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Dermagen by Botanical Chemist | Health/beauty

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Dermagen by Botanical Chemist

Phone: +61 8 9757 2224


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25.01.2022 We love a good weekend special. For this weekend only we are offering FREE Express Postage to all orders over $90. PLUS when you buy 3 products we will send you a complimentary Manuka Oil Balm. Happy shopping everyone. We hope you all have a great weekend. ...

24.01.2022 We know how to help heal the skin from the outside, we also know the best way to promote healthy skin is fun healthy meals your kids will love. For dinner tonight we are having this fried rice packed full of goodness. We find a lot of our favourite recipes from Kidspot Kitchen. Healthy eating = Healthy Skin ...

24.01.2022 To have reached the 1000 mark is amazing. Thank you to each and every one of you! We look forward helping you love your skin for a very long time.

24.01.2022 The reports and stories coming through are exactly why could not wait to share our products with you all. If you are unsure which cream or balm would be suited to you best, have a look on our website #resultsspeakforthemselves #Dermagen #supportsmallbusiness #australianmadeskincare #madeinwa #naturalremedies #manukamums #beeswaxproducts #skincare

19.01.2022 love learning a few new things about Thyme Oil ( we use this in our Manuka oil Balm and Active Serum 8).. "Skin Conditions:... Thyme has been used traditionally for its benefits for oily skin, scars, acne, and slowing the effects of aging in skin. In 2010, Chinese researchers investigated several essential oils for their activity against the bacterium that causes acne, Propionibacterium acnes. Thyme oil was one of the oils that exhibited the best antibacterial activity against P. acnes it was completely eradicated after 5 minutes. Italian research reported in the journal Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis in 2015 found that thymol protected the skin from the effects of UVA and UVB rays on keratinocyte skin cells. Thymol inhibited the generation of reactive oxygen species in UVA and UVB-irradiated cells, associated with significant damage to cells. Thymol also inhibited DNA damage in the irradiated cells. " To visit our website, click here -->

17.01.2022 Love his happy face.. matches her gorgeous smile.. My baby girl has had eczema over most of her body which she would scratch raw , the cream has cleared it up over a matter of weeks back to clean baby skin . Lovely smooth cream!... Highly recommend this to anyone with skin problems. David. Sept 23, 2020.

17.01.2022 What a great idea to switch to cotton or bamboo clothing so sweat doesn’t irritate the skin..

16.01.2022 See you on the other side..

14.01.2022 Get your Manuka Oil Balm on us this weekend when you buy 3 of our products. Don’t forget if you spend over $90 use our Code FREE1 for $0 Express Postage!

14.01.2022 We have 4 days left before we draw the winner for this beautiful gift pack. This pack includes a ~ Manuka Oil Balm ~ Manuka Oil Cream ... ~ Natural Soap To be in the draw and not miss out, find our post that is pinned to the top of our page. Follow the prompts to like, tag and share.

13.01.2022 Whilst every day can be filled with a million things going on, sometimes we need to remember to stop and find that 1 good thing to keep us going.

11.01.2022 Are you showing symtoms of Topical steroid withdrawal? TSW also known as red burning skin and steroid dermatitis, is becoming more and more common. We are seeing this more in long-term users of topical steroids after they stop the use. Symptoms include redness of the skin, a burning sensation, and itchiness. This may then be followed by skin peeling.... Prevention of this happening can only come by patients and doctors being alert to the risk and avoiding prolonged frequent and prolonged use of moderate to high potency topical corticosteroids. The higher the potency, the longer the period of application (ie more than one year), and the more frequent the application (more than once daily), the more likely that topical corticosteroid withdrawal may occur. Our brand's mission is to raise awareness on Topical Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms and to continue to develop products that nourish and heal the skin barrier, as opposed to thinning it, ultimately reducing the reliance on topical steroids and helping to prevent the side-effects from the over-use of these products. We aim to change the way the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis are currently managed. For more information on this condition, please visit

11.01.2022 The long wait is over! We are now fully stocked and ready for shipping! Just in time for our spend $50 and receive 25% of everything deal.

10.01.2022 Plants produce phytochemicals which have anti-inflammation, anti-allergenic, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and supports the skin renewal process. This knowledge is what forms the basis of this 100% Nature-derived, 100% Steroid-free, Owned and Made in WA, skincare brand. We are committed to using Organic essential oils whenever possible that are sustainably harvested and the manufacturing of their products is done using renewable and recyclable materia...l in a TGA approved manufacturing facility in WA. #manukamums #australianmadeskincare #naturalremedies #naturalbeauty #madeinaustralia #margaretriver #essentialoils #madeinwa #Dermagen #skincaretips #supportsmallbusiness

10.01.2022 Ready to prevent wrinkles? Like other products with antioxidants, you should apply manuka oil in the morning to prevent daily damage. This is just 1 of the many reasons we love Manuka Oil. ...

10.01.2022 We would love to help you enjoy the little things in life. One of those little things is healthy and happy skin. When you spend over $90 with DermaGen, we will EXPRESS post your order on us. Use our code FREE1 at checkout and start enjoying healthy and happy skin fast.

09.01.2022 Are you showing signs of Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TWS) with out even knowing what that is? Topical steroid withdrawal, also known as red burning skin and steroid dermatitis, has been reported in long-term users of topical steroids after they stop the use. Symptoms include redness of the skin, a burning sensation, and itchiness. This may then be followed by skin peeling.... The duration of acute topical corticosteroid withdrawal is variable, it can take months to years to return to the skin's original condition. The duration of steroid use may influence the recovery factor time, with the patients who used steroids for the longest reporting the slowest recovery. Our Manuka Cream, Manuka Oil Balm or Propolis Balm have been formulated to help reduce the symptoms of TWS whilst allowing your skin to heal.

08.01.2022 People are slowly moving away from creams that contain topical steroids in them. Unfortunately the education on the side effect of topical steroids is not getting out fast enough. If you know of someone with skin conditions, tag them in this post and help educate them on the side effects that come with creams containing these ingrediants. It really could change their life by reading this blog. ... #sensitiveskincare # psoriasis #dryskin #naturalskincareproducts #australianskincare #skincarereview #plantbasedskincare #psoriasiswarrior #psoriasisawareness #eczema #eczemarelief#psoriasislife #psoriasisinspiration #psoriasisuk #psoriasistreatment #psoriasisfree #psoriasiscure #psoriasissupport #psoriasisspeaks #psoriasisscalp #psoriasishealing #psoriasisfighter #PsoriasisRemedies #psoriasisrelief #skinconditions #skincareblogger #skinproducts

08.01.2022 We have been waiting patiently for our Liquid Soap & Shampoo to arrive. The wait is just about over!! Our amazing and 100% natural Liquid Soap & Shampoo is set to arrive online by and in-store the end of this week!

08.01.2022 Spring has well and truly begun. For a lot of skin sufferers, this time of year can become very unpleasant. Some of the symptom's of spring allergies that can affect your skin are dryness, flakiness, hives and more. When an allergen enters your bodies system, your immune system kicks in and reacts. This prompts your bodies defense by releasing histamine which causes you to start sneezing, itchy eyes and in some cases, difficulty breathing. ... This same reaction can also happen inside your body and can affect your skin. Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and hives are likely to flare up right when your allergies do. This is because they are connected to your immune system. Their are some things you can do however to minimise the these conditions; Avoid Triggers - Try to stay inside on the windy days to avoid the pollen in the air Shower before bed - This can assist in washing away any allergens you may have on your skin and hair. Change your bedding frequently - Allergens can build up in your bedding, regular washing in hot water can eliminate this. Open windows carefully - having your window open allows air ventilation, however be aware of how windy it is outside and make sure you keep them closed on windy days. Keep your skin hydrated with our range of balms and creams - all of our products are 100% natural and made for sensitive skin. Wash your face - Be sure to use a gently cleanser that wont strip your skin of their natural oils. Protect your skin from the sun - The sun can aggravate skin allergies. Make sure you are wearing light weight clothing that can protect your skin from the suns rays. #allergies #Dermagen #springishere #medicine #allergy #naturalremedies #naturalbeauty #madeinwa #springallergies

07.01.2022 November is National Diabetes Month all around the world. We often get asked what is best for diabetic wounds & ulcers. Propolis has been used for many centuries by mankind to help with healing. Due to the diabetic condition, injuries to blood vessels in diabetic foot can be classified as chronic. We have found an interesting article/review to show the benefits of propolis in difficult to heal diabetic wounds. ...

06.01.2022 Have you received your order yet? Don't forget to take that before and after photo. If you send it through to us we will enter you into our draw to win $100 Mastercard on us! Just our way of saying thank you.

05.01.2022 We all know that eating healthy plays a huge part in how we feel and look. This video shows us which vegetables are the most important to have as a staple in our fridge.

04.01.2022 Now the whether is starting to warm up, protecting your skin could be more important. The sun emits three different types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB and UVC. While UVC rays are filtered by the ozone, 10% of UVB and 95% of UVA rays reach the earth’s surface. This is a great article we found explaining why you need to protect your skin and insure if you go outside, you have a high quality sun screen on. ...

04.01.2022 Do you spend all your time in the Sun? Are you wanting to try our Skin Radiance Lotion for FREE? We are looking for 10 people who spend a lot of time in the sun and show the effects that come from that. ... If this sounds like you, all you need to do is send us a photo of your skin and tell us why you think you need it the most. All contestants need to be prepared to send a review in, and a picture of them with the lotion.

04.01.2022 Have you or someone you know used Efudix Cream to treat actinic keratosis? Below is a customer that used Efudix Cream. This medication is used on the skin to treat pre-cancerous and cancerous skin growths. Fluorouracil belongs to a class of medications known as anti-metabolites. It works by blocking the growth of abnormal cells that cause the skin condition. ... We have seen some great results in customers using our Propolis Balm, Manuka Oil Balm or Active 8 Serum after their treatment. These all natural balms and serum will help soothe the redness, hydrate the skin, relieve the soreness and help the skin return to normal quicker. Our customer below had results 5 days after using the Propolis Balm and Active 8 Serum twice a day for 4 days. For more information go to

03.01.2022 What is a sun spot? Sunspots are spots on the skin that are darker than your natural skin tone. Sometimes they may be slightly raised from the skin looking like a little bump. Sunspots usually appear in areas regularly exposed to sunlight like the face, hands, shoulders, and arms. Here is a little fun fact - Originally, sunspots were thought to be tied to the health of the liver and liver disease, hence the term, liver spots. This turns out to be completely false as there is... no connection between sunspots and the liver. Despite their similar appearance, sunspots are also not the same as freckles. Sunspots on skin are kind of a part of life. They occur due to sunlight exposure and age, and neither of those things are easy to avoid. Skin changes as you age. Change can occur both in pigment and texture. Sunspots (also known as liver spots) are those little dark spots that can often be mistaken for freckles. This skin damage occurs by exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Sunspots usually appear in areas regularly exposed to sunlight like the face, hands, shoulders, and arms. Sunspots can appear on your scalp if you are bald. They tend to increase with age as the skin has a harder time repairing the damage from ultraviolet light. 11 minutes of sun exposure produces more damage than the skin can repair in 24 hours. Since most of the damage is caused by UV, you can damage your skin even through windows. We have developed a fast-absorbing lotion, formulated and packed with anti oxidants offering a mild, fresh scent of Manuka Oil and Vitamin B3 to improve the appearance of pigment spots and repair sun damaged skin. Please note - This does not get rid of darker pigmentation, but helps with moisturising and nourishing the skin after exposure to UV radiation. This does not replace sunscreen. Any unusual spots or moles are best checked out by a Skin Specialist or a Dr at a Skin Cancer Clinic. Grab yours today

03.01.2022 Vitamin B12 and Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) are an essential element for keeping your skin healthy and glowing. Niacinamide is said to lock in moisture and regulate sebum, banish pimples and fade dark spots. Vitamin B3 is generally found as niacinamide in animal-based products, such as meat and poultry, and as nicotinic acid in plant-based foods like nuts, seeds and green vegetables. It is so important to eat as many natural foods as you can. Doing this will have a great impac...t on your face and body, whilst keeping your skin more youthful for many years to come.

03.01.2022 Welcome Harvey Pharmacy as our newest stockist! Other stockists include Capel Pharmacy, West Busselton Pharmacy, Priceline Pharmacy in Margaret River, and The Berry Farm in Margaret River. Stocking the Propolis Balm, Manuka Oil Cream, Manuka Oil Balm and Active 8 Serum. 100% Nature-derived. ... 100 % Steroid-free. Made in WA. Safe for the whole family. Benefits skin with mild eczema, dermatitis, rashes, psoriasis, minor cuts and grazes, blisters, burns, insect bites, pimples, acne breakouts, stitches after surgery and inflamed, red and sore skin after treatment with Efudix Cream. Pop in and talk to their friendly team on which product suits you best..

03.01.2022 Let's start the week with a little motivation Our biggest motivator is to help thousands of skin sufferers around the world to heal, soothe, nourish and strengthen their skin. We would love to know what yours is

02.01.2022 Manuka has an amazing history that dates back to 1776. If you are curious to learn a little more about the history and how we came to discover the huge benefits of Manuka have a read of this.

02.01.2022 It's Wednesday "Testimonial Day" These are just a few of the reports coming through. We love hearing from everyone so a big THANK YOU! Keep them coming everyone. Bonus point for photo's ...

01.01.2022 In honour of those who are fighting the battle and going through the withdrawal process from topical steroids.. you’re not alone. You will get through this. You are braver than you think. And stronger than you know. Be patient and be kind, most of all to yourself..

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