Devene Healing | Massage service
Devene Healing
Phone: +61 429 137 323
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25.01.2022 Not everyone understands the Power behind words and within words .. words are not just elements of speech or writing .. they can be used to strengthen the effects when spoken out loud .. words transform into frequencies and vibrations that can be used to direct energy .. This is one of the steps in creation ..most will laugh at this but if only they knew what it really is and the magic behind the words .. and how it’s being used to control them ... Magic is the art of directing and controlling energy using natural forces ( sound and thought ) to produce the desired effect .. Magic is the art of directing and controlling energy ... #theartofwords #thepowerofwords #iamthatiam #devenehealing #intuitiveenergyhealer
25.01.2022 Commander Ashtar: Incoming Energies are Preparing You for the Solar Flare Interviewer [Kare Heywood]: From what I understand The Ascension is intimately tied to the Solar Flare. Can you speak to that a little bit how that how that works?...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Just for a moment today please send love to Gaia and every day that she comes to your thoughts .. she is crying and purging right now .. she is birthing the harsh hell that has been hidden for so long .. send love to our Motherland Australia ..she is showing you the truth .. with light comes information and out of the ashes we birth a new earth .. the sensitives are feeling much right now .. hold space for all as we collectively see and feel the truth of our promise land with love Nola Devene
23.01.2022 WARNING This post may trigger you Life is like a spiral and as we evolve and shift more into our authentic self..we are shown the same stuff .. we see these things differently each time they pop up if we have done the inner work .. slothing away the layers to reveal the truth of who we are .. the more one ignores the feeling felt of the shadow self the longer it takes to get to the core of you creating blocks..Working on the shadow can be defined as inner conflicts a...nd unresolved emotions that have been pushed down. When neglected have influence over our actions and behaviour. Take note on what triggers you and what you are projecting onto others. Once you acknowledge and take notice what comes up .. there is no need to do anything but feel , don’t reject it but embrace it .. as our shadow self has powerful lessons which bring a deep level of soul growth.. You are worth it activating more of your dormant cells bringing forth awareness of self with love feel to heal .. feelings are meant to be felt but not sat in .. transmuted to be moved through .. I’m here to help you through this progress if you need spiritual guidance.. #devenehealing the walk of the lightworker is through the dark into the light .. much love light and blessings Nola Devene #shadowwork #selfworth #wearelove #higherself #unity #shadowwork #rescuethechildren #lightworkersunited #lightwarriors #starseeds #thegreatawakening #spiritualguidance #darktolight #savethechildren #OURrescue #RISEUP #EndHumanTrafficking #RiseUpForChildren #OURvolunteers #OperationUndergroundRailroad
22.01.2022 The Event We the Human Collective are EVENT-ing. Each of us are living in this real time Event. Together we are an unstoppable WAVE of transformation on an individual spectrum. Transformation waves don’t happen TO us..they happen THROUGH us.... The Event doesn’t happen TO us..EVENTING happens THROUGH us. The NEW EARTH won’t happen TO will happen THROUGH us. Our awakening ..heart centred beings are doing, thinking, feeling, creating, and choosing we do this we are dissolving the veil/matrix and revealing the New Humanity and the New Earth. As more awaken, more of the OLD is dissolved and more of the NEW is revealed. This process is the guts and inner workings of The Event Everything in the Universe is within you,Ask all from yourself. Rumi #devenehealing #energyhealer #healer #spiritual #guidance #energyhealing #balance #chakras #intuitivehealer #wisdom #enlightenment #oldsoul #newearth #angels #love #empathlife #archangels #angelichealer #healingmassage #lightworker #lightwarrior #starseed #newearth #universalenergies #higherself #lighttodark #rumi
22.01.2022 I hear everything you say and everything you don’t say #empathlifeI hear everything you say and everything you don’t say #empathlife
21.01.2022 Your intuition and knowing is amping up .. don’t second guess yourself .. keep grounded and in this moment there is nothing more important right now what you have your focus on .. listen to yourself and trust #devenehealing #lightwarriors #lightworkers #youarethechosenones #thegreatawaken
21.01.2022 The universe is showing us a divide right now .. DO NOT ENGAGE with the lower dimensional behaviour .. Acknowledge it for what it is ..Stay on your path ..keep moving forward not invite the past back in .. This is a Divine Devene message for you to stay on track #Lightworkers #devenehealing #lightwarrior #townsvilleshines
21.01.2022 Do not be afraid to show yourself exactly who you are .. do not dim your light for anyone #starseedsunite #selflovejourney #selfcare #youareworthy
20.01.2022 Stay grounded you say ? What is staying grounded and how can I achieve this and why should I achieve this ? I know you hear me tell you this all the time and it's a tough challenge to do this daily BUT when things become too heavy on the mind,being grounded is what keeps us firmly rooted within our self and in reality. To be grounded is the ability to maintain balance, stability, and presence of mind, no matter what is happening around you. The mind loves to wander and get c...Continue reading
20.01.2022 As an Australian .. I know we live in the promise land and the Lucky Land in more ways then one .. We are truly blessed to Live on land rich and free ..we are the solar plexus of the world .. the all feeling energy centre .. The house of the Soul Chakras do not just exist in our bodies, though. They exist on our planet, too. These Earth chakras, which are major power points of the planet, mimic the chakra points in our bodies. Therefore, it is believed that when we spen...d time in these places, the frequency of the energy in our bodies becomes aligned with the energy of the chakras, resulting in a powerful spiritual experience. Solar Plexus Chakra: Uluru & Kata Tjuta Rock Formations, Australia The solar plexus is another name for the house of the soul. Located in our stomach area and yellow in color, the solar plexus is about integrity, having a higher purpose, and is the seat of confidence in one’s life path. This is where we manifest from. Earth’s solar plexus chakra is a dual chakra, said to lie at two massive rock formations called Uluru and Kata Tjuta. (The two are about 18 miles apart.) Rising several thousand feet out of the Australian desert, the rock formations play an important role in local Aboriginal groups’ ancient wisdom and creation stories. The solar plexus chakra has to do with wisdom and processing emotion, acting as a makeshift umbilical cord to the planet and maintaining life all around the globe. #freeaustralia #solarplexus #wisdom #newearth #laylines #chakras #sunrays #ancientsouls #weareone #wearemany #unity #riseup #australia See more
19.01.2022 Wise words from Phil .. let go and let live
18.01.2022 We are blessed with a beautiful, bountiful Blue Moon today! Full Moons are always a time of culmination and endings. They also bring clarity - bringing to light all things that have previously been hidden. A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a calendar month.... Our Sun is currently in the shadow-oriented sign of Scorpio. Secrets will be revealed. Truth will be illuminated. The more proactive you are about honoring YOUR truth, the more easily you can manage this electrifying energy. On this night the veil is thin. It is time to go within. Volatile energies may swim about. But stay grounded and sit with any doubt. The answers will come as they always do, so trust the Divine timing and the Follow your Truth. And so it is #bluemoon #thelighthaswon #iseeyou #devenehealing #thegreatawakening #darktolight #truth #truthseeker #crystalclear #crystals
18.01.2022 #lightworkersunite .. And we rise ! The Golden Age of Light !! The dark will no longer rule over us .. we are the change #lightworkers#lightworkersunite .. And we rise ! The Golden Age of Light !! The dark will no longer rule over us .. we are the change #lightworkers
16.01.2022 I (Your name) now align my whole being to the Pure Source Light Codes I Invoke these Pure Source Light Codes to pass through every atoms, cell and electrons within this form of mine..Flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body.. only leaving my true essence.. I gratefully receive these powerful key codes of Light from the Galactic Diamond ...the Great Central Sun and so it is and so it shall be #devenehealing #lightcodes #thegreatawakening #mindbodysoul #dnaactivation #spiritual
16.01.2022 everything that has been done in the Darkness will be brought forward into the Light. It is necessary for old energy to be acknowledged, healed, and properly transmuted #lightworkerseverything that has been done in the Darkness will be brought forward into the Light. It is necessary for old energy to be acknowledged, healed, and properly transmuted #lightworkers
15.01.2022 A Healer helps you to self heal see who you truly are #devenehealing A Healer helps you to self heal see who you truly are #devenehealing
13.01.2022 The day of enlightenment !! The 7th above so below .. the blending of heaven and earth as we bring forth our new earth .. with new eyes seeing all that we need to see for the truth to prevail .. karma is on the darks doorstep .. do not dim your light Lightwarriors you are everything you know that you are .. it’s not about what others think about you but what you think and feel .. you are limitless magnificent and a wayshower to all .. we are the pioneers of our k...ind and we are here to make a difference just by being us #lightworkersunite #wearelove #devenehealing #thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #weareone #gaia #guidance #energyhealing #balance #wisdom #enlightenment #oldsoul #newearth #angels #love #empathlife #archangels #angelichealer #lightworker #lightwarrior #starseed #sirius #universalenergies #higherself #bekindtoyourself #enjoythejourney #staypresent #peace #darktolight See more
13.01.2022 An intention setting ritual can be done just after the time of the new moon to focus energy into your intentions. An intention is a guiding principle with which to live by. Your intentions should define how you want to feel, the things you would like to experience and the personal qualities and strengths you want develop. Think about your core values, and the kind of life you want to live. Intentions should be written in the present tense and in a positive form. For example,... instead of saying "I want to stop eating so much junk food" you could write "I feel healthy and vital". The first one is a goal - but the second is the intention (the "why") behind the goal. This is just a suggestion - always be open to your own intuition to create a variation that feels right for you. Begin by cleansing your sacred space - this can be done by smoke purification or lightly spraying with moon water or liquid smudge. Center yourself in any way that feels comfortable - deep breathing, free drawing, chanting, meditating or using singing bowls. Focus on formulating your intentions, what do you truly want from your life? Keep your intentions positive and motivating. You can also use oracle cards to get insight into what it is you truly desire. Light a candle, then write each of your intentions on a separate piece of paper. Say each one aloud, then spend a few minutes visualizing that it has already manifested. Hold the intention in your mind and do any any of the following: Create a crystal grid around it Burn it in a fireproof container Bury it in soil (write your intention on seeded paper) Place it in a bowl of water When you are done with all of them, blow out the candle and thank the universe in advance for manifesting your intentions.
13.01.2022 The stairs to heaven within , you hear me talk about the Christ consciousness 33 The Christ is the divine essence available in every human being. The Sacred Oil that is activated in your solar plexus , where the Christ is born, to rises up along the 33 vertebrae of your spine.... The 33 vertebrae represent the double helix string of DNA. The stairs of Jacob. This is the Kundalini awakening that upgrades the human body into the full divine operation like God has created it. All humans should come to understand how to achieve this ascension on the stairs into heaven. Heaven is a state of being. Your divine bleuprint and birthright. When the Mind and the Heart are connected, you are Aligned with your Higher Self and the DNA stairs are whole, to ascend on your divine unique soul path in this life. When the Mind and the Heart are seperated the ascension process stagnates. You remain stuck in the lower 3D vibrations of Fear, Shame and Guilt programmed to believe you are unworthy. This has been going on for centuries, generation after generation. When you start to break free from the individual, tribal and collective Mind programming, start healing and learn how to Master your Mind, Body and Spirit. You repair the chakras from the blocks that allow the divine flow of God to move through you freely. You heal your DNA mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. You become, not only excisting linear in 3D on a mental and physical level, but you become your Quantum concious highest Self connected to all there is. #kundaliniawakening #dna #spiritualgrowth #devenehealing #thegreatawakening #intuitivehealer When the Christ is activated in the pineal gland, you enter into the kingdom of heaven, when you balance your masculine and feminine polarities and you start to live in gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, service to self and service others, with love and limitless energy Jesus was just an highly evolved soul, like many others that are here now, that activated his Christ. Now is the time to reverse this manipulation. You are a God spark Nola Devene
12.01.2022 5th dimension is within us as we evolve within our own essence .. It starts within by changing our perspective and understanding who we truly are #dolphindna #devenehealing #intuitiveenergyhealer #newearth #darktolight
10.01.2022 HIGHER GROUND Move your thoughts, emotions and outlook to a new perspective. Take an overview of what is going on. Just through shifting your perspective you will see the whole situation in a clearer light. A different course may become apparent. You will be able to focus on what is most important to you. Make a conscious effort to get above the situation. If there is nothing pressing in your life at the moment, consider something that maybe unresolved from the past. Use the same idea of climbing above it with the intention of healing it. Once you achieve the higher ground perspective, you may find yourself filled with peace- a beautiful outcome! #beautyisintheeyeofthebeholder #higherground #cardoftheday #healing #intuitivehealer #nature #nurtureyourself #devenehealing #flowers #youarelove
10.01.2022 Healing is done in layers have to continue to spiral through the same emotional experiences until there is no electric charge left to trigger you #devenehealingHealing is done in layers have to continue to spiral through the same emotional experiences until there is no electric charge left to trigger you #devenehealing
07.01.2022 The old threads are unraveling, Get your needles ready. We are stitching a new quilt of Humanity.... Bring your old t-shirts, worn out jeans, scarves, antique gowns, aprons, old pockets of plenty who have held Earth's treasures, stones, feathers, leaves, love notes on paper. Each stitch A mindful meditation. Each piece of material A story. The more colour the better, so call in the Tribes. Threads of browns, whites, reds, oranges Women from all nations start stitching. Let's recycle the hate, the abuse, the fear, the judgment. Turn it over, wash it clean, ring it out to dry. It's a revolution of recycled wears. Threads of greens, blues, purples Colourful threads of peace, kindness, respect, compassion are being stitched from one continent to the next over forests, oceans, mountains. The work is hard Your fingers may bleed. But each cloth stitched together Brings together a community. A world, our future world Under one colourful quilt. The new quilt of humanity. ~ Julia Myers Artist: Paula Nicho Cumez
05.01.2022 The energies are intense right now .. if you are a sensitive this is your super power to your own knowing that we are the change .. !!! Hold on tight Lightwarriors !!!! Cycles are closing and a new timeline is opening .. this major shift is bringing sudden, dramatic and life changing transformations ... feelings of discomfort, restlessness, irritability .. fatigue bloating thirst aches and pain and flu like symptoms .. There is a calm, chaos and confusion and we are feelin...g the hurt as well as healing.. We are breaking open to allow Love and peace in.. We are releasing generations of deep internal pain and trauma .. so many emotions are stirring.. We are transitioning into a new existence where old realities can not survive.. The vibration of the planet is raising .. You are the change .. Feeling and Understanding Yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself Use your own discernment, your own intuition and you own knowing .. yes self awareness Nola Devene #evolution2020 #thegreatawaking #starseedsunite #lovehaswon #lightwarrior #masterlightworker #intuitivehealer #spiritualawakening #darktolight #yinandyang lightworkersunite #wearelove #devenehealing #thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #weareone #gaia #guidance #energyhealing #balance #wisdom #enlightenment #oldsoul #newearth #angels #love #empathlife #archangels #angelichealer #sirius #universalenergies #higherself
04.01.2022 To be understood can be the greatest gift you can ever receive #devenehealingTo be understood can be the greatest gift you can ever receive #devenehealing
04.01.2022 Anytime you feel triggered .... Rather then react.. say to yourself ... I AM ready to receive that soul fragment back .. I AM ready to retrieve that piece of who I AM.. by doing this you take your power back and sloth away more layers coming back to who you truly are .. with love Nola Devene #spiritualguidance #lightworker #soulfragments #twinflame
04.01.2022 Your intention can also be about releasing anything that no longer serves your highest good .. The new moon signifies the start of a new cycle. It’s the time to formulate new intentions and re-evaluate existing ones. This is a lower energy phase, so get plenty of rest and give yourself the space to connect with your true purpose, passion and mission. Set aside time for meditating or journaling, or head into nature for inspiration. From here you can set intentions which are aligned with your authentic self. When you feel ready, write down your new intentions and go through your existing list to make sure they are still valid. A new moon intention setting ritual will focus your manifestation energy.
04.01.2022 A Message to Lightworkers September 11, 2020 by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:...Continue reading
03.01.2022 The new moon signifies the start of a new cycle. It’s the time to formulate new intentions and re-evaluate existing ones. This is a lower energy phase, so get plenty of rest and give yourself the space to connect with your true purpose, passion and mission. Set aside time for meditating or journaling, or head into nature for inspiration. From here you can set intentions which are aligned with your authentic self. When you feel ready, write down your new intentions and go through your existing list to make sure they are still valid. A new moon intention setting ritual will focus your manifestation energy. #newmoon #moonincapricorn #livelife #healibgenergy #intuitivehealer #lightworkers #lightworkers #devenehealing
03.01.2022 THE NEW HIGHER MASCULINE REVOLUTION. The next few months represent a period of unprecedented and rapid soul shifts for the men on this earth plane who have elected, on a spiritual level, to raise their consciousness, to recall distant, eternal memories of spiritual wisdom and healing powers, they have been touched by universal grace. Much, much will change, as a new wave of male spiritual pioneers re-claim their roles as guardians and protectors of the planet. At the centre ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Self love shows others how to treat You and teaches you that you are worth it. Look within #selflove #lookwithin
03.01.2022 Look within to see who you truly are #lookwithin #lookwithinorgowithout
02.01.2022 Quantum moves from moment to moment .. so the shifting of what happens in your life is ever evolving to your own beat .. in other words what you think about you bring about and when you shift your thoughts .. it shifts your perception and your reality Happy Days much love Nola Devene #starseedsunite #ancientsoul #lightworkers #lightisdark #intuitivehealer #mybliss #thegreatawakening #devenehealing #energyhealer #healer #spiritual #guidance #energyhealing #balance #...chakras #blueray #wisdom #enlightenment #oldsoul #newearth #angels #love #empathlife #archangels #angelichealer #healingmassage #lightworker #lightwarrior #starseed #sirius #universalenergies #higherself #selfworth #supportlocaltownsville #bekindtoyourself #enjoythejourney #staypresent #focusontoday #attitudeofgratitude #appreciation #innerpeace #joy #ownyourhappiness #ownyourenergy #ownyourlife See more
01.01.2022 September 6 a double 6 infuses your day with a flood of love. Combining both the numbers 9 and 6 integrates human love with divine love for an extraordinary day of compassion being touched on every levels by love
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