Denistone East Public School P&C | Community organisation
Denistone East Public School P&C
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23.01.2022 As your P&C, we are passionate about supporting school and community initiatives; especially when the initiative comes from one of our students. On Tuesday 26th of November, Katia from S3 Bennelong has organised a fundraising initiative to support Variety Australias Hair with Heart. The purpose of the fundraising initiative is best explained by Katia: I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has their hair due to a medical condition. Ill be chopping off 35.5cm on the 26th of November at my school. Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a childs youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Childrens Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need. So for all students, on Tuesday the 26th of November, please support Katia by wearing red mufti and bring along a gold coin donation. There will also be a spider stall (ice cream soda) for $2 each. Please get involved! For all parents, you can support Katia by making an online donation on her fundraising website: Katias goal is $700.00 and so far she has made incredible progress by raising over $550.00. Lets work together and help Katia achieve her goal (and beyond!). Its for a great cause. Please spread the message far and wide for all to be involved. Every little bit counts. Congratulations to Katia for her efforts and for raising community awareness on something that affects many children and their families.
23.01.2022 Denistone East String Program Run by The Music Partnership Open to students from K-6 (2019) Check on website for more details: http://music
22.01.2022 Reminder! Youre invited to first P&C meeting of 2020. In this meeting, we are going to share many exciting initiatives including 2020 P&C budget that see a fundamental and positive outcome to our school, community, and children. ... If you would like to become a financial member of P&C that can cast a vote on motions, please also come and join us. A gold coin contribution is all it takes for you to become a financial member of 2020. Date: Wednesday 19th February 2020 Time: 7:00pm Location: Staff Room, Administration building (School Office
21.01.2022 Tis the season for supporting and we have a great gifting opportunity which helps our fundraising efforts. The Gift of Entertainment is a new Digital Membership valid for 12 months from the day of activation. You can buy that special someone a Single City or Multi City Membership so they can save year-round on everything they love to do. Simply buy it, print it, gift it! We receive 20% of the sale from each Membership for our fundraiser and youll get 12 months of thanks and... appreciation for being an exceptional gift giver. The Gift of Entertainment has savings for everyone, with thousands of 2-for-1 offers and up to 50% off: Dining, cinema, theme parks, events and attractions Travel package rates including thousands of hotels and resorts Flights, car rental and gift cards and more BUY NOW
21.01.2022 Message from Principle: Welcome Back to Term 2 Dear Parents and Caregivers,... Welcome back to term two. I have no doubt you are aware of the Premier and Education Ministers media briefing last week regarding learning in NSW Public Schools in Term 2. The Premier announced the transition back to the classroom model for Term 2. NSW Public School students will gradually transition back to school, one day per week, beginning in Week 3 (Monday 11 May). The beginning of next term sees Monday 27 April remain as a pupil-free School Development Day. Tuesday 28 April has now also been announced as an additional pupil-free School Development Day to allow for additional planning and professional learning for teachers and staff. The Remote Learning model will re-commence from Wednesday 29 April similar to the end of last term. Families who are able to keep their children home to learn remotely are asked to please do so to assist us with social distancing. Those students who are unable to learn from home are welcome to attend school. On Monday 11 May, we will move into Phase One of the managed return to school for students. In this phase, all NSW students will attend school one day per week and learn remotely 4 days per week. It is anticipated that all NSW students will increase the number of days at school before the end of the term, under the advice of NSW Health. There will be additional cleaning during the day at school and social distancing measures in place. I will work with the executive team and staff to organise and structure Denistone East Public Schools Phase One managed return for our students. I will communicate the structure as early as possible to give families enough time to make arrangements. The structure will be stage based and will allow students to be taught by their classroom teacher as much as possible. Classes will be smaller as they will be split over two days and the school overall population will be reduced to around a quarter on any given day. This term will certainly bring challenges but I am confident we can work through them together as a community. The website has been updated and may have information that interests you. Regards, Michelle Collyer Principal
21.01.2022 Entertainment Book Renew time! Memberships Expire tomorrow - June 1 , time for a new one. Great opportunity to grab when we moving to next stage of easing coronavirus restrictions. BONUS Wish e-gift cards:... $10 WISH e-gift card when you purchase Single city membership $20 WISH e-gift card when you purchase Multi city membership 2 months extra membership FREE Chance to WIN 1 of 5 $1000 WISH e-gift cards
21.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday, 28 January 2020 UPDATED ADVICE AHEAD OF SCHOOL RETURNING... The NSW Government has today requested that children who have visited China in the last two weeks not attend school or childcare services until 14 days have lapsed from their date of departure from China. Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said although the risk to children is very low, the NSW Government has taken this step as a precautionary measure. Ive been advised that its not medically necessary, but the NSW Government has acted in line with community expectations to ensure the safest possible environment for our students, Mr Hazzard said. The internationally recognised incubation period for the coronavirus is 14 days, so this is the logical timeframe to ask students to refrain from attending school. After this time, there is no risk. Advice about not attending school has already been provided to any close contacts of confirmed cases. The Commonwealth Department of Health has confirmed that all passengers disembarking from planes from China are being given comprehensive information about coronavirus in both English and Mandarin. NSW Health has been contacting passengers who were on the same planes as confirmed cases to provide appropriate advice and has processes in place to identify any close contacts of cases confirmed in Australia. Ms Mitchell said the Department of Education has issued guidance to schools and childcare services across NSW on protocols in the event of a child becoming sick. Although the risk remains very low for children, we believe it is the right thing to do to take this extra step and will continue to update the community with advice, Ms Mitchell said. There are currently four confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in NSW. All cases had travelled to Wuhan, China or had contact with a confirmed case in China. Parents with concerns can contact their local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055 for advice or visit the dedicated NSW Health information page at: Anyone who develops a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath within 14 days of travel to Hubei or contact with a person with confirmed coronavirus, should immediately isolate themselves from other people, contact their GP or local emergency department or call the healthdirect helpline 1800 022 222.
20.01.2022 Term 2 Information Dear Parents and Carers, The staff have spent the last two days preparing and planning for Term 2 learning. As per Term 1 the learning will be delivered in a number of modes. It is very important that all families continue to support the roll out of our learning plans. The plans have been developed in consultation with the Department of Education and Ministry of Health guidelines. They aim to keep safe was by a gradual and controlled return to schooling. ...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Entertainment Book Promotion! FREE $10 WISH eGift Card with every Membership purchased by enter the code XMAS10 at checkout to redeem. Link to Purchase: Do not miss out!
18.01.2022 Entertainment Book Offer Lets support local community and businesses! 20% of EVERY Membership goes directly to cause supports local community and businesses. BONUS OFFER Extra 2 months on annual membership when purchase in April... Buy today and have up to 6 months to active membership Hundreds of businesses that are increasingly offering takeaway and delivery for food, shopping and essential services nationally and in local areas.
18.01.2022 2 weeks to go! 1st November 2019 2019 DEPS Disco Remember to pre-purchase tickets via Munch Monitor or Pay cash to school office Appreciate all volunteers and we still need more, please register your interests on:... See more
18.01.2022 This Friday 01/11/2019 - Disco Night Halloween Lets Rock!
16.01.2022 Last day to enter the deal! Entertainment Book Early Bird BONUS offers are here! Launching Saturday 8th February 2020. Hurry offers end 29th February! For the first time ever, your supporters can choose from 3 NEW digital Memberships. The new Entertainment Memberships start anytime and are valid for 12 months from activation. Packed with thousands of substantial savings to delight and inspire your supporters, an Entertainment Membership is their pass to exclusive offers and quality experiences, activities and benefits. Early Bird BONUS offers include: Spend & Save with THE ICONIC, endota and rebel Up to 4 months extra membership when you buy in February A $20 WISH eGift Card when Multi City & Multi Plus Memberships are purchased.
15.01.2022 We are waiting to be collected 4 Awards + Vouchers In recognition of the best costume on Disco Night this Friday Who will be the winners?
14.01.2022 P&C received a message from a parent about her experience today, thanks for her raise this issue. We need to remind parents/carers pay extra attention when driving pass school zone, children safety is our first priority! Everyone shocked about the weekend tragedy of 4 kids been killed and 3 more hospitalised by a 4WD, please be cautions when you drive!
13.01.2022 Come along to our 2019 music information night DateTuesday 26th November Time6-8pm Place: school hall Open to ALL students in K-6.... P & C also offering 200 serves of sausage sizzle on the day 6-7 pm till all gone. Please come earlier without miss out yummy food. Information about the event and program runner: The Music Partnership Please see attached a flyer about the event Here is a link to RSVP. Please RSVP so we know to expect you. Here is a link to our Denistone East Music Program booklet. This gives you many details about the music program we offer at Denistone East We look forward to meeting you on Tuesday 26th November. The Music Partnership
12.01.2022 Reminder: Monday 16 December is Presentation Day Assembly Dear Parents and Carers, Please ensure your child/children wear full summer uniform.
11.01.2022 Tomorrow will be our first school day in 2020. Please see below updates from our Principal. Especially important information relating to the concern of Coronavirus. Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back to 2020 school year. I hope you have enjoyed a safe, restful and fun break. School returns tomorrow for students year 1 to 6.... Students will be allocated their 2020 class during the course of the day. Students in years one and two will be all based on the Lovell Road side of the school. They will be able to be collected at 3.25 from the COLA area near the canteen. Students in Years 3-6 will be able to be collected from the COLA on the Henderson Rd side, adjacent to DEBASCA. Most 3-6 classes are located on this side of the school. A school map and class list will be uploaded later today and also detailed in a newsletter. The bushfires during the summer break have caused much sadness and many families have been directly and indirectly impacted. Please let me know if you require any assistance. Our counselling team have been briefed to work with children and assist with any questions and concerns raised. The outbreak of Novel coronavirus overseas has also elevated concerns about the wellbeing of our students and their families. Please be advised that students who have been contact with someone with the virus or being investigated for the virus are requested to stay at home for 14 days. All other students are encouraged to attend school. The school will be referring to NSW Health website for updates. The school will continue to maintain existing procedures in relation to student health and wellbeing. Children who become unwell at school will be sent home. I seek your cooperation in keeping unwell children home and ask you seek medical advice if their symptoms suggest a serious illness. I have include the fact sheet from NSW Health and information provided by the Department of Education.
11.01.2022 Disco Night Friday, 1 November 2019 Kindy & Stage 1 4:00 5:00pm Stage 2 & 3 5:15 6:45pm Dress up theme - Halloween ... Ticket Prices and Payment Methods: $6.50/ per child on Munch Monitor or $7.00/ per child for cash payment Volunteers Needed! This year we are introducing an online sign up sheet. You can enter your name in the time slot(s) you wish to help out. Please check it out at Or Please email us with your name and contact number at [email protected] under the heading Disco Volunteer See more
10.01.2022 Pie drive thanks to everyone’s support! Hope we all enjoy those pies and cakes freshly baked today! I had mine and absolutely love it, how about you?
08.01.2022 Family Portrait Weekend (Professional photographer with extensive experience and has Working with Children Check and CovidSafe plans) DATE 14th & 15 th November 2020 LOCATION Round room, adjacent to Brabyn Road gate at Denistone East Public School... CONDITIONS * Parent/guardian to view own portraits on 2nd & 3rd December or postage & handling applies * No refund for failure to keep appointment * Limited to ONE voucher PER person/family you and any family member can only appear ONCE in the $20 portrait fundraiser Please book online at OR QR Code on flyer
06.01.2022 Amazing food prepared by our SUPER Canteen Manager!
06.01.2022 DENISTONE EAST PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNUAL GROUND CLEAN UP DAY Friday, 28th Feb 2020 3pm See you there!
05.01.2022 Music Information Night tonight! Take this opposition let kids experience different instruments and show their interests.
04.01.2022 Entertainment Book Offer! Hope everyone stay well. For a limited time only, buy an Entertainment Membership before 11:59pm 13 of August 2020, you will receive a bonus $10 or $20 Priceline eGift Card!
04.01.2022 Hair with Heart day is today. Kids can wear red mufti and bring a gold coin donation. Students will be able to purchase a ice-cream spider at recess.
03.01.2022 Entertainment Book offer is perfect for School holidays Buy an Entertainment Membership before July 13 will receive: extra 2 months BONUS Membership (14 months total) 3 months to activate ... a $10 or $20 WISH eGift Card! Simply click link below: Wish everyone stay well and enjoy holiday!
03.01.2022 Denistone East Public School P & C
03.01.2022 Teachers and Staff Appreciation Lunch 2019 Fabulous food and decoration done by our parents who volunteered assisting table setups and food preparation. Appreciate our school executives, teachers and staffs hard work, together our school has a successful 2019 in many ways. Thanks to our parents who contributed money, time and food to support us.... Please see our Principles message to all parents: Thank you for the amazing lunch yesterday. It was a true feast. It was greatly appreciated at this very busy time of the year. The staff were overwhelmed at the generosity that was shown. The food, the decorations, and kind words and thoughts shared, humbled us all. See more
02.01.2022 Lets Vote Denistone East Public School for Wakakirri Peoples Choice Awards 2019. 1. Share your favourite Wakakirri Story Dances via Facebook by selecting your school in the dropdown below. Pick a School: Denistone East Public School 2. Then click the Facebook share button to place your vote. The story with the MOST Facebook shares will win! ... Share on Facebook to Vote Voting closes 2pm 25th Sept Share your favourite Wakakirri Story Dances via Facebook by selecting your school in the dropdown below. Please be aware the shares tally takes up to 24 hours to update. See more
02.01.2022 Pie drive thanks to everyones support! Hope we all enjoy those pies and cakes freshly baked today! I had mine and absolutely love it, how about you?
02.01.2022 We are having a very different Easter this year under Coronavirus Lockdown. We would like to express appreciation and salute care workers to battle difficult conditions on the frontline to halt COVID-19 spread. Stay at home protecting ourselves contact virus and also ease pressure to frontline workers in fight to flatten the curve. Here are some ideas found online for kids Easter activity, kids need fun! We can organise Easter eggs hunt in our house or backyard Hope everyone stay well and Happy Easter See more
02.01.2022 Check out our schools music program provider! Encourage your children to be part of school band as well as on-site music lessons.
02.01.2022 Dear all DEPS parents, For the safety of our kids, P & C traffic committee arranged an online petition: Oppose the removal of parking restrictions on Henderson Street. Please join us to sign, the safety of school children is our priority! Here’s the background of this petition: City of Ryde Council has undertaken consultation with the residents on Henderson Street regarding the proposal to make the current temporary ‘No Parking 8-9.30am 2.30-4 pm School Days’ permanent. Unfortunately as confirmed by Road Safety Officer from Council, the feedback has indicated a majority of the residents oppose this permanent change and have requested that the unrestricted parking be reinstated as it was advised the temporary conditions would run until the end of August 2020. Council will therefore be reverting the ‘No Parking 8-9.30am 2.30-4 pm School Days’ along the Henderson Street school frontage to unrestricted parking before the beginning of Term 4 on 12 October 2020.
02.01.2022 Students return to school full time Welcome back!
01.01.2022 HoHoHo Santa is coming! Link of Purchase:
01.01.2022 Exciting news! Pie drive at DEPS! Come order some pies to save you from cooking and have a cuppa instead. Order now so you dont miss out! Last day of order Thursday 18th June Find out how to order via skoolbag or student handouts.
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