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Deep House Yoga Project
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25.01.2022 This is how it's done.. watch it to the end so good <3 x
25.01.2022 I wish that I were wrong in stating that not every child is safe and free and loved and cherished. I wish that I were wrong that every 30 seconds a child is sold for sex, labour or organ harvesting I wish that I were wrong when I say people are afraid to talk about THE biggest problem facing our society today. I wish that I were wrong when i say that we need to get uncomfortable and start having conversations about this so we can be the generation that puts an END to child ...trafficking. Today is world against child trafficking day and as a devoted Mother of a beautiful baby girl I am willing to do anything to protect innocent children from this fate there is so much fooked up shit happening in the world and I know it can seem overwhelming with a different cause every day but we cannot look away we get to use our platforms and our privilege as power to help put an end to these harrowing statistics and be a stand for our children FOLLOW @ourrescue and do your own research on the real pandemic happening in the world today check out my stories for more info #savethechildren #riseup #endsextrafficking See more
24.01.2022 Sending all my thoughts and prayers to the people of Lebanon you can donate to the disaster fund via @impact.lebanon a community based fundraising initiative that promises to deliver every penny raised to the people who need it most #lebanon #love #prayers #hope
24.01.2022 Anyone else feel like theyre face planting into funky Fridays like Fi hehe The rolly polly's get me every time heart smiling Throw up some love if you've got flashbacks of your kids as babies #heartsmiling #magicmoments #daddysgirl #mammysgirl #funkyfridays #familyfun #deephouseyogaproject
23.01.2022 The moment everything changed at a Power Living Yoga Teacher Training retreat in Bali 4 years ago and I haven’t looked back Here’s to celebrating the shit out of all I am becoming despite the fears and bullshit stories that try to tell me i’m not worthy or good enough becoming an epic yoga and meditation teacher with my own kinda flavor ... building a global movement & badass business with my bestie Jen Stallard bringing our Deep House Yoga Project medicine to the masses in three different continents across the globe becoming mother to beautiful Fiadh with another one cooking in the oven ‘Almost’ marrying my partner in shine Darragh Byrne and falling more madly deeply in love with who he is becoming everyday training as a doula and supporting 5 women to birth their babies getting out of 40k debt and into the black investing in personal development, coaching & thinking about the long game saving and investing to make my money work for me initiation into the Rose Priestess path Awakening to the wisdom of my womb and unleashing my full feminine power & potential by getting to know and love myself on an intimate level launching my coaching container and creating my own Liberated Womban signature process laughing harder and loving louder than ever slowing down becoming more radiant, magnetic & receptive by the day self-honouring like a pro mastering the art of stillness, forgiveness and letting go being guided by my inner knowing giving zero fooks about what other people think living a life by design not default And the list goes on.. but the point is I’m not special I just got super intentional about what I want to BE and how I want to FEEL and became the embodiment of it All it takes is grit, determination, education and using your imagination rather than your indoctrination saying NO to what the world expects of you and staying true to the nudges that are always guiding you So my question is.. What do you truly want and what are you willing to let go of in order to get it? ALL you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of FEAR let this be your YEAR where the needle shifts for you no more hiding out on the sidelines it’s time to JUMP in the deep end and mistake it till you make it baby this is only the beginning of the rest of our lives who’s with me? X
23.01.2022 An interview with our beautiful, strong, resilient, forgiving friend Eve E White on SORRY DAY. We bow down to you and all the ancestors and First Nations People past, present and future of this great land today and every day. I love you.... I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. See more
22.01.2022 It’s time to put our #womensupportingwomen declarations into action. From what I have discovered today #challengeaccepted originated in Turkey as a movement to raise awareness for #ViolenceAgainstWomen after the brutal murder of beautiful 27 year old Pnar Gültekin by her ex-boyfriend sparked outrage in a country that is plighted with the cultural acceptable abuse of womxn. Turkey is one of the top countries when it comes to feminicide. In 2019 alone there were almost 500 RE...CORDED feminicides. Sadly many of them remain unrecorded and we have no real number as to how many women are murdered every year. Just this week several womxn have been murdered. The justice system does nothing to stop these crimes. Most often the murderers barely get a slap on the wrist. And now the government is trying to abolish certain aspects of the Istanbul Convention which is a human rights treaty that protects womxn against gender-based violence. Turkish people wake up every day to see a black and white photo of a womxn who has been murdered on their Instagram feed, newspaper or TV screen. The black and white photo challenge started as a way for women to raise their voice. To stand in solidarity with the womxn we have lost. To show that one day it could be their photo. And while the message may have been distorted by so many of us posting beautiful black and white pictures of ourselves in support of sharing love for our sisters I believe it is an opportunity to really practice what we preach. Together let’s show our collective strength by no longer contributing to the suppression of the feminine through words, thoughts and actions that make us feel less than. It’s time to make our voices heard and put an end to the patriarchal system that bestows power and privilege to men resulting in an unjust social system that subordinates, discriminates, oppresses, rapes and murders us womxn. Posting isn’t enough we need to take inspired action. Who’s with me? Thanks for the info @auturkculturalclub or @agirlhasnopresident
19.01.2022 Posted @withregram @daybreakersyd HAPPY WORLD MEDITATION DAY The healing power that is cultivated in a group meditation is far more effective than meditating alone. Also there are studies that prove the ripple effect of peace in the surrounding environment when group meditates together. This is why we love including meditation in our events and collectively dialling inward. Its all about the peace and love baby. In this time of patiently waiting to be able t...o do this again weve been joining in with Chibs who led our meditation in the last event on his Instagram Live 8.45am AEST every morning. Follow @chibsmeditation to find these. This morning post meditation on Chibs; Survive & Thrive Podcast the guest was another meditation teacher we follow @tomcronin of @stillnessproject and producer of @entertheportalnow Would highly recommend checking the replay out of their chat this morning on Chibs page. So inspiring! Really reinforces the power of meditation to heal the nervous system. Other epic meditation teachers we love ranging in styles from Vedic, mindfulness, TM, yoga nidra & more. @bondimeditation @citadelsoulmusic @hilariouslyhealthy @the_bess_life @karina.kalilah @lifebymarc @deepakchopra @alison.godbier @zivameditation @elenabrower @thebigquiet @guidedbybiet Find a daily practice or mix of practices that work for you and reap the benefits and those who interact with you will thank you for it too. Heres to a more peaceful, loving, joyful, aware population of humans please. Thats our wish for the future and why well be back In Real Life with you soon as we can. Love & Mischief Kristen, Jess & Daybreaker fam #daybreaker #daybreakersydney #meditation #worldmeditationday #peace #love #community #unity #meditatedaily #meditateeveryday @willsolis1
19.01.2022 Wow this is so powerful watch to the end
18.01.2022 Full moon flow with our beautiful wee Scottish cailin Jenna Duff up the celts xx
18.01.2022 I have been on the most incredible womb awakening journey with @sarahjaneperman and 40 other brave and beautiful womxn over the past few months and i am so excited to share my learnings because its among some of the most powerful inner work i have ever done and it is my wish that every womxn gets to know herself on an intimate level like this so they too can awaken to the innate power we hold within. There is so much magic that happens when women come together as part of a s...acred container where we feel safe to be seen and share the depths of our souls on our journey home. Level one of the Alchemical Womb blew my mind and my womb wide open to the truth of who I am, I feel so awake and aware of my power, passion & pleasure and I have been finding so much comfort in the potent practices that SJ has so generously shared as I prepare my body to receive my star seed baby cultivating such a deep connection with the wisdom of my womb and sacred cycle through empowering rituals. Because of this I have been in full trust and surrender to the creation process and have been excited when my cycle comes around again because its another opportunity to delve deeper into the depths of my womb, be in my body and listen, learn, feel and heal what needs to be healed to make space for my star seed to arrive earth side. There is so much wonder in womxn and I feel so honoured to be one <3 Drop a if youre feeling me #wombwisdom #wombawakening #feminineempowerment #womxnsempowerment #sacredcycle #alchemicalwomb @wild_yoni_energy See more
18.01.2022 Hands up who can relate @sacredancestry #ancestralhealing #wombwisdom #liberatedwomban #divinefeminine #feminineleadership #embodiedleader #femininepower #heartcenteredbusiness
17.01.2022 Posted @withregram @rainbowtribe_ Full Moon Full Hearts! Aquarius activation! Is your heart feeling light as you read this? Today we liberate the blocked energies by dancing under the Aquarius Moon, illuminating ourselves to restore balance within heart, mind, body and soul. . . Aquarius is the water bearer, bestowing life giving water to the land, she is an air sign and this always moving, inspired by new ideas. This energy rallies the humanitarian within us all and re...minds us that to truly create harmony and balance within we must be serving our fellow people and planet. . . Today the invitation is to look in the mirror and ask if you could be of greater service, and in return receive the gift of unity as you inspire power to the people. If all youve got room for is giving love, acceptance and freedom to yourself, thats a good starting point! . . Cant wait to do a Full Moon ritual and liberation dance with @rainbowtribe_ in The Elemental Academy today, an online portal for movement, meditation and ritual. You can join us for $1/ day check the link in @rainbowtribe_ bio . . Art by @rainbowtribe_ photo @hayleymelrose background by Cierra Miller @stylecaster See more
17.01.2022 We are in a world crisis which means a great opportunity for transformation. This is our opportunity to transcend the illusion of separation, overcome division ...and step into our power as ONE TRIBE. We are calling forward celebrities, influencers, artists, and over a billion people to rise up as activists in this movement! Join the ONETRIBE movement and be the SOLUTION. When masses UNITE, MEDITATE and PRAY, expect MIRACLES. The event will be in the festival, we invite you to take action with millions of people, celebrities, artists, influencers and over 200 organizations as we UNITE. MEDITATE. PRAY. Join Summer Solstice + Solar Eclipse GLOBAL MEDITATION on World Peace and Prayer Day Learn more at - watch in HD on TV at OneTribe.KNEKT.Live #ONETRIBE Event One Tribe LIVE Presented by Sion Earth, streaming via Watch on YouTube at: Hosted by: - Brandee Sabella Featuring: - Michael Bernard Beckwith - Chief Arvol Looking Horse - Martin Luther King III - Andrea King - Shaman Durek - Märtha Louise - Preston and Alexi Smiles - Spirit Science Music By: - Nessi Gomes - Samuel J - Nina Grae Our Tribe: - Mike Tyson - AGAPE Network - The Space Between - Rythmia - Naam - Uplift Connect - Mindvalley - KNEKT tv - Unify - KatieCassidy - Tyson Ranch And over 200 influencers and organizations #onetribe #meditation #consciousness #togetherathome #consciouslyunited #meditatetogether #loverevolution #bestself #solution #higherconsciousness #breath #spacebetweennow #blacklivesmatter #rythmia #landmarkforum #Agapeinternationalspiritualcenter #michaelbeckwith #tribalmarkers #Amirmagal
17.01.2022 Two years since the most empowering birth experience I created I manifested every minute, embraced every sensation and wrote every word of my birth story I took ownership of it and did everything I could to prepare for it and I knew when my baby decided to come that nothing would get in the way of me birthing her peacefully and naturally i had no plan B it was just me, Fi and my body working together harmoniously and trusting in each other wholeheartedly it was a be...autiful journey of trust & surrender and these two lessons are still two of the biggest truths that I continue to lean into every day as I ride the waves of motherhood by getting out of my own way My words were (and still are) passion, power, presence, patience & playfulness and these are the qualities I embodied throughout the 40 hours of labour and birth. It was WONDERful, joyful, exciting, exhilarating, exhausting, intense and surprisingly sensual Ive never shared my story but as I write I feel like its something that gets to be shared because if it can inspire one womxn to know that a positive birth experience is possible then my job is done. More to come on this one #positivebirth #empoweredbirth #empoweringwomen #doulalove #babygirl See more
17.01.2022 Sometimes a hug is the answer even when we don’t know the question hug somebody today and don’t be the first to let go its medicine for the soul xx #worldmentalhealthday #friendship #live #laugh #love #hug
15.01.2022 The DHYP family is expanding our star seed has arrived in mama’s hot tub of LOVE Baby Connolly/Byrne due around April ‘21. It has been the most transformational and wild awakening conscious conception journey and one that i know i was meant to feel, understand and experience so I can be of the highest service to other mamas-to-be on their conception, pregnancy and birth journey another embodied lesson of TRUST and SURRENDER. Of unleashing my full feminine power and pote...ntial by getting to know myself on an intimate and intricate level. Of waking up to the wonder and wisdom of my womb space, learning how to ride the waves of my cyclical nature with ease and grace. Embracing the archetypes that come with the different seasons of being a Woman including Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman and Wild Woman. Of performing connection and cleansing womb rituals that allowed me to let go of fears, blocks, ancestral trauma and karmic ties keeping me stagnant and stuck in the past and exploring my sovereignty and sensuality by reclaiming pleasure as my birthright There is so much wild grace in getting to know ourselves beyond the limiting stories we have been told and the beliefs we hold and I know now this is my soul’s work I am ready to step up and serve in a big WAY to help other womxn REMEMBER who they are by connecting to the wonder and wisdom of our wombs and becoming unbreakable, unshakeable divine sources of loving creation no matter what life throws watch this space for ways you can work with me coming soon and thank you for all the love & support you send our way we feel it and appreciate it and we’re so grateful to share in our incredible journey with you all @darraghb3 let’s do this baby #weareworthy #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace #divinefeminine #wildwomanrising #wombawakening #wombwisdom #wombwork #alchemicalwomb #doula #empoweredbirth #empoweredpregnancy #womensempowerment #womensupportingwomen xx See more
15.01.2022 This is everything so honoured to live in this beautiful land amongst the oldest living & thriving culture on our planet its hard to believe though that we are the descendants of genocide and that our fortune is built on the backs of the custodians of this incredible country whos original culture was almost decimated by colonisation i want Fi to grow up in an Australia where she can share equal opportunities with her indigenous brothers and sisters and be steeped in their history, immersed in their wisdom and honour their traditions of living in harmony with the earth and in celebration of the seasons, cycles and elements of nature sorry doesnt seem to cut it but i am committed to supporting initiatives to make the future fair for the original children of tomorrow xxx
15.01.2022 Woman, you belong to the night. You have blood on your thighs and fuhrze in your hair. You smell of fertile soil. Your breast give life. Your sex is a mystery school, leading the holy of holies. ... Turn your eyes inward Use owls vision to see where you've come from. Slip beneath the surface, & feel yourself become full. Make marriage to the moon. Divorce the false gods of intellect & reason. Find meaning in your dreams, and in the secrets of your body. Follow no authority, but your own true nature. Make a sacred fire And throw on it all that you would use to harm yourself. Make kindling from shame. Let your dance be wild Your voice be honest And your heart untamed. Be cynical Don't make sense. Initiate yourself. Initiate Your Self! Aisha Wolfe ART - @MARIPOSA GALACTICA #poetry #wombwisdom #wombawakening #alchemicalwomb #templeofremembrance See more
13.01.2022 For millennia, August 1st has marked the day for Indigenous people of the Andes to celebrate and pay tribute to Pachamama, Mother Earth. Feeling so connected and full of love and gratitude after our beautiful Pago ceremony with @rainbowtribe and our friends from Nacion Pachamama, a global, inspired, and active community dedicated to teaching citizens of our planet about the spirit and magic of mother earth and the elements. I was introduced to their ancient ways through rache... and have studied Andean Mysticism with the community every March and September for the past couple of years for their 21 day practice its a simple yet profound way to strengthen our connection to Pachamama, the elements and ultimately ourselves check out the Facebook live on DHYP page to experience the magic for yourself and if youd like to do your own Pago ritual for Mother Earth gather as many of these items as possible to prepare for the ceremony: - Bread - Any grains - Seeds - Incense - Sweets/ Lollies - Clove and cinnamon - Fresh basil leaves - Flowers, many - Laurel leaves - One small shell - One small stick - Colorful paper gift wrap - A long piece of twine Nacion Pachamama are activists that protect the rivers, mountains, trees, they serve people in need and preserve the ancient ways of Andean Mysticism.
13.01.2022 We love you so much so much soooo much happy Friday beautiful people its me and Fis day and we are buzzing with sensation and song despite the heaviness of everything going on the world keeps spinning and we keep showing up with LOVE in our hearts calibrating at the level of JOY because that is our gift to the world sing with me and set your self FREE we are exactly who, what and where we are supposed to be and we are creating our own reality with every breath we take and choice we make CHOOSE LOVE even when it feels fooked weve got this @darraghb3 #deepbeatsloveandpeace #fridayfeels #funkyfriday #loveisallweneed #loveisthebridge #loveisloveislove
13.01.2022 Our friends at @doubletouchofficial dropping the goods yesterday for @alldayidreamintheclouds its so good we had to share the love Posted @withregram Heres a snippet of their new tune Circles ...releasing soon on @alldayidreamintheclouds For those who missed it, you can watch the live set on have you been enjoying getting your funk on in space while we are unable to get together in one place? Id love to hear whats been rocking your world during these wild and wonderful times? #deephousemusic #deephouseyoga #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace #doubletouch #alldayidreamintheclouds
13.01.2022 Shizzers I admit I followed the crowd last night then I went to bed feeling like I had done my clicktivism bit for the day but I didnt do my research and blindly followed a blackout of my social media believing that this was supporting the cause how wrong was i Posted @withregram @alexipanos PLEASE READ THIS! Why are we going silent and dark when the world needs to hear us demand something different? Why are we going dark on the exact same day there happens to be prima...ry voting in a handful of states? YOUR VOICE MATTERS ON THIS AND IS NEEDED! Take a knee, and yes take the time to educate yourself on this issuebut dont let up! Yes - go dark on posting about YOU or YOUR BIZ but stay loud about the voices and stories we need to be hearing and seeing that are on the front lines of this issue! We need the pressure to stay on to get the justice that is needed right now! #dontgodark #dontmute #silenceisviolence Follow: @ihartericka See more
11.01.2022 Its time to put our #womensupportingwomen declarations into action. From what I have discovered today #challengeaccepted originated in Turkey as a movement to raise awareness for #ViolenceAgainstWomen after the brutal murder of beautiful 27 year old Pnar Gültekin by her ex-boyfriend sparked outrage in a country that is plighted with the cultural acceptable abuse of womxn. Turkey is one of the top countries when it comes to feminicide. In 2019 alone there were almost 500 RE...CORDED feminicides. Sadly many of them remain unrecorded and we have no real number as to how many women are murdered every year. Just this week several womxn have been murdered. The justice system does nothing to stop these crimes. Most often the murderers barely get a slap on the wrist. And now the government is trying to abolish certain aspects of the Istanbul Convention which is a human rights treaty that protects womxn against gender-based violence. Turkish people wake up every day to see a black and white photo of a womxn who has been murdered on their Instagram feed, newspaper or TV screen. The black and white photo challenge started as a way for women to raise their voice. To stand in solidarity with the womxn we have lost. To show that one day it could be their photo. And while the message may have been distorted by so many of us posting beautiful black and white pictures of ourselves in support of sharing love for our sisters I believe it is an opportunity to really practice what we preach. Together lets show our collective strength by no longer contributing to the suppression of the feminine through words, thoughts and actions that make us feel less than. Its time to make our voices heard and put an end to the patriarchal system that bestows power and privilege to men resulting in an unjust social system that subordinates, discriminates, oppresses, rapes and murders us womxn. Posting isnt enough we need to take inspired action. Whos with me? Thanks for the info @auturkculturalclub or @agirlhasnopresident
11.01.2022 I shed a tear watching this video of our DHYP flow for LOVE to raise awareness and funds for marriage equality here in Australia. What an EPIC session, the energy was electric and the love, pride and unity we all felt was next level. COVID forced us to take a step back from our live events and gave us an opportunity to focus on other things like launching our coaching and music careers which allows us to make even more of an impact on the world but man do i miss getting hot and sweaty shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart with our tribe <3 Maybe its time to dust the cobwebs off and get back on our mats <3 Who wants to join me for DHYP somewhere, sometime soon? xx
10.01.2022 Feeling this deeply right now as I give myself permission to show up fully and trust wholeheartedly in the journey I am already there now its just a question of what magic do I create from here? Reveling in the magic of the unfolding xx
10.01.2022 My heart is breaking as I continue to learn and unlearn all that I thought I knew and all that I have not been willing to see when it comes to white privilege and systemic racism in our society Im only beginning to wake up to the depth of the injustices that are happening day in day out to people of colour the world over its confronting and challenging dismantling the unconscious bias that exists within me but its so necessary if I am to be a stand for my daughter, her d...addy, her granny and every black and brown human on the planet who has to live in the shadows as second class citizens simply because of the colour of their skin the time for complacency is over we all have a responsibility to BE the change we wish to see when it comes to race equality because our silence is fuel for the murder and massacres that are happening on a daily basis and staying comfortable and safe in the white supremacy systems that have been created to oppress and decimate entire cultures and wipe out ancient wisdoms & traditions is no longer acceptable in the age of information as Maya Angelou said do your best until you know better and when you know better do better and we MUST do BETTER This is an invitation to everyone I know to join me on this journey of self discovery and global recovery from the racism epidemic that is so engrained in our psyche we dont even know we are sick with it please check out the link in my bio to an amazing resource called anti racism for beginners by @melyssa_griffin and together lets unpack this shit and start making the changes we need to make and breaking the habits we need to break to create a more just and fair society for all follow these accounts to be more informed about whats really going on on the frontlines of this fight for HUMANITY coz thats what it is @chakabars @prestonsmiles @shaunking @blklivesmatter @rachel.cargle @laylafsaad @beingxiana @dignityandpowernow @ibramxk @theconsciouskid #blacklivesmatter See more
09.01.2022 The original OGs of @deephouseyogaproject Reunited on Sydneys shores free to embrace our wildness once more like seashells on the beach beautiful and unique... each with our own story to tell of crashing waves and being brave The tide recedes leaving treasures in the sand The sun goes down a warm glow lingers on the land The music stops yet echoes on in sweet soulful refrains For every joy that passes something beautiful remains #sisterhoodfeelsgood #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace #ebbsandflows #highsandlows #loveinthetimeofcorona @ See more
08.01.2022 Hello beautiful people I just wanted to drop in with some love and invite you all into a container that I am honored to be a part of to help navigate these wild and uncertain times UNIFY is a 21-Day Virtual Immersion that started on Monday. There's still time to jump in, and there's no monetary cost. ... Its absolutely next level with so many incredible world class facilitators sharing their magic & medicine and I would love any or all of you to join us on the journey if you feel called to step up and step into a whole new way of being so we can embody the New Earth and be the change we wish to see in the world Check it out and let me know your thoughts Deep beats, love & peace
08.01.2022 I was asked by a beautiful friend and @deephouseyogaproject disciple to pull a goddess card for her today it was just what I needed too and its something we can all lean on as we ride the waves of these wild & uncertain times Kali represents endings and the old must be released so that the new can enter. The message from Kali is a reminder that the dance of the universe is a happy one, with energy swirling and twirling in a never-ending celebration of life itself. Kali... invites us to join the dance. We must not fear change. Embrace it as evidence that were alive and allow our deepest emotions to be signals of our very existence what if all the change and crazy shit going on in the world was for the best? What if we keep our thoughts positive we have the power to transform what appears to be a loss into the beginning of a happy new phase? What if all we have to do is learn to let go of what we think we know, push past our comfort zone and be open to relearning in a way that allows us all to reach the heights of our potential? Im so ready to explore these what ifs.. are you? #goddessguidance #transmissions #blacklivesmatter #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace See more
07.01.2022 Anyone feeling triggered or stuck in their head today join me in shaking that shit up Shaking is a powerful tool to move stuck and stagnant energy from the body and the womb. Allow your shake to move up through the earth and into your body. Letting yourself journey with the movement and release in your way. Through your sound, your movement and your breath. ... Thank you to my beautiful friend and mentor Sarah Jane Crossley for teaching me these awesome tools on our alchemical womb awakening journey xx
07.01.2022 Hello beautiful family we’ve been a bit quiet over here as our worlds have been shifting @saoirse_i_am has been busy with her coaching business and making a new baby while @jenus_the_menace has been focusing on making music her top priority while we pivot and figure out how we serve the world moving forward and though it’s been a dream of mine to bring DHYP online we just haven’t had the capacity to make that dream a reality right now that’s why I...’m excited to share our friends at @lovedeephouseyoga are launching their online studio tomorrow so if you (like me) are craving some #deepbeatsloveandpeace in your life then check out the deets in their bio and get involved with this EPIC heart centered, high vibe community see more info below sending so much love to you all Posted @withregram @lovedeephouseyoga We kick off our #lovedeephouseyoga online studio tomorrow at 10:30am PST with @stephlityoga leading a #deepflow !! Check out our membership benefits in the link in our bio or 28 classes a month monthly zoom dance parties members only recorded live events at @themidwaysf & more ! #deephouseyogaproject #deephousevibes #communityovercompetition #heartcenteredbusiness #womensupportingwomen #empoweredwomen #deephouseyoga #yogasf #sanfranciscoyoga #denveryoga #miamiyoga #santacruzyoga #yogababe #yogaeveryday #yogalove #om #meditation #yoga #yogapractice See more
07.01.2022 Once in a Lifetime at Burning Man 2019 What an incredible tribute to our incredible friend and leader Stephen Crowe and all our Celtic Chaos family Goosebumps all over ... Watch to the end so much love
06.01.2022 Rainbow princess warrior showing baby bear the ropes just love how much happiness a rainbow brings to our day another beautiful reminder from Mother Nature that theres magic to be found in every moment if we choose to see it let your soul shine with the same egoless humility as the rainbow and no matter where you go love will find you #mondaymotivation #allthefeels #rainbowwarrior #bearainbow #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace xx
06.01.2022 Feeling activated, alive and super inspired after our new moon ceremony with @rainbowtribe_ the cancer new moon is all about nourishing and nurturing our relationships especially our relationship with ourselves and our bodies.. its a great time to ask how are you taking care of yourself? How are you loving on yourself? These questions are too important - especially in a time like this - to go unanswered if you like me have been neglecting your bodys needs recently allow t...his to be an invitation to delve deep into inquiry about how you are showing up for yourself and your body and love on you like only you can do by doing things your body loves to do be it dancing, shaking, yoga, walking in nature, self pleasuring whatever lights you the fook up and makes you feel loved and alive do that you deserve it and your body does too remember, a crab carries its home with it wherever it goes, and so do you so many self-love tools at our finger tips if we choose to use them #selflove #newmooncancer #higherlove #rainbowtribe #urbanceremony #newmoonritual #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace See more
06.01.2022 Celebrating winter solstice surrounded by sisterhood and ceremony just loved this invitation from nature to remember our true nature and that we are all cosmic beings having a human experience made up of the same stuff as stardust so grateful for the opportunity to sit in circle with @rainbowtribe_ set intentions together and make space for self-awareness and self-care so we can continue to be of highest service to ourselves, our families and humanity how did you celebrate the solstice? #solstice #urbanceremony #returntoritual #rainbowtribe #elementalacademy #unshakeablelove
05.01.2022 Happy birthday to this absolute rockstar @darraghb3 your unwavering love and belief in us gives us wings so we can fly thank you for always holding space and holding the baby literally cant wait till we can get mucky and messy at festivals again at least Fi will be dancing on her own two feet next time hehe watch this space Fi and daddy D are gonna rock the place #birthdaylove #appreciationpost #consciousking #partnersinshine #bringbackfestivals xx
05.01.2022 Celebrating progression, celebrating diversity, celebrating equality, celebrating love, celebrating you happy pride people #loveislove #pridemonth2020 #pride #loveisthebridge #everylovematters
04.01.2022 #challengeaccepted thank you beautiful women @kristenmarconi @nadinequinn_ @annayoungferris @beccr so in love with the sisterhood it just lights us up when we see us womxn looking out for each other and lifting each other up so we can all rise together heres to the rise of the divine feminine, integrated with our masculine, remembering our magic, standing in our power, speaking our truth and claiming our sovereignty by embracing our sensuality, owning our worth and taking radical self responsibility for how we are showing up for ourselves today and for our childrens tomorrow Weve got this girls now is our time to shine like the granddaughters of the witches they couldnt burn lets do this xx
04.01.2022 This is an excellent resource and article on how we can support the Black Lives Matter movement in Australia by unlearning and relearning about real Indigenous history so we can be an active ally in demanding justice and change. I have been living on this sacred land for almost 13 years and only now am i waking up to the truth of the atrocities and legacy that i am living in and I am ready to take ownership of my privileged position and listen to those who have the solutions... so i can play a role in deconstructing the systems of oppression that have been so unfairly stacked against our Indigenous brothers and sisters for far too long :( Please EVERYBODY don't look away from this we all get to play a part in the new world we are creating and it starts with educating ourselves and those around us. What have you been doing to nourish yourself and educate yourself during this time? We are making momentum but we need to keep building on it. THE TIME IS NOW <3
04.01.2022 Shout out to all my sisters doing the deep work to transform themselves so we can transform the world I see you, I feel you, I honour you, I am you It is the task of every woman that is awakening right now to establish a reverent relationship with herself, to cut through all the self negating, false beliefs once and for all, To throw all the pity seeking, illusory wounding out the window,... To cease giving herself away to fit in and to be accepted and to instead devote herself to discovering the potent power that she holds. It is her time to take that journey within, to take time to listen to her body, to listen to her intuition and her heart and to live from that place... To bring forth what is inside out into the world. When a woman is connected to her true nature, for the most part she feels whole and complete, alive, peaceful, joyous, grateful, inspired, creative, actively dynamic, all embracing, expansive, beautiful, wise, truthful and sensual... These are all signs that she is in alignment with her feminine and integrated with her masculine.. Such a woman has the power to transform the world. Caroline de Lisser unknown thanks to @kathyscott #wombwisdom #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #womensempowerment #womxnsempowerment #womxnsupportingwomxn #newearthawakening #rememberyourmagic #pussypower #deephouseyogaproject
03.01.2022 We love you so much so much soooo much happy Friday beautiful people it’s me and Fi’s day and we are buzzing with sensation and song despite the heaviness of everything going on the world keeps spinning and we keep showing up with LOVE in our hearts calibrating at the level of JOY because that is our gift to the world sing with me and set your self FREE we are exactly who, what and where we are supposed to be and we are creating our own reality with every breath we take and choice we make CHOOSE LOVE even when it feels fooked we’ve got this @darraghb3 #deepbeatsloveandpeace #fridayfeels #funkyfriday #loveisallweneed #loveisthebridge #loveisloveislove
03.01.2022 Its the eve of my 38th birthday as well as a full moon, a lunar eclipse and Guru Purnima an auspicious day in the yogic tradition. The word Guru means a teacher and Purnima stands for the Full Moon night spreading light through darkness. In the Yogic tradition, on this very day of illuminating light and awareness, enlightened masters from all spiritual traditions give their blessings to anyone who wishes to awaken to their true self and the fullness of their potential. ...If you, like me are feeling ready to step up and into your limitless possibility then make a wish, write it down and walk under the light of the full moon to lock it in to your frequency. Its also a time we feel immense gratitude to all of our teachers and I am so blessed to have had so many to help me become who I am today but I want to honour my mother as my greatest guru who nourished me, loved me, grew me and guided me from her belly to the very being I am today. Mama I love you and appreciate you more than words can say thank you for always being the embodiment of enlightenment, for inspiring me, teaching me, believing in me, cheering for me and most of all allowing me the space to be me I am you and you are me trusting we are exactly who what and where we are supposed to be on our journey My wish is that we all remember our magic, bow down to the teacher within us, acknowledge that we are standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before us and doing them justice by owning our stories and letting go of that which no longer serves us Happy Guru Purnima xx
03.01.2022 Im doing a juice fast as part of the incredible UNIFY leadership immersion I am in with @jaredgrantham and @abergale_bremner and @adam.roa to name but a few I choose not to do the water fast as I prepare my body to receive the star seed babe that me and @darraghb3 are calling in but by doing the juice fast I am honoring what I feel my body needs in this moment while also leaning into the resistance I was feeling around fasting at all I am now more than 36 hours in and f...eeling amazing not even hungry really which goes to show how much we eat that we dont need a juice cleanse floods the body with easily absorbable plant nutrients while simultaneously allowing the digestive system to rest, providing a natural, gentle and truly unique opportunity to cleanse and replenish Benefits of fasting include healing from inflammation, weight loss, rejuvenation in the body, gives digestive system a break, lowers stress, supports digestive problems and provides an opportunity for emotional and spiritual introspection during fasting our bodys focus shifts from digesting food to a deeper level of rest. We become sensitive to our inner voice, aware of subconscious thoughts and beliefs and it promotes inner strength so excited to open my mind to a new experience, lighten my soul of a little baggage and give my body some TLC on the first step to a cleaner, clearer more radiant me reach out if youd like to know more and big shout out to @limitlesslove_and_leadership crew and @orchardstlove for the tasty juices feeling so supported #juicecleanse #spiritualawakening #loverevolution #returntoritual #plantmedicine #plantpower #unify #loveoutloud #deephouseyogaproject See more
02.01.2022 The DHYP family is expanding our star seed has arrived in mamas hot tub of LOVE Baby Connolly/Byrne due around April 21. It has been the most transformational and wild awakening conscious conception journey and one that i know i was meant to feel, understand and experience so I can be of the highest service to other mamas-to-be on their conception, pregnancy and birth journey another embodied lesson of TRUST and SURRENDER. Of unleashing my full feminine power and pote...ntial by getting to know myself on an intimate and intricate level. Of waking up to the wonder and wisdom of my womb space, learning how to ride the waves of my cyclical nature with ease and grace. Embracing the archetypes that come with the different seasons of being a Woman including Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman and Wild Woman. Of performing connection and cleansing womb rituals that allowed me to let go of fears, blocks, ancestral trauma and karmic ties keeping me stagnant and stuck in the past and exploring my sovereignty and sensuality by reclaiming pleasure as my birthright There is so much wild grace in getting to know ourselves beyond the limiting stories we have been told and the beliefs we hold and I know now this is my souls work I am ready to step up and serve in a big WAY to help other womxn REMEMBER who they are by connecting to the wonder and wisdom of our wombs and becoming unbreakable, unshakeable divine sources of loving creation no matter what life throws watch this space for ways you can work with me coming soon and thank you for all the love & support you send our way we feel it and appreciate it and were so grateful to share in our incredible journey with you all @darraghb3 lets do this baby #weareworthy #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace #divinefeminine #wildwomanrising #wombawakening #wombwisdom #wombwork #alchemicalwomb #doula #empoweredbirth #empoweredpregnancy #womensempowerment #womensupportingwomen xx See more
02.01.2022 Seeing the light now as restrictions begin to loosen in Australia! Please please please let us return to our JOY practice. Our connection. Our release who is itching to get back on the dance floor for a shake, a shimmy and to experience the benefits of music and movement as a powerful healing modality? We sure as hell are drop a if you’re feeling it? Xx Posted @withregram @daybreakersyd #allthefeels #community #specialmoments #clubMVP... @martinvivianpearsephotography
01.01.2022 Inversion and P.L.A.Y. game is strong over here I may not get to practice asana as much as I would like these days but I am doing my best to practice yoga off the mat in how I am showing up for myself, my family and my community by being the observer I am bringing awareness and loving kindness to my thoughts, words and actions, I am consciously choosing play and presence over fear and worry, I am using my breath to guide me back to my heart when things get heated and I a...m moving my body in whatever way is available to me whether that be swinging fiadh around the park, naked dancing in the living room or shaking the shit out of it to my fave tune first thing in the morning to give my emotion (energy in motion) the opportunity to move through me how are you practicing yoga these days? Are you missing events as much as us and what would you like to see from us as we go-create a new normal moving forward? #deephouseyogaproject #deepbeatsloveandpeace #pivot #presence #play #community @ Sydney, Australia See more
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