Desert Shadow Organic in North Manly | Health/beauty
Desert Shadow Organic
Locality: North Manly
Phone: +61 424 341 421
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25.01.2022 SHMUD in real life! thank you for sharing your pictures we are super grateful for having such amazing people who happen to be our customers. sending lots of love to you all.... Charmaine xoxo __________________ Shmud en la vida real. Gracias por compartir sus imagenes. Estamos sper agradecidos por tener tanta gente increble junto a nosotros que resultan siendo nuestros clientes. Les mandamos todo el cario del mundo. Charmaine Xoxoxo See more
25.01.2022 Big love to all the nurturers
24.01.2022 How can we get a bathroom like this? then i can take more me time! . #bathroominspo #bluetiles #mosaic
24.01.2022 Gratitude Mother Gaia her day should be every day..... we should think of her in every breath and moment. The past months have given this planet a chance to breathe; lets keep that in our focus and remember to honour our planet moving forward. Why not make every day EARTH DAY? earth day 365 sounds pretty good.... _____________________________ Gratitud Madre Gaia Su da debera de ser todos los das..... Deberamos pensar en ella cada momento y en cada respiro. El mes pasado el planeta pudo tener un respiro; mantengamos eso en nuestro foco y recordemos honorar nuestro planeta de ahora en adelante. Por qu no hacemos el da de la tierra todos los das?? Da de a tierra 365 suena super bien !!! #earthday365 #everydayisearthday #gaia #mothereather See more
23.01.2022 Organic hair colours - Better for you - Better for the environment. (8.4) Strawberry Blonde Soft and playful, Strawberry Shadow will give warmth and glow to grey and light or blonde hair. Its glow of light warm golden red will radiate and redefine dull hair. This colour is ideal for people who have naturally fair hair. ... *this colour will not lighten the hair as it contains no bleach or peroxide. . Shop no. Link in BIO #organichaircolor #organichaircare #organichaircolour #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganic #wekeepnaturalreal #tintesorganicos #productosorganicos #haircolour #madeinaustralia #tintesnaturales #lawsonia #cassia See more
23.01.2022 Silicones in your shampoo & conditioner give your hair a shiny and smooth appearance, but there is a downside to using products with these ingredients. Silicones cause build up on your hair and scalp and with long term use can effect the health of your locks. . Mosts commonly found Silicones in hair products are dimethicone, trimethicone & dimethiconol. These 3 are not water soluble and will cause build up. .... We encourage you to become a label reader. Know the ingredients you dont want to use on your body and make sure you keep an eye out for those when choosing your products. Knowledge is power and if we all educate ourselves we will be powerful _____________________ Las siliconas en su champ y acondicionador le dan a su cabello una apariencia brillante y suave, pero hay un inconveniente en el uso de productos con estos ingredientes. Las siliconas causan acumulacin en su cabello y cuero cabelludo y con el uso a largo plazo puede afectar la salud de sus mechones. . Los musgos que se encuentran comnmente Las siliconas en los productos para el cabello son dimeticona, trimeticona y dimeticonol. Estos 3 no son solubles en agua y causarn acumulacin. . Lo alentamos a convertirse en un lector de etiquetas. Conoce los ingredientes que no quieres usar en tu cuerpo y asegrate de estar atento a aquellos a la hora de elegir tus productos. El conocimiento es poder y si todos nos educamos seremos poderosos . #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair See more
23.01.2022 WE - that is ALL of us! Yes, all of us can create, share and spread the love. It really is infectious. When we smile, a smile usually comes back. When we laugh we usually make others laugh with us. When we do good and lead by example people take notice and start to do the same.... . We are all in this world together so lets enjoy by spreading good things, positive things and conscious things. Lets be real Lets be real with each other, with the environment and the animals ______________________ NOSOTROS somos TODOS nosotros! S, todos podemos crear, compartir y difundir el amor. Realmente es infeccioso. Cuando sonremos, una sonrisa generalmente regresa. Cuando nos remos, generalmente hacemos rer a los dems con nosotros. Cuando hacemos el bien y predicamos con el ejemplo, la gente se da cuenta y comienza a hacer lo mismo. . Todos estamos en este mundo juntos, as que disfrutemos difundiendo cosas buenas, cosas positivas y cosas conscientes. Seamos realistas Seamos reales entre nosotros, con el medio ambiente y los animales . #loveyourplanet #greenplanet #carefortheenvironment #doyourbit #climateaction #take3forthesea #protectouroceans #saveouroceans #ecowarrior #ecolovers #greenliving #ecoliving #sustainableliving See more
19.01.2022 SHMUD This raw shampoo is suitable to cleanse all hair types. Packed full of scalp nourishing ingredients that work together to gently cleanse, purify & detox your hair from root to tip. Formulated for people who have sensitive skin and those who wish to live a low-tox & low impact life. Habitat SHMUD Cleanse & Purify will leave your hair clean & well fed the way nature intended. One jar is enough to reset your hair & give it a fresh start. This is not a conventional... product, please allow your self the time to see the benefits. Can be used in conjunction with SHMUD Cleanse & Nourish. See website for our hair detox programme. AVAILABLE NOW IN AUSTRALIA COMING TO THE USA ON 25th FEB . #hairtreatment #organichairtreatment #hairmask #repairthehair #organichaircare #splitends #dryhair #hairrepair #longhair #stronghair #growyourhair #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair See more
18.01.2022 Manifesting involves doing not just thinking. . To create the life we want we must take the steps to set it in motion. . Intention is powerful but must be met with action. ... Intention is like the seed we plant and the action is the watering which will help the seed to grow. . What actions will you take to manifest and create the life you want? __________________ Manifestar implica no solo pensar. . Para crear la vida que queremos, debemos seguir los pasos para ponerla en movimiento. . La intencin es poderosa pero debe cumplirse con accin. La intencin es como la semilla que plantamos y la accin es el riego que ayudar a que la semilla crezca. . Qu acciones tomars para manifestar y crear la vida que deseas? . #manifesting #intention #action #hairtreatment #organichairtreatment #hairmask #repairthehair #organichaircare #splitends #dryhair #hairrepair #longhair #stronghair #growyourhair #loveyourplanet #greenplanet #carefortheenvironment #doyourbit #climateaction #take3forthesea #protectouroceans #saveouroceans #ecowarrior #ecolovers #greenliving #ecoliving #sustainableliving See more
17.01.2022 Using SHMUD cleanse & purify will give your scalp a gentle detox & your hair a boost. This product contains ghassoul clay which will help to draw out any impurities & cleanse your hair at the same time. The seaweed extract will feed your scalp & leave your hair feeling silky. Moringa, amla & parsley will feed your scalp & the orange peel will help to exfoliate. . There are 3 ways you can incorporate this product into your hair life: #1 Gradual detox - use once a month as a t...reatment pack. Apply to your hair and leave for 30mins before rinsing. #2 In-between detox - use once a week. You can apply as a treatment pack or use it in place of shampoo once a week. #3 Jump in detox - use this product as a shampoo. It will cleanse and detox your hair at the same time. . Choose which method suits you and your lifestyle. Which ever way you use SHMUD cleanse & purify adding it to your hair routine will make a difference. ______ El uso de SHMUD clean & purify le dar a tu cuero cabelludo una desintoxicacin suave y a tu cabello un impulso. Este producto contiene arcilla ghassoul que ayudar a eliminar las impurezas y a limpiar el cabello al mismo tiempo. El extracto de algas alimentar tu cuero cabelludo y dejar tu cabello sedoso. Moringa, amla y perejil alimentarn tu cuero cabelludo y la cscara de naranja ayudar a exfoliar. . Hay 3 formas de incorporar este producto a la vida de tu cabello. # 1 Desintoxicacin gradual: sela una vez al mes como paquete de tratamiento. Aplicar sobre el cabello y dejar actuar 30 minutos antes de enjuagar. # 2 Desintoxicacin intermedia: use una vez por semana. Puede aplicarlo como paquete de tratamiento o usarlo en lugar de champ una vez por semana. # 3 Salta a la desintoxicacin: usa este producto como champ. Limpiar y desintoxicar tu cabello al mismo tiempo. . Elija qu mtodo se adapta a usted y a su estilo de vida. Cualquiera que sea la forma en que use SHMUD, limpie y purifique, agregarlo a su rutina de cabello har la diferencia. @ Desert Shadow Organic See more
17.01.2022 As we withdraw into a slower rhythm it is time to care for ourselves and the ones we love. . As things shift and change at this time we want to send you some good wishes, big hugs and above all lots of love. . We wanted to reaffirm you are not in this alone (neither are we). We are here with you. If you need anything, want to have a chat or just need someone to change the topic to something different please reach out.... . Tomas and I are here and you can talk with us directly. We like to chat and have loads of things to talk about, it doesnt have to be about the products or it can be. We both love our customers and truely would like to offer ourselves if you ever need. We are the people behind the brand. Please dont forget that we are people and we love connection especially with our customers and community. Tomas direct : 0424341421 Charmaine direct : 0433404439 If you live outside of Australia we can chat via skype or here on instagram. Just note Tomas is the Spanish speaker. Charmaine is still learning xoxo
16.01.2022 Shmud is raw shampoo! It doesnt foam and it doesnt contain any yucky stuff. Your hair will feel different after 3 weeks of using this. Give it a go and see if your hair likes living truely toxic free. _______________ Shmud es champ crudo! No hace espuma y no contiene ningn material asqueroso. Su cabello se sentir diferente despus de 3 semanas de usar esto. Prubalo y ve si a tu cabello le gusta vivir sin txicos.... . #rawshampoo #SHMUD #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair #certifiedorganicshampoo See more
12.01.2022 Method #1 - Gradual detox How to detox your hair with SHMUD cleanse & purify. It is as easy as using this product once a month to help keep your locks clean, strong & long _______________ Mtodo # 1 - Desintoxicacin gradual Cmo desintoxicar tu cabello con SHMUD limpia y purifica. Es tan fcil como usar este producto una vez al mes para ayudar a mantener sus cerraduras limpias, fuertes y largas... . #hairdetox # detoxyourhair #desintoxicatucabello #healthyhair #organichairproducts #SHMUD #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganichaircare #organico #cuidadodelcabelloorgnico See more
12.01.2022 SHMUD cleanse & nourish. this raw shampoo is the second step to healthy hair. This product also comes in a powder form same as the Shmud cleanse & purify. . The question is which one should you choose?... . Start with the SHMUD cleanse & purify. This will start your hair off on the right foot with a detox. After you have used 1 whole jar of this you can then shift over to the SHMUD cleanse & nourish to continue on the hair detox journey. #hairdetox #rawshampoo #shmud #desertshadow #welovehair See more
12.01.2022 We are half way through creating our website for Spanish speakers. I have been using google translate to help me and hope that Tomas will be able to check it is all correct. :) _____________________________________________ Estamos a medio camino de crear nuestro sitio web para hispanohablantes. He estado usando el traductor de Google para ayudarme y espero que Tomas pueda verificar que todo est correcto. :) Si ve algn error, por favor ay...denos contactndonos. Gracias por su apoyo y gracias por elegir productos orgnicos. #organichaircolor #organichaircare #organichaircolour #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganic #wekeepnaturalreal #tintesorganicos #productosorganicos #haircolour #madeinaustralia #tintesnaturales #lawsonia #indigo See more
11.01.2022 The world is changing. We can transform this into a positive change. supporting small ethical businesses will bring a new future of good. _____________________ El mundo esta cambiando. Nosotros podemos transformar esto en un cambio positivo. Tu apoyo a negocios eticos y pequeos traer un nuevo y mejor futuro. ... repost from @australian_non_toxic_awards See more
10.01.2022 Method #3 - The Jump in Detox. How to detox your hair with SHMUD cleanse & purify This one is for the truely dedicated natural. You can use SHMUD as a Shampoo, 3 times a week. Feels a bit weird washing your hair with mud! ____________________... Mtodo # 3 - Desintoxicacin Intensa Cmo desintoxicar tu cabello con SHMUD limpiar y purificar Este es para el natural verdaderamente dedicado. Puede usar SHMUD como champ, 3 veces por semana. Se siente un poco raro lavarte el pelo con barro! . #hairdetox #detoxyourhair #desintoicatucabello #healthyhair #organichairproducts #SHMUD #desertshadowaustralia #organico #cuidadodelcabelloorganico #naturalhairgoals #naturalhairtips #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair See more
10.01.2022 SHMUD - CLEANSE & PURIFY AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA NOW Our new creation This product is a raw shampoo and is for the TRUE natural who is happy to try something new. It comes in a powder form that you mix with water just before you use it. It does not foam, but that doesnt mean it doesnt cleanse. It is a lot different than your standard Shampoo and we love it.... CLEANSE & PURIFY was created to detox and cleanse your hair in the most natural way. We recommend you give it a go for at least 1 full jar. It will take time for your hair to adjust but once it does it will be the healthiest version of hair you have had. No need for conditioner. This will not strip your hair. There are so many benefits to this product. ____________________________ SHMUD - LIMPIAR Y PURIFICAR Nuestra nueva creacin disponible en Australia ahora y en EE. UU. en 2 semanas. Este producto es un champ crudo y es para el VERDADERO natural que est feliz de probar algo nuevo. Viene en forma de polvo que se mezcla con agua justo antes de usarlo. No hace espuma, pero eso no significa que no limpie. Es muy diferente a su champ estndar y nos encanta. CLEANSE & PURIFY fue creado para desintoxicar y limpiar tu cabello de la manera ms natural. Le recomendamos que pruebe al menos 1 frasco lleno. Tomar tiempo para que su cabello se ajuste, pero una vez que lo haga, ser la versin ms saludable del cabello que haya tenido. No necesita acondicionador. Esto no te quitar el pelo. See more
09.01.2022 We are nearly finished the Spanish website. We will let you know once it is complete! xoxo Charmaine ______________________________ Ya casi hemos terminado con el sitio web en espaol. Le haremos saber una vez que est completo! #organichaircolor #organichaircare #organichaircolour #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganic #wekeepnaturalreal #tintesorganicos #productosorganicos #haircolour #madeinaustralia #tintesnaturales #lawsonia #indigo
09.01.2022 SHMUD will give you MERMAID hair! with seaweed extract that will feed your scalp and have it singing to Neptune in Atlantis. ______________________ SHMUD te dar cabello de sirena! con extracto de algas que alimentar tu cuero cabelludo y lo har cantar a Neptuno en Atlantis.... . #mermaid #mermaid hair #mermaids #SHMUD See more
09.01.2022 CLEANSE & PURIFY with SHMUD Shmud is raw shampoo! It doesnt foam and it doesnt contain any yucky stuff. Your hair will feel different after 3 weeks of using this. Give it a go and see if your hair likes living truely toxic free. #rawshampoo #SHMUD #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair #certifiedorganicshampoo
09.01.2022 Hammam Bathroom goals. #bathroomgoals #natural #tilework #mosaic #deserthammam #templeOskin #henna #desertshadoworganic
08.01.2022 When you use our raw SHMUD shampoo it will feel different because it doesnt foam & it looks like mud so how could it be shampoo? Here are the FACTS: 1. No bubbles in SHMUD so you might think that it is not cleaning your hair. It will feel silky when you rinse it out, not squeaky like when you use normal shampoo. 2. the paste might feel a bit gritty. 3. concentrate on your scalp area and massage it in well like you do with bubbly shamp...oo. This will give the best cleanse. 4. rinse well. If you dont wash it out your hair wont be clean :) we are so used to stripping all the oils from our hair with bubbles it take a bit of time to adjust to a new way of cleansing your hair. Give it some time for your hair to adjust. Start with the Cleanse & Purify SHMUD to detox and reset your hair and then move onto the Cleanse & Nourish to maintain your hair. ________ Cuando usa nuestro champ SHMUD crudo, se sentir diferente, no hace espuma y parece barro, por lo que no se ve como champ. Aqu estn los HECHOS: 1. No hay burbujas en SHMUD, por lo que puede pensar que no est limpiando su cabello. Se sentir sedoso cuando lo enjuagues, no chirriante como cuando usas champ normal. 2. la pasta puede sentirse un poco arenosa. 3. concntrese en el rea del cuero cabelludo y masajee bien como lo hace con champ burbujeante. Esto le dar la mejor limpieza. 4. enjuague bien. Si no lo lavas, tu cabello no estar limpio :) Estamos tan acostumbrados a quitar todos los aceites de nuestro cabello con burbujas que lleva un poco de tiempo adaptarse a una nueva forma de limpiar tu cabello. Dale un poco de tiempo para que tu cabello se ajuste. Comience con el SHMUD Cleanse & Purify para desintoxicar y restablecer su cabello y luego pasar a Cleanse & Nourish para mantener su cabello. #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair See more
07.01.2022 Bathroom goals. Shades of blue are such calming colours. I can see myself in that bath with SHMUD in my hair reading a book and drinking tea. .
07.01.2022 Visit our sites for the discount! Australia U.S.A... See more
06.01.2022 Organic hair colour - Better for you - Better for the environment (9.3) Warm Golden Blonde Golden and warm like the Sun, Sun Shadow will give a beautiful Blonde tone to grey hair and will brighten and enliven naturally light or blonde hair.... This colour is ideal for those who have lighter hair or for turning greys into golden highlights. *this colour will not lighten the hair as it contains no bleach or peroxide . Shop now - link in BIO #organichaircolor #organichaircare #organichaircolour #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganic #wekeepnaturalreal #tintesorganicos #productosorganicos #haircolour #madeinaustralia #tintesnaturales #lawsonia #cassia See more
06.01.2022 Healthy hair goals Why not detox your hair? Detoxing your hair and scalp will promote healthy growth and over time transform your strands into a strong and happy mane. When your hair feels good, it looks good without having to do much work. .... . #hairdetox #detoxyourhair #desintoicatucabello #healthyhair #organichairproducts #SHMUD #desertshadowaustralia #organico #cuidadodelcabelloorganico #naturalhairgoals #naturalhairtips See more
06.01.2022 You dont need bubbles to clean your hair. There are many plants that can cleanse your hair without stripping it. we are so used to equating bubbles with clean it has us a bit confused when a shampoo doesnt have bubbles. SHMUD is a confusing shampoo because it cleans your hair but it is a mud paste. ... Our Cleanse & Purify will help to reset your hair. The Cleanse & Nourish will help to maintain healthy hair without surfactants and bubbles. Give it a try.... you will be surprised . #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair #hairdetox #detoxyourhair #desintoicatucabello #healthyhair #organichairproducts #SHMUD #desertshadowaustralia #organico #cuidadodelcabelloorganico #naturalhairgoals #naturalhairtips See more
05.01.2022 Prepare your hair for colouring #1 - Cleanse your hair at least 24 hours before colouring. You can use your regular cleansing method, make sure your Shampoo & conditioner do not contain any silicone. Silicone coats your hair which is not good for the colour. Silicone is also bad for your hair and the water ways so best to get rid of this ingredient from your products. ... We recommend you cleanse you hair with: Natural Shampoo, Shampoo bar or our new product SHMUD (this is our new product which will be available next week!!) It is a raw cleansing mud shampoo that doesnt foam. If you wish to condition your hair only apply it to the ends of your hair. Make sure you towel dry your hair so it is not dripping before you apply your hair colour. Your hair does not have to be completely dry, it can be damp. . #organichaircolor #organichaircare #organichaircolour #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganic #wekeepnaturalreal #tintesorganico #productosorganicos #haircolour #madeinaustralia #tintesnaturales #lawsonia #indigo #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair See more
04.01.2022 Feeling welcome in the Desert . we found a street with the same name! ______________ ... Nos sentimos bienvenidos en el desierto. Encontramos una calle con nuestro mismo nombre. #desertshadow #desertshadowaustralia #desertshadowsrd #joshuatree #mojavedesert #organicliving #hennahair See more
04.01.2022 Seaweed is good for your hair. You can take it internally as a supplement and you can rub it on your scalp and hair. This amazing underwater plant is full of of hair loving minerals. If you dont like eating it but still want it for your hair you can find it in our SHMUD Cleanse & Purify. . If you plan on taking kelp or seaweed supplements we suggest you go to your naturopath or medical professional to make sure your dosage is correct an...d safe. ________________________ Las algas son buenas para tu cabello. Puede tomarlo internamente como un suplemento y puede frotarlo en el cuero cabelludo y el cabello. Esta increble planta submarina est llena de minerales para el cabello. Si no le gusta comerlo pero todava lo quiere para su cabello, puede encontrarlo en nuestro SHMUD Cleanse & Purify. . Si planea tomar suplementos de algas o algas marinas, le sugerimos que consulte a su naturpata o profesional mdico para asegurarse de que su dosis sea correcta y segura. . #rawshampoo #repairthehair #hairtreatment #organichairtreatment #hairmask #repairthehair #organichaircare #splitends #dryhair #hairrepair #longhair #stronghair #growyourhair #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair See more
03.01.2022 What are you up to this weekend? If you are in Sydney head down to the Sydney Vegan market for some good food, good people and good hair products! Come say hello to Charmaine & Tomas @sydneyveganmarket __________________________________... Qu haces este fin de semana? Si ests en Sydney, dirgete al mercado vegano de Sydney para disfrutar de buena comida, buena gente y, por supuesto, buenos productos para el cabello. . #sydneyveganmarket #local #supportlocal #organic #organicvegan #organichaircolor #organichaircare #organichaircolour #desertshadowaustralia #certifiedorganic #wekeepnaturalreal #tintesorganicos #productosorganicos #haircolour #madeinaustralia #tintesnaturales #lawsonia #indigo #hairtreatment #organichairtreatment #hairmask #repairthehair #organichaircare #splitends #dryhair #hairrepair #longhair #stronghair #growyourhair See more
03.01.2022 Beach hair If your hair has highlights and is screaming for a good treatment. There are many things you can do at home to help give your hair nourishment and love. There are many things you can find in your kitchen cupboard or garden that can give your hair a quick fix. Here is a list of edible ingredients you can use in your hair. Treat dry ends:... 1. Macadamia oil 2. Sesame oil 3. Olive oil 4. Castor oil Treat the scalp 1. Chamomile tea 2. Rosemary tea 3. Lavender flower tea Make your hair smell good 1. Rose water 2. Orange blossom water 3. Lavender flower tea Over the coming weeks we will be looking at different home made treatments that will compliment your Desert Shadow hair routine. If you have a favourite hair care recipe please share with the community! ________________________ 2. aceite de ssamo 3. aceite de oliva 4. Aceite de ricino Tratar el cuero cabelludo 1. T de manzanilla 2. T de romero 3. T de flores de lavanda Haz que tu cabello huela bien 1. agua de rosas 2. Agua de azahar 3. T de flores de lavanda En las prximas semanas analizaremos diferentes tratamientos caseros que complementarn su rutina de cabello Desert Shadow. Si tiene una receta favorita para el cuidado del cabello, comparta con la comunidad! . #hairtreatment #organichairtreatment #hairmask #repairthehair #organichaircare #splitends #dryhair #hairrepair #longhair #stronghair #growyourhair See more
02.01.2022 Cleanse & purify When you cleanse & purify you remove all the unwanted. We cleanse our bodies with healthy food, Lets cleanse our hair with healthy hair food! . . #healthyhair #palmoilfree #palmoilfreeshampoo #weloveorangutans #shampoo #naturalshampoo #organichaircare #sulfatefree #siliconefree #madeinaustralia #organicshampoo #hairwash #organichair #loveyourplanet #greenplanet #carefortheenvironmen #ecowarrior #ecolovers #greenliving #ecoliving #sustainableliving #organichairtreatment #hairmask #repairthehair #organichaircare #dryhair #hairrepair #longhair #stronghair #growyourhair
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