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Lorrain Young

Phone: +61 457 965 243


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24.01.2022 This moment in time is but a fleeting one, but if we can be happy in this moment that happiness can spread far & wide in our lives. Have a wonderful start to the school holidays & be present in the moment with your loved ones!!

24.01.2022 Fantastic nite to be a Queenslander. Wonderful effort by the NSW team but QLD was just the better team of the series.

23.01.2022 How many people who are in your life truly understand you? Not everyone who is in our lives understands us, but they do know us. Having knowledge of us doesn’t equate to understanding us.

21.01.2022 It’s been 10 years & over 100 adorable, snuggable and fragrant friends have been created and released in that time. Back in February this year (before Corona Virus hit the world) Scentsy Buddy fans around the world cast more than half a million votes for our 2020 Bring Back My Buddy promotion. To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of these much-loved Scentsy products, we are bringing back three familiar faces from the past. ... We originally announced that the winning Scentsy Buddies would be available in September, but due to a shipping delay the launch date had to be moved back. And now they will be arriving on October 13th between 8:30 - 9:30am, whilst supplies last. The top three Buddies Eliza the Elephant, Stella the Unicorn and Suzie the Sloth wont last long at all, so be real quick. Because this is a special occasion, each of these 10th Anniversary Edition Scentsy Buddies features a commemorative 10-year anniversary patch to set them apart from their original design. Happy anniversary, Scentsy Buddies! #scentsybuddies #Scentsy #diffuserscents17 #ElizatheElaphant #SuzietheSloth #StellatheUnicorn #10thanniversary #BringBackMyBuddy

21.01.2022 Look forward to the days when things will be better & your trials are not so heavy to carry anymore.Everything will eventually make sense but until then we need to just take it one moment, one day, one week at a time until we get to the point when we see everything happens for a reason. Have a awesome Sunday whether you are spending it with loved ones, working or just having a peaceful day alone.

20.01.2022 Showing up each day, even if we are late, scared, a mess, weird or confused is the least we can do in this life. We can figure out the rest as we go along. We all have times when we are not on time or even together enough to be in a good place, but we can still keep showing up so that we have time to figure it all out as we go.

19.01.2022 This has given me enough reason to keep going forward when things don’t go my way recently. When I think about all the times when I didn’t get what I wanted, I use to think it was became I didn’t deserve them. But I know it was because I deserved more than what I wanted. If you are thinking that you aren’t getting what you want because you don’t deserve it, then please know that you deserve more than that always. #youdeservemore #diffuserscents17 #keeppushingforwhatyoudeserve

18.01.2022 This is the perfect way I believe to view your success in this world!! No matter what you do in your life if we all left the world a little better for us having been in it, then we have succeeded in life. Growing up I was told that if I can make a difference in just 1 person’s life than I was on the right path in life. Ever since that is exactly how I have tried to live my life and to instill the same into my children as well, just not so sure how successful I have been in that yet. Today can I ask you all that no matter what you may be doing or with whom can you find the beauty in others or earn the appreciation of others please. Have a really amazing Saturday finding the beauty.

16.01.2022 This is certainly something which I am having to relearn now. It is so much easier to learn this with amazing people around you. Have a awesome Wednesday everyone!!!

16.01.2022 We don’t all think alike, which I think is great. We are all individuals & think as so. It’s okay though as that is what makes us all unique & able to think for ourselves. The world would be pretty boring if we all had the same way of thinking. I use to think that we all couldn’t possibly get along in this world unless we thought the same way, but I changed my mind. Once I stopped assuming that others thought the same way as me I was able to see how the world was more beautiful than ever because we didn’t think as others do. Lead with your heart & you will not only see differences but also see more beauty in the world around you. Have a wonderful Friday!!

14.01.2022 Don’t miss out on the amazing Bring Back My Buddy winners on October 13th 2020 when they will be available to purchase whilst supplies last from 8:30am- 9:30am. Because this is a special occasion, each of these 10th Anniversary Edition Scentsy Buddies - Eliza the Elephant, Suzie the Sloth & Stella the Unicorn will feature a commemorative 10-year anniversary patch to set them apart from their original design. Check out my website to order on the d...ay or message me to place your order for you. Happy anniversary, Scentsy Buddies! #BringBackMyBuddy #diffuserscents17 #Scentsy #Buddies #ElizatheElephant #SuzietheSloth #StellatheUnicorn #10thanniversary

14.01.2022 Do you know anyone who has a heart full of love with a ear to listen and a hand willing to help others?? I must be honest here and say that I have quite a few people in my life who are exactly like this and they are not just a useful asset but a true blessing in my life and the lives of those around them. These people touch the lives and hearts of so many and mostly they don’t even see what a blessing they are due to them simply doing what they know is right. Have a awesome Sabbath day!!

14.01.2022 Who will you decide to touch your life & who will be touching your soul??

13.01.2022 With Sizzler having shut the doors for the final time last weekend, they have left a parting gift for all the cheese bread lovers!!!

12.01.2022 Compliments & criticism are what we all need to grow just as both sun & rain are needed for a flower to grow. Everybody loves getting compliments but most of us don’t like getting criticism much. A lot of times we need to hear the criticism in order for us to grow personally and professionally, it helps us to become better people and better at our job. We should stop being so scared and offended of the criticism we are likely to recieve and understand in order to grow this is what we need or we are likely to not progress the way we need to. Have a wonderful Saturday!!

09.01.2022 This certainly sums up this year well!! Do you have any other ideas for a Scentsy warmer that best represents this year??

03.01.2022 Let’s make our present so beautiful and amazing that we don’t want to go back to yesterday!! Have a wonderful day making beautiful memories with your loved ones on this amazing Wednesday!

03.01.2022 We all have lessons we need to learn, but we don’t need to remember the disappointment that inevitably comes with that lesson. Learning from our past means we should be gaining wisdom to help those who will come after us. Our past will always be there so it can’t be erased but we can remember the important lessons we learnt from it. Have a awesome Saturday with your family & loved ones or working!

03.01.2022 Just for the Groot lovers!!!

01.01.2022 On this amazingly beautiful Friday please let’s all just enjoy our time with the people we have around us & whatever we have worked hard for. This is true happiness.

01.01.2022 Our gut instinct should never be dismissed as our bodies can and do pick up on bad vibrations. If your instinct is saying that something just isn’t right with a situation or person then please trust it, your instinct just might save you.

01.01.2022 How caring, loving, kind or nice you are may not be enough for some people but it is enough for the right kind of people. Surround yourself with the right kind of people who see your efforts as enough for them.

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