Denise Turner | Public figure
Denise Turner
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24.01.2022 So many things happening right now !! So many emotions. So many things pulling on the heart strings and sometimes it’s hard to stay focused. ... A nice winters walk is just what the Dr ordered.
20.01.2022 It’s cold outside so I’ve been working on my online business. So much happening and even though we are in lockdown a home based business is not. I’ve had some amazing phone conversations today with people that are looking for something more than the 9 to 5. ... That don’t want to go back to work, that are enjoying their time at home. I’ve also had some great convos with my amazing team and how excited they are in moving forward with our new business model. So Corona hasn’t affected me that much , the only thing that stands out is I haven’t been able to spend money like I used to. How has this all affected you personally ? I do miss a good party though
19.01.2022 So many people ask me what I do.. Are you still doing that old mlm that you where with for 24 years ??? The answer is NO .. ... As much as I’m grateful for that company I’m now on a different path and have been for the last 2.5 years. I needed something that was more automated because I had a crazy full time JOB ( that job is no longer) Finding something that aligns with you is what you need. For the last couple of years with the MLM company I was feeling lost, un aligned and my passion had gone. I’ve gone from making $200 per sale to now making $5000 per sale. I don’t push products, I don’t do cheesy product displays. All I do now is just be me . So starting tomorrow we have a Free 4 day workshop that will explain more about what I do ... Talking about Freedom Money legacy High product , High profit .. Shoot me a message and I’ll give you the link ... Did I mention this is FREE
18.01.2022 1day to go before the best FREE online work shop is about to begin. Learn from 6 figure income earners how you could change your life . Pop the word WORKSHOP below for my link .
16.01.2022 A lot of you know that I have been in business for myself for a few years now. Loving every minute of it . But some of my business colleagues have been creating crazy incomes by investing. ... I have sat back and watched how their investments are going nuts I’m talking hundreds of thousands of dollar growth some even into the millions. That’s right MILLIONS.. How are they doing that ? Crypto currency Something that I have heard about for years, but not understood. So I too have thrown my hat in the ring and invested into Crypto myself. This coin is growing so fast and is weeks away from hitting the big exchange. Over the last few years it’s built it’s way up through the small and medium exchange so has proven itself and now ready for the next phase, and you can still get this coin at 50 to 80 % discounted. So in basic terms, if Gold goes up the coin goes up. If Gold comes down GUESS WHAT ? The coin stays up. So with my investment that I made just over 4 weeks ago I’m watching my Crypto wallet grow. If you would like to know more about this Exciting investment then pop a HELL YEAH down below and I’ll send you some info . This is not an MLM or affiliate business it’s just a smart investment for the future .
15.01.2022 Who in herewould love multiple streams of income??? I might have something for you Who in herewould love multiple streams of income??? I might have something for you
14.01.2022 . Over the last 6 to 8 weeks have been crazy. I was sitting in a room on the Gold Coast with 1000 Entrepreneurs when we got word that things were changing dramatically and we didn’t really know what that meant. ... I had my daughter on the phone saying mum you don’t know how bad this is there is no food in the supermarkets . At the airport people were all masked up and some people had bags on their heads and wearing rubber gloves. I was still confused. But when I got home things did change completely and the whole world went into lockdown, not knowing what or when we would have food on the shelves I found myself buying random shit that I could turn into a meal. Random shit that I wouldn’t usually buy. I didn’t see my other daughter in Melbourne for weeks and timing wasn’t good as she was stood down from her dream job ( flight attendant) which really played havoc on her mental health. Then the bomb dropped for parents with young kids it’s time to home school . Some parents embraced it and some didn’t. I did home schooling for a year when we lived in Malaysia and I think the 3 of them all failed that year I realized that I wasn’t cut out to be a teacher and I found comfort in drinking Tiger Beer . So I know you know all this and I’m sure you’re wondering where I’m going with this ?? Hands up if you have loved being home ? Hands up if you have loved working your normal job from home and having the kids around? You see I’m talking to people everyday that don’t want to go back to work that are loving being home and not having to deal with the traffic, or the boss breathing down their neck. Trying to figure out school lunches or work lunches. You haven’t had to deal with the bully in the office or co worker that thinks they are better than you. I totally get this . It’s like going on holidays for a couple of weeks having the best time ever and then having that dread of having to go back to work on Monday. Then on Monday it feels like you never left the place and you have a panic attack because your next holiday seems so far away. What if I told you I don’t have that shitty feeling anymore , that I can show you a way you can work from home and feel amazing every single day .. That it’s FREE to take a look . Is it time for a change ? Is it time to take your own happiness into your own hands ? Is it time to build your own wealth? To build a financial wall around you and your family that is virtually impenetrable? DM and I can show you how or drop the word FREE down below
13.01.2022 This is my job . How much fun do you have in your’s??? . Join me in the online world of business school and you can have this much fun too
12.01.2022 Are you dying on the inside With the crazy things that are going on in the world right now I have a question for you. Are you ready to take your financial future into your own hands ?? ... Just in Melbourne alone last week 250,000 people lost their jobs. Here’s some more sad facts that’s happening around the world. Victoria’s Secret declared bankruptcy. Zara is closing 1200 stores. Chanel, Hermes and Rolex have stopped production. Nike is getting ready for stage two of layoffs. AirBnb founder says that due to the pandemic, 12 years of effort were destroyed in 6 weeks. Starbucks announced the permanent closure of 400 stores. And the list continues................. Creating your own income and financial stability is something everyone should be thinking off. Below is how our FREE 4 day workshop is going to pan out. I’M LOOKING FOR 5 SERIOUS PEOPLE Message me for my link TODAY we have 2500 people taking advantage of this incredible offer ...
11.01.2022 What’s stopping you achieving your dreams?
10.01.2022 It's not just about work... WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN TO. I must say my mentor Kristi puts on the best parties.... BUT In 4 days time starting on the 18th and the 19th January you have the opportunity to be mentored by 10 incredible 6 & 7 figure income earners. Strategising over Money blocks and how to release them. Mind shift and giving you a clear picture. Expanding yourself and taking charge of 2021. And having the belief in your self. And the best part is !!!! it's FREE. hit me up for the link and you to could be on that Yacht in December. I know I will be
09.01.2022 , . Something that is going to change the online world. And something that is ready to launch this Thursday night at 7.30pm. ... With everything that has changed in the world over the last couple of months it’s made me realise that we need to create our own income, to build a life that we design and not rely on anyone else. Will life go back to the way it was . So with all that said I’m looking for 5 new people that want to take their finances into their own hands. ’ !! Want change. Are teachable. love having fun. love travel. Have a burning desire to succeed. Timing is perfect and for the lucky people that act now I am offering you 10 days free to check it out. We had just under 800 on last nights call. Pop your favorite Emojis below or DM me and I will send you the link for our live call on Thursday night.
09.01.2022 Let me introduce you to my beautiful friend Sarah. Yes I know I’m old enough to be her mum but there is something about her that I love and connect with. I met Sarah and her husband Vaughn just over 2 years ago through our current business.Their journey so far has been incredible with her fairy tail lifestyle that so many people would die for ... You see attraction marketing on social Media platforms has been her jam. Attracting like minded people to see her vision of what is possible and how you can change your life in a heartbeat. You just have to make that decision. Just over 6 years ago Sarah joined a mlm company as she wanted to be a stay home mum with her 2 boys. With Vaughn working his but of as a mechanic she was looking for financial freedom and to bring some money into the home. But what she discovered was she was going backwards. What was Supposed to give her financial freedom was taking her away from her home and children. 4 Years into that business she was rundown burnt out and no better off financially ( what MLM’s can relate) She had to make changes . She was scrolling the Internet one day when she saw a post from a girl that she knew ,she reached out to her and said hey what are you doing. Sarah knew that this was for her, she got started straightaway and just followed the process and did what the system taught her to do. Her first month in business was a good month for her financially but then it just grew from there and within four months of working her online business she was able to retire her husband from his job. So without having any ties they took off on a world trip and then settled in a beautiful Villa in Bali for a year while working her business and supporting her team from the palm of her hand. Coming back to Australia to have her 3rd baby, living in a mansion on the Gold Coast stress free, financially free her business continued to grow. Having choices and no ties Vaughn had the desire to travel around Australia, so of they went and designed their own motor home that has all the bells and whistles ( even a washing machine) but Covid put a stop to that for a while . Sarah has made multiple 6 figure’s she makes more money than a CEO of a company and can do this in her slippers. So how many of you reading this post would love to work from home , to generate a CEO income in your PJ’s and slippers. This post today is a gratitude post, for everything she does for me and the rest of the team. Hanging out with her is so much fun and I know we have plenty of more parties and Espresso Martinis to come Our business’s are on fire right now and Sarah is one of the trainers in our online platform. If you are serious about change for you and your family I have an incredible deal for you and it’s FREE. DM me and I’ll share the excitement... Thank you Sarah for everything you do
09.01.2022 I changed my life forever I hated being in a mind numbing job. Doing the same thing day in and day out. ... The average Aussie lives until they are 78.. we work until we are 67 that gives me 11 years to enjoy my life NO THANK YOU !! I wanted more , I needed more. More excitement to do what I liked when I liked with who I liked . FUN is my middle name. Drop your favorite emoji below and I will show you what I did that changed everything for me .
08.01.2022 We Changed our life forever Traveling the world and going from country to country has always been my dream. You see when I was 30 I said that I wanted to be retired by the age of 50. ... Not really knowing how that was going to happen I always kept my eyes open for opportunities. So here I am at 53 and I’ve found it . At 51 I quit my job and love living life on my terms. If this resonates I’m looking for 5 people to coach .. To show you what I did, pop the word TRAVEL below and I’ll send you more information . Have an awesome day
07.01.2022 OK OK OK I’m about to let the cat out of the bag ... NO MORE suspense. A lot of you have been messaging me about what I’m up to. So here it goes .... Over 2 and a half years ago I was stuck in a job that didn’t light me up. I was over worked, under paid and worked long long hours. As much as I enjoyed Aged Care/Disability industry I wanted more. More money, more freedom, more time to do what I want, more time to be me. Coming from an MLM background also I was always promoting that company on my social media you know the shake strategically placed on the bench photo . 3 years ago I was becoming an empty nester with 2 of the kids moving out. It became really quiet around home and I wanted something for me. Something that I could be the brand, share my life with you the good and the bad. I wanted automation something that I could build around my full time job at the time. I wanted something that I could work from anywhere in the world. I wanted something that was going to give me 5 and 6 figure income. I wanted something with a community of like minded people. I wanted something that I could share and teach others to do the same. So here’s the deal of a life time and you better be quick as numbers are limited. The incredible business that I’m in has opened up a Free YES FREE 4 day workshop starting this Monday. You will be coached by 6 and 7 figure income earners that have done the hard yards , that have made the mistakes but come out the other end. That have retired themselves and their partners from their jobs . That now live life on their terms. You would be crazy to miss out on this offer soooo drop the word WORKSHOPbelow or PM me and I will send you my magic link .. This is FREE mentoring and personal development for 4 days ..
06.01.2022 !! This is something that I have always been interested in. Like the old saying goes !! ... ’ . Ain’t that the truth. Today more than ever people are looking for ways to make money online.. To either supliment their income, replace their income or create their own income. People joining online companies today is up by 70% and believe it or not timing is perfect. With the pandemic right now more people are home than ever before, more people looking to help their families, more people with uncertainty and more people taking their financial future into their own hands. Just over 2 years ago I joined an online business that has given me so many choices. Teaming up with a company that is 40+ years old. Here are some of the things that I DON’T do ... I don’t do parties or come to your house No coffee shop meetings No annoying friends and family No cold calling No sales No letter box drops. We have a huge community of people that are here to support you and help you grow in business and personally. I have a 29 Minuit video that could change everything .. Drop your favorite emoji below and I’ll send you some info. cheers Denise
06.01.2022 A few drinks last night sitting around my new fire pit ... Toasty warm.
05.01.2022 Sitting here looking at this incredible view and thinking how lucky I am !! Or is it Luck. Over 2.5 years ago I stepped outside the box, I took a risk and chose to do something different, something that lights me up and something that I enjoy sharing with other people. ... I said yes to building my personal brand online , an online business that was automated enough that at the time was able to build it around my full time job. A full time job that I was under paid, over worked and un appreciated by management. Anyone reading this that works or has worked in Aged Care or Disability will know what I’m talking about. In this picture I’m feeling grateful because I just realized that I have made more MONEY in the last couple of DAYS working from home than I would working full time in Aged Care for 2 months WOW that’s nuts . The exciting part about my income and business growth is I’m helping other people do the same, and that’s what excites me the most . Drop MONEY down below as I would love to show you the 7 pillars of success. Or DM me . I’m just getting started Luv DT
05.01.2022 This will make you think
05.01.2022 STEPPING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE !!! For years actually since I was 10 I had a fear of Heights so I thought. But it turns out I had a fear of going fast. I discovered this on a trip to New Zealand just recently. ... So I decided to kick this is the butt and do some stuff that scared the sh@t out of me Zip-lining !!! I loved it so much I did it twice. What are your fears ??
05.01.2022 I have a link to our platform that is Free for 10 days. Would you be interested in learning how to generate 10k per month Yes or NoI have a link to our platform that is Free for 10 days. Would you be interested in learning how to generate 10k per month Yes or No
04.01.2022 Did you know !!
01.01.2022 This is the most exciting thing that has happened in the last 2.5 years. Join our FREE 4 day workshop. We are changing peoples lives on a daily basis and timing couldn’t be better. ... Pop the word WORKSHOP below and I’ll send you the link. Is it time for a change ?
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