Defining Edge Fitness in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Defining Edge Fitness
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 421 444 177
Address: 550 Bourke Street 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Likes: 162
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25.01.2022 For all you BONSOY fenatics... Have a read. Interesting
24.01.2022 SWEAT BABY SWEAT! We are in PERTH (Hi Perthians!) and what better way to celebrate a new season (hello Spring) than to sweat it up with a fellow training buddy (you're awesome Sam O) in a pretty fab gym (thanks Revo's). This strongman complex was a brutal kick in the butt that had us both dripping in sweat and pushing past some mental brick walls. We felt it would be unjustified not to share the love, so here it is, for your sweaty pleasure...... TOTALLY ADDICTED TO SWEAT W/O (advanced) A1 - Trap bar (or Barbell) Deadlift x 8 reps A2 - Sled backward drag x 1 length A3 - Chest Press x 8 (any form) A4 - Battle ropes x 30 A5 - Kettlebell Alternating single swings x 30 A6 - Walking lunges x 24 A7 - Farmers walk/carry x 2 lengths A8 - Prowler x 2 lengths Complete 4 sets with 45-60 seconds rest between each exercise WOWZIE WOWZA! Get involved if you can! Caution: This workout requires some special equipment (you can substitute) and a lot of training experience but it's worth it! Stay turned for a beginner version of this that requires little equipment and experience... After all, there are no excuses and everyone is different! Challenge your body and earn your results!
23.01.2022 Is CONVENIENCE killing us? What influences your food purchases? - CHEESE VS CHEESE? I had an interesting visit to the supermarket yesterday... I was standing in the dairy aisle after a long day kicking-arse at work (of course), staring at the mozzarella.... feeling the weight of the day and realising the time, I went to grab the convenient already shredded mozzarella, and then stopped myself and asked why... 'seriously Asha?! How hard is it to chop your own cheese?!... then being my usual dorky self I read the ingredients list to remind myself how important 'DITCHing THE BAG' is... For those of you who don't know, pre-shredded cheese is not just cheese... which should only be whole milk and cultures... nothing wrong with that for most people!... HOWEVER! - in order to pre-grate, chop of shred cheese for your convenience, the food technology industry has to add extra ingredients to the natural mix in order to keep its texture, shape, and food performance (to not adhere to itself and become a big gulpy goop). So what type of ingredients are we talking about here? - potato starch - Natamycin (anti-mold agent) - Powdered cellulose - Vegetable colour and the list can go on depending on the company and the cheese... put your hands up if you even know what they are? So my question; Is our strive for convenience so we can 'do' more, taking us away from our connection and understanding of whole foods... and what does this mean for our health as a whole when we are introducing more 'food-like' products than ever before into our bodies? Super interesting moment in the supermarket. Does anyone have any others?
23.01.2022 A mini killer interval workout to kick your metabolism into gear before a naughty Sunday morning Brunch... we say YES! 1a - Burpees (old and faithful) 1b - Running Mountain Climbers 1c - 'V'-sit 1d - Jump Jack and Tuck Jump... 1e - Plank walk outs = 50 seconds smash it and 10 seconds pray for mercy x 2-4 rounds (10-20 minutes) See more
21.01.2022 The power of our word and our actions is stronger than we realise, I couldn't say it better myself. I love this!
21.01.2022 PROCRASTINATION... (ooOoo) Who needs to confess? We've all done it at some stage about something. So you're now 6 days into 2017. How are you feeling? Hopefully you've made a start towards your goals for this year? RIGHT...?... The whole 'I'll start tomorrow' approach will never give you the results you claim to desire. Essentially all you have is right now, this very moment. So lets stop sabotaging ourselves from discovering the best versions of ourselves and make a small change right now... seriously. I mean this very minute...Let's surrender the word 'BUT' and DO something right NOW... - A squat...or 10 squats... - A push up or 10 push ups - Jump up and down 20 times... - dance around in your room for the duration of your favourite song... I mean, you could completely rock my socks off and do a combination of all of the above I don't care what it is, just use THIS moment. and look, if the least I've managed to do from this post (if you're still reading) is to made you laugh, then guess what? That's a win for me, because do you want to know something extraordinary?... laughing is exercise!!! MWAHAHAHA Yep, I am steal-'ily' changing your life one step at a time... as should you for yourself, because small changes over time breed sustainable success. WIN!
19.01.2022 Feeling tired, a bit stress... Need a break? Fuck a kit-kat! join me for this kettle bell burnout instead: First things first - Bodyweight warm-up = 1 - jumping jacks ... 2 - mountain climbers 3 - Base squats (butt as close to ground as possible with hands above head) 4 - Plank cross to tap climb = 50 seconds on / 10 seconds off 2 rounds KETTLEBELL BURNOUT: 1 - swings 2 - figure 8 hook swing 3 - alternating high pull 4 - Alternating clean forward lunge + press 5 - figure 8 = 50 seconds work / 20 seconds rest OR for the crazy ones out there: running high knees x 10 + drop to the floor repeat for 20 seconds :-O DONT HAVE A KETTLEBELL... No excuse try this instead 1 - wide squat jumps 2 - alt side jump out burpees 3 - Push ups and jump into toes 4 - forward to backward lunge (alt legs) 5 - cross running mountain climber Same intervals. Ok enough procasti-posting lets try this b**** out!
18.01.2022 WHAT DO YOUR THOUGHTS SOUND LIKE?... Your quality of life reflects how you feel and what you think on a daily basis: IF YOU WANT SOMETHING; mold your mind, from this moment on, make a conscious effort to find love in everything you do. LOVE.
16.01.2022 Today's mission = "I am going to make today my Bitch!" 5 WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR DAILY LEVEL OF AWESOMENESS! 1- Smile all the time... At everything! I don't care if it's forced at first. Show me those pearly whites. ... I want your face to hurt 2 - introduce yourself to someone you've never met (officially or completely new): open your life up to new opportunities and people. 3- Take nothing personally: today you are a mirror, you can't be influenced by anyone else's mood or energy or allow comments to affect you. TRUTH time: no matter what the context nothing anyone ever says to you is ever personal. 4 - Think of one thing to do today that will make you truly happy and fit it into your day - if your can't think of something (small or large) I am seriously worried about you :P 5 - EXERCISE: I don't care how long or short get those endorphins pumping. If your strict for time and equipment try the workout below, I dare you! In other words, today you must FUCKING BEAM!!! Work-me-up workout: A1 - Bodyweight squats x 40 A2 - Bodyweight squat jumps x 20 A3 - Running high knees x 50 Repeat for 4 sets with as little rest as possible B1 - Push ups x 30 B2 - Mountain climbers (slow) x 30 B3 - Spider-Man crawl (crawl across floor on hands and feet) x 30 Repeat for 3 sets Complete and then send me some loving!
16.01.2022 Be grateful. Be conscious. Be present. Just be.
15.01.2022 Hola from Sucre! So you fabulous fitness finatics haven't heard a peep from me in a very long time. As most of you know it is because I have abandoned all sense of responsibility and structure and have fleeted Australia to discover new adventures far away in South America!!! What an amazing journey it has been so far... however after 4 months I find myself missing you all terribly and yearning to touch you once again (yeah I am ok with how that sounds!)... So here I am, in Sucre, Bolivia, on the roof top of a mall hoping this workout will have the same impact on you that it had on me (although I am at 2,810m above sea level - so don't complain when you try this because my lungs were wheezing I tell you) Join me for a Sucre Smash Out! INTERVALS AT ALTITUDE... WHY NOT: A1 - Right split squat kick and jump A2 - Left Split squat kick and jump A3 - 5 x squat jump + burpee A4 - 10 x running high knees + 10 x running mt Climbers A5 - 3 side jump squats + burpee A6 - Left side plank Jack A7 - Right side plank jack A8 - Plank cross through Set intervals for 15 seconds rest & 45 seconds WORK! Repeat 3-4 times and show me some heavy breathing, body aching LOVE!
14.01.2022 Keep your CHIN-UP Workout: (feel free to skip the chit chat & scroll down for the workout) Traveling is a blessing & a challenge. It can be hard to maintain your strength, physique, fitness and so forth whilst traveling. No one expects you to maintain the same level whilst you are away, but to drop a bomb on your body & health all together is, regrettable! Really it all comes down to priorities and mind set. ... What motivates you? For me a major motivator is climbing better. I will admit, I am not as strong or as lean as I was before I came away (many of us have felt this way, even without travel). Pre-travel me could do 4 chin ups from hanging... not much to some but I personally worked hard to get there. Now recently, despite climbing (which is erratic at best) I now can hardly do 2!!!! Here, in Bogota (Colombia) the gyms are expensive. But thats no excuse, join me at the park down the street for a free workout. I want to share the pain and benefits, so for anyone looking for help with their chin-ups, core strength, back strength or climbing, feel free to give it a whirl (or a variation that works for you best!) DENSITY CHIN-UP WORKOUT: Set 1-4: A1 - Chin up x 2 (vary the reps for you): 4 sec top hold, 3 sec mid hold SLOW return A2 - Push up or spiderman push up (for extra abs) 8-10 Set 5-7 B1 - Chin up x 2 (same ideally, I had to start jumping a bit at set 6) B2 - Slow mountain climb x 8-10 (repeat SLOW) Set 8-10 C1 - Yup you bet ya still the same chin-ups!!! C2 - Top Plank hip side-side rotator x 8-10 Yes that is 10 sets of chin-ups. Reps and pauses depend on you! Progress point= try to add a rep each workout. Multiple variations can apply. ENJOY!
13.01.2022 HAPPY 'V' DAY EVERYONE!!! In the spirit of love, today's MINI WORKOUT is focused around those devious Love HANDLES!!!! Have fun with this workout and burn your mid-side section and feel the love!!! LOVE HANDLES NO MORE... Your partner will have to grab your arse instead... but we will work on that another day! MINI LOVE HANDLE CIRCUIT:... 1 - Woodchop high-low (rope or band or dumbbell... of bottle of water - noexcuses) 2 - Wood chop: low to high 3 - Left oblique plank 4 - Right oblique plank 5 - Russian twist 6 - Scorpion plank => option a = 50 seconds on 10 seconds rest x 3 => option b = max rep and time (plank) whilst maintaining technique x 1 set! LOVE TO ALL!... But not to your love handles!
11.01.2022 A life full of loving relationships = HAPPINESS = Health Health is a multi-faceted term defined differently by many people. One factor in which I think we can all agree on is how happiness influences and defines our state of health. Don't forget, you choose the people you share your life with. You have the power to create an environment full of nurturing and enriching relationships.... Sometimes stepping back and looking at the health of your relationships can greatly impact your health.
08.01.2022 5 Degree's in Melbourne is it?... Feeling cold are we...? ...Dreading leaving the house to get in your daily exercise? (yes I said daily... it should be daily!) TRY this mini HIIT sequence to warm you up from the excuse free comfort of your own home.... MINI 'BREAK UP WITH WINTER' HIIT W/O 1 - 20 x Burpees 2 - 40 x Running high knees 3 - 40 x Running mountain climbers 4 - 20 x Sit ups Complete 5 sets back to back with as little rest as possible, it's that simple! ... Still feeling cold... we sure aren't!
07.01.2022 ITS FEED FREE DAY TODAY! This means after a week of 'food awareness' It's time to reignite our insulin sensitivity on day 7 by cycling 'carbohydrates' back into our system with some serious attitude... we are expecting to feel a little like this guy bellow. ...Curious about what the 'Fek' this means, email us and work on solving your environmental induced insulin resistance!
07.01.2022 Happy new year ducklings! Ducklings... meaning a baby to a new year of endless possibilities and opportunities. Exciting! I couldn't help but share this remarkably inspiring video. Check it out! In a world like ours it's easy to get swept up in the stress and allow excuses to hinder us from achieving our fitness goals. We initially start into the new year feeling pumped, ready to start fresh. Then a week, a couple of weeks, or a month down the track all of a sudden the fire t...urns to amber... So here is some advice for 2017. Stop aiming to do the things you 'think' you 'should' do or that seems to work for others. Instead, your mission for 2017 is to have the courage to discover the things YOU love doing. Being active isn't meant to be hard, or scary. Yes it is challenging but in order to succeed long-term you need to enjoy it (at least most of the time). Try everything if that's what it takes. Because when you do find that one thing you love, I can guarantee it will be powerful enough to inspire your whole life in a way that you can continue it for life. Always remember: passion supersedes excuses. Mine is Rock Climbing so... what's yours?
04.01.2022 All it takes is to get started... then every moment after is a bonus!
04.01.2022 PROTEIN - PROTEIN - PROTEIN! I am sure you have all been bombarded by statements about PROTEIN being a SUPER-HERO for muscle and weight loss and how you need to EAT MORE PROTEIN... But SHOULD YOU? Do you actually need to eat more? and how much?... are you left feeling confused?... I hear you! Let's break it down and hit some simple points (really simple):... > YES protein is ESSENTIAL, there are some 'types' of proteins your body needs from the diet in order to, well function really (PST, these are called essential amino acids but lets stay simple today). > YES protein requirements will INCREASE if you do strenuous activity/training so in a sense yes you might need to increase you intake versus someone sedentary- For those of you curious about strength training it is recommended to obtain between 1-1.7 g per kilogram of body weight - which isn't hard to obtain and strongly varies - STRONGLY! > NO you DONT need to OVER DO IT and eat a dozen eggs or a 500g steak in one sitting... in fact you probably shouldn't my friend. Wow wow wow, wait so I shouldn't eat lot's of protein... Hold on, what is important here is DIGESTION AND ABSORBANCE! Your body is only capable of digesting a certain amount at any given time. Therefore how much protein you're able to absorb and use is limited. YUP! Ooo lets use a 'LIFE EXAMPLE'... Lets think about your body as a car and protein as the petrol. A car (your body) needs petrol (protein) to run (function). TICK, oo I like this. But wait! If I add more petrol to my car beyond the volume of the tank will that make it run faster (grow or function better)?... oh I see, NO no it will not, it will just spill out onto the floor = $$$ waste! Our systems have limits. Yes these levels can be adapted overtime and vary between people but what is more important is BALANCE - VARIETY - QUALITY - TIMING! OK lets have some steps to move forward; 1 - Play around with your diet, find out what works best for you. Be your own personal guinea pig. Your body is different to everyone else. No one can claim to know exactly how much your body needs or what's best for you - so stop allowing them to (you can even stop listening to me if you want!). 2 - Avoid eating massive meals packed with protein that will end up going to waste (literally; excess protein is EXCRETED -google that word if you need to- and preferred protein sources are often expensive). IDEA! Instead incorporate a variety of different protein sources throughout the day. Have a SMALL AMOUNT OF PROTEIN WITH EACH MEAL and snack to allow 100% absorbance and no wastage! Treat yourself with quality protein and have smaller portions at each meal instead of low quality bulk. SUMMARY!!! (I bet some of you went right to this) PROTEIN = YAY!!! BUT... IN THE RIGHT WAY! ...information to be extended in time! Because knowledge (the right kind) is POWER baby!
02.01.2022 The benefits of exercise stem beyond the exterior and breach the inner complexities of your brain.
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