Dental on Louise in Atherton, Queensland, Australia | Teeth whitening service
Dental on Louise
Locality: Atherton, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 4091 7701
Address: 29 Louise Street 4883 Atherton, QLD, Australia
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21.01.2022 The warning signs are screaming out at us, the consequences staring us in the face. Our next generations skeletal system is turning to dust in front of us. Soun...d alarmist? Over 50% of children will have rotten teeth, up to 80% develop crooked teeth, and later in life low bone mass is reported in about half the elderly population. Vitamin D deficiency is a global epidemic. Its startingly simple when we look at it with the right perspective. These are the skulls of recent from the 1930s compared to previous generations by Dr. Weston Price. He wrote the warnings nearly a century ago, and we have continued to play out his predictions. We are watching our bones disintegrate in front of our eyes. I remember the first time I saw this in the dental practice. Well not the first time I saw it, but the first time I had REALISED I was witnessing it. When our children develop decayed teeth, and small cramped jaws. Ancestral people ate diets rich in fat soluble vitamins. These have been stripped out of our modern diet. The true mechanisms of fat-soluble vitamins took a long time for the collective scientific community to work out what they did. Besides absorbing and distributing calcium, directly, these nutrients act as hormones. They signal the skeletal system to grow and build, dense, wide, strong bone. Without these nutrients our body is devoid of the raw materials and cell messaging to maintain a strong skeletal and immune system. We are reaching a turning point where we either wake up from the mistakes of our past generations, and heal our children, or proceed past the point of no return. Our parents, healthcare professionals, and policy makers need to begin to understand and work together to solve this problem. What are the first steps you think we need to take?
21.01.2022 During the first 6 months of life, a newborn receives its nutrients from breast milk or a liquid diet. These moments are designed by nature to fortify oral and ...digestive health, create a stable immune system, metabolism, and large healthy brain. Rooting happens when a mother’s breast touches the baby’s mouth or cheek, they will turn their head and open their mouth in the direction of the touch. The Rooting Reflex normally disappears around 4 months of age for most healthy babies. The suck reflex is when you put a finger or nipple in your baby’s mouth, they’ll suck on it. These two different primitive reflexes combine to help your baby feed from breast or bottle. Babies born very prematurely at less then 28 weeks gestation may not have a rooting or sucking reflex and will need to learn it outside of the uterus. This is part of the reason why extremely premature babies have difficulty feeding from a breast or bottle. To latch onto the breast, the baby uses their lips and tongue. A newborn must push their tongue out to create a seal between its lips and the mother’s breast. The upper and lower lips should flange up and over the breast. This helps to create a seal. Once latched to the nipple, a complex movement of the tongue begins to extract milk from the breast. The nipple is pressed against the palate or roof of the mouth. These forces expand the upper jaw, developing the upper jaw or maxilla. The tongue performs a rolling action, from front to back. The upwards and backward motion squeezes the nipple against the palate and extracts milk. The front of the tongue performs front to back squeezing of the nipple. The back of the tongue creates suction. After 4-5 rolling actions of the tongue, enough milk builds up in the newborn’s mouth. The swallowing response pushes the back of the tongue to the roof of the mouth and pushes the milk down the throat. Today some children struggle to breastfeed, if you had trouble, it’s OK, it’s just important to know so potential issues can be accommodated for later. Children who don’t breastfeed may be more prone to mouth breathing. How was your breastfeeding experience with your child?
15.01.2022 Breastmilk is teeming with bacteria. During the first weeks to months of a child’s life a mother is delivering precious microbial messages that will direct the ... Today we are learning how incredibly powerful nature is in developing strong, immune, resilient children. The role of breastfeeding to develop the jaw and straight teeth is one aspect of how important it is. Primarily teaches a child nasal breathing. Kids who struggle to breathe through their nose often have small, underdeveloped jaws. They present with long faces, crooked teeth, and poor breathing. Secondly if proper tongue posture and feeding habits are established, the tongue creates a seal to push the nipple to the roof of the child’s mouth. This helps to develop the child’s palate, and is designed by nature to set correct growth trajectory of the jaws and upper airways. (As an aside I do see many kids who breastfeed today without proper connection between the tongue and the palate). However for the immune system the breastmilk microbiome is transferred via specialized immune cells from the mothers gut. Evidence now shows that human breastmilk can have a life long impact on a child’s health. Oral flora delivered during breastfeeding may protect a child from allergies and asthma. They also strengthen their immune system. Breastfeeding may protect against respiratory infections autoimmunity, and inflammatory bowel disease. Later in life, it may also protect against heart disease, obesity, and type-II diabetes. These conditions are now understood to be largely influenced by gut microbiota. The reason is that a newborn immune system is naïve to the outside world and depends on maternal ‘gifting’ of immune agents and probiotic bacteria. One huge factor I think we’re missing today is the maternal gut microbiome. Prenatal maternal health as well as proper pregnancy diets are incredibly powerful for shaping these microbial messages to our next generation. Which is why I’m so passionate about getting this information out, so that we can help frame this information for all the new parents out there. Many parents are struggling with breastfeeding today, how was your experience with breastfeeding? Ref:
13.01.2022 Here's our schedule this month:
12.01.2022 In the brain excess sugar impairs both our cognitive skills and our self-control. For many people, having a little sugar stimulates a craving for more. Sugar... has drug-like effects in the reward center of the brain. Scientists have proposed that sweet foodsalong with salty and fatty foodscan produce addiction-like effects in the human brain, driving the loss of self-control, overeating, and subsequent weight gain. These high reward responses are perhaps due to the very obscure availability of sugar in nature. Fruits were much smaller and less sweet only available in season, while honey was likely a delicacy. The reward response is related to rise in neurohormones that affect the brain. In humans foods that cause a higher elevation in blood glucose produce a greater addictive drive in the brain. Studies on brain activity have provided evidence supporting the idea that overeating alters our brain’s reward system, which then further drives overeating. This same process is thought to underlie the tolerance associated with addiction. Animal studies show that sweet foods can be more addictive than cocaine. Intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. Sweet foods can be more addictive than cocaine. Though the research was performed on animals, investigators found that intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. Rising sugar can affect actual brain function including memory formation. Even a single instance of elevated glucose in the bloodstream can be harmful to the brain, resulting in slowed cognitive function and deficits in memory and attention. Some research suggests high sugar consumption causes inflammation in the brain, leading to memory difficulties. In 2016 inflammatory markers were present in the hippocampus of rats fed a high sugar diet and another study showed that memory damage caused by sugar consumption can be reversed by following a low-sugar, low-GI diet. Other measures show higher sugar consumption affects gut-based production brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Do you see the addictiveness of sugar?
11.01.2022 For a strong immune system the body needs vitamin A. It’s also a pillar bone growth and development, reproduction, and normal vision. Vitamin A is a molecule ca...lled retinol, although it can be converted through oxidation into retinal and retinoic acid, which are also biologically active. These retinoids are involved in many developmental and physiological processes, such as bone growth and development, reproduction, normal vision and the immune response against infections. The role in childhood immunity is known through death from measles, respiratory or intestinal infections, occurring commonly in areas of widespread vitamin A deficiency. There are different times when vitamin A is used in the body. A time when retinol is in great demand is during an infection. Large amounts of retinol are required in the lymphatic tissueswhich contain the white blood cells that defend the body against microbesin order to mount an efficient immune response. Levels of serum retinol binding protein are strongly reduced during an infection. Serum amyloid A (SAA) proteins are produced in response to infection. The reason is now understood to be due to the high demand for vitamin A. SAA proteins are potent retinol binding proteins that transport retinol to help the body battle microbial infections SAA proteins are found in blood plasma, and are produced mainly by the liver and intestine. These pathways show how retinol is transported during a microbial challenge to meet the increased demand for signalling in lymphoid tissues during an immune response. Chronic infections and autoimmunity can result in long fibres of SAA are deposited in the liver, kidney, intestine and nervous system. Such amyloid deposition causes serious damage to these organs, which exacerbates the original disease The reason could be due to lack of vitamin A. During infection the release of SAA proteins is designed to collect retinol from the liver. If there isn’t sufficient vitamin A, then the build-up of these unbound proteins can result in damage. It also results in increased risk of infection. Vitamin A also has profound effects on the gut mucosal immune system.
07.01.2022 How did we normalize choking in our sleep? Today nearly 1 billion people suffer from choking-like events in their sleep. It’s a jaw-dropping problem. And it beg...ins when our jaws don't develop from childhood, and our airways are smaller from the get go. In our society, we’ve characterized noisy breathing during sleep as normal, funny (when Dad does it), or cute when our kids do it. Snoring is the vibration heard in the airways when you are sleeping. As you sleep, your muscles relax, and that includes many of the muscles that support the face, neck, and mouth. That’s why, when you wake up in a pool of dribble, it’s that unconscious loss of control of the oral cavity. Airways vibrate when they collapse. And collapse happens when we lose volume. Actually noisy breathing when you sleep is the collapse of our airways. Snoring and sleep apnea is the severe end of a syndrome we classify as ‘sleep breathing’ disorders. The name isn’t particularly useful, because actually night-time breathing reflects day time breathing. If we don’t breathe efficiently through the day, we don’t breathe efficiently through the night. Noisy, vibrating airways at night happen in airways that aren’t supported by the structures that normally ‘hold’ their space. We need to learn to ‘hold space’ for our airways during sleep. That means the bony structures (palate, lower jaw, and nasal sinuses) and the soft tissues like the tongue, adenoids and tonsils as well as the neck muscles need to ‘stay open’. Practicing tongue posture is one way to help your airway at night. The tongue should rest to the roof of the mouth at any time you’re not eating or speaking. It helps to maintain the tension of the muscles that support it like a ‘sling’ in the lower jaw and throat. Other practices include deep diaphragmatic nasal breathing. These ‘mindful’ breathing practices hold the airway patterns that help us sleep deeply, allow the brain to clear itself of ‘junk’ that builds up through the day through the complete cycles of sleep Do you or a family member snore? Have you thought of strategies to overcome the issue?
07.01.2022 #dontignorethesnore #sdb #sleepdisorderedbreathing #snoredtodeath
05.01.2022 Christmas Hours The festive season is upon us! 2020 has certainly been a challenging year for all of us. Thank you to our wonderful patients for being so unde...rstanding and flexible during these tricky times. The sunbird team will be taking a short break from the 24th of December and will be back on deck on the 4th of January.
04.01.2022 Seeking an exceptional Dental Assistant Dental on Louise in Atherton QLD is based at 1/29 Louise Street Atherton, the practice is well established and continuing to grow. The candidate will possess strong clinical knowledge and skills to service the greater Atherton regions dental needs. The team at Dental on Louise pride ourselves on exceptional patient experiences and therefore the ideal candidate will require a high level of customer service or be willing to learn. We acti...vely strive to maintain a strong team environment within our practice. The position will be a casual position to work 2 days per week, with the possibility of increased hours over time. Please address application to the Practice Manager via email at [email protected] Application closes: Friday, 3rd July 2020
02.01.2022 Happy Birthday Peter!! We appreciate all your wisdom you bring to the team. Have a great day. Best wishes always, from the Dental on Louise family xoxo
01.01.2022 Charles Darwin was one of the first to note that his chief oral surgeon mentioned that modern wisdom teeth did not fit like they did in ancestral skulls. If you... or a family member had impacted wisdom teeth, sometimes it’s necessary to remove them to prevent infection. Jaw bones should grow in a three dimensional directions out, and backwards, after the first twelve adult teeth have cut. Between the ages of 12-16 is when an adolescent is developing the jaw space that wisdom teeth should fit in. If they don't then the jaw has not developed to house them. Today we surgically remove the teeth, which is sometimes necessary, but it leaves us with bigger questions. Why are wisdom teeth not fitting in our younger generations? If you look at the majority of the human skull record, wisdom teeth fit fine, and they grow into jawbones where there are sometimes extra space behind them. Today in the dental practice, dentists don’t see this bone development anymore. The sad reality is that it reflects generation wide malnutrition. In order to turn these trends around, which will take generations, our society needs to start valuing the nutrients that allow these jawbones to grow and develop. The food that a newborn eats, will dictate how their jaw develops in two decades as it develops into a young adult. Fat soluble vitamins are hormones, more than vitamins, and they guide the hormonal growth of bones and teeth. These signals make imprints onto growth genes, interact with sex hormones, like testosterone, and sequester mineral into skeletal structure. For children to adequately achieve this growth, their parents need to nourish the entire family with fat-soluble vitamins, which are solely found in their active form in well-sourced animal foods. Today our society has forgotten how to provide these DNA messengers to our children, and we need to turn the tides before its too late. Did you have impacted wisdom teeth? What did you think stopped wisdom teeth from fitting?
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