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Michelle Auld's Discovery Life in Darwin, Northern Territory | Aromatherapy service

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Michelle Auld's Discovery Life

Locality: Darwin, Northern Territory

Phone: +61 411 140 043


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25.01.2022 DIRTY MICROWAVE? Easy! This simple, super efficient and effective way of polishing up your microwave will leave you astounded. After Christmas and teenagers home, my microwave has had a workout.... In a microwave safe bowl, add 1 cup of warm water and 6-8 drops of Lemon oil. Microwave on high for 2 minutes. Remove the hot bowl (caution it will be hot), then easily wipe your microwave clean. Bonus here the kitchen will have a burst of freshness too.

18.01.2022 THAT WEEK BETWEEN CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR I dub this the 'Hibernate' blend. Not sure what YOU may be up to in this 'week' of the calender, but I am still working so I can vacation with the family in January. I do find MANY MANY MANY things are closed in this week and of course why not. It is a time to family, feast and fill those bags that go to the op shop. That part at the end is what we do. :-)... This blend utilises the incredible Frankincence, Cedarwood and Wild Orange. 2 drops of each will do the trick. Frankincence tends to put people in a supportive state no matter what. This is most certainly why he is dubbed the 'King of Oils'. Cedarwood is said to have a grounding, calming affect on the nervous system and is thought to have the spiritual affect of bringing people together. Wild Orange, that oil of abundance is very uplifting to the mind and emotions. This can translate to an increase in physical energy, or an elevating mood. What a perfect combination <3

17.01.2022 HAVE YOU BEEN PEEKING? I am really curious to see what YOU have seen in your use of essential oils. Please, do tell. If you have been dipping your toes into using these medicinal plants you cannot help but to have peeked into some really incredible stuff. ... Christmas time and heading into a new decade is a great time for reflection so here goes for me. Some of my favourite sneak peeks have been, oh, and just in my opinion nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results anyone can achieve if YOU BELIEVE and are committed. -I have experienced and witnessed their power over acute and life long allergic responses -I have seen it help teenagers with acne feel more confident -I helped SAVE my neighbour (SAVE was her word) from an asthma attack. -I have seen it restore peoples healthy sleep patterns to the point they will never go without them. -Assist new mums in too many ways to count. -Helped my 18year old dog transition peacefully and pain free. -Calmed my atmosphere in my Pet Spa for the wellbeing of both furry and human companions. -I have felt and witnessed great emotional gains from emotional aromatherapy. -Help autoimmune conditions feel so much more comfortable -And incredible gains in the world of Autism, ADHD, and Tourettes. Seriously, I could go on and one but that would be a book. So my Christmas message to you is this. Do what YOU need to do to keep well. I’m not saying we never use doctors and medicine. Both my boys have very complex medical histories so I love to work in synergy with medical professionals. We all have something to give. I Just want to make clear that everyone understands that. However, the fewer drugs you take, the better off you and your family will be, in general speak. It is very broad but generally correct. Employ the use of botanicals, essential oils, and whatever means you have available to you to get a good handle on keeping things simple.

15.01.2022 PLACEBO EFFECT. DO THEY WORK? Comment: "I just use them cause everyone says they are going to work but I don't know if they really do." YES! They do, but you HAVE to look at HOW you are using them. ... One of the comments I often hear is "I went through that bottle so fast", or "It is getting too expensive and I dont know if they are REALLY WORKING FOR ME" So back to basic science which I LOVE. These oils are volatile aromatic compounds so what that means is that the liquid in your 5 or 15ml bottle can turn to gas almost immediately when exposed to the air. That is why when you turn your diffuser on, you can smell it immediately from across the room as they are going through a chemical reaction and dissipating througHout the air. Therefore, if you are using them topically, like on your skin for a particular 'thing' most people think using straight on or NEAT without carrier oil will be better, faster or give better effect. Not so, You need the carrier, whether that be coconut oil, almond oil or rosehip or your choice but these help your oils absorb faster into your skin, work better, AND STICK AROUND LONGER. That way they get to your cells faster and do their jobs faster and do what they do best. WHO WOULD OF KNOWN? I LOVE THE BASICS. WE ALL NEED A LITTLE REMINDER SOMETIMES. <3

13.01.2022 EVAPORATING MAGIC This morning I forgot to write down 10 things I was grateful for. I only begun this first exercise found in the book 'The Magic' yesterday, and flunked day 2 so I am making up for it right now.... I really missed it all day itching for the chance. I only conciously practiced gratitude for THIS 1 day and already it's inconceivable how I lived without it. I have to remember, if I get caught up in life and continue to forget to practice gratitude, over a period of time, the magic will evaporate.

12.01.2022 SACRED SMUDGE Incredible timing as one year draws to close and another is about to begin is to invest in yourself and get a smudging candle or Sage candle. This was made by the incredible Cameron Bayliss Soul Whisperer so it is extra special.... People all over the world burn Sage as a way of clearing energy and spirits from a place. It is intended to replace any negativity with love, light and positive energy. Have you used this ritual before? If so, tell me about it? This candle even included a piece of Jasper. A piece of quartz, an earth stone. It is known to release mental, physical and spiritual blockages.

12.01.2022 BIKE RIDING WITH BOYS My daughter is home from boarding and likes nothing better than to mix it with the boys. She is as tough and resilient as most teenage boys and 3 years away instils a certain type of mental fortitude too. However, the mountain bike beat her this round and off she came. She jumped back on and kept going but returned home with a few nice grazes that extend all the way down her legs. ... After clean up and Ouchie Spray, Frankincence, Lavender and Melaleuca (topical on grazes is just painful crazy so a spray is better) and followed by the silky smooth Yarrow Pom and we had healing on its way. Enter Symphony of cells. Again,because WE WANTED TO DO IT BETTER AGAIN. We chose the "Inflammatory Application". 7 oils in this one, applied step by step in a circular motion from the lower back to the base of skull. Remember , keep it simple. If you just get oils on and not in order or perfectly, you are already miles ahead of not applying them at all. This is another step up to supporting an loved one with illness or injury and easily incorporated into any wellness practice. Put simply, Symphony of the Cells was created as a method of helping people understand that the body needs to be balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually.

11.01.2022 BOXING DAY BLOAT? Simple, easy hack you can do with your oils. My hubby says he is NOT eating today. Who else feels that way?

11.01.2022 WHO EVENS DOES THIS ANYMORE? My son was gifted this pack of cards at Christmas time. As a teenager of the electronic age he asked what he could do with them? I had only been talking about the game clock patience a few days earlier. I said 'we can play clock patience '. ... However I had forgot the rules till today. I believe in fate. Cleaning out all our boxes of 'stuff' to declutter I found this book. Can you believe? Guess what we are doing now??

10.01.2022 IT'S THE TIME TO TRAVEL. Dont let motion sickness ruin your good time! Nausea is the leading cause of ruining a good time. But what exactly is nausea? It’s that feeling when your stomach turns and you’re certain you’re going to keel over and throw up. It seems to strike during times when we’re having fun.... Lavender essential oil to the rescue. It has many uses to support health and It definitely doesn’t disappoint as an essential oil to help nausea, vomiting, digestive issues and motion sickness. As an essential oil for nausea, vomiting, digestive issues and motion sickness, Its anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties will work wonders to reduce your symptoms. How to use lavender essential oil for nausea, vomiting, digestive issues and motion sickness: -Add one to two drops to your favourite carrier oil and rub neck and shoulder rub to relax tense muscles and ease head spins. -Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place under your pillow to help you get some much-needed rest. -Add to a warm or cool compress and place over your head -Lavender essential oil supports health and wellness through its many effective uses. It is definitely an oil they will want to bring to any party.

09.01.2022 THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS. This Christmas one of my wishes came true when my family bought me this piece of Citrine and Amethyst. They were in Sydney when hubby said to my daughter there is that Citrus thing mum wants lol.... Well, he can call it that. Its a happy stone like citrus so very close. Why is it magical? It is a crystal of manifestation. It's known as the 'merchants stone' because of it's ability to attract abundance. See, it is strategically placed near my cash register . However abundance really has to do with mindset than money. Do you have a Citrine

08.01.2022 BIT TOO MUCH CELEBRATION? Head spinning, body aches, upset stomach and puffy eyes often leaves us feeling a little bit worse for wear. What causes a hangover?... As we all know, a hangover is caused by drinking too much alcohol. What you may not know, is why it has this effect on the body. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, so when the body is dehydrated, it's common to experience unwanted symptoms the morning after a big night out. Essential oils can have a relaxing, calming effect on the body. Some oils can be used to increase energy, ease headaches and improve your mood with their uplifting qualities. -To relieve headaches Peppermint essential oil: studies have found that peppermint oil can relieve a headache in as little as 10 minutes. Apply to your temples, back of neck or add a few drops in your diffuser. -To ease nausea Ginger essential oil: Studies show inhalation or topical application to pressure points can help relieve nausea and vomiting. Mix with a carrier oil and massage directly on abdomen. -To detox Lemon is a great one to cleanse and feel better and more alert quickly. A drop in your water or if you cannot stomach that, in the diffuer with your peppermint and simply inhale. <3

07.01.2022 I AM CALM! Where do you start off today?

03.01.2022 CHRISTMAS SCROLLING? This message comes with a drop of extra PEACE to you all. Have a blessed one!

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