography for these photos from cairns TNQ round.
22.01.2022 Well what a week of ups and downs! I would like to thank the people who supported me get to the AJMX at Gillman S.A. Not the results I was hoping for but I held my head high and that's racing! In qualifying I blew up my bike and then in the 250 finals I also had bike problems and a few crashes! I would like to thank #liquaforce#00standards#blackrockholdings#tononfamily#KTM Australia#JRsMotorcycles for all the effort he puts in also a big thanks to Rossandich family for lending us a bike to continue the week.
22.01.2022 2017 KTM AJMX Update: The sun is coming up over the Horsham circuit for Day 3 of the Junior Nationals and we couldn't be happier with our KTM Junior Racing Team... riders. Mason Semmens won both of his races yesterday on board his KTM 125 SX and KTM 250 SX-F in dominant fashion. Regan Duffy's first day of racing commenced after he took the first qualifying day off due to a freak sickness that sidelined him. Regan got a 3rd in the 13/U15 125cc class and 5th in the 13-U15 4 stroke class. Blake Fox continued to impress on board his KTM 125 SX in the 13/U15 125cc class finishing 2nd. In the 12-U14 85cc class Blake won ahead of Brodie Connolly and Matthew O'keefe all riding KTM 85 SX machines. Deegan Mancinelli 484 rode his KTM 85 SX to 2nd in the 12-U14 85cc class heat as he continues to impress in his first year on the big wheel 85. Deegan has been improving every race as we get closer to the finals. Keep up the great work guys. #KTM #READYTORACE Motorex Australia Troy Lee Designs Moto ODI Grips Lusty Industries and Distributors
22.01.2022 I would like to say good luck with your new adventures noah it has been great getting to no you and your family maybe i will have to come for a visit thanks for the fun off and on the tracks 2016 i will keep in touch
21.01.2022 Had an awesome day at the ride park yesterday thanks to #ktmaustralia#troyleedesigns#dunloptyres#kustommx#motorex#mxrpWanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda#mossinstitute
21.01.2022 Hi All please go into comments on #Twenty17KTMAustralianJuniorMX Like and share Mancinelli 484 help Me win a prize
20.01.2022 Round 1 Queensland titles @ Rockhampton mx. Pretty stoked to have made the podium 3rd on my 85 and 2nd on my 125. Looking forward to round 2 back in the sand @ Hervey Bay. Thanks to @ktmaustraliaTroyleedesignDunlopKustom@motorx MXFuture-Sport Motorcycles@wanderersholidayvillage@mickmurrywelding!
20.01.2022 So the training begins for 2020!
20.01.2022 Super stoked on being chosen as a part of Australia,s junior mx team to represent Australia at the WJMX in Horsham .#KTMAustralia, Tam Paul,Troylee Designs,Dunlop,KustomMx,Motorex,MXRP,Mick Murray Welding,Wanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda Mancinelli Welding Future-Sport Motorcycles
18.01.2022 So excited to be in Horsham at scrutineering today to represent Australia at the MX Junior World titles can’t wait for practice and qualifying tomorrow to face off bar to bar with the worlds best 85cc riders I enjoyed the 3000 km drive in Plaths van with Dad, Rob and Damo thanks for letting sleep most the journey Also huge shout out to all my supporters there is to many to name and thank you to my sponsors #KTMAustralia#dunlop#troylee#motorex#kustommx#MXRP#wanderersholidayvillage#mancinelliwelding#futuresportmotorcycles
18.01.2022 Thanks @theataylor for these awesome shots
18.01.2022 Had a pretty solid weekend at the Jr's tropical north Queensland series in mareeba going 1,2,1,1 giving me an overall 1st for the weekend. Thanks to everyone who made it a successful weekend. Big thanks to #KTMaustralia #dunlop#troylee#kustommx#motorex#MXRP@mossinstituteWanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda
17.01.2022 First year in the big wheel 85 12-14 years I had only 2 weeks bike time as I was sidelined for 7 weeks due to injury I'm more than happy to anounance that I achieved 6th place in the Australian titles 2017. Thanks to everyone for supporting me especially my mum and dad for all your hard work. A huge thanks to all my team mates, @ktmaustralia@kustommx@dunlop@troyleeMotorex Australia#MXRP#wanderersholidayvillage and to all that got behind me from my local town.
17.01.2022 thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! i had a great day representing my school for the nq tennis trials
17.01.2022 Thankyou to the Ingham dirt bike club for an awesome weekend of the TNQs., also to all the people involved to help get the track in great form. I had a successful weekend winning 4 out of 4 motos. A big thanks to my dad for always having my bike race ready, Rob and Clay for your support and to all the locals for getting behind me.#KTMAustraliaTroyleedesignMOTOREX - Oil of Switzerland#kustommx@dunlop@MXRP@MossInstitute#Wanderersholidayvillage#futuresportmorcycles
17.01.2022 I would like to thank dan at MXRP and #lukeweaver for spending time with me to test and make sure my bikes are on point. Also thanks to the Evans family for putting in time and thanks for the pointers I will be putting them into practice, also the Plath family for always making me feel welcome.#KTMAustralia, Tam Paul,Troylee Designs,Dunlop,KustomMx,Motorex,MXRP,Mick Murray Welding,Wanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda Mancinelli Welding Future-Sport Motorcycles
16.01.2022 TNQs round 3 Cairns had a pretty solid weekend going 1,1,2,1 made a few mistakes round 3 costing me. Having to make it count in the last round, I left the gates having the race lead dropped my bike in a rut a few laps in I had to make good ground to get the race lead back for the overall win.@KTMaustraliaTroyleedesign@kustommx@dunlopMotorex@MXRP@mossinstituteWanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda@futuresportmotorcycles
16.01.2022 As 2016 comes to an end I would like to thank everyone who has helped out and supported me this year. Without the ongoing support from sponsors family and friends I wouldnt be able to achieve the results I have. 2017 is fast approaching and I have been fortunate and lucky enough to achieve my dream given the opportunity by KTM Australia to represent the KTM junior factory racing team#Ktmaustralia#troylee designs#motorex oils##dunloptyres#cfxseats#mossinstitute@wanderers holiday village@futuresportmotorcycles
16.01.2022 A big shout out to my gear sponsor Wesley Rose RideTribe @fxrracing for helping me out 2016 i appreciate your help!
16.01.2022 Has been a great couple of days in Horsham, Australia for the FIM world junior MX titles! Getting to ride with some of the world's best has been an amazing experience! It was awesome to be able to represent Australia! Overall I came away with a 21st position as moto 1 I had a suspension malfunction and moto 2 I soiled tested, I was in 40th position and worked my way back to 16th! A huge thanks to everyone who has supported me and my MX journey! #ktmaustralia#kustommx#dunlop#troylee#motorex#wanderersholidayvillage
16.01.2022 I would like to thank bent rods car club for supporting me in 2016. Neale Brown@bentrodscarclub
15.01.2022 Round 6 airoh sunshine state series held in Toowoomba. The day was tough but I managed to be crowned 2017 Airoh sunshine state champion. A big thankyou to my sponsors @KTMaustraliaMOTOREX - Oil of Switzerland@kustommxTroyleedesign@dunlop@Mxrp@mossinstitute@wanderersholidayvillage.
14.01.2022 Round 1 tnq's had an awesome weekend racing taking out 1st overall on my 85 & 125. A big shout out to my dad and Jack from future sport for getting my bikes on point. Thanks to my sponsors #ktmaustralia#dunlop#motorex#kustommx#troyleeWanderers Holiday Village-LucindaFuture-Sport Motorcycles#MXRP
14.01.2022 After a challenging day at round 2 of the sunshine state shell series harvey bay i managed to bring home the red plate 1st overall for the day thanks to #ktmaustralia#ridedunlop#motorex#troyleedesigns#kustommx#mxrp#mossinstitute#wanderersholidayvillage looking forward to round 3.
13.01.2022 Had a sic weekend racing at the KOG! Taking the overall win on my 85 and 125 supercross Saturday night and MX Sunday! I also won the shootouts on my 85 and 125! A big thanks to all my sponsors KTM Australia,CAM welding,Wanderersholidayvillage.
12.01.2022 Great day of training with good company .Thanks to Dan @MXRP performance the bike was on point can't wait for the race season. Holiday Village-Lucinda
12.01.2022 Stoked !!!! Had a great weekend at TNQ round 3 in Tully Thanks Tully MX Club and all the volunteers. Came away with clean sweep on both bikes 1st overall for the 85 and 1st on the 125. Still got plenty to work on bring on round 4 A big thank you to all my supporters and sponsors. #ktmaustralia#troylee#dunlop#kustommxWanderers Holiday Village-LucindaFuture-Sport Motorcycles#motorex
10.01.2022 Round 3 airoh sunshine state series in chinchilla done and dusted! Came away with 1st overall for the 85 and 5th on the 125. A big thanks to my sponsors for all your support #ktmaustralia#troylee#dunlop#kustommx#MXRPWanderers Holiday Village-LucindaFuture-Sport Motorcycles#motorex
10.01.2022 Round 1 sunshine state series @ coolum i got the job done getting 1st overall 85cc class i would like to thank my sponsors #ktmaustralia #dunloptyres #kustommx #troyleedesigns #motorex #mxrp #mossinstitute #wanderersholidayvillage
10.01.2022 Thanks for the photos Bruce Cairns Harvey bay.
10.01.2022 KTM development series in tully! Thanks heaps to my sponsors Wanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda@ridetribe@fxrracing@mossinstitute@scrsuspension@parramattaracingSignificant Signs
08.01.2022 Round 3 cq's held in Proserpine had a good weekend taking the overall win on my 125! Thanks to my sponsors KTM Australia,CAM Welding,Choice suspension, Wanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda also thanks to #TCPhotographics for the awesome shots!
08.01.2022 Round 2 airoh sunshine state series at coolum had a solid ride on my 85 due to issues I was lucky enough to still podium 3rd overall for the day, I also had a blast on my 125 placing 7th overall for the day. Thanks to #ktmaustralia#troylee#dunlop#motorex#kustommx#MXRPWanderers Holiday Village-LucindaFuture-Sport Motorcycles
07.01.2022 Awesome 2 days of training leading up to the aussies thanks again #nextlevelmx
07.01.2022 Set up looks sick thanks to #tampaul#ktmaustralia#motorex#kustommx#dunlop#troylee#wearlusty#mxrp#wanderersholidayvillage#aussietitles2017
07.01.2022 Round 2 cqs @ Rockhampton
06.01.2022 I would like to thank Wanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda for being a major sponsor to help me achieve my results at the 2016 australian junior motorcross titles renmark 2nd 65cc and 6 th 85cc
05.01.2022 Round 1 clubday @ coolum 85cc class 12-under16 AGrade pretty proud of my effort 2nd overall I would like to thank my sponsors @ktmaustralia@ktmjuniorfactoryraceteamtroyleedesignsMOTOREX - Oil of Switzerland@dunloptyres@kustommx@mxrp#mossinstituteWanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda
04.01.2022 Having fun at presentation night AJMX 2016!!! with these boysWesley Rose@ryan williams@ros smerdon
03.01.2022 Round 4 airoh shell series in Roma. 2 out of 3 wins played the last one safe looking forward to Tivoli. #Ktm Australia#dunlop#kustommx#troylee#motorex#MXRP#wanderersholidayvillage#mossinstitute
03.01.2022 World Junior MX Titles
03.01.2022 Airoh sunshine state series held in Tivoli. I made a few mistakes biting the dirt in race 3 going 2,1,2 giving me an overall second for the weekend with a 1 point difference between 1st and 2nd. Thanks to @KTM Australia,TroyleedesignMotorex@kustommx@dunlop@MXRP@mossinstituteWanderers Holiday Village-Lucinda looking forward to the last round in Toowoomba
03.01.2022 Round 2 cqs @ Rockhampton had a great weekend taking all 4 wins on my 85 for 1st Overall and 4,2,2,2 on my 125 placing me 2nd overall. I would like to give Future-Sport Motorcycles a big thanks for getting my 85 sorted. A big shout out to the people who support me #ktmaustralia#troylee#motorex#kustommx#dunlop#MXRPWanderers Holiday Village-LucindaFuture-Sport Motorcycles
02.01.2022 Had an awesome weekend at cq's in biloela! Taking the overall win on my 125 and 2nd on my 85! Thanks to KTM Australia,CAM Welding,wanderers holiday village and t.c photography for the sic shots!
01.01.2022 Had a sweet day on the bike. Thanks to Dad for the sick tracks!!
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