D for Drama | Businesses
D for Drama
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25.01.2022 And thAt bringS uS to the End of a WONderful yeaR. A greaT big thAnk you to All the AMAzing students, + fantastiC familieS. WE're ALready lookinG forWARd to next yeaR, but firSt- hAve a wonDerful timE ovEr the festiVE seaSOn. See you in the NEW year!!
24.01.2022 ShowcaSiNg a scENE froM sTAR wArs EpisODe VII. GEt reaDY foR neXt weeKS gueST teAChER!! .... ARe you rEady?
20.01.2022 WeLL it's deciDED then- thE scArieST PossiBLe thinG to HaPPen at HALlowEEn is seeiNg a REAL ghosT!!! + as fAR as jokes Go, TOnight's winnER goes TO: "Why did the pumpkin cross the road?" "Because it was a pumpkin" And THey SAy you can't tEach funNy...
19.01.2022 A TOP nighT of LaughS, tellinG jokes anD gettiNG planneD for our ENd of yEAR perforMAnCes at THe Empire Theatre SeeYOU there!!
19.01.2022 What's funny + TAkes plaCe on Wednesday's?
17.01.2022 To be sung: "Who let the chickens out?" Another week full of chuckles and giggles. Oh so funny moment this week- the rudely awakened bull chasing the joke-telling narrator off the stage. (You may have had to be there).
13.01.2022 TheGRID: hybrid arts collective end of year showcase is on next Saturday 29th November and DforDrama will be there too! Classes A and C will be performing in the matinee performance and A and B in the evening performance. Get in quick to get your tickets and we will see you there! http://www.empiretheatre.com.au//full-circle-thegrid-dance
08.01.2022 Be careFUL in THis wonderLAnd... It's BEEn a rainY, stoRMy, fAST paCed aftERNoon wiTH stackS of LAUGhs + all this WIth onLy tWo weeKS lefT oF TErm!
07.01.2022 FiRST Week BAck for TErm 4! faLLing ElboWs firST inTo a Hilarious Week oF hUmOUr + FunnIES. BeSt gANgSter Name mADE fROM youR own initiaLS- close CAll beTween "Diggity Spook" and "Asthmatic Steak"...
07.01.2022 Afternoon apologies! Our guest teacher has unfortunately fallen ill and is unable to take this afternoon's classes. Class won't be happening this afternoon, but we will ensure we make up the class later in the term. Hopefully you can still enjoy a dramatic afternoon and see you back on the grid next week!
06.01.2022 WELcOme tO 2015!! It's thE starT of anothER yEAR. Are you REady? DfORdrama sURe is- kicking off wiTH oUr firST term- 'PLay'. WeeK 1 stARts next week on Wednesday 4th at the Usual times: Drama C @ 4pm... Drama B @ 5pm Drama A @ 6pm LookinG forward to seeiNG you All then!! See more
03.01.2022 A top week of fun and games. Full of improv and some amazing imaginations. Any guesses which Roald Dahl book is pictured here? ... Til next week!
01.01.2022 It's hard wORK- caTchinG faiRies iN unicorn LAnd! We'Re already inTo weeK 2 anD haviNG a wICkEd term!
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