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Discovering DisAbility & Diversity

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24.01.2022 Today is the last day of Dyslexia Awareness month but that is not a reason to stop raising awareness about dyslexia. We need to do this everyday. Dyslexia effects so many people in our community we need to explore more about it and share solutions that will help break down barriers and create inclusive attitudes instead of people being scared to share what is happening in their world. Many parents are very upset when they told their child may have dyslexia. Instead of being and unsure about how they should proceed they need to know that their child has gifts and these need to be explored and celebrated as they will help support the learning journey and will help create solutions in the learning process. We all learn differently and we need to share what works best for us all on our individual journeys. There is no quick fix in this process and we should not discount any ideas that may help. See more

23.01.2022 Really enjoyed my first online Dyslexia Zoom session that we held on Wednesday for teachers and teachers aides across Australia. The interaction and the sharing was great. The participants loved their hands on activities and the interactive video clips. These clips showed how other reacted and helped produce solutions that they can put in place when they go back to their classrooms. It was interesting that a number of the participants felt that there was not enough informatio...n about what Dyslexia is and the different ways that it can affect people everyday available . I love it when participants can generate solutions that may work and give others the support and encouragement and chance to do a task differently. This is what happened and how exciting when it works! The sharing of story is so important in this area. We need to break down barriers and stigma about Dyslexia. We can all make a difference if we link together to help create real change. See more

23.01.2022 Just remembering how lucky I was to have Professor Bruce Dawe launch my children's story book - Discovery at Paradise Island, for me. His insight into life and his amazing poetry will never be forgotten and the privilege I had having him as my lecturer and friend will never be forgotten. Review Professor and Poet Dr Bruce Dawe The reason why I accepted this invitation to help in the launch of Discovery at Paradise Island is that when I first read the story in I enjoyed it. Re-reading it more recently, my pleasure was just as great. The central theme describes a learning curve. And I believe that all those who are fortunate enough to buy and read Sharon’s Discovery at Paradise Island will have learnt much from it, as well. It is my pleasure to have helped to launch Sharon’s Discovery at Paradise Island. I am sure you will find, as I did, many an enjoyable discovery in this book, too Dr Bruce Dawe Discovery at Paradise Island - dealing with disability in the family chosen as a NSW Board of Studies Suggested Texts for English P-10 Discovery at Paradise Island is a children's adventure storybook written for audiences aged seven to twelve years. The story gives children a chance to learn and discover about disability. This book aims to develop children’s literacy, numeracy and social intelligence, while at the same time making it exciting and fun to read. It integrates into the school SOSE syllabus and also critical literacies and numeracy with the code breaking work. It has teacher and parent directed activities included and engagement questions at the end of each chapter to encourage children to think about what they have read and apply it to their own lives.

23.01.2022 After my unexpected month long stay in hospital with septic shock of the kidneys I am back home again and looking forward to sharing more information about my new book - Discovering Dyslexia - experiencing mysteries and exploring solutions and about dyslexia and the many issues that emerge from it overall. I am very grateful for all the support i received from my family, carers, doctors and nurses. I am starting to feel energised and want to engage with all the people who have sent so many emails and requests for information about dyslexia and my book. I am sorry I have been unable to respond but i will now try to get back to everybody as soon as possible.

20.01.2022 Anyone who's struggled with dyslexia knows how daunting a classroom can be. Now a book named 'Discovering Dyslexia' gives first-hand accounts of what it's like to live with the disorder, and offers strategies to teachers and parents dealing with dyslexic children. #7NEWS

19.01.2022 Good inclusive transport helps break down barriers and encourage community participation. Love my totally accessible car...

19.01.2022 You may be interested in my new book and exploring new ways to understand dyslexia- ‘Discovering Dyslexia Experiencing Mysteries and Exploring Solutions - a resource and information guide for students, teachers, parents, and educators.’- ISBN 978-0-9581610-3-9. More detail and how to buy the book and find out more about what is inside can be explored on the discovering disability website. Information about the book launch and other interesting facts about Dyslexia and the variety of workshop available both online and face to face later in the year, will be there for you to have a look at. You can even buy the book at the online shop here.

17.01.2022 Vote 1 Sharon Boyce as a Board Director of QDN. I am currently on the board and re-nominating for my position. Please check out my video below that summarizes what I will do for members and QDN.

16.01.2022 Dear Teacher Aides and Teachers, As you know I usually do Dyslexia awareness sessions in schools across the regions. I have been unable to travel to do these so have been asked to run some via zoom or skype. My first session I am offering is going to be via zoom. It will be a little different to my usual totally hands on session however, I will still be doing hands on activities with participants as well as simulations and solutions for dyslexia. We will look at diagnosis and... the correct path to take to support children with Dyslexia in the classroom. The Dyslexia Discovery awareness session is on Wednesday 22nd of July 1-3pm. If you want to be part of this please just email me back for more details. We will be doing actual activities and I will supply resources. All participants will receive a certificate and will be able to claim as Professional Development hours. Very easy to participate and many of your questions about Dyslexia and how you can best support issues in your class room will be answered. Either return email [email protected] or ring 0417708945 to book. Very limited spaces. See more

15.01.2022 Today receiving this Doctor of Letters award from USQ was an honour. Really enjoyed the morning spent with family and friends.

15.01.2022 Exploring Dyslexia is a very personal, sensitive and eye opening journey.This area is very emotional and also very political in the way it impacts on individuals who have dyslexia and people who support them. I want individuals to be empowered by the thought they can try a number of things that worked for others and may be they will work for them. There is no quick fix but some of the solutions really help make the situation better. Some people, especially in the past, have b...een too embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help or disclose they had any issue with reading or writing. Many did not even know that other people did not see the same way they did. It wasn't talked about. Therefore, dyslexia was a massive barrier that they had to overcome and hide. We need to change this and hopefully this book Discovering Dyslexia by exploring all these issues and summarising the history of Dyslexia and what it is can be the catalyst for change.

13.01.2022 Do you have an example of a solution or an idea you could share with us all?

12.01.2022 Exciting News! Dyslexia Awareness Session- zoom training information PD Session for teachers, teachers aides and parents and other interested individuals on Wednesday, 22nd July from 1-3 pm. To get more details about what Dyslexia is and answers to your questions about assessment and support and to register for the session just click on the link below and follow the instructions so you can be part of the session. Very limited numbers and very up to date information. If you have questions register for this session to get the answers.-

12.01.2022 Welcome to this new discussion group about Dyslexia and the unique and different ways it impacts on people's lives and learning. We are all unique and this grou...p aims to explore what dyslexia is and how it affects individuals. I want people to be able to share good things that have been helpful to support them on this journey of life. It is focused on a solution based approach and also really values evidence based ideas. But if something has worked and made a real change to the way learning happens or life happens feel free to share. We would prefer no advertising of specific programs or resources however if they are embedded into real lived experience sometimes this is what we all need to hear. See more

12.01.2022 Just wanting to wish all my friends and family a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021. I have really enjoyed interacting and sharing conversations with everybody this past year. Looking forward to continuing to share and celebrate inclusion with you all.

11.01.2022 Just wanting to let everybody know I am in hospital with septic shock just taking some IV antibiotics and hopefully we will be back on track very soon. Please email me or message if you need anything urgently.

10.01.2022 Exploring Dyslexia and looking at challenges and gifts and how we can create solutions and break down barriers about dyslexia

09.01.2022 This video explores dyslexia and examines some of the frustrations people face and also looks at some of the questions parents ask. It looks at solutions and also the many different ways people feel about dyslexia. It also examines education and attitudes and diagnosis and how they impact on individuals. It also looks at the importance of valueing how understanding multiple intelligence in a classroom can make such a valueable difference to overall results.

08.01.2022 Still having some amazing conversations that have emerged from this experiential zoom session. We are exploring solutions to help individuals with dyslexia to develop new strategies to help support their learning processes and educational journey. Nothing is too insignificant. We could have talked for many more hours together. I hope we can link together again and run more sessions to build on these exciting ideas. Will keep everybody posted.

06.01.2022 The sharing of stories and conversations really creates lived inclusion. People often open up and share difficulties as well as strategies they have used to enable them to participate in the learning and education process. These stages are explored through my book Discovering Dyslexia. This book is based on my research ideas of the need for individuals to really experience disability in order to create real understanding and real change and solutions so we can all understand ...just a little of what dyslexia means to people who live with it everyday. It creates simulations and uses examples to immerse the reader, to a small extent, into the world of somebody who has dyslexia. Thank you for all the shared information and genuine life stories from all the people I have met on my education and life journey. Without these interactions this book would never have been fully complete. My understanding of Dyslexia has only been shaped by the generosity of people around me who have helped me to understand the struggles and dedicated purpose of individuals who live with Dyslexia everyday. See more

06.01.2022 I haven't been able to do as much as I usually do. I didn’t get to Goondiwindi for my recent forum either in person or via teams! I ended up in hospital on August the 3rd with Septic shock of my Kidney and then spent the rest of the month recovering. I am now back home very grateful for all the support from my family and carers, doctors and friends and have been busy catching up with the outside world and trying to update everyone as to why I have been out of the loop. I did do a number of zoom conferences from hospital but it was quite hard not having all my interactive technology i like to use. Anyway i am very glad to be home and look forward to catching up with everybody again.

06.01.2022 Looking forward to the next Dyslexia Zoom awareness session. I will post the details soon.

05.01.2022 Parents of Children with Dyslexia maybe interested to listen to this short video blog from the Voice of Boyce exploring some of the issues and solutions.

04.01.2022 Do you know what dyslexia is? What information is offered on Dyslexia awareness? Introducing an Exciting New Research Book all about Dyslexia and Hidden Disability ‘Discovering Dyslexia Experiencing Mysteries and Exploring Solutions - a resource and information guide for students, teachers, parents, and educators’- Author - Sharon Boyce This book contains hundreds of handy hints and solutions for people with dyslexia. It will help you understand what the word dyslexia me...ans. A great teaching tool for educators, and a way to explain what people with dyslexia actually see. Do you want to see different examples of what dyslexia is? Would you like this book full of information and solutions to be delivered to your library for under 100 dollars? Can I exercise my brain to help with processing information? Does dyslexia impact on mathematics? How might colour help someone with dyslexia? How can I order this book? How could this book help me understand my classroom and my students better? How can students without dyslexia be helped by this book? How can students with dyslexia be helped by this book? How could a behavioural optometrist help a person with dyslexia? Why didn’t my baby crawl and how this might impact on dyslexia and my child? Do I need to have my child tested for Dyslexia? How do I have my child tested for Dyslexia? What is Brain Gym? How might kinesiology help with dyslexia? Is there a quick cure for dyslexia? These are just a few of the questions that are answered in the book. No one solution will work for everybody, but a combination of strategies might help create real change. Exciting outcomes often happen people are willing to just try some of the solutions. They may only create a very small impact, but this might just be enough to help with the processing of information. Real life stories of real change are captured within this book. Looks at how phonics can help, and also links to other new ideas. This book doesn’t discount anything that might work. It creates a discussion based approach and weaves stories into the understanding about what dyslexia is and how it impacts on individuals. To find out how to buy the book or read more about it -The book will be available in the online shop through paypal at or by emailing me directly at [email protected] . The cost of the book is $95 and this includes postage and handling as well. The book is made up of 10 chapters plus appendices that explore dyslexia historically, as well as educationally. See more

03.01.2022 I am interested to know how many people have read a book in Dyslexia font? I have printed my Discovery in Paradise Island Children's book in Dyslexia font and have had interesting responses and reactions from individuals who have read the story. If you are interested in sharing or having a look or using the book just let me know. Discovery at Paradise Island is a adventure story dealing with disability in the family It has been chosen as a NSW Board of Studies Suggested Te...Continue reading

02.01.2022 I will be doing another dyslexia awareness zoom session in the not too distant future. you can check out my website for more details and more information about my dyslexia book.

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