Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic in Deniliquin, New South Wales | Pet service
Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic
Locality: Deniliquin, New South Wales
Phone: +61 3 5881 5488
Address: 389 Poictiers St 2710 Deniliquin, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1382
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25.01.2022 Cool as a Cucumber Here is one of our cute patients Akay, coming in for an ultrasound. She is now reading her results.
25.01.2022 Underweight heifers are at a higher risk of reduced production, fertility and longevity. So how do determine what weight your heifers should be?
25.01.2022 Noticed your pet itching their skin soon after their walk? Giving your dog regular baths during spring will keep their fur and skin clear of any irritants. If the itch still persists - call your Fur Life Vet and book an appointment!
25.01.2022 On the 8th Day of Christmas the VET reminded me- SOCIAL DISTANCING IS STILL A NECESSITY
24.01.2022 Daily management of working bulls will reduce health issues and improve their reproductive performance. That's a win-win. Check out the handy ProDairy Factsheet on Bull Health available FREE to download now.
24.01.2022 On the 11th day of Christmas the Vet reminded me to give $1 to charity The Fur Life Foundation is a registered charity that is dedicated to supporting rural communities and their animals. Fur Life Foundation helps to enrich the lives of people and animals in need through partnerships with local and national charities.... Did you know that Deni Vets treat all injured wild life. The Furlife foundation has just donated $1000 to the Dutch Thunder Wildlife Rescue Centre You can donate today to this great cause via this link below, or pop into us at the clinic and donate via our donation bin.
24.01.2022 Dog itching? Environmental allergies are more common in certain breeds of dog. Is yours on the list? Talk to your Fur Life Vet about a skin health check today.
23.01.2022 Did you know that that anywhere between 10% and 40% of dogs suffer from allergies with environmental allergies one of the biggest problems? If your dog has allergy symptoms, contact your Fur Life Vet for an appointment to get to the bottom of that itch!
23.01.2022 Internal parasites might be out of sight but they should not be out of mind! It's pretty easy to keep your pet parasite free. Ask us about the best products for your pet. Best Mates members don't forget you qualify for 15% off wormers and flea and tick products too!
22.01.2022 Warning Snakes are now active! Did you know that when snakes first come out of hibernation their venom toxicity is at it’s highest and they are usually far more aggressive!
22.01.2022 Heading out for a walk with your dog? Be sure to avoid areas with high pollen plants. Pollen levels tend to be very high early in the morning and on warm days. Plan out your daily walks ahead of time, so you and your dog stay sniffle free this spring!
21.01.2022 With spring time ending and summer on its way enjoying the outside world is high on our list of things to do. We want to hear all about your favourite place to go with your pet. This is Pepita enjoying a nice cool spring morning walk through the Creek - Share below, we'd love to see your furry outdoorsy adventures!
21.01.2022 What the Drench? Trying to work out the best drench for your herd? Take a look at our Fact Sheet on the three classes of drenches (anthelmintics) as a starter.
20.01.2022 Fur Life Vet & NexGard Spring Deal! Fur Life Vet clinics have joined with NexGard to bring you a deal too good to miss! Drop into any of our Fur Life Vet Clinics* to protect your pet and pick up your bonus pack for free! Last chance to take advantage of this great deal - offer ends 30 November 2020!
20.01.2022 The right kind of diet can make a difference for pets that suffer from allergies and right now at Fur Life Vet we have a super saving on Hill’s Derm Defence.
19.01.2022 Give the gift that keeps on giving all year long this Christmas!
19.01.2022 On the 9th Day of Christmas the VET reminded me- THE FAMILY BONDS LAST AN ETERNITY
19.01.2022 Itchy dog? There are many reasons why dogs and cats itch and a brand range of symptoms that point to poor skin health. Spring can bring out the itchy-scratchies with pollens and grasses a trigger and then there is food and fleas and yeast infections and bacteria ... Get all the info on your pet's skin health on our Vet Advice blog and if you notice any symptoms hit the Book Now button right here on Facebook to Get Vet Checked at Fur Life Vet.
19.01.2022 Find out how this happy pooch took advantage of a Best Mates Membership with on the spot savings and can now look forward to 12 months of FREE Unlimited Consultations. T&C's apply.
18.01.2022 Is your pet constantly itching, licking, biting, or rubbing? The sooner we settle the itch, the less likely your pet is to cause trauma to their skin and secondary infections. Book an appointment with your Fur Life Vet today!
18.01.2022 **REMINDER** Pink Eye season is on the way! Now is the time to Vaccinate with Piliguard. Click the link below to read more and download the FREE ProDairy Pink Eye Fact Sheet.
18.01.2022 Did you miss out on our Dental Day scheduled for next week? Don't worry we have more days planned where you can take advantage of a great deal on an Equine dental performed by one of our super talented vets! Stay tuned!
18.01.2022 We' re hiring! Job Vacancy: Permanent Part-Time Receptionist Amazing opportunity - Get in touch with us! Hurry - Applications close Monday 14 September
18.01.2022 The time to vaccinate against Pink Eye is now. Visit to learn more & download a FREE Pink Eye Fact Sheet. ProDairy Members don't forget to talk to your vet about our Pink Eye ProDairy Member Exclusive!
17.01.2022 Days of Christmas here at the Deniliquin Vet Clinic On the 1st Day of Chrirstmas the VET reminded me- GRASS SEEDS CAN EFFECT YOUR FUR FAMILY ... Grass seeds can penetrate you pets in several areas of their body such as their ears, paws, eyes and armpits. They can lodge themselves causing swelling,limping,squinting,head shaking and pain. Keep an eye out on your fur family over this Christmas Period!
17.01.2022 Hey Best Mates Members ... don't forget your FREE Skin Health Check. Get on top of the itchy-scratchies this Spring before they drive you and your pet to distraction! Not a Best Mates Member? Jump across to to find out what you are your pet are missing out on!
17.01.2022 On the 7th Day of Christmasthe VET reminded me- SOME FOODS ARE A NO NO FOR YOUR FUR FAMILY
16.01.2022 We all know our dogos can be bugged but did you now how easy it is to protect them from these sneaky creepy-crawlies? A simple tasty chew once a month can keep your dog protected. This Spring we have a super offer you just can't miss. BEST MATES Members don't forget you qualify for 15% OFF Parasite control products plus the super special spring offer!
15.01.2022 Have a special family member that would love a Best Mates Membership this Christmas? Free consults and vaccinations and more! Now that is a perfect Christmas gift to keep them unwrapping all year long!
15.01.2022 Cooler cows for the hotter profits. Climate change is leading to warmer Australian summers with an increased number of hot days and warmer nights. This increases the risk of heat stress leading to adverse effects on herd health and farm profitability. Read the full article on keeping your cows cool and profitable this summer.
14.01.2022 We all love seeing our dogs run and play in the yard, or even running off leash in grassy areas. But all the fun can end up in discomfort if they end up with a grass seed wound. Check out our latest post, which includes what to watch out for, signs of grass seed wounds and more!
11.01.2022 Quick Tips for looking after your pet's skin.
10.01.2022 SPRING WARNING! - SNAKES! - GRASS SEEDS!... Spring has now sprung and we are loving this warmer weather coming our way. However, this warmer weather is posing some dangers! We have had a few snake sightings so please be careful! Snakes are active early so keep an eye out for your pets! Grass Seeds are now out in full force, grass seeds can burrow into your pets skin and ears. Please keep an eye out on your pets for signs of grass seeds. Be sure to contact the clinic on (03) 5881 5488 if you have any concerns.
09.01.2022 Gracie's owners thought she had a split personality loving cuddles one moment then turning aggressive without warning the next. Dr Ash diagnosed Gracie with Impulse-control Aggression. Read how Gracie has turned the corner to a happier, calmer life.
09.01.2022 Did you know? Quick skin facts from Fur Life Vet and Hills Pet Nutrition ... plus an offer to good to miss!
09.01.2022 On the 10th Day of Christmas The Vet reminded me, Parvovirus can be fatal if contracted by your fur family! GET YOUR PETS VACCINATED TODAY! ... Often known as ‘Parvo’, is a highly contagious disease that affects puppies that are still too young to be vaccinated, puppies within their vaccination course and unvaccinated adult dogs. The virus attacks the lining of the small intestine, leading to severe vomiting and diarrhoea, often with blood. This can cause severe dehydration, shock and death, especially in small dogs and puppies. Parvovirus is highly contagious and can survive for long periods in the environment. The virus is shed in the faeces and vomit of infected animals, and can very easily come into contact with your pet. Prevention is easy all you to do it keep your pet up to date with vaccinations! Contact us at the clinic today to book in your furry friend for their vaccinations on (03) 5881 2888.
09.01.2022 Bugged? Yep your pet could be bugged? What? But you can protect your pet from these insidious little creatures. Check out our guide to what's bugging your pet on our Fur Life Vet website. Shhhhh some one might be listening!
08.01.2022 Proud moment for Apiam’s Fur Life Foundation presenting a donation of $120,000 to Rural Aid from our Bushfire Appeal in 2020 supported by our Clinic together with all Apiam Fur Life Vet Clinics and businesses across Australia.
08.01.2022 It's Spring and that means Itchy Skin Season! Best Mates members take advantage of your FREE Skin Health Check now before Spring gets in to full bloom. Not a Best Mates Member? Ask us about Best Mates benefits today.
08.01.2022 Summer is here, and so are thunderstorms. Do your pets start trembling the moment they hear the low rumbling of thunder in the distance? We’ve listed some simple steps to manage their fears so they feel a little calmer through all the noise and bright flashes. Notice they are still anxious or distressed? Talk to your Fur Life Vet about the range of treatment options that might help your furry friend handle the rumble a little better this summer.
07.01.2022 Deniliquin Veterinary Clinic is getting a new look for summer. The new colours reflect that we are part of a larger rural mixed practice veterinary business Apiam Animal Health. There will be no change to the passion, care and expertise our staff offer across our large and small animal clients. We are focused on meeting the needs of our clients and shaping the future of the industry to deliver best in class animal welfare and veterinary care for our clients pets and produc...tion animals. We would love you to drop by to see the changes, due for completion soon!
07.01.2022 Best Mates Member Exclusive: FREE Skin Health Check valid until 30 November 2020. Not a Best Mates Member? Visit to find out more!
07.01.2022 Pet's playing up now that you are heading back to work? Read how the gorgeous Raffy overcame Separation Anxiety with the help of Fur Life Vet, Dr Ash Hargreaves.
07.01.2022 So your house is all dressed up for Christmas, favourite treats are on-hand, presents wrapped and under the tree. Time to take a good look to make sure your nosey pet doesn't get up to mischief that might end up less than festive!
05.01.2022 There is nothing that shouts Spring more than gardens brimming with Tulips and Daffodils right? But did you know these beautiful flowering plants are extremely toxic to our pets? Watch our little video for common plants that are dangerous for pets and a list of symptoms to watch out for. If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic plant please talk to your Fur Life Vet immediately.
04.01.2022 On the 12th of Christmas the vet reminded me To enjoy Christmas with your fur family! From all of us at the Deni Vets, we wish you and your family a very safe and Merry Christmas!
04.01.2022 Fleas, ticks, mites ... what do they have in common? They are all disgusting creepy-crawlies that drive your furry friends to distraction (and with ticks they can be fatal). And a constantly scratching pet is both annoying and distressing to watch. But those nasties also have another important thing in common ... they can be stopped dead in their tracks with regular parasite control. Talk to your Fur Life Vet about the best parasite protection for your furry friend and put an end to the creepy-crawlies today!
04.01.2022 HEATWAVE With temperatures set to soar over the next coming days it is important that you keep your pets cool! Here is a few tips to keep your pets safe in the heat ... Making sure you have plenty of fresh water for your furry friends Shade for them to lie and cool down Taking them for a dip, there is plenty of great swimming spots around town for our furry friends. Never leave our pets in HOT cars or the back of the ute in the hot summer sun! If the pavement is too hot to touch it it too hot for our furry friends paws! Try taking them for a walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon. If your pet is showing signs of heat distress please call us at the clinic on (03) 5881 5488 (photo credit- small dog place)
03.01.2022 Spring season is allergy season for pets so keep an eye out for skin irritations and inflammation, excessive scratching and respiratory issues. Ask your Fur Life Vet about Hill's Prescription Diet Derm Defense. It just might help you pet shake the itch this Spring. Hurry offer ends 30 November 2020!
03.01.2022 Pet got the itchy-scratchies? Fur Life Vet's super deal on Hill's Derm Defence means its a great time to trial a change in diet. It just might help your pet shake the itch this Spring.
02.01.2022 Miss this the first time? No problems ... The closing date has been extended until Monday 21 September so you still have time to apply Super!
01.01.2022 Protect your pet from ticks and Heartworm this season. With the weather kicking in full heat, it is the perfect environment for these parasites to set camp in your pet. Check out our latest post which includes tick and heartworm prevention, common ticks found near you and more!
01.01.2022 Bringing your furry friend on your summer vacation? Whether it's a weekend getaway or day trip adventure, it can be a lot of fun if you have prepared and planned before hitting the road. Here are some helpful tips to give you and your furry pal a smooth ride this summer!
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