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Diggers Rest

Phone: +61 417 300 707


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25.01.2022 Coronavirus is still with us and celebrating at home is the safest way to mark Halloween this year. If you do trick or treat, you need to stay safe. It is safer not to hand out lollies or candy to trick-or-treaters this Halloween. This is because the virus can spread on surfaces, including food or packaging. Let's enjoy our time out of lock-down and work toward preventing a third wave.

25.01.2022 Our growing township needs a community hub where new residents can connect with existing residents. A place to socialise and spend quality time with family, friends and neighbours.

24.01.2022 VicRoads is completing vital maintenance work on Vineyard Road at the Calder Freeway outbound off ramp and roundabout from 8pm Friday 20 November until Monday 5am 23 November.

23.01.2022 Here's hoping everyone is coping as well as expected during the global pandemic. Over the past week, we've received a number of inquiries from residents looking for information about active cases in Diggers Rest. According to COVID LIVE, as at Friday July 31, Diggers Rest has eight (8) confirmed cases of which three (3) are active.

23.01.2022 Residents in need of support can call Inderdeep on 0439 327 716 to book an appointment every Thursday between 9 am to 11 am to collect food parcels or care packs on the same day from Timbertop Community Centre, 1 Timbertop Pde Aintree. Confidentiality is assured.

22.01.2022 The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions has made it extremely challenging for candidates participating in the Melton City Council 2020 election. Therefore, we have established some links to help assist all candidates reach residents in Diggers Rest. Please use our Meet the Candidates page to learn more and interact with each candidate.

20.01.2022 A new State-of-the-art "Club Hub" for Diggers Rest should provide some much needed community space for our growing township.

20.01.2022 Got a great idea to make your community safer by tackling the causes of crime? We are providing grants of up to $300,000 so Vic Councils and local community can help improve community safety by taking action on the root causes of crime. Applications are now open and will close on 15 March so get yours in soon!

19.01.2022 The population of Diggers Rest continues to grow rapidly and many residents are concerned about the delivery of necessary infrastructure to support this level of growth. What are your thoughts?

19.01.2022 Some positive news for our growing municipality.

18.01.2022 Congratulations to Georgia Beattie, well done!

17.01.2022 Melton City Council are seeking input from residents to determine the level of community awareness around the disposal of household waste within the municipality. This survey may provide residents with an opportunity to create some discussion around the establishment of a Kerbside Waste Collection Service for Diggers Rest. Speak Out or Miss Out

17.01.2022 Shortly before, they burst into Diggers Rest railway station, threatened stationmaster Mr Leo Bester, 36, with a rifle and stole his station wagon. Front page of The Age published on August 28, 1976. Credit: The Age Archives.

16.01.2022 Check this out! Imagine if all candidates were to participate in this new platform. Voting would be much less daunting for the average person.

15.01.2022 The Ian Satur model biplane took more than 600 hours to construct and was an integral feature of the 2010 Houdini Festival of Flight celebrations.

14.01.2022 Anyone interested in the establishment of a market in Diggers Rest, please provide feedback via this survey.

14.01.2022 Just in the name of fun during the pandemic, what names can you add...

14.01.2022 Today at 4:00pm is the last opportunity to enrol or update your details for the Local council elections scheduled to be held by post in October.

12.01.2022 Shane Hurenkamp, has shared a video recently uploaded to youtube with the Diggers Rest Friends & Patrons Facebook Group. The video offers a rare opportunity for residents to explore the interior of the structure. Thanks Shane for unique discovery and a huge thanks to the creator.

11.01.2022 Due to COVID-19 many jobs around the home have been let go. It's great to see this initiative by local 11 year old resident Seth, who has a passion for gardening and is inspired to help others to keep their gardens beautiful. Well done Seth, wishing you every success.

11.01.2022 It's with a sad heart to learn today of the passing of an extraordinary person, Patricia (Pat) Stockdale. Her gentle nature and sheer determination was extremely inspirational to many. She will always be remembered as a cherished member of the Diggers Rest Community. Sincere condolences to her family and friends.

09.01.2022 Keep in mind that when you obstruct the footpath you risk being issued with an infringement notice from Council which could cost you $99.00.

08.01.2022 Development on a new regional platform is currently underway. Feedback from our patrons has indicated the need for a service which expands beyond the 3427 postcode. Watch this space for updates...

07.01.2022 "I've known him for years. He's got a place at Diggers Rest which is just 10 minutes away from me and we've got a great working partnership now doing five horses," he said.

06.01.2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for us all. Eleven (11) candidates have registered to participate in the 2020 Victorian elections. Best of luck for everyone involved.

06.01.2022 Who attended the Anniversary Supper Dance at the Community Hall in 1983?

05.01.2022 Local resident Margaret Kirby has provided a link to an interview regarding a potential treatment for COVID-19. An interesting theory worthy of feedback from our decision makers.

05.01.2022 Sunbury and Bulla residents are calling on Diggers Rest to help support their plight against the proposed Bulla toxic soil dump. In 1988, Diggers Rest was faced with a similar threat of a toxic dump. Many Sunbury residents came to our aid which stopped the planned toxic dump site.

03.01.2022 Houdini Boy was named after a restaurant in Diggers Rest, where Ruff and his fellow owners meet to discuss their burgeoning greyhound operations and from where a replica Melbourne Cup trophy was unfortunately stolen following Rekindling’s triumph.

02.01.2022 Please support our local Cricket Club...

02.01.2022 2020 Melton City Council Election results for anyone who may be interested.

02.01.2022 If you're doing things tough during the global pandemic, then some help is out there. Emergency Food Relief is available at Timbertop Community Centre 1 Timbertop Pde Aintree. The service is open every Thursday and available to residents of Diggers Rest. Call 0439 327 716 Thursday morning between 9:00am to 11:00am to secure an appointment to collect food the same day. Please take care everyone!

02.01.2022 Has anyone seen the 6801 vehicle in Diggers Rest lately?

02.01.2022 Our Community Centres are Slowly Re-Opening! Melton City Council are seeking community feedback to ensure your local centre can deliver relevant programs to you and your family. Please take this short, 5-minute survey and let them know what you’d like to see and do in your local centre. This survey will close 5pm Friday 3 July....

01.01.2022 Over the years, the growth of Diggers Rest has been influenced by the formation of many advocacy groups. The relentless efforts by those involved has helped to deliver great outcomes for us all.

01.01.2022 Congratulations to Lara Carli and Moira Deeming on their election victory for Watts Ward in the 2020 Melton City Council Election. Looking forward to a bright future for the next 4 years.

01.01.2022 Over the years a number of local Diggers Rest residents have been elected to represent our community on Council. These dedicated people include Renata Cugliari, Noela Hedley, Michael Kilgariff, Anne O'Keefe, Norm Raven, Therese Samson, Charles Watson and Vernon Weaver. There combined efforts have worked toward building a great community for everyone to enjoy. You can add to this tradition and stand for Council. Nominations open September 16, 2020. See website below for details.

01.01.2022 Don't miss an opportunity to invest in commercial property within the township of Diggers Rest. Only walking distance from the station, 32 Old Calder Highway has Council approval for a Childcare Centre, Medical Centre and Specialty Retail.

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