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25.01.2022 It’s been such a long difficult year, I hadn’t considered a Devi Shakti Christmas party. But the ‘team’ reminded me of how many achievements I’d made this year and how much I actually managed to accomplish. Thanks to Bubba G ‘Senior Distraction Therapist’ who keeps me grounded and in the present moment. ... And to Matt (hubby in waiting) who’s juggled a multidisciplinary role including keeping the ‘senior distraction therapist’ occupied whilst being a pillar of support for me I’m truly lucky and blessed to have this team backing me as I move into 2021.

25.01.2022 ~ An uncomfortable word for some. An extremely painful experience for others.... For those that have suffered the devastating effects of miscarriage this can be a very isolating and lonely time. Often the right sort of support isnt available and sometimes a woman just doesnt know what she needs at the time. After supporting a number of clients and friends through miscarriage, it has become apparent the lack of adequate support and resources available to women navigating this difficult time. Whilst counselling is offered, this simply isnt enough and a woman is left to deal with her grief on her own. From an energy perspective, the body retains the memory of trauma and grief at a cellular level. You may psychologically process the stages of grief, however unless the body is given an opportunity to release you may begin to suffer physically- often in the form of pain, body aches, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and stomach issues. Severe grief that comes with miscarriage literally makes your heart ache. For some women, its easy to box and compartmentalise their emotions, finding it too difficult to deal with at the time. This fools the brain into thinking youve recovered. The body will often tell you otherwise, sometimes much later down the track. I recently spoke with a gynaecologist interested in the healing and support mechanisms available to women suffering miscarriage. She, amongst others believe there is currently inadequate support. From a holistic point of view, I believe more is required than psychology and talk therapy. I have been invited to speak on her podcast featuring alternative and complimentary therapies to help women navigate and heal from the grief of miscarriage. As a practitioner interested in the connection between trauma and reproduction I feel honoured for this opportunity. Im interested in hearing from anyone who have experienced other forms of somatic healing other than just psychology. What therapies did you explore? Did you find them helpful? Where do you feel support for miscarriage could be improved? For those willing to share, Id love to hear from you either below or privately. Xx

25.01.2022 I finally feel like Ive begun my healing journey, thank you In receiving words like this from my clients, I know Im on the right track in supporting them with their healing. When it comes to poor health, we cannot ignore the emotional connections that are deeply entwined with physical disease and suffering.... Long held emotions, trauma, grief, limiting perceptions of self often result in physical suffering. And yet we couldnt be more detached from the signals the body sends us. What do we do when there is pain? Reach for painkillers of course! But the longer we do this, the less we are listening to what the body has to say about this pain. Something in our lives isnt right! Teaching women to listen and to understand these subtle messages empowers them into their own journey of self discovery and healing. Something that is truly liberating

24.01.2022 One of the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance is feeling "Blah". Its also often referred to as feeling foggy, vague or just not clear headed. Women can experience it often but not realise its associated with fluctuating hormones. This period of lockdown has been stressful for us all in a multitude of ways. Many of us, understandably have turned to poor food choices, alcohol and increased coffee consumption as a way of coping. I know personally managing home schooling has cer...tainly increased my coffee consumption. This paired with stress hormones can wreck havoc on endocrine health, resulting in a hormone imbalance. You may suddenly find yourself suffering from acne, bloat, fluid retention, weight gain around the middle, painful periods, or delayed periods, heavier periods, irritability and feeling...BLAH! If this sounds like you, I warmly invite you to try my Online Yoga for Healthy Hormones. Through yoga asana, meditations, breathing practices and other health care tips, you can start correcting a hormone imbalance and start feeling like you again! Devi Shakti Online Yoga for Healthy Hormones All classes pre-recorded for you to access anytime Explore the classes Free for 1 Week. Ongoing subscription of $18/month

23.01.2022 After a zoom call with a client this evening, my partner noted I was glowing. It must be your work he said...and it is! There is nothing I love more than supporting women through grief, trauma and fertility concerns. I also got to dance today...that always makes me glow too .... Happy weekend #glowing #aurora #traumasupport #infertility #energyhealing #emotionalrelease #holistictherapy #naturalhealthcare #healthemindhealthebody #devishakti #womenshealth #yogatherapy

22.01.2022 With no real medical advancements in how to treat endometriosis, isnt it time we look beyond the physical symptoms? As a Yoga therapist, I discuss in my blog the importance of treating the body as a whole. I believe there is more to endo than what meets the eye.

22.01.2022 Love this. I can honestly say I’ve run the dishwasher at least twice .

22.01.2022 When you suffer menstrual disorders as a result of hormonal imbalances... Invert yourself! Inversions pacify the nervous system by toning the vagus nerve connected to the parasympathetic nervous system. In short, this means we lower stress hormones that hinder reproductive hormones involved in the menstrual cycle. Inversions drain stagnant blood from the body and promote increased blood flow to the endocrine (hormone producing) glands, irrigating these glands and organs with fresh blood. Inversions can also help correct urinary disorders, uterine displacement along with lifting and toning the reproductive and digestive organs. Even legs up the wall (as demonstrated here) comes with its ‘inverted benefits’. When you elevate your feet above your heart, you activate the ‘rest and digest’ (parasympathetic) nervous system. Aching legs are given a rest, lymphatic drainage improves and nervous exhaustion is relieved. In fact just a few minutes of legs up the wall can promote a more sound, restful sleep

22.01.2022 It’s commonly known that you get what you put in, but when it comes to self healing and development the theory remains the same. I’m so proud of my recent client finishing her 12 week program with me. She worked hard, she committed to herself, she worked through her patterns and she learnt self love and acceptance! She has developed a whole new life and way forward and I couldn’t be more proud of her

21.01.2022 Couldnt agree more!

21.01.2022 One of the activities I often ask my clients to try is journaling. This simple activity can be very freeing and brings awareness into your current state of mind. As anxiety rises, thoughts and emotions often become jumbled. Before long we cant actually make sense of anything anymore!... Writing it down helps to identify these emotions and releases them to paper. Journaling for 20mins a day has been documented as being an effective technique for trauma release and provides a method in which to recognise and then let go of emotional anxiety. Not sure how to start? I always suggest just starting with any word/s that come to mind and see what happens. Before long you may be scribbling pages. Adding physical details about how your body is feeling can provide insight into the mind/body connection. This can help for future reference in recognising the emotional connection with physical pain that surfaces. And remember- it doesnt have to make sense and you certainly dont have to read it again, unless you choose to. Sometimes it can be liberating to burn those words in a fire ceremony If you already journal perhaps you have a ritual youd like to share?

21.01.2022 The best thing about creating personalised content for clients is that I get to practice too . Today Im filming classes to support thyroid health for a client with thyroid disease. In the sequence of classes we discuss the throat chakra, the centre of clear & effective communication. When this area of the body is blocked, the thyroid & general health of the throat area suffers.... Ever noticed you get sick more in the throat when stressed, feeling like you cant freely express yourself? Or perhaps you cough more when nervous or play with your throat when discussing something difficult? The body doesnt lie When a chakra becomes blocked, the functionality of the physical body becomes stagnant. So to get it moving & flowing again we practice some Pranayama & yoga asana to open the throat chakra, & thus improve thyroid functionality. Id love to create personal content for you. Get in touch if youd like to know more

21.01.2022 The term Hormone imbalance is a bit of a misnomer really. Our hormones are never truly balanced homogeneously. When we talk about healthy hormones, often its in regards to the delicate array of female reproductive hormones that shift and fluctuate throughout a monthly cycle. Whilst the main hormones oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, lutenizing hormone (LH) & Follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) will change in quantity throughout the cycle, there is a delicate fee...dback that exists to ensure all is running smoothly. And often its not! Stress, poor diet, coffee, alcohol, poor digestion and poor quality sleep are just some of the factors that can throw hormone production off kilter. The trouble is women arent taught about hormone imbalances. In fact most women I speak to have no idea of how their cycle works and whats normal. I know when I suffered painful periods and irritability from my early adult years, I had no idea I was hormonally imbalanced. I suffered for many years, only to be diagnosed with endometriosis many years later. Most women I work with share a similar story. Symptoms started very early on following puberty, but they continued to suffer with lack of knowledge in whats normal, or abnormal. If youre not sure what a hormone imbalance looks or feels like, I have created a FREE guide for women. In it youll find some of the common symptoms indicative of hormone deficiencies or hormone dominance. Youll also find some kick start advice to start correcting an imbalance today. You can download this guide from my website Let me know how you go with it. Xx

18.01.2022 ~ ~ The body holds the secrets to your source of pain and suffering. And yet sitting still long enough for the body to reveal itself can be the challenge. The mind becomes busy as the body becomes still forever trying to distract us. A coping mechanism I believe to keep us from the deeper emotions buried within. Coming into a yoga pose youll often feel the temptation to move. Perhaps it physically feels uncomfortable. Perhaps you feel bored, or ...perhaps you want to move a little faster? Notice if this is a pattern for you. What would happen if you stayed a little longer? Challenging that temptation to move and allowing the body to reveal itself to you. Perhaps your desire to move is a form of self preservation, protecting you from within? Notice. Watch. Observe. Whilst fast flows and strong vinyasa practices can be fun, my classes are always slower and more meditative guiding you deeper within where the real healing begins. How can you access Devi Shakti classes? Online at Privately, email [email protected]

18.01.2022 How many times have you tried to break a habit, change your lifestyle, make ‘better choices’, lower anxiety, or even release trauma, only to have it return later down the track? Often, despite undertaking costly and time consuming practices or therapy old habits and emotions can easily creep back in. The fact is, it can be hard to imagine your life without these so called ‘negative aspects’. ... Who are you without your anger, frustration, grief, illness, limiting beliefs? It can be scary and hard to release these things. You developed these feelings, behaviours, emotions or maybe even illness for a reason. Without consciously aware of it we hang onto these habits for safety and comfort. When working with clients we start by learning to watch the body/ mind with curiosity. What exactly are your habits? Where have they come from? Why are they here? How do you really feel about them? Do you really want them gone? Next we befriend them. The very things we want to change are here to keep us safe. Instead of hating these habits, with thank them for being here. We then work to create an internal sense of safety and security. It’s only when we feel safe within ourselves that these other life long safety mechanisms are no longer required. And finally we focus on who you are without these limiting beliefs. Finding just one thing that you like about yourself and that you’d like to see more of can help give you focus on your goals. Maybe you have a good sense of humour and like the way you laugh? It may be that you don’t get to use that humour oftenif we focus on reestablishing a connection with the qualities you love about yourself then we can invite them forward again. This then can create life long, positive change :)

17.01.2022 Another link in the endo puzzle... A genetic component has been found between endo, depression and gut health and yes, diet can help!

17.01.2022 How many times have you tried to break a habit, change your lifestyle, make better choices, lower anxiety, or even release trauma, only to have it return later down the track? Often, despite undertaking costly and time consuming practices or therapy old habits and emotions can easily creep back in. The fact is, it can be hard to imagine your life without these so called negative aspects. ... Who are you without your anger, frustration, grief, illness, limiting beliefs? It can be scary and hard to release these things. You developed these feelings, behaviours, emotions or maybe even illness for a reason. Without consciously aware of it we hang onto these habits for safety and comfort. When working with clients we start by learning to watch the body/ mind with curiosity. What exactly are your habits? Where have they come from? Why are they here? How do you really feel about them? Do you really want them gone? Next we befriend them. The very things we want to change are here to keep us safe. Instead of hating these habits, with thank them for being here. We then work to create an internal sense of safety and security. Its only when we feel safe within ourselves that these other life long safety mechanisms are no longer required. And finally we focus on who you are without these limiting beliefs. Finding just one thing that you like about yourself and that youd like to see more of can help give you focus on your goals. Maybe you have a good sense of humour and like the way you laugh? It may be that you dont get to use that humour oftenif we focus on reestablishing a connection with the qualities you love about yourself then we can invite them forward again. This then can create life long, positive change :)

16.01.2022 Practicing mindfulness whilst on holidays. Ive ever done one of these but am amazed at how much insight its providing into the inner workings of my mind. Im impatient, like patterns & neat completion of things.... Who knew Anyone else tried these?

16.01.2022 Ive been a little absent from the social platforms lately. Whilst its not conducive to running a business (thanks to Facebook algorithms etc blah blah), its vital I maintain an authentic presence. And sometimes that requires absence. Ive been exploring some of my own healing needs through the power of Shakti Immersion. The course Im partaking in is clearing the depths of the unexplored, untouched and long forgotten. Its no surprise to me this timely release coincides ...with Winter Solstice and the bunkering down to go within. As I fully immerse myself in the healing power of Shakti I already feel space forming within and taking on new creation. Im feeling excited to emerge renewed with new offerings when the time is right. Are you feeling a shift this Winter Solstice, which happens to coincide with a solar eclipse? Such powerful times of awakening.

13.01.2022 , . Many trauma suffers find theyve had enough counselling and talk therapy and yet dont fully feel released. This is where physical movement becomes a paramount adjunct to your healing. Leading trauma psychologist Prof Van der Kolk talks about the body retaining the memory of trauma at a cellular level and how movement through the form of yoga therapy can aid the shifting of this energy. ... According to Van der Kolk Western psychotherapy has paid little attention to the interpretation of disturbed physical sensations and action patterns. Yoga therapy however reintegrates the body and mind to control reflexes associated with ptsd. Yoga offers a way to reprogram this automatic response and helps to regain natural movement and regulation. Through gentle movement and breathing techniques we release trauma and anxiety from the body, whilst regulating the nervous system. If youre interested in learning more about trauma sensitive yoga therapy please get in touch

13.01.2022 ? Endometriosis is a debilitating condition that affects 1 in 10 women. Despite research efforts, there is still no effective lasting treatment & women are suffering! As a Yoga Therapist, I investigate the body as whole this includes the physical body, psychological health, energetic body & even spirituality of an individual. When there is a break down somewhere in these components, there is illness.... In my experiences working with women suffering endo, there is often a connection to trauma, grief or deep emotional pain that requires investigating. Whilst a woman may feel recovered by pushing aside painful experiences, the body doesnt easily forget. Leading psychological researchers are now documenting compelling links between trauma & physical pain & illness. The pelvic bowl not only supports the reproductive organs but emotionally is the centre for joy, self-expression, creativity, sexuality & sensuality. It is the centre of creation. Whether you want children or not, it is a sacred centre for women & an emotional storehouse. Often women who have experienced a break down in relationships, lack of supportive guidance from their Mother, a loss of self-confidence or loss of self, sexual abuse or other forms of trauma, will result in a break down of pelvic functionality. Whilst medical intervention may be required to help ease the current symptoms of endometriosis, I believe more is required to invoke inner healing & recovery. I am trained in Trauma Sensitive practices to help an individual safely navigate their way through past trauma, limiting beliefs, & the rollercoaster of grief. Yoga therapy is also used to restore balance to the body, can reduce pain & even improve hormone function. If youre interested in learning more head to my website, or simply request a free call.

13.01.2022 I am forever grateful for my beautiful clients. I learn and grow so much through working with you all. You all have so much value, wisdom and strength to offer the world. I just love championing you as you stand in your power I can’t believe it, but I have room for just one more client to start in Jan 2021 before I’m fully booked again!. If you’ve ever considered Yoga therapy to help address menstrual or fertility concerns or to navigate your way through releasing truama, please get in touch

13.01.2022 Wow..powerful words

13.01.2022 ~ How do you start your day? Do you roll out of bed, run the coffee machine & start shouting at the kids/ partner to get up? Or, if youre like me, do you start thinking about work before youve even made breakfast? Perhaps even eating brekkie on the run?!... How you start your day greatly determines how you spend the day. If you start it rushed & hectic, youll complete it in the same manner in which you started- exhausted! If youre a woman prone to hormonal imbalances, it might be wise to start a little more gently. Our amazing bodies receive a surge of cortisol, our stress hormones in the morning. We need this surge to get us up & moving & to awaken the body from slumber. Coffee, stress & generally rushing around can greatly increase this demand for cortisol. High levels of cortisol are not good for healthy hormone production. In fact, long periods of stress can slow endocrine function completely. For many women suffering hormonal concerns, including things like PMS and period pain, reducing stress is important. So instead, take a few moments to meditate & start the day slowly, even if this means getting up a little earlier. (Side note: If you have problems with getting up, you may like to read my blog on quality sleep found on my website.) Meditation lowers stress hormones, slows the heart & respiratory rate, & reduces anxiety. Meditation is also known to increase alpha brain activity the brain wave activity that induces a relaxed & calmer state & invokes creativity & greater awareness. Before I start my day I meditate. Its a part of my daily routine like brushing my teeth. On the days I dont get a chance, I feel fury & gross . I encourage you to try a short meditation every morning just 5-7 mins to start with. Watching the breath & feeling into your body without judgement. If you need guidance let me know Xx Happy meditating

12.01.2022 I don’t post much anymore these days... I’m no longer seeing the value in social media. There’s a lot of nonsense and misguided information out there, which I believe can be dangerous. Which brings me to the purpose of this post! If you’re interested in moving into more holistic methods for healing please don’t trust anybody that says they CAN HEAL you! Only you can heal yourself and that requires a few core ingredients.... 1)The desire to heal. Sometimes we are so attached (subconsciously of course) to our suffering we fear what we would be without it. We don’t know how to live any differently. Or perhaps we’re not ready to let go of that source of pain yet. Perhaps it feels like losing something? 2)Work and effort! We often hear holistic practitioners talk about healing the body through rest and ‘coming into the Feminine healing nature of the body’. Whilst this is important, healing can also require a lot of work and effort. Self enquiry, a change in diet, lifestyle changes, an exercise program and most importantly commitment for when temptations arise. Non of these things are easy! When we feel weak it’s easy to fall back into the habits we know. It takes a lot of hard work to break these habits. 3) Finally, it requires the ability to ride out the emotions and set backs as they arise. I’m a yoga therapist, I nurture those seeking healing from trauma and women’s health concerns. I have a tool box of tricks and techniques I use to support these women through their own healing journeys. And yet I still go through my own ‘healing crises’. Are we ever truly healed? I’m not sure we can be as hurt and emotional pain continue to prevail. However, I think we constantly improve in our ability to heal as we learn more about ourselves. Perhaps this life is a journey of self discovery, healing and growing...but no one can do this for you! Only you can heal yourself

11.01.2022 Yes! This is brilliant and about time

10.01.2022 ... * Have not experienced nor heard of yoga therapy and are unfamiliar with how it works * Are tired of simply managing their symptoms with painkillers and drugs... * Feel they arent being heard by their medical practitioners * Have experienced some form of trauma or deeply emotional experience in their lives * Long for deeper healing and emotional release * Are frustrated or feel let down by their body ~ Most women intuitively sense what needs to be done to bring them inner healing....and yet many avoid this deeper work. Yes, its scary. Yes, it can mean youre dredging up buried pasts, and yes it can be a bit of a roller coaster before it gets better. However all women I work with speak of the shift they feel in their lives, the creating of space and the lessening of symptomsmaking it well worth the effort. As your therapist its my joy and honour to guide you through your healing process. This may require a physical release of pain and suffering, or gentle guidance bringing you home to your My therapy involves yoga asana for YOUR body and symptoms, meditation and pranayama to release and shift emotions and anxiety, trauma releasing therapy, yogic philosophy and counselling, plus ongoing support. My therapy is dynamic in that it shifts and varies to suit your needs and emotional state. If youre sensing that more is required than simply taking painkillers and drugs to restore your health, lets talk. Im here for you

10.01.2022 When I first discovered the healing capabilities of yoga I was suffering panic attacks daily and was medicated for depression and anxiety. I was too scared to feel anything and yet the drugs made it worse. I wanted something else. Something that would help me navigate my emotions as well as heal my physical pain.... Yoga taught me how to feel INTO my body, and the long held emotions and belief patterns trapped thereall whilst feeling safe and nurtured. It taught me resilience, strength and focus. It allowed me to open my heart to my journey and taught me more about my faith than Ive ever known. I now continue to use yoga to not only continuously heal my own body, but guide and assists others in doing the same. Yoga, if you invite it to be, can be exceptionally healing and can bring life to those who feel they may have lost it.

10.01.2022 ... ! Most people with anxiety find it difficult to breathe deeply into the lower abdomen. Their breath is shallow, trapped in the upper lobes of the lungs. The abdomen or belly region is locked with tensionthis is after all our centre of emotional well being. When stressed we tend to tighten into the belly and the breath becomes shallow. Its the fight... or flight mode we are ready to run and we need the belly strong and tight to tackle our challenges. The thought of expanding and relaxing into the belly during times of stress might seem threatening to someone with might even pose a sense of losing control. The beauty with yoga therapy is the ability to work with the individual, finding a technique that works. There are so many neat little tricks I like to use to help expand the breath with someone. Simple hand movements combined with breath awareness can make all the difference. This not only brings more oxygen into the body but provides a means of distraction from the anxious thoughts. As a previous sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks I know only too well how frustrating it is to be told to breathe deeply and relax when feeling stressed. Its not like we have chosen to feel this way! If you know someone who suffers anxiety please be patient and understanding. What works for you, might not for them and they may require some little tips and tricks to help get them there. Reach out if I can help in anyway

09.01.2022 Its so funny editing video content & watching my facial expressions. Ive been told Im animated when talking & I guess I am. Especially when talking about something Im passionate about, & I dont get much more passionate than womens health. It can get confusing navigating the plethora of messages the body sends but its almost always related to your mental & emotional state of mind.... Teaching women how to read these connections is not only rewarding for me, but deeply empowering for them as they learn to become their own healers. Its heal, let your body speak

09.01.2022 Often in Gratitude Meditation practices we are encouraged to focus on something we are grateful for. This might include friends, family, a roof over your head, Mother Nature... Whilst these type of Gratitude meditations can be beneficial for some, for many people struggling with mental health issues, this can also trigger feelings of shame and guilt. The sense of I have no right to be depressed when I have so much, can leave you feeling even more depleted than when you For many people suffering mental health, one of the hardest things to do is learning to love, appreciate and be Grateful for yourself. Often the inner dialogue is self-defeating and patterns of limiting belief’s exist along with a sense of unworthiness. When finding it hard to love yourself, we often look to others to fill this cup. Whilst we may have loved ones around us to support us, despite their good intentions they may be missing the mark in filling your cup. Have you ever had a conversation with a close family member or friend and walked away feeling like they don't understand or that you don’t feel fulfilled? Instead of projecting Gratitude outwardly, try projecting inwardly. Re-filling your OWN cup by practicing self-love and self-gratitude can help immensely in shifting these limiting thoughts. When you next meditate, think of 3 things you are Grateful in yourself. Start off small if you find this challenging. Example, I’m Grateful for my sense of humour and how it makes others smileetc. Allow the feelings of Love and Gratitude to swell and awash your body as you focus on this aspect of yourself.

08.01.2022 #lettinggoofthepast #yourpastdoesnotdefineyou #limitingbeliefs #subsconscious #awareness #choices #mindfulresponse #mindfullness #meditation #changeyourstory #createyourfuture #trauma #anxiety #devishakti #divinegoddess #yogatherapy #emotionalhealth

08.01.2022 Im looking intelligent at the desk today . In actual fact Im creating, and thats what I love doing best.creating for my clients . Today Im creating a personalised Yoga Nidra to help manage trauma, stress and anxiety. ... Did you know Yoga Nidra is proven to effectively heal truama and ptsd (also taught as IRest meditation). Its also used to improve quality of sleep, treat insomnia, break limiting patterns and belief systems, reduces pain symptoms and provides effective emotional and physical healing in the body. I love creating personalised content as thats where real healing can begin when we address the root cause of symptoms. If youre in need of personalised yoga content please get in touch.

08.01.2022 Do you suffer from low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, feelings of inadequacy or limiting beliefs? Guess what? You’re not alone. In fact leading clinical psychologist Prof. Ron Siegel believes this is a part of our innate biological genetic make-up. We are constantly in competition with those around us. Following the ‘survival of the fittest’ model, it’s the most successful individual that is awarded the mate, the best shelter, the highest social position in community. ... We spend out daily lives constantly judging ourselves against others how could I have done this better? How could I do more? Whilst this does encourage personal improvement and advancement to some degree, it also feeds the ‘not good enough’ mindset. It’s an unhealthy model in which to advance. The reality is that you’ll never be good enough whilst comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone better, faster, fitter..etc. If you have ever felt you’re alone in your self-defeating limiting beliefs, be assured you’re not! What you’re experiencing is a normal biological response to wanting to survive in this fast-paced world. So how do we break free of something so ingrained in our being? We step aside from the game. We watch with curiosity and amusement how we fall into this endless cycle of needing to do more, without ever gaining the end result. We watch this innate biological drive as it emerges in certain scenarios. Instead of competing with others, resolve to only compare yourself to yourself as you gauge your own personal growth. Have I improved since last week? Am I different to where I was a year ago? Have I leant to deal with XX better? In doing so, you remove the I’m not good enough story and replace it with look how far I’ve come observation. In Yoga therapy, I help my clients navigate their way to the root cause of these limiting belief patterns. Replacing these stories with a healthier curiosity about their psychology and how to better themselves for themselves and no one else!

07.01.2022 Its been years since I took a holiday in the sense of actually stopping! I find it hard to know what to do if Im not creating. Ive always been creative, always been drawn to creativity and been told Im a dreamer. When Im not creating I feel lost and somewhat empty. Ive allowed it to define me.... Women have this innate ability to tap into creativity and to nurture new things. And whilst this is a powerful attribute to have, the doing side of creating can become imbalanced. Im (slowly) learning to discover who I am without this constant need to create. Ive been reading about the Goddess Chinnamasta who sacrifices her own head for others to feed off. She is a fierce nurturer recklessly sacrificing herself for others. As a mother I strongly relate to this Goddess. There are many interpretations for the reasoning of her own beheading. The one Im most drawn to at the moment is the beheading of the ego, the mind, thoughts and sense of self. By letting go of the head we let go of all attachment to personal agenda. The interesting thing with Chinnamasta is that she also feeds herself with the blood from her own head. By letting go of her agendas she is refuelling her own energy. Learning to let go of personal agenda, expectations and the ego we begin to live life more abundantly, freely and divinely. Theres a challenging meditation that comes with this reading and one Im still adapting to! Is it possible to meditate on your body as though you had no head? Who would you be? How would you see the world with no head, and through the eyes of no agenda? How would you conduct yourself if there was no agenda?

06.01.2022 Youre a hard working, giving, talented & creative woman. You are often over stretched being a mother, a wife, a sister, a boss, employee, friend, partner, carer. There is little time for YOU & yet I know you crave it. As a woman you nurture others first before yourself & your body maybe suffering for it. You feel tired, exhausted, emotional, creatively stuck, bored, & suffer a sense of longing for more. ... There is more to being woman than meets the eye. Take a bow dear lady. Its simple & takes no more than 10 deep breaths. Bend the knees gently & fold into yourself. Hugging & receiving all of yourself. Practice in the shower allowing the warm water to massage your spine, or if youre feeling particularly panicked at work head to the bathroom for a quick bow to yourself and reminder youre ok. I love the simplicity of yoga & yet there is so much going on. In this seemingly simple forward fold we are toning the spinal nerves that help activate the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest & digest). We are gently massaging the abdominal organs aiding digestion & alleviating constipation. We are improving blood circulation & slowing respiration (great for warding off panic attacks). This pose can also help ease tension headaches when you feeling them coming on. If anything I love the sense of calm & release I find washing over my body after a few deep breaths. If you have lower back issues please bend the knees more. Allow the neck to soften youll notice how tight it is initially. Dont hurry the return up- take your time allowing the blood to return throughout the body. Prescription: Take a bow as often as you require through the day

06.01.2022 Do you struggle with PMS irritability? Feel like the walls are caving in? Perhaps something stirs that inner fire and it keeps growing until youre boiling over. PMS isnt fun for those on the receiving end. Its even more unpleasant for those experiencing it. You know youre irritable, anxious, moody or even irrational and yet it WONT STOP!... Kids Partners Work colleagues Friends...theyre all in the firing line. If you feel like youre boiling over and you want it to stop, there is a way to create calm and to find that inner solace. Often thats all we need as women a few moments to ourselves to regain composure as we navigate these shifting hormones. Ive recorded a guided visualisation meditation to help you find solace and peace if youre feeling overwhelmed. You can access this through the Devi Shakti Online Yoga subscription. Youre warmly invited to try it free for a week. Discover yoga and meditation techniques to support you during your cycle. Head over to the home page (link in bio) and subscribe today. Youll find the visualisation in Meditations

05.01.2022 Period heaviness is not uncommon amongst women, and yet it often turns menstruation into an unpleasant burden. Im filming a yoga class to ease heaviness of flow for a 14 year old! Yep, girls as young as 14 are experiencing hormonal concerns. Unless addressed, this can create a loathing of the female body that may continue well into adulthood.... This young lady was encouraged to go on the pill to manage her period. This is a dated, band-aid solution causing further havoc for her hormones down the track. Girls this age should be taught to love and honour their bodies, how to understand them and harness their energy at diffident times in their cycle, and most importantly, when to know something is not right. Managing stress, diet and emotional release is extremely beneficial in addressing the cause of hormonal concerns. Fortunately for this young lady, she loves yoga and is interested in using yoga therapy to remedy her symptoms. Practicing her therapy class regularly will improve hormone production, release stress, relieve tightness and heaviness in the hips and pelvis, tone reproductive organs and ease pain and heaviness during her period

04.01.2022 Lets begin today! A Detox series that doesnt involve starving yourself or drinking weird juices Just simple techniques you can start incorporating into your everyday to support healthy liver, kidney and digestive function.... Why? Because from time to time these organs get a little stressed and sluggish and may not work as efficiently as they could. So what? Well, without these organs working well, waste and toxins accumulate in the body including excess hormones. This often results in a hormonal imbalance. Feeling a little blah right now? One of the simplest things you can do to support reproductive hormones and hormonal balance is to look after the liver, kidneys, & digestive organs . Starting today, you can learn how with simple nutritional changes and simple yoga poses. The workshop is drip fed over 3 weeks, however you can access classes anytime once uploaded. Simply subscribe to Devi Shakti Yoga online to begin (first week is free). Looking for more? Your ongoing subscription provides access to a wealth of classes including yoga asana, pranayama and meditations to support womens reproductive health. Link in bio

03.01.2022 Trauma and grief as a common link to menstrual problems.

02.01.2022 Coffee gets a bit of a bad wrapespecially for women with hormonal concerns. But coffee is not the culprit itself, but how stressed you are when youre drinking it. We often turn to coffee when stressed, tired or socialising, however we usually lack the mindfulness to enjoy it at the time. Lack of mindfulness and awareness often implies higher than usual stress hormones.... If youre habitually and mindlessly downing your mourning coffee, it often means youve got a lot going on and the coffee has become a crutch to help you through. The problem? Coffee encourages the body to produce more stress hormones! When already stressed the implications of higher stress hormones are: ~ a decline in reproductive hormones & thus menstrual problems ~ lack of ability to deal with stress ~ sleep issues or daily fatigue ~ irritability or inability to focus ~ stubborn weight gain ~ bloat or gut irritability After speaking to a client suffering anxiety, she agreed her symptoms felt worse after her second morning cup. She also agreed that she wasnt even aware she was drinking her coffee she was that busy. If you cant enjoy it, what then is the point? Practicing mindfulness during the day is one way to lower stress hormones so you can enjoy your coffee. Mindfulness also makes you aware as to whether you really, truly need that second cup! Here I am mindfully enjoying my second coffee after a sleepless night with Bubba G .

02.01.2022 I tend not to share these regularly as I truly believe its the Yoga doing the healing, rather than my own abilities. did get me thinking about some of the incredible success stories Ive had the opportunity to witness.... I once worked with a woman suffering severe anxiety around flying. We managed to curb this anxiety for her to comfortably fly overseas to see her family. I had another woman suffering life long grief and major back pain as a result. After a few months together all her back complaints had gone and she could stop taking prescription medication. Another woman struggling to fall pregnant, and after suffering numerous miscarriages was ready to give up. After a yoga program for hormones she now has a beautiful baby in her arms. Ive had a woman diagnosed with tight pelvic floor from endometriosis and told not to conceive. After working with me for 3 months her gynaecologist could give her the green light to try for a family. I helped a woman overcome her life long history with suffering hormonal migraines. Ive worked with complex ptsd suffers and in one case managed to reduce my clients dependency on alcohol to fall asleep at night. Women suffering confidence issues and unable to speak up, have found their voice and direction in life, Whilst others have found the ability to release their anger and anxiety from traumatic experiences. And then of course theres my own success story. Falling pregnant with my baby after suffering endometriosis and thyroid disease for many long years. Ive been blessed to witness first hand these diverse and incredible stories through teaching yoga therapy. I am no more than the vessel or facilitator to help navigate you through your own healing journey. Please reach out if youre curious to learn more

02.01.2022 Couldn’t agree more!

01.01.2022 Sleep~ *Very few women get adequate sleep. * Sleep is important for growth, rest and repair. ... * Quality sleep is more important than quantity. * This can be easier said than done and unless we lower those stress hormones, sleep will be affected. In my recent blog learn how sleep affects hormone production and how quality is better than quantity. (You can find the blog on my blogs page at

01.01.2022 None of my programs (or yoga sessions for that matter) are once off sessions. I encourage the client to work with me over a period of weeks-- to months. It takes time for the body to release life long held trauma, anxiety and limiting patterns. But by the end, amazing things begin to happen as one of my dear clients discovered in her final week of practices... "I just finished the gratitude meditation and leading with the heart yoga-- that was really good! I became so emotional during the meditation, but in a good way, like for the first time I could see myself in a different light and I was so proud to be me. It was like I was looking at myself as a child and appreciating all the things I've always taken for granted. Truly amazing stuff!"

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