Demonic Art Tattoos | Public figure
Demonic Art Tattoos
Phone: +61 431 296 290
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24.01.2022 Today's work, Portrait of Solomon's son #demonicart #impacttattoos
24.01.2022 Yesterdays Native American Chief, looking forward to finishing this and adding an eagle head underneath soon #demonicart #impacttattoos #chieftattoo
24.01.2022 Lion on Sharni's back yesterday #demonicart #tattoocartel
24.01.2022 Not finished but thought I'd post anyway, looking forward to finishing this on Rick #impacttattoos #demonicart #bishopwand
23.01.2022 Added more to Alyson's chest today, always a good day when your in a good friend and loyal customer since day dot slowly getting covered with my art #demonicart #impacttattoos #flowertattoo #bngtattoo #bishoprotary #bishopwand
23.01.2022 Another video of today’s work #demonicart #honeyinkgreenhills
22.01.2022 Yesterdays #Chester piece of Amy was a fun $700 full days contact me to book #demonicart #impacttattoos
20.01.2022 Today's work on Ben, #spartantattoo #realismtattoo ##bishopwand #inkjecta #dynamictripleblack #kwardroncartidge #pelikanink #inkedmagazine
18.01.2022 Currently experiencing a high volume of enquiries, and lack of free time to reply, i will taking some time out to reply to everyone this Sunday/Monday. Thank you for your patients :) #imnotanoctopus
18.01.2022 There are sooo many artists (some of the best artists) that use these clip on lenses to capitalise on the finish product of their pics.. When you see the actual pic/video of their work without a lense and it doesn't look near good you have question if it's false advertisement These are already incredible artists competing in a competitive industry, they use them to stay on 'top of their game' and make their work look as good as others that use them.. Hats off to those who don't use these filters. Makes me wonder, if some of the most well established tattooists are using them then what hope does that give artists like myself and others like me in this industry? I refuse to use them..
16.01.2022 Today’s work Looking forward to finishing this #demonicart #honeyinkgreenhills
15.01.2022 Todays Tiger, always a great day when you come in Sharni #Todays work, I love doing stuff like this thanks for looking #demonicart #2012charlestown #inkjectax1 #inkedmagazine #bnginksociety #tigertattoo #bishoprotary #realismtattoo #bishopwand #inkammunitiontattoosupply
15.01.2022 I dream about getting back to work, the excitement I get every time I start putting a design together ready for the next day, setting up my bench and walking out to see if my customer has arrived yet so I get to get started.. the pure love i have for doing art in general and getting to put it on people permantly, is out of this world! I'm not in it for the money or fame, or any other reason other than I love art and i love being able to grow and exercise my passion everyday, to see where it takes me, I'm inspired by 'what could I achieve if I try my hardest' #theartlifechoseme #blessed
14.01.2022 Todays work :) I'm doing $700 full days atm usually 10am - 7pm/8pm worth. Taking bookings, message me here if you would like to book, i have a lot if people to reply too, I will get to you all in time:).Thank you #demonicart #impacttattoos
14.01.2022 One of the many I forgot to post #tigertattoo #demonicart
14.01.2022 If you are wanting to book in you are welcome to come see me at the shop, im there Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, I will make time for you to discuss your ideas, and get you booked in :) Impact Tattoos Glendale
13.01.2022 2nd sitting on Peters arm #demonicart #honeyinkgreenhills
12.01.2022 pennywise tattoo done on Mayden today #demonicart #honeyinkgreenhills
10.01.2022 Todays work, I love doing stuff like this thanks for looking #demonicart #inkjectax1 #inkedmagazine #bnginksociety #portraittattoo #bishoprotary #realismtattoo #bishopwand #inkammunitiontattoosupply
10.01.2022 Portrait of Brandon’s pop done today #demonicart #honeyinkgreenhills #portraittattoo #realismtattoo #bishopwand #bishoprotary #silverbackthirteen
09.01.2022 Lioness and flowers yesterday #demonicart
09.01.2022 Here's some tattoos I didn't get to post ive done over the last few weeks #bishopwand #bishop #dynamicblackink #inkeeze #hustlehelper #kwadronneedles
08.01.2022 Yesterday's work on Kaleb Thanks for looking :)
08.01.2022 Did this Johny Depp, Fear and Loathing piece few days ago #fearandloathing #bishopwand #bishop #dynamicblackink #inkeeze #hustlehelper #kwadronneedles
07.01.2022 Friday's work on Kaleb #impacttattoos #demonicart
05.01.2022 Skeleton foot done on Kyle today (top tattoo isn't mine) #freehandtattoo #demonicart #tattoocartel
05.01.2022 Add my snapchat to see my tattoos:
04.01.2022 Yesterdays cover up :) $700 full days (up to 10 hours) #coveruptattoo #demonicart #impacttattoos
03.01.2022 Todays thigh piece on Kristina #demonicart
01.01.2022 Impala chevrolet I did yesterday on Scott $700 full days #impacttattoos #demonicart