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Desert Blue Connect in Geraldton, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Desert Blue Connect

Locality: Geraldton, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9964 2742

Address: 25 Chapman Rd 6530 Geraldton, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Today marks the first day of the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women in WA and this statistic is a stark reminder of why we need these 16 days...because violence against women is far too common...because one in five is too many...because all people, regardless of their gender, deserve to be safe. So today, and for the next 16 days, think about ways that you can say #ViolenceIsNEVERok, wear something orange to show your support, and start the conversation to #changethestory of violence against women. Department of Communities Community, Respect & Equality

24.01.2022 December 10th 2020, Recover better Stand up for human rights. Human Rights Day is acknowledged each year on this day, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, human rights day commemorates, educates and reflects what every person is entitled to as a human being. While many of us take for granted things such as an education, the right to receive medical care, the right to live safely and with access to healthy, nutritious food, there are still many people throughout the world that live in inequality with their human rights violated. By working together, today and every day, we can improve the future for our youth to grow in world that is more resilient, sustainable and equal for all. #humanrightsday #16DaysOfActivism #childrensrights

24.01.2022 Held annually, the Walk Against Violence event is in support of the women, men and children that have been impacted by family violence. This year the theme of the WAVe is "Our Community of strength and resilience". Moving guest speakers will talk from their experience working within this space and the resiliency shown within our community, followed with a peaceful walk through town, before returning to Stow Gardens for a free community sausage sizzle. We would love to see you all there to show your support. #familyviolence #stoptheviolence #WalkAgainstViolenceevent

23.01.2022 Tomorrow we will be going orange for the 16 Days to End Violence Against Women in WA! 16 Days is a statewide campaign to encourage our community to come together to end violence against women. Organisations, individuals and community groups are all uniting for this common cause and we want to you to go orange too. You could wear orange for a day, have a morning tea, or support other organisations who are working towards stopping violence against women. Everyone has a part to play so be as creative as you can. Read on for more information and resources:

23.01.2022 Do you have a budding young artist? Perhaps an imaginative story teller? They may be interested in entering the Meerilinga, Promoting Positive Childhoods Children's week book project. Children aged 0-12 are invited to fill in the blanks of stories and draw a picture, based on the UN convention of children's rights. Western Australian Children’s Author and Illustrator, Briony Stewart, will craft together the winners stories to be published in three children's books. Click the link for more information and to download the story pack.

22.01.2022 This week, November 8th15th we celebrate NAIDOC week. The theme of Naidoc week 2020 is Always Was, Always Will Be. If you would like to learn some of the history and achievements of our indigenous culture and support our community, all are welcome to attend the Geraldton Police station Naidoc celebrations on Tuesday Nov 10th from 9am to 12pm for their free community event.

20.01.2022 "Always Was, Always Will Be." Naidoc week 2020. Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Corporation will be hosting a Naidoc week event on Thursday Nov 12th 2020. For a day of fun and activities, everyone is invited to come along and celebrate this Naidoc week learning about the culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Lets all show our support for Naidoc 2020. #NAIDOCWeek2020 #NAIDOC2020

20.01.2022 What will you be doing to create change for the annual 16 days of activism in WA - stop violence against women campaign?

19.01.2022 If you work in a school environment and you are concerned about the safety and well being of young people in your care, you may be interested in attending the Free Inclusive Education WA professional development training facilitated by Inclusive Education WA, Funded by the Western Australian Department of Education. The Inclusive Education professional development supports school staff to understand individual needs of LGBTIQ+ students in schools. Three sessions are on offer for primary school staff, senior school staff and Community Service workers. Book your free tickets now.

19.01.2022 Don't forget to book in soon if you are interested in attending the nationally recognised DV-Alert Multicultural Domestic and Family violence response training at Tafe on Aug 20th and 21st. We highly recommend attending this workshop if you are looking for the knowledge to recognise and respond to clients experiencing family violence. To register or check your eligibility follow the link below.

18.01.2022 Tomorrow is the Perenjori Breast awareness golf day! have you got your bedazzled bra ready? Hope you can join us for this day of fun and fundraising to promote breast health and you might just win some win some great prizes!

18.01.2022 Remembrance Day,11th November 2020. At 11.00am, November 11th, we honor our fallen heroes. We pay respects to all of our service men and women that have lost their lives while fighting to protect our nation. We dedicate one minute silence in their honor. We shall remember them. #rememberanceday #lestweforget2020

18.01.2022 Do you have a child that is sick, disadvantaged or living with a disability and you need assistance with back to school costs, technology, medical equipment or home modifications? Variety WA grants have their next round of grants open for WA parents to assist in the contribution of necessary equipment. If you would like to apply for funding follow the link and submit your application by 11th January 2021.

17.01.2022 Today is the final day for submitting your feedback for the Conversations about sexual violence survey. If you are aged 18+ please let us know what you think could improve your safety and well being in Geraldton and the Midwest.This survey may be distressing for some people. If anything contained in the questionnaire causes you to become upset or distressed please do not hesitate to seek support. Desert Blue Connect staff can be contacted on 99642742 during business hours Mon-Fri or via our 24 hr Sexual Assault Crisis Line on 1800 016 789

17.01.2022 Our staff are looking forward to having a chat and being able to offer information on what services we can provide for Carnarvon tomorrow! If you are in Carnarvon, please stop by and say Hi

16.01.2022 We had a fantastic day at the Perenjori Breast Cancer Awareness Golf Day. Thank you to everyone for coming along to fundraiser for Breast Cancer Care WA and raise awareness of breast health in both women and men. Thank you to our sponsors for the day Geraldton Toyota and ACDelco and Bunnings Warehouse Australia, we greatly appreciate your continued support. #breasthealth #bedazzleyourbra Perenjori Sports Club Inc.

16.01.2022 "Putting Children First" During National Child Protection week, we are reminded that as parents and carers, we need to be aware of risks to our children and to start a conversation about their safety, feeling unsafe or uncomfortable and what they can do if they find themselves in a situation they may not be able to control. Does your child know the Body Safety program? By using age appropriate language, reinforcing the body safety program to your children at home can greatly ...impact their health and safety. Teach your children that unsafe and unwanted touching by anyone, including family, friends or strangers is NOT OK and they have the right to say NO! Why not have a look on the Desert Blue Connect website for some great resources to reinforce the body safety program with your child. #ncpw #ncpw2020 #PlayYourPart See more

13.01.2022 Don't forget our Tuesday morning exercise group is on tomorrow! Facilitated by Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Sam Bulten, the classes are open to women of all fitness levels and abilities and there will be no equipment required. If you have ever wanted to try a fitness class but have been too nervous, this is your chance. Why not give it a try!

10.01.2022 UPDATE: The primary school and community service workers sessions are full. There are about 5-10 spaces left in the secondary school session. There are a limited number of tickets remaining if you are interested in attending this Free Inclusive Education WA professional development training facilitated by Inclusive Education WA. The Inclusive Education professional development supports school staff to understand individual needs of LGBTIQ+ students in schools. Three sessions are on offer for primary school staff, senior school staff and Community Service workers. Book your free ticket today.

10.01.2022 We're hiring! Chrysalis House Women’s Refuge are looking for a casual support worker to join their team. Minimum qualifications are a Certificate IV in Community Services or higher and substantial experience in a relevant support work role. For more details or to apply email [email protected].

08.01.2022 R U OK? September 10th 2020 is national R U OK Day. Ask all of your friends and family if they are OK. Listen, encourage, check-in and be a friend, especially if you are concerned about someone that may not seem quite themself. You never know how someone is feeling or what they are going through. Simply asking someone if they are OK could mean so much more than you realise! If you are not OK, please reach out, there are people that you can talk to. You are never alone. #ruok #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

08.01.2022 Putting Children First Friday 11th September is White Balloon Day. The symbol of a white balloon is to raise public awareness of all forms of child abuse and neglect, to support and empower survivors to break their silence. Get involved in white balloon day and add your voice to those that are breaking the silence to protect our children. Show your support to the safety and protection of our children by wearing white or hang a white balloon at your house or workplace on white balloon day. #ncpw #ncpw2020 #PlayYourPart

07.01.2022 If you are looking for a day of fun, food and friends, then why not join us at Perenjori Golf Club for an afternoon of golf to help raise awareness of breast health. Come wearing your fanciest bedazzled bra and you could win some great prizes.

06.01.2022 It’s not about what someone wears or about how much a person has had to drink. If you haven't freely and willingly consented, it is sexual assault. Sexual assault can happen to anyone - regardless of age, gender, race or background. It can leave lasting impacts on one’s self, relationships and friendships. If you or someone you know has been affected by the trauma of recent, historic or ongoing sexual abuse, Desert Blue Connect can provide therapeutic counselling for men, women and children. Contact us today for an appointment on 99642742. #SAAM #IASK #whatconsentmeanstome #whyididntreport

05.01.2022 "Putting Children First" The constantly changing developments to technology opens the doors to increased social interactions and a rise in children expressing themselves in an easier, yet often unsafe way. Social media, online gaming and internet usage has significantly increased children’s risks of unsafe behaviours. Children are more up to date with online gaming, apps and new releases, often knowing about them long before parents or carers do, but they do not always fully ...understand the consequences of their online actions and interactions. In recent years, the occurrence of online grooming, predators, cyber bullying and sharing of images have surged. During National child protection week, stay one step ahead, educate and empower yourself by participating in the free e-safety webinar, that focuses on popular apps used by young people. *Spaces are limited See more

04.01.2022 If you would like your feedback included in the Desert Blue Connect Women's health and sexual violence strategy, today is your final opportunity to complete the survey. For the health, safety and well-being of women and girls in the Midwest community, and the chance to win an Indah Health and Beauty Spa voucher, we encourage you to have your say by following the link below.

03.01.2022 What a fantastic video of support for the walk against violence. Thankyou GWN7 News and everyone that joined us for our annual walk yesterday.

03.01.2022 Are you over 18? Would you be willing to help us improve our sexual violence prevention and response strategy while also getting the chance to win a $100 voucher from Corner Surf Shop? Conversations about Sexual Violence is a 10-15 minute survey and aims to better understand community perception, thoughts and feedback on which sexual violence prevention and response areas Desert Blue Connect needs to focus on in the next 3 years. Please be advised that this document contains ...scenarios and questions about sexual violence and assault. This may be distressing for some people. If anything contained in this questionnaire causes you to become upset or distressed please do not hesitate to seek support. Desert Blue Connect staff can be contacted on 99642742 during business hours Mon-Fri or via our 24 hr Sexual Assault Crisis Line on 1800 016 789 See more

02.01.2022 The annual Walk Against Violence event will be held on November 20th commencing at 9.00 am. If you have some time, we would love to see you all there to show support for ending family violence in our community.

02.01.2022 Thank you SO MUCH to the Animal Rescue Cooperative Western Australia for the amazing donations that will go to helping women, children, and now their fur babies as well, stay safe #thankyouARC. These supplies will help women who have left unsafe situations to be able to gather the necessary things to care for and stay with their pets, which as all animal lovers know, can mean the world to someone, especially when they are going through a hard time. So thanks again #Animal...RescueCooperative #youdidthis #WIRES #PetBarnFoundation @Petbarn #ARCG #AnimalRescueCraftGuild

02.01.2022 We are the elders of tomorrow, hear our voice. Today, August 4th. 2020 is SNAICC-National Voice for our Children National Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander Childrens Day. Celebrating the traditional cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Share the history, and recognise the importance the knowledge and influence today’s elders can pass to the elders of the future. As one nation we can work together to improve the future for the emerging leaders of our coun...tries rich and extraordinary culture. Celebrate this national day no matter how big or small. #childrensday2020 #eldersoftomorrow # stronginculture See more

01.01.2022 "Putting children first" - Prioritising the health, safety and well-being of children. September 6th 12th is National Child Protection week. Every person should be protecting our children 365 days a year, at home, at school and in the community. Unfortunately this does not always happen. Each year more than 30,000 Australian children are neglected or abused before their 18th birthday. National Child Protection week recognizes that abuse and neglect does occur and that as a... nation, it is our responsibility to protect our children’s futures and well-being. Visit for ideas on how you can be involved in National Child Protection week 2020. #ncpw #ncpw2020 #PlayYourPart See more

01.01.2022 We are absolutely thrilled with the generosity of our community, in a year where everyone has been impacted by events beyond our control. Even with these impacts, the donations that Chrysalis House have received have been amazing! Thank you all. Each year the WA Centre For Rural Health donate items to a charity of their choice to help people in need. This year they chose Chrysalis House Women's Refuge and donated a range of items including gifts, toiletries and linen contributed by all the WACRH staff. Thank you WA Centre for Rural Health, these donations are sure to bring some Christmas cheer to our clients.

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