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23.01.2022 so grateful for these sunny, warm autumn days. My daily walks I get to go on in my spacious, green and beautiful suburb are nothing short of perfection. I’m noticing how people are kinder to each other, we smile as we pass each other on the streets and sometimes even brake into a spontaneous chat with a stranger. I’d like to see a kinder, more connected world emerge post pandemic. What are you grateful for today?

20.01.2022 I helped out a good friend with some copy writing for his rebranded website and this is what he said to me. He also happens to run a successful tech company and I always looked to him as a mentor. I guess writing comes easy to me so I didn’t think about it as ‘work’ before because it is quite effortless. At least for me... It’s a funny thing with limiting beliefs - they keep you trapped and make you believe that just because something comes easy to you, surely it’s not Well, the good old conditioning that goes ‘No pain, no gain’ is just another brainwashing technique of the outdated values we once believed in. So I’m embracing this ‘not-so-hidden’ talent of mine and writing more for super aligned clients such as @thefeelgoodstudio I’m so grateful to be doing work that feels aligned and nourishing from the inside. Thank you Universe for showing me more and more of who I’m as I explore my innate gifts.

17.01.2022 the most spectacular miracles happen when people connect truly, sincerely from the heart and soul and make it happen to meet in real life as often as possible. There are a number of friendships I’ve been fostering over the years that didn’t get the real life component for a very long time. Distance, bad timing and no doubt in certain instances the lack of effort all played a role. But there are the memories, the battles you fought together, the milestones you’ve reached col...lectively and the love you feel for one another that connect you even though a lot of time has passed in between hugs. I must say it’s the first time I’m visiting my motherland and all my loved ones with the kind of peace, mindfulness and appreciation for every moment that one only develops after years of conscious living, daily meditation and aligned choices. Every day becomes so much ‘richer’ and meaningful and I’ve been feeling this immense gratitude wash over my body every single day. I’m en route to see my classmates from Law school and many I haven’t seen for over a decade yet I still feel so connected to them. I feel like the most amazing gifts I’ve received on this trip are those in the unspoken, the pauses between sentences and in the familiar eyes that show the feelings and memories we hold so dearly. With a grateful heart, over and out...

11.01.2022 rather than waiting with anticipation for the world to tell you what to do, turn to yourself for guidance. The world has stopped. Our wasteful ways are on hold. We, with the rest of humanity, are taking a pause. If this isn’t the time to do your honest self reflection than I don’t know when... You can’t say, you are busy and don’t have the time. You really have no excuses to escape your own feelings anymore.... Feel them, freak out about them, get real with them - the only way forward is through. Escapism no more! Be real and just freaking do what you always wanted. Liberate yourself through your own self agency. You decide, you decide, you decide... and if you pivot your career during this crisis, I’d be very surprised if any employer in the future would hold that against you. Friends, this is the time to determine the direction of your life after this is all over. Will you be driven by fear or will you do what you know deep down is the right thing for you? You decide!

11.01.2022 if you’ve been following me for a while you know that I love travel and how it makes me feel. It’s not just the promise of new landscapes and adventure but the opportunity to reflect and appreciate my life and its gifts. I remember one of my bosses long - long time ago said something to me along the lines of: ‘Remember the time you wished you were where you are today?’ And it’s so true - we forget just how far we’ve come, the risks we’ve taken and lives we’ve built that no d...oubt are incredible. When I plan trips and see beautiful photos like this one from @villalane my heart fills with gratitude for the life I live, the work I do and the people that surround me. What are you grateful for today?

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