Dindi Dog Rescue Inc in Yarra Glen, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
Dindi Dog Rescue Inc
Locality: Yarra Glen, Victoria
Address: PO Box 297 3775 Yarra Glen, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.dindidogrescueinc.org
Likes: 7525
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25.01.2022 We always love updates on our Dindi puppers, and are lucky enough to have regular ones from Miss Molly O'Brien and her lovely humans, who kindly made a generous donation to us today (Molly has her humans do this a bit!). So big thanks to Miss Molly and the O'Brien family for their ongoing support.
24.01.2022 Its National Dog Day! Show us your puppers! (These are some of my fosters over the years)
24.01.2022 A huge thank you to B O’Brien for sending these beautiful coats to keep our medium sized doggies warm, along with some gorgeous padded mats. It is very much appreciated
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dad’s who’s kids have four paws
24.01.2022 This post is shared from another site but gives some insight into how rescues select homes..... Adopting a dog - from a rescues perspective. I’ve noticed lots of people in here are frustrated with being unable to adopt a dog. So very many loving homes offered but people aren’t getting a look in. Let me offer a little insight into our process for adoption. Last night we advertised a beautiful dog. Within minutes we had 10 applications, by this morning around 50 applications.... Half of those people haven’t bothered to give their full name - yes we do stalk people’s Facebook profiles to get an idea of the home being offered. Some of those aren’t giving their full address - yes we google your address to try to see your fencing A large amount of people, when asked what their fence is made of and height at the lowest point, will simply answer with ‘yes, it’s secure. Never had a dog get out yet’ When the question asks where your current/new dog will live and sleep, please don’t answer n/a An adoption application is like telling a story. The more information you can give, the more a rescue can get to know you and the more you will stand out from the very many other applicants. Good luck to all of you looking for your new best mate See more
24.01.2022 Sweet, loving Odie is now ready to find his furever home. Please read his profile carefully before applying. https://www.savour-life.com.au/adopt-a-d/search-now//23574
23.01.2022 Many thanks to our friends at Forgotten Souls Dog Rescue for their kind donation of flea treatments and some coats for our puppers.
23.01.2022 Sweet little Charlie girl is now ready to find her perfect furever home. Please read her profile carefully to ensure suitability. https://www.savour-life.com.au/adopt-a-d/search-now//23220
23.01.2022 Basil is now ready to find a nice quiet home. His profile is in the comments below Source No: RE100023
22.01.2022 With the S4 restrictions, we thought it timely to remind you that you can order your pet food online via Petcircle, who have some great specials on at the moment. We like to support businesses that support rescue, so pop on over to Petcircle and do some shopping. If your pupper likes their Savourlife dry, they are substantially discounted on their site at the moment. https://www.petcircle.com.au/dog/food/savourlife
20.01.2022 We have been very blessed to receive a cheque from PayPal for $826.35 of donations. Sadly PayPal don’t break down the donations, so we are unable to thank people personally, but we do know that foster mum Bindi held a birthday fundraiser, raising a fabulous $325! With a busy week at the vets, this will help enormously. We are extremely grateful to everyone who donates to help our puppers. They deserve the very best and we can only do this for them, with your help
19.01.2022 Today we welcome this gorgeous little man into the Dindi family. He is in a bit of a mess, is covered in dead fleas, clearly has skin and ear issues with a hernia to boot! Once he is settled he will be off to see Dr Ben for a full checkup and any necessary vetwork. Huge thanks to Narelle and Sharyn for making the long journey to collect him and take him to foster mum and dad Karen and Steve Not ready for adoption. Please no enquiries or applications.
17.01.2022 Please welcome Koko into the Dindi family. Huge thanks to the wonderful groomer at Yarra Valley Pet Resort for making him look very handsome before going to stay with foster mum and dad Anne and Mal Not ready for adoption. Please NO enquiries
17.01.2022 Basil has also had a ruff week. After suddenly going off his food and becoming lethargic, foster mum Fran took him to the vet for a checkup. Dr Olivia couldn’t find anything obvious, so bloods were taken and he was given an anti-nausea injection. While his bloods came back as being 100% perfect, the anti-nausea injection did nothing to help. He would barely eat and only drink when water was syringed into his mouth, so today he spent the day in hospital on a drip and under observation. Of course, while he was there, he ate everything offered and even drank water! Basil is back home tonight under the watchful eye of foster mum and dad Fran and Joe. He will be dining on cooked chicken for a few days before being weaned back onto dog food (oh the indignity!)
14.01.2022 I think we can safely say Griff is well and truly on the mend. Huge thanks to Dr Kim from Yarra Ranges Animal Hospital and all the wonderful staff at Pet Emergency and Specialist Centre for helping to get our little boy on the road to recovery. Our total vet bills for him were $8092.84, after generous discounts from both vet surgeries. The love and generosity of you all has been overwhelming - we are truly blessed to have such wonderful followers. You have all helped to raise a staggering $6685, and huge thanks go to Yvonne, Peta, Lexy, Christopher, Ken & Pam, EFI Hardware and Glenn for their donations
14.01.2022 Introducing Basil. Currently en route to foster mum and dad Fran and Joe Not ready for adoption. No enquires please
13.01.2022 Busted from the pound! Please welcome Lucy into the Dindi family. Very kindly collected and fostered by mum Davina. Happy times ahead now sweetie Not ready for adoption. No enquiries or please
13.01.2022 Please welcome Milo into the Dindi family. This gorgeous little man has some skin and ear issues to get on top of but is in the very best hands with foster mum and dad Fran and Joe Not ready for adoption. No enquiries please.
12.01.2022 Beautiful Eleanor is feeling very sorry for herself after desexing. She is in the best hands with foster mum Jackie and, of course, El is making sure she milks it for all it’s worth....extra cuddles and extra treats!
11.01.2022 Charlie has finally had her surgery. After a few days in care, she came on heat, which meant that we needed to wait until 3 or 4 weeks after this had finished. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and Charlie continued to bleed. A check with Dr Ben confirmed that this happens occasionally with older dogs. He also suggested that she might have some cysts, which is exactly what was found while she was being desexed. Charlie is also suffering from skin allergies, so has been put o...n a new diet to see if this is food related. In the meantime, she is getting lots of love and cuddles from foster mum Shelley....what more could you ask for? Not ready for adoption. Please no enquiries
09.01.2022 It’s been a busy kinda week at the vets for our doggies. A lump was found in between Ellie’s toes, so off she went for a check. It was then decided to get this checked under a general anaesthetic, which was done today. Dr Ben couldn’t see anything in the lump and thought it could either be a foreign object that has been absorbed into the body and is causing inflammation and irritation, or a cyst going bad. Ellie will be on antibiotics and cortisone with a bandage on until next week. If this doesn’t help and she is still trying to chew at the paw, we will look at having the lump removed.
09.01.2022 Wine for Christmas? Yes please! Huge thanks to Nicole for setting up a wine fundraiser. Just click on the link below and have a look. Don’t want wine? There are two non alcoholic options as well. And please share. The more we sell the more dogs we can help https://prospectwines.com.au/product/dindi-dog-rescue/
06.01.2022 Alice is now ready to find her very special family. Please read her profile carefully(in the comments below) before applying Source No: RE100023
05.01.2022 This could be interesting!
05.01.2022 At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them
02.01.2022 The vet was very happy with Griffs progress at his post op appointment yesterday. While he’s still a little wobbly, this should hopefully improve, though he may always have some issues with walking. After being paralysed, the fact that he IS walking is all that matters. Griff has come to spend some time in the Dindi house while his foster parents take a well deserved break. This means that I get to share those cuddles....on his terms of course!!
02.01.2022 Basil had his dental yesterday, which turned out to be a very big procedure for our little guy. He ended up needing all the right hand side teeth removed except the lower canine and a premolar. His left hand side teeth were in better condition, and he only lost the lower canine on that side. We’re sure he’ll be feeling much better after all those yucky teeth being removed, but in the meantime, Basil lapped up extra cuddles from foster dad Joe.....just look at the love between them
01.01.2022 Some of the questions I am asked are - How can you give a dog away after fostering? Don't you fall in love with them? Don't you want to keep them all? The answers are simple - yes, we most definitely fall in love with the doggies who we foster....yes, we would LOVE to be able to keep them, but it really is not the answer to their wellbeing...and yes, giving them away is really quite easy. You see, these doggies that come to us, some scared, some neglected and some needing a ...huge amount of vet work, are loved, cuddled and cared for like they are one of our own. Their previous owners, for whatever reason, have decided that they can no longer provide these basics and so we, as foster carers, take over. We then find each and every one of these adorable babies the very best family to take over, giving what every dog should have from the very beginning.....love, security, a full belly and a warm bed. Foster carers are an integral part of any rescue. The more foster carers we have, the more dogs' lives we can save. Being a fosterer is an extremely rewarding experience and provides a second chance at life for some of our dogs. Food can be provided, along with beds, bowls, collars and leads and all vet work is paid for by us.....all you provide is the love. If you could open your heart and home to help a doggie in need, please email [email protected] I would've died that day if not for you. I would've given up on life if not for your kind eyes. I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands. I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted skin that isn't flea bitten good food and enough of it beds to sleep on someone to love me to show me I deserve love just because I exist. Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands Your big heart saved me... You saved me from the terror of the pound, Soothing away the memories of my old life. You have taught me what it means to be loved. I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me. I have heard you ask yourself in times of despair Why you do it When there is no more money, no more room, no more homes You open your heart a little bigger, stretch the money a little tighter Make just a little more room...to save one more like me. I tell you with the gratitude and love that shines in my eyes In the best way I know how Reminding you why you go on trying. I am the reason The dogs before me are the reason As are the ones who come after. Our lives would've been wasted, our love never given We would die if not for you (Author Unknown) <3
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