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Dental Hygienists Association of Australia Limited in Doncaster East, Victoria, Australia | Medical research centre

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Dental Hygienists Association of Australia Limited

Locality: Doncaster East, Victoria, Australia

Address: PO BOX 3359 3109 Doncaster East, VIC, Australia


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23.01.2022 URGENT UPDATE FOR SA MEMBERS The SA Premier has this afternoon announced an immediate 6 day Circuit Breaker lock-down across the state of South Australia, effective from Midnight on Wednesday night 18 November 2020 (or 12:01 am Thursday 19 November). You can view the full restrictions at DHAA has been seeking directives from SA Health and is in contact with ADA SA for further clarification on dental services across SA. In the absence of specific government directives on dental services and based on the information available and considering the spirit of the lockdown and precedents that linked dental service to elective surgery, we support the ADA SA recommendation for Level 5 dental restriction. This means no routine dental treatment provided. All patients with acute dental concerns to be directed to emergency care centres. You can find information on the Level 5 Dental restrictions on the ADA SA Branch page - We will keep members informed of any further updates via member emails.

22.01.2022 URGENT UPDATE - Victorian practitioners The Victorian government released ‘Permitted Work Premises’ for the purposes of the Restricted Activity Directions (Restricted Areas) (No 6), effective as at 5 August 2020 from 11:59pm. Under the directions, all public and private health services including dental treatment for urgent care is permitted. ... All AHPRA registered health professionals (including dental hygienists, oral health therapists and dental therapists) are allowed to provide services that prevent a significant change/deterioration in functional independence necessitating escalation of care (e.g. a requirement for specialist input/review, an increase in care needs and/or alternate accommodation, avoiding a hospital admission or emergency department presentation). As a result, ADA level 3 dental restrictions are now mandatory in metropolitan Melbourne for all dental practitioners. These can be found on the ADA COVID-19 Hub -

21.01.2022 How did you spend your Cavity-Free Future day? With statistics like these what was the stand out thing you did today to change them with your patients? Did you spend time on preventative education, attending a workshop, doing oral hygiene instruction or introducing new patients to dental care. ... How do you think we can change these numbers for the better in the future? #wcffd #cavityfree #dentalcare #oralhealth #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #dentaltherapist #preventativedentistry

21.01.2022 The DHAA Webinar - Sustainability in the dental practice is being postponed. Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to go ahead with the webinar as planned tomorrow evening and we are postponing it until a later date. We are working with our presenter to find a suitable time to present and will update all members as soon as we have a new date confirmed. ... We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

21.01.2022 Have you seen our newly launched Peer Support Service? If you're not sure what it's all about or how it might be able to help, then our recent DHAA Bulletin story will give you an insight to what it offers. You can also join the team at DHAA Connect on Tuesday at 8pm as we take a look at our different support and advice services and answer any questions. ... #DHAA #DHAABulletin #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #dentaltherapist

20.01.2022 R U OK? Day is a timely reminder to check in with those around us and see how they are doing. At a time when our focus for public safety relies on physical social distancing it can lead to feeling isolated from those around us. So take a moment and reach out to a friend, a family member or a colleague and check in with them. For our members experiencing challenging or stressful times related to their work we have our peer support line here to help - And the R U OK? website has a range of links to support services (including immediate help), useful tools and resources - #DHAA #supportingourmembers #ruok #ruokday

20.01.2022 Looking for a new role or maybe even a sea change? We currently have a number of new jobs being advertised in around the country searching for a dental hygienist or oral health therapist to join their team. You can find out more details about each position and what they have on offer by heading to the Job's Board on our Member Portal at

20.01.2022 Through COVID-19 some of our DHAA advice and support services have been running around the clock. But did you know we offer advice and support in a range of different areas, with some newly launched services all free to members? You can access all of these member support services as well as supporting resources in our Member Portal.... #dhaa #supportingourmembers #support #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #dentaltherapist See more

19.01.2022 This Tuesday 4th August our monthly DHAA Connect webinar will take a look at the recent concerns around increasing COVID cases. We will be joined by our Victorian Committee members Sarah Laing (Chair), Cathryn Carboon and Desiree Bolado as well as Matthew Hopcraft from ADA Victoria. Members can join the webinar or submit a question to our panel on our DHAA Connect page in the member portal or by heading directly to www.dhaa.infor/portal/connect... #dhaaconnect #DHAA #DentalHygienist #OralHealthTherapist #Covid19

18.01.2022 DHAA BULLETIN: NEW ISSUE OUT NOW! The latest edition is just a click away, and it's full of useful tips, tales and essential info for oral health professionals. Take a look at our good news stories from members and the industry as we continue to recover as well as have a look at the upcoming change in scope we look at how to grasp the chance to be your own boss. There is this and much more in your free DHAA Bulletin. Read it today #DHAA #DentalHygienist #OralHealthTherapist #OralHygiene

18.01.2022 With the increase in restrictions in Victoria today due to COVID and a number of other states reporting cases over the weekend and today, it is important to remember to stay vigilant with our patient screening and infection control. The ADA has made their COVID-19 guidelines and resources available to everyone during this time, which detail patient screening and additional measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. These can be viewed at We will be holding our DHAA Connect webinar tomorrow night at 8pm AEST (accessible through our member portal), where we will provide further updates.

18.01.2022 Keeping with our trend of radio appearances this week, tune in tomorrow morning at 8:45am (ACST) as our Rural and Remote SIG Chair - Lyn Carman talks to Emma Pedler from ABC Eyre Peninsula. They will be discussing Smiles on Eyre program Lyn and Dr Cindy Dennis have been running on to improve oral health outcomes in the Eyre Peninsula. They also speak about Hygienists and OHT’s being an underutilised workforce to and how we must find a way to set up a sustainable, local and c...onsistent programs for our rural remote regions. Join us live tomorrow morning at

18.01.2022 Today our Qld Chair Jen Turnbull and CEO Bill Suen had the pleasure of sitting down with Mr Milton Dick MP from the Australian Labor Party to discuss our advocacy campaign Bad Mouth - the Neglected Reality. This was one of the first steps to a strategic approach to address this neglected part of health care for all Australians. You can read more about our campaign by heading to our website

18.01.2022 For those who tune in to ABC Radio Adelaide - Mornings with David Bevan this morning (approx. 9:20 ACST or 9:50 AEST) he will be joined by one of our SIG Chairs Margie Steffens OAM to talk about aged care and dental hygiene. You can listen online at:

17.01.2022 Urgent COVID information for Victorians.

16.01.2022 [[SPONSORED POST]] #curaproxaustralia CURAPROX AUSTRALIA |

15.01.2022 For those who missed DHAA Connect with our Victorian Committee and Associate Professor Matthew Hopcraft discussing the current situation and dental restrictions in Victoria this is now available on our website. We have included links to the ADA's COVID-19 Hub which has updates to a number of documents including the addition of a comprehensive 'COVID-19 Risk Management Guidance' which ties into the updated Dental Service Restrictions and Level 3 staging tree. For any members... requiring assistance during this time we urge you to reach out to our team. We have our state support groups, IR advice line (available through the member portal) and our newly launched peer support group available to help. Our thoughts are with our Victorian colleagues, and together we can get through this.

15.01.2022 For those who missed Margie Steffen's speaking to David Bevan from ABC Radio Adelaide - Mornings about aged care and dental hygiene you can head to the ABC website and listen into the replay. Margie’s discussion starts 22min and 45sec into the show.

14.01.2022 If you are a dental hygienist, oral health therapist or dental therapist we would like to ask a few minutes of your time to participate in a survey focussed on understanding the attitudes toward conducting chair-side blood pressure screening by oral health practitioners. The aim of our research (ethics approval number HEC19514) is to investigate the prevalence of routine blood pressure screening in practice, and to explore oral health therapists and dental hygienists’ views ...and perceptions of routine blood pressure screening in a practice setting. Information relating to the study, including chief investigator, and eligibility to participate can all be found in the Participation Information Statement Once you have read the Participation Information Statement you can complete the survey here: Dr Ron Knevel, Chief Investigator, and Dr Susan Furness (Associate Investigator).

14.01.2022 We have new vacancies for dental hygienists and oral health therapists on our Jobs Board. Check them out now!

14.01.2022 Event update! Our rescheduled WA: Into the future and beyond CPD event program is finalised. Our speaker line up includes Dr Christine May and Professor Marc Tennant speaking on Tele-dentistry.... Dr Christine May will also be speaking on complementary therapies in dentistry. Dr Hayley Herbert, ENT will educate us on ear nose and throat conditions affecting oral health. Professor Glen Liddelow, Prosthodontist will discuss solutions for failed implants. And last but not least Dr Ahmed Saleh, Periodontist will take us through the new periodontal classification and applying this in clinical practice. This is an event not to be missed and registrations are open on our website -

14.01.2022 [[SPONSORED POST]] We are excited to announce that CURAPROX AUSTRALIA, is now under new management. Based in Adelaide and distributing through a new dealer network. Get in touch or visit us on #curaproxautralia #beyou #perioplus #citrox

13.01.2022 Don't forget to register by close of business today to join our 2020 annual general meeting. Our AGM is open to DHAA members only and is being held as a virtual meeting. You can view your local time and register on our website -

13.01.2022 If your interested in starting your own business don't miss your last chance to register for our webinar tomorrow night! Kerry Zarb from Zinc Business Solutions will be taking us through the some of the key considerations when starting your own business and help you on the path of getting it right from the start. Register on our website now!

13.01.2022 We have new vacancy on our Jobs Board. Check it out (and our other vacancies) now!

13.01.2022 We have a new vacancy on our jobs board. Jump onto our Member Portal and find out more now -

11.01.2022 Join us tonight for DHAA Connect. Keeping you up to date with the latest DHAA news, advocacy, and industry updates. Tonight we will take an in-depth look at our new support services page and what is on offer through our DHAA Member Portal. ... We will also check in on the national COVID situation and discuss the QLD Health Pandemic Response Guidance for PPE. Join Bill, Cheryl and Christina online at #dhaa #dhaaconnect #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #dentaltherapist

11.01.2022 Our National President Cheryl Dey has a message of support for all of our Victorian members and any other members still affected by COVID-19. Have a listen and please reach out if you need any support during this time. Stay safe.

11.01.2022 Reminder our deferred membership renewals are due by November 30. You can log into our Member Portal to update your profile, check your membership dates and renew today! Head to

11.01.2022 DHAA BULLETIN: NEW ISSUE OUT NOW! The latest edition provides a full round up of pharmaceuticals used un oral hygiene, plus a special report on anaesthetics in dentistry. We take a look at the all-new DHAA Peer Support Service and how it can help you. ... We also talk about the ongoing battle with provider numbers and our Bad Mouth campaign. There is this and much more in your free DHAA Bulletin. Read it today #DHAA #DentalHygienist #OralHealthTherapist #OralHygiene

10.01.2022 Join DHAA & ADOHTA in Western Australia for our Back to Business Breakfast. This event is focused on women's health, mental health and supporting women who have suffered domestic abuse within our community. We are including new case studies in adult orthodontics. We are also happy to introduce new relevant information from a business perspective that we feel will be very beneficial for our members. For more information and to register head to our website.

10.01.2022 [[SPONSORED POST]] #curaproxaustralia

09.01.2022 We have another new vacancy on our Jobs Board. Check it out (and our other vacancies) now!

09.01.2022 Our DHAA Qld team are kick starting their first event for 2021 at the Brisbane Square Library with an extremely important topic for all of the dental team. This 1.5hr interactive presentation will look at the role of oral health in domestic and family violence prevention. It will give us as clinicians important tools in recognising and helping to prevent this in our patients, while also taking care of ourselves and knowing where to turn. There are limited places available so register to ensure you don't miss out on this important face to face presentation.

09.01.2022 Did you miss a ticket to our SA Christmas Brunch earlier this month? After a brief pause on registrations earlier we are pleased to announce we have reopened sales for the weekend only! Jump online and grab a ticket to our final face to face event for 2020.

09.01.2022 Globally, nearly 100% of adults have tooth decay and oral disease affects 3.9 billion people worldwide, with untreated tooth decay impacting almost half of the world’s population. What are you planning this year for #WCFFD to help fight tooth decay? You can learn more about WCFFD and download resources here: #dentalhealth #wcffd2020 #oralhealth #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist


08.01.2022 After launching our Bad Mouth campaign earlier this year during Dental Health Week, our strategic approach to draw attention and seek changes to provide more equitable and affordable dental healthcare for all Australians has had some progress. We have been advised by the Chief Allied Health Officer of the Commonwealth Department of Health that they are investigating and formulating the approach needed for our professions to gain provider numbers. This is the first of many st...eps towards our goal of provider numbers. The next steps will be a lengthy process but ADOHTA and DHAA will continue to jointly meet and consult with the Department of Health to assist in their work on planning and taking the appropriate steps to gaining Medicare Provider numbers. The full details were emailed to all members yesterday and can also be viewed on our Member Portal at #DHAA #AHOHTA #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #advocacy #badmouth #badmouthcampaign

08.01.2022 Back by popular demand, don't miss your last chance to join us for our webinar tonight at 8pm with Dr Elizabeth Milford looking at record keeping and how we can ensure our clinical notes are of a high standard. And on the 26th of August we are being joined by Dr Tihana Divnic-Resnik as we bust the myths of chemical plaque control. Register now on our website!

08.01.2022 Join us tonight at 8pm AEST as we discuss the current COVID-19 situation with our local team in Victoria. Joining our hosts tonight are special guests from our Victorian Committee - Sarah Laing (Chair), Cathryn Carboon and Desiree Bolado. Matthew Hopcraft from ADA Victoria will also be with us to discuss current transmission and the dental guidelines. ... #dhaaconnect #DHAA #DentalHygienist #OralHealthTherapist #Covid19

06.01.2022 On Tuesday 24 November 2020, the Fair Work Commission handed down its final determination on the review of the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 [MA000027]. From 1 July 2021, Dental Hygienists and Oral Health Therapists will join Dental Therapists and be covered by the Award. For 27 years, the DHAA has been advocating hard on behalf of our members to stay award-free, with this last review lasting five years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our IR lawyer Katrina Murphy and Vice President Carol Tran, who put their heart and soul into their tireless work over this long journey. All DHAA Members have been emailed with more information on what this means for us right now and how we plan to move forward so please check your inbox for more information at this stage.

06.01.2022 As part of Dental Health Week, today we have released our paper to support and seek changes to provide more equitable and affordable dental healthcare for all Australians. You can read the full release on our website by heading to #dentalhealth #dentalhealthweek2020 #dentalcare #healthcare

06.01.2022 We have two new vacancies on our Jobs Board. Check them our now by heading to our jobs board!

06.01.2022 While this year has had it’s unexpected challenges, we’ve also had some wonderful achievements. The biggest highlights are dental hygienists, oral health therapists and dental therapists being granted independent practice and a successful launch of our ‘Bad Mouth - the neglected reality’ campaign to work towards provider numbers for our profession. We can’t forget the spirit of our members, working together and supporting each other through this year of uncertainty. Along w...ith the hard work and dedication from our Board of Directors, staff team and the many many dedicated volunteers on our state committees and special interest groups which has helped us make it through this year. So from all of us at the DHAA, we would like to wish you a happy new year and look forward to sharing a brighter 2021 with you all!

06.01.2022 Our SA Christmas brunch speaker has been announced! Join us at our face to face event as Dr Michael Eaton, the Head of the Breast/ Endocrine Unit at Flinders Medical Centre presents on breast cancer and covers everything from screening through to supporting our patients in their diagnosis and the dental implications. ... Register now on our website -

04.01.2022 Tomorrow is your last chance to register for our face to face full day event in Western Australia. You can register at our website - And for our interstate members who can't attend due to border closures we have a component of this event available as a live webinar. Join us from afar as Dr Christine May presents on two exciting topics!... Registrations to the webinar component are on our website at -

04.01.2022 We have a vacancy in Tasmania on our jobs board. If you're looking for a change of scenery check it out now before it's gone.

03.01.2022 We have a new vacancy on our Jobs Board. Check it out (and our other vacancies) now!

02.01.2022 To make sure we are bringing you the hottest news, straight from the press we are moving our DHAA Connect to later in October after our DHAA Board Director Meeting. Tune in on Tuesday the 27th of October at a slightly later time now daylight savings has begun, to catch the very latest news and updates. Find your local time below:... NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS - 8:30pm QLD - 7:30pm SA - 8:00pm NT- 7.00 pm WA - 5:30pm You can find out more and join us at #dhaa #dhaaconnect #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #dentaltherapist

01.01.2022 [[SPONSORED POST]] #curaproxaustralia

01.01.2022 From all of the team at the DHAA we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. Wherever you are, cancelled plans aside, we hope you get to relax and share some time with family and friends. Merry Christmas! ... Happy Holidays! And a festive New Year full of joy! See more

01.01.2022 Join us tomorrow night for our next DHAA Connect. We will be giving you an update from the recent DHAA Board meeting, updates on upcoming events and our ongoing advocacy. We will also take you through the renewal process now our renewal date is drawing closer and answer any questions. ... You can join us from our website by heading to #dhaaconnect #dhaa #dentalhygienist #oralhealththerapist #dentaltherapist #dhaamembers

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